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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

I had the 262s and they're great phones, but their laidback nature isn't the best for rock. It sounds like the Fischer DBA-02 would be a good match for you. I think the newest model is the DBA-02 Mk II. Definitely look into those if you value clarity
Hmmm, those don't look like they come with the earbuds I'm looking for. Any other suggestions?

Mike needs new in-ear headphones badly!


So I've decided I'm going to pick ups Schiit Asgard to power these mad dogs in a couple of weeks, really excited as the amp looks great and I've read it sounds great to boot! Will be using my E10 as dac.
Hmmm, those don't look like they come with the earbuds I'm looking for. Any other suggestions?

Mike needs new in-ear headphones badly!

How about the Etymotic Research HF5s? Look like the earbud shape you're after. They come with brilliant detail, nice treble extension and a very nice review or two.

If you were willing to forgo the earbud style, I'd highly recommend the Phiaton PS200s. They have amazing energy/sparkle and are the best IEMs for rock in the price range IMO.


Anyone have any experience with Lend Me Ur Ears? I ordered from a rec here, a few actually, but just have no idea if my order is moving forward. I ordered the GR02 that ship from the states and don't have the extra tips. I have been charged, but in the email they sent, when I go to the invoice link it just says "You have yet to make any purchases."

Odd, so I just thought I would ask here.

Sorry for the self quote, but in case any others are wondering or plan on grabbing the Vsonics (or their other merch) their order confirmation on the site is currently not working correctly. They got back to me via email though and confirmed my order and that shipment processing has begun. Can't wait.
How about the Etymotic Research HF5s? Look like the earbud shape you're after. They come with brilliant detail, nice treble extension and a very nice review or two.
These look pretty good, but I went on their website and found this comparison between all of their brands:


And I can't tell the difference between the MC3's and the HF3's, despite the former being $99 and the latter being $180.

Can anyone tell what makes the pricier one superior?
Hmmm, those don't look like they come with the earbuds I'm looking for. Any other suggestions?

Mike needs new in-ear headphones badly!
The Fischer DBA-02 MKII actually accepts the very same triple flange tips you are looking for. And they are pretty much the closest thing you can get to the extremely fast and detailed out of production ATH CK-10 (they even share the same armatures)


I would seriously recommend saving a little extra for Creative Aurvana Live!s, they just blow away anything else sub $100.

Still set on that price range? Try the Klipsch Image One or Superlux HD668B headphones.

I kept checking back and even read your post and somehow missed your response to me, I must be on something -_-

I was actually just perusing all the recommended budget headphones, and was narrowing it down to 3 or 4:

Samson SR850 (Reviews make these sounds pretty great)

Superlux HD 681 (Are the 668Bs just a newer/better model? Same base price but less discounted. I like the semi-openness and style here)

Monoprice Premium Hi-Fi (Probably the shakiest of them all, but good reviews, and I love the replaceable cord thing)

I could mayyyyyybbbbeeeee swing the $99 Aurvanas, but they'd really have to be worth it :p I'm not going to be picking up an amp or probably even a sound card in the foreseeable future, so would it even stand out compared to the others I'm looking at? I'm almost forgetting about the Klipsch Image ONEs now just because no one seems to be recommending Klipsch in general.

Thanks for the response so far!

Edit: I almost just ninja-bought the 668Bs based on the first amazon review, but hesitated because it said the bass was a little weak. It has everything else I want though! May just have to live with it and save the dubstep for my speakers~


Intentional double post I guess... it's just a choice between the Superlux 668Bs and the Samson SR850s. I like the removable cord of the Superlux, but the reviews for the Samson are fairly stellar. Honestly wish I could just buy both but don't think I can justify that to myself or my wife~

Probably going to end up with the Superlux for now just for the cord, and bookmark the Samson for another day.


I've been researching and looking up headphones for the past few hours and I've come to the conclusion I require some assistance if you may please.

I'm currently looking to spend at most 120$ on a set of decent headphones for music specifically, but not editing or anything. My main concern is comfort as I tend to game for long periods of time and listen to music. The Turtle Beach X11 gaming headsets do just fine for me personally in that regard. I'll pick comfort over quality of sound, though.


I think I'm actually going to purchase these.

Sennheiser HD 518
Intentional double post I guess... it's just a choice between the Superlux 668Bs and the Samson SR850s. I like the removable cord of the Superlux, but the reviews for the Samson are fairly stellar. Honestly wish I could just buy both but don't think I can justify that to myself or my wife~

Probably going to end up with the Superlux for now just for the cord, and bookmark the Samson for another day.

Actually, the Samson SR850s use the Superlux 668B's driver/OEM, so they will sound identical. In that case, may as well go for the Superlux with the removable cable :p

I've been researching and looking up headphones for the past few hours and I've come to the conclusion I require some assistance if you may please.

I'm currently looking to spend at most 120$ on a set of decent headphones for music specifically, but not editing or anything. My main concern is comfort as I tend to game for long periods of time and listen to music. The Turtle Beach X11 gaming headsets do just fine for me personally in that regard. I'll pick comfort over quality of sound, though.

You can have your cake and eat it. What music will you be listening to? Have a headphone amp?


I've been researching and looking up headphones for the past few hours and I've come to the conclusion I require some assistance if you may please.

I'm currently looking to spend at most 120$ on a set of decent headphones for music specifically, but not editing or anything. My main concern is comfort as I tend to game for long periods of time and listen to music. The Turtle Beach X11 gaming headsets do just fine for me personally in that regard. I'll pick comfort over quality of sound, though.


I think I'm actually going to purchase these.

Sennheiser HD 518

Go with these instead


Actually, the Samson SR850s use the Superlux 668B's driver/OEM, so they will sound identical. In that case, may as well go for the Superlux with the removable cable :p
Disagree. The Superlux 668b is a more balanced phone while the Samson SR850 is a midbass/lower midrange phone with the highs rolled-off a bit, which also has the less fatiguing treble out of the two as well as less sibilance, but possible impedance issues have people recommending the Samson SR850 more including myself. Personally, I also find the 668b more comfortable than the SR850 because there's less clamping and the pads aren't as big.

Sky Chief

I want to get a set of closed headphones that I can use at work to listen to music. I listen to a lot of electronic music and a lot of bass to keep me going through the day and comfort and privacy are important. I want to spend about $50. Having a built in microphone would be nice but is by no means a deal breaker. A foldable design would also be nice but is not a big deal.

EDIT: Been doing some research and it seems like the Philips Cityscape Downtown fit my needs well (except for the price but that's not really a big deal). Anyone tried these? Anyone got any other suggestions? Thanks


hai guise. I just sold the LCD3. that's how much I like these Mad Dog headphones.

ridiculous. I never expected that I would like these as much as I do. I consider their faults to be pretty minor (lack of soundstage height/ width behind head; lack of deep sub bass) and their positives (see: all my other posts the last few days here) to be so strong to the point that they are sincerely "good enough" for me to sell the best headphone I've ever heard and not feel bad about it.

I suppose other people might find the difference between the two to be large enough to keep the more expensive pair. But I couldn't justify it.

The HD650 couldn't replace the LCD3 as it's uncomfortable on my head, lacks instrument separation and has issues with bass quality. The magnum v4 couldn't replace the LCD3 as it has no soundstage when using flats and it has a little midrange glare that can be fatiguing for long listening.

But these modified planars for under 300 bucks don't suffer from those issues and the damned things have spoiled me for all other headphones I may try in the future.
I want to get a set of closed headphones that I can use at work to listen to music. I listen to a lot of electronic music and a lot of bass to keep me going through the day and comfort and privacy are important. I want to spend about $50. Having a built in microphone would be nice but is by no means a deal breaker. A foldable design would also be nice but is not a big deal.

EDIT: Been doing some research and it seems like the Philips Cityscape Downtown fit my needs well (except for the price but that's not really a big deal). Anyone tried these? Anyone got any other suggestions? Thanks

If you want to stick to the $50 price point, a good choice for a nice warm bassy sound are the Prodipe Pro 800s. They isolate perfectly and are very comfortable, perhaps the most comfortable cans sub-50bucks. Bass has amazing extension and detail, along with copious slam. Mids are warmed by the bass, but far from recessed and are fluid and detailed. Treble may be lacking in sparkle, but keeps most of the detail regardless. That's a good thing in my book.

Not too fussed about the price? Get CAL!s.


I'm not going to argue, I've never heard the Samsons tbh.

hai guise. I just sold the LCD3. that's how much I like these Mad Dog headphones.

ridiculous. I never expected that I would like these as much as I do. I consider their faults to be pretty minor (lack of soundstage height/ width behind head; lack of deep sub bass) and their positives (see: all my other posts the last few days here) to be so strong to the point that they are sincerely "good enough" for me to sell the best headphone I've ever heard and not feel bad about it.

I suppose other people might find the difference between the two to be large enough to keep the more expensive pair. But I couldn't justify it.

The HD650 couldn't replace the LCD3 as it's uncomfortable on my head, lacks instrument separation and has issues with bass quality. The magnum v4 couldn't replace the LCD3 as it has no soundstage when using flats and it has a little midrange glare that can be fatiguing for long listening.

But these modified planars for under 300 bucks don't suffer from those issues and the damned things have spoiled me for all other headphones I may try in the future.

Crazy! Now I have to get the MDs.

Have you ever auditioned the Hifiman HE-500s (and maybe HE-400) LC? Would recommend it given the issues you mentioned. A friend of mine, who is a card carrying member of the Stax Mafia (and a local dealer too) admitted they were the closest thing he'd heard to the best electrostats.

I'm hoping to get a review/comparison of my pair up on GAF some time next month, when hopefully my new DAC arrives.

Ban Puncher

Got a set of B&W P5's for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.

Golly gee they are fan-fucking-tastic. I'm hearing things in music I've heard countless times that I've never heard before. They are well spiffy and just wanted to share my love for the ruddy things.
hai guise. I just sold the LCD3. that's how much I like these Mad Dog headphones.
So you decided to go on that vacation after all? :p I just notice that my pair shipped out at midnight. I'll probably have them on Friday or Sat. Planning to compare them to the ES5 and the SA5K.

So I'm almost sold on ordering a pair of Etymotic HF3's. If anyone has any advice as to why I shouldn't get them, or should get a different pair of headphones (taking into account what I said I was looking for in new headphones), let me know ASAP!
I honestly think the Etymotic sound is love/hate, and if you're coming from pair of Shures, the sudden spike in treble energy might not sit well with you. Never know til you go I guess


So you decided to go on that vacation after all? :p I just notice that my pair shipped out at midnight. I'll probably have them on Friday or Sat. Planning to compare them to the ES5 and the SA5K.

pretty much :) I hope you like them as much as I do when you get them in. Sometimes I worry that I might have oversold them as they don't sound immediately exciting like a Grado or a D5000 might (for different reasons) and I've been saying they're better than a lot of very expensive headphones. They might not give that mind-blowing first impression if the person hasn't tried a lot of other headphones and learned about their faults

But as I listen to them more today, I keep going back to their even response (harder to do than one might think), lack of treble peaks, good, even bass and wonderful imaging. I think my judgement is OK on this one.
pretty much :) I hope you like them as much as I do when you get them in. Sometimes I worry that I might have oversold them as they don't sound immediately exciting like a Grado or a D5000 might (for different reasons) and I've been saying they're better than a lot of very expensive headphones. They might not give that mind-blowing first impression if the person hasn't tried a lot of other headphones and learned about their faults

But as I listen to them more today, I keep going back to their even response (harder to do than one might think), lack of treble peaks, good, even bass and wonderful imaging. I think my judgement is OK on this one.
Yeah, I bet when more experienced people weigh in, there will be a lot of dissent from the junior members of Head-Fi. I remember when a lot of members flipped their lid over some of the old guard like Boomana, Iron_Dreamer and Headphone_Addict amongst others, proclaiming that the JH13 Pro was better than the HD800, leading some of them to sell off their hi end dynamics and electrostats. I can imagine that on a larger scale, given that the Mad Dogs are so affordable compared to the premium top tier phones. In any case, I can hardly wait to try them out


LC, do you think a Fiio E17 is enough to drive the MDs?

it's hard for me to say but I doubt it looking at the specs. The E17 is listed as having 250 mW into 16 ohm. so it might deliver as little as 80 mW into 50 ohm (but I've seen some amp specs where the output power does not drop linearly with impedance)

anyway, 80 mW total output is probably just barely enough for the mad dogs. the guy who mods them recommends minimum 100 mW per channel.

by comparison, I've been using them with the continental amp(440 mW into 50 ohm). The O2 amp can produce more power than this at 50 ohm and it measures nice and flat so that might be a worthwhile investment for around 150.
I honestly think the Etymotic sound is love/hate, and if you're coming from pair of Shures, the sudden spike in treble energy might not sit well with you. Never know til you go I guess
I know nothing about treble energy or anything... could you explain the difference (in sound) between the Etymotic's and the Shure's? Keep in mind I listen mainly to rock music quite loudly.
Could someone recommend some decent earbud headphones for under $50? They need to have volume control buttons/panel on it. I'm really just looking for something to listen to podcasts with at work that won't fall out of my ears when I move around.
I know nothing about treble energy or anything... could you explain the difference (in sound) between the Etymotic's and the Shure's? Keep in mind I listen mainly to rock music quite loudly.

I'm not sure about the HF3s, but the Er-6is I had a long while back had really elevated treble that tended to exacerbate the flaws of poor recordings. Shures tend to have rolled off highs, so they're more forgiving towards issues like compression artifacts and sibilant recordings; to put it simply, they sound smoother. The shhhhhh sound when a vocalist sings words starting with an "S" or "F" and the crash of cymbals on poor recordings are distracting at best and can literally hurt your ears while listening with the Er-6is, which sounded their best with quality recordings. The forward nature of the treble and mids can also be potentially fatiguing to listen to if your ears are sensitive to that sort of thing.

I'm not sure if the HF3 is smoother in that regard, but the house Ety sound is generally elevated treble, gobs of detail and clarity, and bass that's very low in quantity, but high on accuracy and articulation. As I said, you might know whether you'd favor this sort of sound until you try them out; it's worth researching in any case.


Crazy! Now I have to get the MDs.

Have you ever auditioned the Hifiman HE-500s (and maybe HE-400) LC? Would recommend it given the issues you mentioned. A friend of mine, who is a card carrying member of the Stax Mafia (and a local dealer too) admitted they were the closest thing he'd heard to the best electrostats.

I'm hoping to get a review/comparison of my pair up on GAF some time next month, when hopefully my new DAC arrives.

I owned the HE-5LE. I thought they sounded fantastic. I owned them at the same time as the HD800 and found they offered a very similar experience, little differences here and there but overall they were very similar. clean, fast, open. good bass extension.

But those were the older, super hard to drive model and I had to crank my amp to max to get moderate listening levels.

My reluctance to buy another Hifiman (even the easy to drive HE-400) is all about the darn headband. It's very large and it places the cups very low on my ears no matter how I bend it. so I'd need to add about an inch of foam on the underside of the headband to get it to sit right on my head.

Anyway, maybe one day I'll grab a pair of HE-500 and some foam at home depot and try them out. I know that the curiosity will get the better of me sooner or later. :)


Could someone recommend some decent earbud headphones for under $50? They need to have volume control buttons/panel on it. I'm really just looking for something to listen to podcasts with at work that won't fall out of my ears when I move around.

are all I can think of in that price range with volume controls.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
it's hard for me to say but I doubt it looking at the specs. The E17 is listed as having 250 mW into 16 ohm. so it might deliver as little as 80 mW into 50 ohm (but I've seen some amp specs where the output power does not drop linearly with impedance)

anyway, 80 mW total output is probably just barely enough for the mad dogs. the guy who mods them recommends minimum 100 mW per channel.

by comparison, I've been using them with the continental amp(440 mW into 50 ohm). The O2 amp can produce more power than this at 50 ohm and it measures nice and flat so that might be a worthwhile investment for around 150.

Bruv you talkin to me about $40 cMoys and now you poo poo-ing the Fiio E17

So da fuq is this alien science? school me


Bruv you talkin to me about $40 cMoys and now you poo poo-ing the Fiio E17

So da fuq is this alien science? school me

eh, I shouldn't have said anything about the E17. maybe it'll sound ok, maybe it won't. Someone else would need to match them up to give an impression.

I said the cmoy had an easier time driving the MD than the pico amp but still wasn't as good as the continental. That comment was based on an actual test in my house so I stand by it.

edit: pure coincidence. this guy on head-fi thinks the MD and E17 works OK



So finally time to invest in an amp. I have a pair of Ultrasone Pro 900s, connected to my PC which has a Xonar DG soundcard. My Pro 900s will more than likely never leave my PC/Desktop so portability is not an issue. But I won't reject the idea of a portable amp either. I want something that will not compromise the bass of the 900s, instead I need something that will compliment the lows and perhaps add more to it. Price range is anywhere from $200 to $300. Can go a little more if truly necessary.

Also, those Mad Dogs cans look really awesome. All those reviews and impressions make me want to grab a pair.


is it widely recommended to get an amp with the 250ohm dt770's for extra "oomph"? i kinda want more bass...

if so, which fiio amp?


Junior Member
is it widely recommended to get an amp with the 250ohm dt770's for extra "oomph"? i kinda want more bass...

if so, which fiio amp?

Depends on your usage. I bring my FiiO E17 to work everyday. I can use it on the way, and I use it at home with my computer, at work with my computer, and at my girlfriend's. It's a great amp. Using it with DT880


Depends on your usage. I bring my FiiO E17 to work everyday. I can use it on the way, and I use it at home with my computer, at work with my computer, and at my girlfriend's. It's a great amp. Using it with DT880

just googled it. damn, it's even good looking. yeah, think i'll just get this one. thanks, dt pro bro.
Need recommendations for earbuds that wont break on me. I don't want to have to change my care for them, just ones that will never break! I go through the damn things like chewing gum.
So finally time to invest in an amp. I have a pair of Ultrasone Pro 900s, connected to my PC which has a Xonar DG soundcard. My Pro 900s will more than likely never leave my PC/Desktop so portability is not an issue. But I won't reject the idea of a portable amp either. I want something that will not compromise the bass of the 900s, instead I need something that will compliment the lows and perhaps add more to it. Price range is anywhere from $200 to $300. Can go a little more if truly necessary.

The Ultrasones have low impedence, so an Audio-GD would be ideal. Get 12.1 if you want a DAC/amp, provides a nice warm sound. If you just want an amp, the C-2.2 is even more powerful and can be paired with some bassy OPAs.

Would recommend 12.1 though as the DAC will be a big upgrade. http://www.audio-gd.com/Pro/Headphoneamp/NFB12/NFB12EN.htm


Knowledge is power, guard it well
eh, I shouldn't have said anything about the E17. maybe it'll sound ok, maybe it won't. Someone else would need to match them up to give an impression.

I said the cmoy had an easier time driving the MD than the pico amp but still wasn't as good as the continental. That comment was based on an actual test in my house so I stand by it.

edit: pure coincidence. this guy on head-fi thinks the MD and E17 works OK

Forgive me, I'm just ribbing you a little bit.

But seriously, I am very much uneducated on the subject of headphones and power, so I do want to learn more. My best pair of cans right now is the "just" the Hifiman HE-300s, and all I know is that I have to switch my E10's Gain setting to high for them to get decent volume and sound their best. But I haven't learned the science behind that.

I'm going to need to replace my TMA-1s with new closed cans soon, and I want to take a big step up, but now I'm wondering whether I need to upgrade my DAC/amp situation first.

fyi, whatever I get will be connecting out of my laptop via USB, so size is a factor, to an extent.

I welcome thoughts/advice from anyone.
But seriously, I am very much uneducated on the subject of headphones and power, so I do want to learn more. My best pair of cans right now is the "just" the Hifiman HE-300s, and all I know is that I have to switch my E10's Gain setting to high for them to get decent volume and sound their best. But I haven't learned the science behind that.

Headphones have a set impedence, which I'm sure you know about, but also a set power requirement to run to their full potential. Conversely headphone amps have their own unique power outage, for example the E17 puts 250mW into 16ohms. Often, if the manufacturer hasn't provided a breakdown of the output at various ohms, the one listed is to be taken as the "peak" and everything subsequent will be degraded.

250mW into 16ohms isn't much and even less when it moves up to 30ohms, which is an average for most low-fi and many mid-fi headphones. Regardless it's more than enough to power most of said headphones because they may only require 50mW to run to their full potential.

Moving up however is different. High End, or Summit-fi, headphones are plagued with hefty power requirements which mean the amp on the E17 falls short. Even outside of High End, most standard Mid-fi choices like say the ATH-M50s, benefit from the higher ceiling of more power output as well.

I'm going to need to replace my TMA-1s with new closed cans soon, and I want to take a big step up, but now I'm wondering whether I need to upgrade my DAC/amp situation first.

fyi, whatever I get will be connecting out of my laptop via USB, so size is a factor, to an extent.

I welcome thoughts/advice from anyone.

Upgrading your DAC/Amp is always beneficial regardless, but it doesn't have to be an expensive venture. As I've listed on this page already, Audio-GD is the go-to for high power but reasonably priced DAC/Amps.

As for suggestions, that all depends on a few things;
1. What's your budget?
2. Looking for a bassy can ala TMA-1s?
3. Keeping it indoors?


Whoa that 12.1 seems like such a huge upgrade from my EF2A which only does:

Output Impedance: 32-300 Ohm
Output at 32 Ohm: 3 v, 320 mw
Output at 150 Ohm: 6.2 v, 256
So I have a pair of original Allied / Koss Pro-S headphones my dad gave to me many years ago. They're super comfy, but the audio quality is lacking. How hard is it to replace the guts on something like this, and where could I find parts and directions?
Whoa that 12.1 seems like such a huge upgrade from my EF2A which only does:

Output Impedance: 32-300 Ohm
Output at 32 Ohm: 3 v, 320 mw
Output at 150 Ohm: 6.2 v, 256

It's pretty good for a budget tube DAC/amp, but an NFB-12.1 pretty much smokes it. Not only is the headphone amp more powerful, but the DAC (dual Wolfson WM8741) would be a massive upgrade.

Audio-GD products can be a little confusing, but here's a brief run-down of the differences between the DAC/Amps;
NFB-12.1 - DAC/Amp $215, has a slightly warm sound signature, supports 24/96 and drives planar magnetics to Nirvana.
NFB-15 - DAC/Amp $235, much the same as the 12.1 but can support 192khz and sounds a bit more neutral/dry ala O2.
NFB-5 - DAC/Amp $330, much the same as the 15, but has higher grade components (cables etc), a digital interface and the ability to install cheap custom OPAs which can enhance SQ*
NFB-11.32 - DAC/Amp $335 Has a Sabre ES9018 DAC which allows for 32 bit play and marginally bests the dual Wolfsons. Also takes custom OPAs.

To be honest I feel the NFB-12.1 is the best bang for your buck DAC/Amp available today and literally will drive anything/everything to perfection save for the Hifiman HE-6s and even then it doesn't fall too short of the required mark.

*OPA-Earth gives bass, OPA-Moon makes it sound like a tube amp, OPA-Sun idk.

Need recommendations for earbuds that wont break on me. I don't want to have to change my care for them, just ones that will never break! I go through the damn things like chewing gum.

What's your budget?



Well, I picked up a pair of Etymotic MC5 headphone from Amazon earlier this week. Tried them out a little bit and realized I'm not a big fan of them (I guess I prefer the sound of slightly increased bass, rather than something that is 100% true). Checked into returning them to Amazon today, but then realized that I had thrown away the box.

If anyone wants them, I'll send them to you at a substantial discount. At this point, I'd just like to get some money back so that I can reinvest into a different pair. The headphones are literally two days old and have barely been worn.


Thanks a lot for all the info, Hix!

The 12.1 looks really appealing but so does the NFB-5. Would the NFB-5 work well with the 900s? Since I'm hooked on higher-end cans now, I know I'm going to invest in another pair within a year from now, perhaps by the end of the year. The new headphones won't be bass heavy since I'll have the 900s. Mainly going for strong and clear mids and highs this time around but don't want the bass to suffer as well.

Something like the HD650s?
Thanks a lot for all the info, Hix!

The 12.1 looks really appealing but so does the NFB-5. Would the NFB-5 work well with the 900s? Since I'm hooked on higher-end cans now, I know I'm going to invest in another pair within a year from now, perhaps by the end of the year. The new headphones won't be bass heavy since I'll have the 900s. Mainly going for strong and clear mids/highs this time around.

No problem!

NFB-5 will work perfectly with the 900s and any high end phones you want to throw at it (again with the possible exceptions of the Hifiman HE-6s and of course Electrostats lol). They will give the 900s a ceiling of roughly between 2300-2500mW @ 40ohms which is a ridiculous amount of power/potential.


OK, So I've managed to gently stretch the Senn HD650 headband out to the point that I can wear them comfortably and I've been using them most of the day. I think I will keep these for my desk setup at home and mix them up with the Mad Dogs.

They don't have the precise imaging of the Mad Dogs but I am growing to enjoy their ever so slightly darker sound. The mids are a little less dry than the Mad Dogs - a little more full bodied due to that rounded bass hump that seeps into the lower mids. It's not too sloppy, but it adds a bit of "musicality", as some say, and it's pretty nice.

Plus the soundstage is taller and wider than the MD (but still not as layered or precise with imaging). there's enough of a difference for me to keep them now that the comfort issues has been mostly fixed. It's not like they cost a fortune like the LCD3 or HD800. (I got them used for the same price as the new Mad Dogs)


My Sennheiser MX 580 recently broke. Any recommendations for other earbuds within the same price range, or should I just buy another pair of 580s?
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