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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


I really need a new headset for gaming and I am not sure whether to get a solid pair of ear phones and a seperate mic or a dedicated gaming headset.

I also do not have a sound card so my question is what is the best setup I could get for a budget of around £300 ($470)?

As for sound cards, I'm a huge fan of the ASUS Xonar lineup, and most of those cards have amplifiers built-in.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100009293 50001315&IsNodeId=1&name=ASUS

You could also do something like the ODAC/O2 combo from JDS Labs. This is a new, but very popular and highly regarded combination.

For the mic, I use a Zalman ZM-Mic1 that clips to any headphone cable and it's clear as day. I love it.

For headphones, we'd need to know a little more about what you're looking for.
Would you like them to be closed (no outside noise)? Open? Do you plan on amplifying them (either with the O2, a sound card w/ amplifier, or another substitute)?

All of that said, I just sent you links to the products I have available here in America; I'm not sure if the same are all available there.

LC, what say you of Mad Dogs for gaming?
As for sound cards, I'm a huge fan of the ASUS Xonar lineup, and most of those cards have amplifiers built-in.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100009293 50001315&IsNodeId=1&name=ASUS

You could also do something like the ODAC/O2 combo from JDS Labs. This is a new, but very popular and highly regarded combination.

For the mic, I use a Zalman ZM-Mic1 that clips to any headphone cable and it's clear as day. I love it.

For headphones, we'd need to know a little more about what you're looking for.
Would you like them to be closed (no outside noise)? Open? Do you plan on amplifying them (either with the O2, a sound card w/ amplifier, or another substitute)?

All of that said, I just sent you links to the products I have available here in America; I'm not sure if the same are all available there.

LC, what say you of Mad Dogs for gaming?

Thanks for the help. I will be using the earphones at home so I don't mind if they are open or closed, whichever gives the best sound quality really.

As for the amp I will look at those sound cards so perhaps a soundcard with amp (I'm really new to this).

Would those AKG K550 be good for gaming and music?


Thanks for the help. I will be using the earphones at home so I don't mind if they are open or closed, whichever gives the best sound quality really.

As for the amp I will look at those sound cards so perhaps a soundcard with amp (I'm really new to this).

Would those AKG K550 be good for gaming and music?

The AKG K550's are loved by many. It's hard for me, personally, to recommend any headphones on the basis of gaming because when it comes to gaming I'll forgo the performance of my PC and play the PS3 or 360 for my home theater's 2.1 system over any headphones I've ever used...

...but for music, the AKG K550's are good. Most users prefer different pads than come on the cans, but other than that they're very fast and very neutral when it comes to sound (which can be great for games, actually).

At that price point, though, I'd really consider the MrSpeakers Mad Dog. I can tell you based on LC's impressions they far outperform the K550's at the same price for music. The MadDogs are based on the Fostex T50RP, which is a pretty comfortable headphone and could be worn for a long time without discomfort (a complaint about the stock K550's).

Haven't used them for any games. Can't comment from any experience.

Ah, alright. Was just scrolling through the MadDog post on Head-Fi, people getting very hostile with your admiration of them ha ha.

I've been doing a ridiculous amount of driving lately (probably averaging about 150mi per day for the last three weeks) and have been wearing the SR80's on the road. This works well because they don't ask for much amplification at all, and even if I wanted more than what the Droid can do, even the FiiO E3 is plenty, let alone the E6. What mobile amps would be good for the Mad Dogs if I wanted to bring them with me? I'd just assume a cMoy, but I don't know if that'd be doing it justice. A PA2v2?


The AKG K550's are loved by many. It's hard for me, personally, to recommend any headphones on the basis of gaming because when it comes to gaming I'll forgo the performance of my PC and play the PS3 or 360 for my home theater's 2.1 system over any headphones I've ever used...

...but for music, the AKG K550's are good. Most users prefer different pads than come on the cans, but other than that they're very fast and very neutral when it comes to sound (which can be great for games, actually).

At that price point, though, I'd really consider the MrSpeakers Mad Dog. I can tell you based on LC's impressions they far outperform the K550's at the same price for music. The MadDogs are based on the Fostex T50RP, which is a pretty comfortable headphone and could be worn for a long time without discomfort (a complaint about the stock K550's).

Ah, alright. Was just scrolling through the MadDog post on Head-Fi, people getting very hostile with your admiration of them ha ha.

I've been doing a ridiculous amount of driving lately (probably averaging about 150mi per day for the last three weeks) and have been wearing the SR80's on the road. This works well because they don't ask for much amplification at all, and even if I wanted more than what the Droid can do, even the FiiO E3 is plenty, let alone the E6. What mobile amps would be good for the Mad Dogs if I wanted to bring them with me? I'd just assume a cMoy, but I don't know if that'd be doing it justice. A PA2v2?

I think you gotta re-read the thread after my post. there was no hostility in the MD thread about my impressions. just one guy who was trying to read too much into it and though I was saying that the MD have better bass than the Audeze cans.

The last time there was any hostility towards me on head-fi was when I was putting down the PS1000. My mistake was taking those thoughts into the sanctioned Grado appreciation thread where negative opinions are not allowed (this is a mod enforced thing.) I forgot that those thread rules exist over there, being used to Gaf's more free-wheeling nature.

edit: I dug out my old generic cmoy since you brought it up and I was curious (this isn't even the nice JDS labs version cmoy - just a generic one I got off ebay a few years ago) and it can drive the Mad Dogs OK. in terms of gain, it doesn't need to be cranked up as high as the pico amp to get them loud so that's good. the pico amp had to be pushed to its limit and it sounded a bit harsh when doing so.

And they sound good too. Not as dynamic, a little grainier and less rich in the mids, and with a smaller soundstage than the Continental but you'll get a good idea as to what the MD can do. I have a feeling the JDS labs version with a better opamp (or the modified version with 2X 9V batteries for more voltage swing) will sound better.

hmm. so there ya go. A cmoy does a decent job powering the Mad Dogs. Not as good as the higher end Continental but they are not strained as much as the more expensive pico amp doing the job. So there's one affordable option that can do it. yay! I feel less bad recommending them now

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
This is kind of an odd request but does anybody know a good mono headphone? I can only hear out of one side so I don't want to have an extra earbud hanging around.
So I had some time with the Mad Dogs now. Here are my thoughts on them vs the HD650, K702, D-2000, and ATH-M50. All of which I have lying around me right now.


MrSpeakers Mad Dog (w/ comfort strap) vs.
Sennheiser HD650, Denon D-2000, AKG K702, Audio Technica ATH-m50.

Comfort -

Sennheiser HD650 - Very good. Average clamping force is mitigated by the sot velour pads and comfortable headstrap. Long listening sessions have proven to be somewhat uncomfortable, though, due to slightly more clamping than I would prefer.

Denon D-2000 - Legendary. Next to no clamping force, extremely soft ear pads. Gently hugs your head without ever being slightly uncomfortable.

AKG K702 - For short listening sessions they are very comfortable. However once worn for mroe than 30 minutes or so the headbands pressure point at the very top of your head becomes irritating, to the point of significant discomfort. Very light clamping force ensures that this is really the only point at which the headphones become uncomfortable, but it honestly seems like this would've been an easy problem to avoid with a slightly different headband design. For long listening sessions, I would rate this last in the group.

Audio Technica ATH-m50 - Initially comfortable due to some not very soft pads, and heavy clamping force on the head. This lessens over time, and once broken in can be worn for hours without significant discomfort.

MrSpeakers Mad Dogs - Extremely comfortable. Very nearly as pleasent as the D-2000. The only real difference between the two in head feel is that the Mad Dog are heavier, and clamp slightly more. The extremely soft pads are as nearly as luxurious feeling as the D-2000's.

Ranking -

Long listening sessions - D-2000,(very close) Mad Dog, HD650, ATH-M50, K702
Short Sessions - D-2000, (very close)Mad Dog, K702, HD650, ATH-M50

Song by Song Comparison
The Aristocrats - Bad Asteroid - I like this song (and this album) because the near perfect mix allows the intricacy of each instrument in this three piece to shine through.

Mad Dog vs HD650 - The extra extension in the low frequencies really helps seperate the bass guitar from the 6 string guitar. I find the depth resolution on the drums to be pretty equal in both cases. Cymbals have a distinctly different character in each headphone, with the Mad Dogs tending to have a slightly warmer high end shimmer. I have a slight preference for the sound of the cymbals on the HD650, sounding ever so sligthly more 'in the room' than on the Mad Dog, however the Mad Dogs sound more real and live as a total package, especially in regards to the bass guitar.

Mad Dog vs K702 - The lack of low end extension on the K702 is REALLY felt here. I find the imaging on the K702 to be somewhat lacking as well, in comparison to the Mad Dog. At some of the more intense moments, the bass is nearly lost behind the wailing guitars and drums.

Mad Dog vs ATH-M50 - I've always felt that the M50 punched far, far, above their asking price, and this song furthers that. Depth resolution is nearly nonexistant compared to the Mad Dog, and this has a similar problem to the HD650 where the instruments all feel very crammed together (with the exception of the Cymbals), but the M50 keeps up admirably in the quieter sections, and I find myself only really being dissapointed with the sound of the electric guitar in comparison to the Mad Dog.

Mad Dog vs D-2000 - The D-2000 present a very fun sound, with both a lot of brightness and a lot of bass. Despite the bass, they lack the lushness of the Mad Dog. The brightness also has a tendency to become fatiguing as I find these have the most intense top end of any headphone I own. Despite the bass's extension, it does not resolve itself as well as the Mad Dog, occasionally showing that there is a solid bass line going on, but making it difficult to resolve what it actually is.

Ranking - Mad Dog, HD650, D2000, K702, ATH-M50.

nervous_testpilot - Switch (from the Frozen Synapse Soundtrack)

If you're familiar with this song, you'll know it has a nearly overwhelming Bass slam, and as such can be difficult to get a good experience on a headphone. I think at least two of our contendors will be able to do an admirable job trying, though.

Mad Dog vs HD650 - The Mad Dog have an incredibly low bass extension, and that does a great job of hitting you hard when is necessary. The slam of the bass combined with the feeling of space presented by some of the higher melodies is really nice in this song. The 650 fare a little better than I had expected at the start of the song, but most of the slam is lost when the music picks up in intensity with other sounds coming in. No other aspect of the song really lags behind, but unlike Bad Asteroid, I don't really hear anything the 650 seems to be doing 'better' than the Mad Dog.

Mad Dog vs K702 - The bass line is buried even more deeply than the HD650 in this test. I've never felt the K702 to be a good headphone for bass heavy electronic music, and this is reinforced here.

Mad Dog vs ATH-m50 - Finally some bass slam. One gets the impression it might be a bit much though, seeming to be a tad too muddy for its own good as it feels like it might be slightly compressing other frequencies (and not in the sidechained sense that electronic music is written to compress) and not properly integrating with the music. Still, this is the best competition for the mad dogs so far.

Mad Dog vs D-2000 - For this song, this is the main event. The D-2000 are known for their slamming bass, and this is the chance to prove it. In terms of sub bass quantity, they are clearly winning here. With better sub bass resolution than the M-50, I can see a reall bass head preferring these to the Mad Dogs in this song. They do not sound as as effortlessly pleasent as the Mad Dogs outside of the sub bass realm, and their imaging is lacking comparing to the Mad Dogs, but these definitely bring the slam.

Ranking - Mad Dog (tie) D-2000 , ATH-M50, HD650, K702.

Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu

This song needs no introduction. Made famous as the title track in Civ 4, I'll be listening to the version on Christopher Tin's cd, "Calling All Dawns".

Mad Dog vs HD650 - Picking out the first swell in the first verse, with the female voice chiming in after, the Mad Dog sounds noticeably more real here and 'in the room' here. Frankly the first time I came to this part it was a little spooky. This continues through the whole song, with voices just feeling more natural on the Mad Dog. The 650 provide a nice listening experience, but one gets the sense there is something a little funny going on in the frequency range between the middle and top of the male voice, and between the lower mid and mid section of the female voice which just doesn't sound as natural as the Mad Dog. This isn't really something noticeable unless directly compared though.

Mad Dog vs K702 - If there is any song these headphones will shine it, it's this one. I've always felt the K702 was fantastic at handling the female voice, and was excited to see how it compared in this song. And shine it does. It colors the voice differently than the Mad Dog, but the sense of distance is greater in the K702, which lends it towards feeling like your listening from farther away, and the difference in coloration of the voice plays nicely with that so that they both feel natural. The Mad Dog however feels more intimate. Like you're right infront of the performers, and they're singing right into your face. The K702 is a somewhat more distant sound, as if you're seeing the Soweto gospel choir (who performed this song) at a venue. While I prefer the Mad Dog for this intimacy, I'd stop short of calling it better, but rather just call it different.

Mad Dog vs ATH-m50 - I knew this was not going to be a kind comparison to the M50, and while they performed adequately enough that I wouldn't hesitate to reccomend the headphones (especially for the asking price), some odd resonances in both voices (but especially the female voice) lend it a less realistic feel than the others so far.

Mad Dog vs D-2000 - The D-2000 fall somewhere between the HD-650 and ATH-m50 in this song. The D-2000's weak point for me has always been vocal sibilance. The dry male voice and female vocalist bring this out quite clearly. It still sounds awesome, don't get me wrong, but there is just something off about the voices that taints the experience of such a vocal heavy song. The problem is essentially the same as the 650 experiences, though a little more pronounced.

Ranking - Mad Dog, (close) K702, HD650, (close) D-2000, ATH-m50

Thats it. The Mad Dog won or tied every round, which honestly rather surprised me. Needless to say they are now my go to headphones and I couldn't be more pleased with them. Especially considering I spent less on them than any other headphone in the test save for the ATH-m50. I still want to stress that each of these headphones tested is FANTASTIC, and will absolutely obliterate anything you might be used to that you got at radio shack and think sounds good (including the Monster beats). The Mad Dogs are just an insane value proposition though.

Feel free to hit me with any questions you might have.


Excellent impressions! Very detailed and it's great that you use specific music samples. good read and I think it's real useful!

And I feel like it's a little bit of a sanity check against my own gushing impressions. :) Sometimes I get self conscious that I'm too enthusiastic about this headphone. Then I put them back on and they impress me all over again.
Already guys, I'm in the market for some new headphones. My Shure's have died and the warranty is up.

I'm looking for some in-ear headphones between $100 - $250, and I need them to offer a fit like the white 3-pronged earbuds that come with the Shure's, as seen here:


(the white ones at the bottom)

Any recommendations?


Anyone have any experience with Lend Me Ur Ears? I ordered from a rec here, a few actually, but just have no idea if my order is moving forward. I ordered the GR02 that ship from the states and don't have the extra tips. I have been charged, but in the email they sent, when I go to the invoice link it just says "You have yet to make any purchases."

Odd, so I just thought I would ask here.
Excellent impressions! Very detailed and it's great that you use specific music samples. good read and I think it's real useful!

And I feel like it's a little bit of a sanity check against my own gushing impressions. :) Sometimes I get self conscious that I'm too enthusiastic about this headphone. Then I put them back on and they impress me all over again.

Haha, yeah I hear that. Honestly it took until Baba Yetu for me to really feel comfortable saying they were *better* than the HD650, rather than just different in a way that I liked (though Bad Asteroid was pretty clearly better on the Mad Dog). When I heard the woman chime in (Uleleeee) in Baba Yetu though, and how real she sounded, that sealed it for me.
Already guys, I'm in the market for some new headphones. My Shure's have died and the warranty is up.

I'm looking for some in-ear headphones between $100 - $250, and I need them to offer a fit like the white 3-pronged earbuds that come with the Shure's, as seen here:

(the white ones at the bottom)

Any recommendations?

You're looking for Hifiman RE-262s.

So I had some time with the Mad Dogs now. Here are my thoughts on them vs the HD650, K702, D-2000, and ATH-M50. All of which I have lying around me right now.

Fantastic comparisons, made for a great read. Would love to see comparisons for the Mad Dog against it's main planar magnetic rival in the price range (Hifiman HE-400) and maybe Denon D-5000s, if anyone could oblige :)


Already guys, I'm in the market for some new headphones. My Shure's have died and the warranty is up.

I'm looking for some in-ear headphones between $100 - $250, and I need them to offer a fit like the white 3-pronged earbuds that come with the Shure's, as seen here:

(the white ones at the bottom)

Any recommendations?

The earbuds should be interchangeable... are they not?
The earbuds should be interchangeable... are they not?
Interchangeable between differently manufactured in-ear headphones? I have no idea. But one of the white earbuds split open anyway, so I'd be looking for new headphones that have similar earbuds anyway.


Interchangeable between differently manufactured in-ear headphones? I have no idea. But one of the white earbuds split open anyway, so I'd be looking for new headphones that have similar earbuds anyway.

Below are a couple links to some IEM tips. They'll fit almost any IEM out there and are the style you want. Have you ever considered the Comply memory foam tips? They're a much better seal for me than is the style you're referring to.

As for the headphones, there are a million options. What do you want them to do? What kind of music?

I should probably specify that I'm looking for earbuds, or something small enough to fit into a pocket.
I don't know anything about them, but these are the highest rated single-bud headphone on Amazon.
Interchangeable between differently manufactured in-ear headphones? I have no idea. But one of the white earbuds split open anyway, so I'd be looking for new headphones that have similar earbuds anyway.
Do you think you can post a pic of the opening of the flange? Like is it really narrow? Cause it really reminds me of the type of flange that ships with etymotic and earsonics phones which have a much smaller aperture than the typical nozzle made to accomodate Sony style silicon flanges. As for a recommendation, if you enjoy the lush midforward sound of Shures but want morr bass quantity/quality as well as a larger soundstage, the Earsonics SM2 is really worth tracking down if you can find it for $200.


Neo Member
I'm in the market for some new headphones and I feel like lashing out. I've got my eyes set on a pair of Shure SRH1440's - http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=677 (thats Australian pricing btw). I'm just looking for opinions on them and possibly other headphones that I should consider in that price range. I was originally considering the Audio Technica ATH-AD900 which I have listened to before, but apparently the Shures have a similar brightness/large sound stage to them with much more sufficient bass response.

Using a Asus Xonar Essence STX to drive them, which should be fine (right?).


I'm in the market for some new headphones and I feel like lashing out. I've got my eyes set on a pair of Shure SRH1440's - http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=677 (thats Australian pricing btw). I'm just looking for opinions on them and possibly other headphones that I should consider in that price range. I was originally considering the Audio Technica ATH-AD900 which I have listened to before, but apparently the Shures have a similar brightness/large sound stage to them with much more sufficient bass response.

Using a Asus Xonar Essence STX to drive them, which should be fine (right?).

The STX has a TPA6120A2 in it as the amp, which runs around 80mW. Those Shures are probably going to be asking for more than the STX is giving, but that doesn't mean they're not a good choice...

...but as the good (headphone) Lord said, why in the world would you consider anything other than Mad Dogs right now? :)
Was wondering why I hadn't been sent a shipping invoice and checked my PayPal email addy only to find this:

I wanted to let you know that I had a surge in orders this week and we're a couple of days behind. Your headphones will ship no later than Wed of next week. If there's an issue, let me know.


Seems like you might've contributed to some of those sales LC, regardless, I am blaming you for this delay :l
As for the headphones, there are a million options. What do you want them to do? What kind of music?
I want them to be in-ear, noise cancelling headphones.

Clarity is really important to me and I don't care much about bass at all. I listen to my music very loud.

I listen primarily to rock music. My most listened to bands are: Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Arcade Fire, etc..

I'm looking to spend between $100 and $250 and I live in Canada.

I'll be using them primarily on an iPhone, so a microphone and/or iPhone controls would be a bonus, but aren't necessary.

Hix already suggested Hifiman RE-262s. Does anyone agree/disagree, or have a better suggestion?


Got a good deal on a pair of Sony MDR-ZX700s (love them, btw) and I thought I'd be happy with them for a while but I come into this thread and now I'm reading up on the Mad Dogs

this hobby

this damn hobby
I want them to be in-ear, noise cancelling headphones.

Clarity is really important to me and I don't care much about bass at all. I listen to my music very loud.

I listen primarily to rock music. My most listened to bands are: Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Arcade Fire, etc..

I'm looking to spend between $100 and $250 and I live in Canada.

I'll be using them primarily on an iPhone, so a microphone and/or iPhone controls would be a bonus, but aren't necessary.

Hix already suggested Hifiman RE-262s. Does anyone agree/disagree, or have a better suggestion?
I had the 262s and they're great phones, but their laidback nature isn't the best for rock. It sounds like the Fischer DBA-02 would be a good match for you. I think the newest model is the DBA-02 Mk II. Definitely look into those if you value clarity


I'm looking for a recommendation on some semi-open or closed Headphones. I was looking at the list in the OP (Budget Headphones Under $60), which is helpful, except I have no way of telling one from another essentially. I had been looking at Klipsch Image ONE headphones, except it looks like that brand isn't recommended in here so looking for more opinions.

Primary use is going to be for my PC, gaming/music mostly (both at same time often). Under $60-50 as in the post is great. Does not need to have a mic or controls built in. I was looking at the Klipsch because I listened to a demo pair set up in a store and liked them more than everything else they had set up, but that was most likely all junk. I would prefer semi-open so I can hear when someone in the room is talking to me but isn't TOO important, since I don't want my sound to leak out into the room much either.

Edit: Forgot, would prefer a native 3.5 plug but can buy an adapter if I need to! Just want a nice pair of headphones to start with :)
I'm in the market for some new headphones and I feel like lashing out. I've got my eyes set on a pair of Shure SRH1440's - http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=677 (thats Australian pricing btw). I'm just looking for opinions on them and possibly other headphones that I should consider in that price range. I was originally considering the Audio Technica ATH-AD900 which I have listened to before, but apparently the Shures have a similar brightness/large sound stage to them with much more sufficient bass response.

Using a Asus Xonar Essence STX to drive them, which should be fine (right?).

A few questions;

What's your budget? What music will you be listening to? Want/need to buy locally?

How anyone could read the last few pages and not consider the Mad Dogs is beyond me...

I can think of several reasons not to consider the Mad Dogs.
1. You don't live in North America and would have to pay international shipping and 35% import fees to obtain them.
2. You are looking for headphones with strong (or anything other than neutral) bass, of which there are many in the price range.
3. You don't have an amp powerful enough to drive them or want to use a soundcard (which he does).
4. You want a nice wide, airy soundstage and don't care about isolation.

I'm looking for a recommendation on some semi-open or closed Headphones. I was looking at the list in the OP (Budget Headphones Under $60), which is helpful, except I have no way of telling one from another essentially. I had been looking at Klipsch Image ONE headphones, except it looks like that brand isn't recommended in here so looking for more opinions.

Primary use is going to be for my PC, gaming/music mostly (both at same time often). Under $60-50 as in the post is great. Does not need to have a mic or controls built in. I was looking at the Klipsch because I listened to a demo pair set up in a store and liked them more than everything else they had set up, but that was most likely all junk. I would prefer semi-open so I can hear when someone in the room is talking to me but isn't TOO important, since I don't want my sound to leak out into the room much either.

Edit: Forgot, would prefer a native 3.5 plug but can buy an adapter if I need to! Just want a nice pair of headphones to start with :)

I would seriously recommend saving a little extra for Creative Aurvana Live!s, they just blow away anything else sub $100.

Still set on that price range? Try the Klipsch Image One or Superlux HD668B headphones.


I want them to be in-ear, noise cancelling headphones.

Clarity is really important to me and I don't care much about bass at all. I listen to my music very loud.

I listen primarily to rock music. My most listened to bands are: Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Arcade Fire, etc..

I'm looking to spend between $100 and $250 and I live in Canada.

I'll be using them primarily on an iPhone, so a microphone and/or iPhone controls would be a bonus, but aren't necessary.

Hix already suggested Hifiman RE-262s. Does anyone agree/disagree, or have a better suggestion?

They're about $50 over your max price (well maybe, not sure how the CAD and USD rate is) but ATH CK-10s are incredible.
I can think of several reasons not to consider the Mad Dogs.
1. You don't live in North America and would have to pay international shipping and 35% import fees to obtain them.
2. You are looking for headphones with strong (or anything other than neutral) bass, of which there are many in the price range.
3. You don't have an amp powerful enough to drive them or want to use a soundcard (which he does).
4. You want a nice wide, airy soundstage and don't care about isolation.

You've just made me panic. After reading all the impressions last night I took the plunge and ordered the Mad Dogs.
I live in the UK so I paid the extra import costs for them and I am going to be using a PC sound card.
Was just about to order the Asus Xonar ESSENCE ST so would this power it? Or do I need to get an amp too?
I've taken pax217 advice and got the Zalman ZM-Mic1 to attach to it.
You've just made me panic. After reading all the impressions last night I took the plunge and ordered the Mad Dogs.
I live in the UK so I paid the extra import costs for them and I am going to be using a PC sound card.
Was just about to order the Asus Xonar ESSENCE ST so would this power it? Or do I need to get an amp too?
I've taken pax217 advice and got the Zalman ZM-Mic1 to attach to it.

I don't have any experience with the Mad Dogs (yet) but while they seem to be easier to drive than most planar magnetic headphones, I'd imagine you will probably need an amp that delivers at least 600mW @ 50ohms.

The Xonar Essence ST has it's own amp build in, but I'm not sure if it's powerful enough to drive the Mad Dogs as according to it's specs sheet online (10-ohms impedance), it would be better suited to headphones that run over 100 ohms. It does have a very good DAC though and is great for gaming, for what it's worth.

You'll probably be fine, if nothing else you can always upgrade to a dedicated amp later.


Did you already pay customs/handling? As you'll have that to pay when they arrive in the UK too, otherwise.
I don't have any experience with the Mad Dogs (yet) but while they seem to be easier to drive than most planar magnetic headphones, I'd imagine you will probably need an amp that delivers at least 600mW @ 50ohms.

The Xonar Essence ST has it's own amp build in, but I'm not sure if it's powerful enough to drive the Mad Dogs as according to it's specs sheet online (10-ohms impedance), it would be better suited to headphones that run over 100 ohms. It does have a very good DAC though and is great for gaming, for what it's worth.

You'll probably be fine, if nothing else you can always upgrade to a dedicated amp later.


Did you already pay customs/handling? As you'll have that to pay when they arrive in the UK too, otherwise.

MrSpeakers Mad Dog™ Headphones + Comfort Strap MD002 1 $263.00 $263.00
Sub-Total: $263.00
Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box: $47.95
Total: $310.95

That is all I payed so I suspect not. You made me feel a bit better about my purchase although I only ordered it last night so I don't think it would be too late to cancel my order .
MrSpeakers Mad Dog™ Headphones + Comfort Strap MD002 1 $263.00 $263.00
Sub-Total: $263.00
Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box: $47.95
Total: $310.95

That is all I payed so I suspect not. You made me feel a bit better about my purchase although I only ordered it last night so I don't think it would be too late to cancel my order .

You'll have to pay roughly 60-70 dollars in duty when it arrives in and HMRC will hold it for a week or so. Also they will slap on top an unknown amount of "handling" fee, probably 30 dollars, because why not?

I wouldn't necessarily cancel my order though, as even with that factored in they are still ridiculously amazing headphones in the price range. I'm still waiting for comparisons to the Denon D-5000s, but they (and Paradox/Thunderpants) could well be the best closed headphone in any price range, so you've made an informed choice.

Perhaps look into getting an amp or a DAC/amp with a bit more power at a later time. I can advise some good UK dealers (sounds questionable...) if you're interested.


Looking up the prices to what LCfiner feels is necessary to power them fully is enough to help me move along quietly.

Bad news. They sound pretty decent out of a 40 dollar cmoy amp. I hadn't tested it till pax asked about it.

Makes me think that the better quality cmoy with the 2x 9V batteries from JDS would be fine. I think that's a 65 dollar amp.


The Xonar Essence ST has it's own amp build in, but I'm not sure if it's powerful enough to drive the Mad Dogs as according to it's specs sheet online (10-ohms impedance), it would be better suited to headphones that run over 100 ohms. It does have a very good DAC though and is great for gaming, for what it's worth.
The Xonar Essence ST headphone amp/mode has 3 different settings.

-Normal gain (0dB for <64ohms)
-High gain (+12db for 64-300ohms)
-Extra high gain (+18dB for 300-600ohms)
I didn't cancel my pre-order in the end.

The Xonar Essence ST headphone amp/mode has 3 different settings.

-Normal gain (0dB for <64ohms)
-High gain (+12db for 64-300ohms)
-Extra high gain (+18dB for 300-600ohms)

That's good news. Does that mean that I would gain no benefit from adding another amp?


Very interested in the Mad Dogs, gonna try to scope out some impressions compared to the TMA-1s.

I've got both. The only thing TMA-1s have on the mad dogs is portability. The mad dogs blow away the TMA-1s in every other area, though you do need some kind of amp for them to really separate completely.


My dad gave me a pair of "Skull Candy" IEMs that I had been using for about the past year. They blew my stock iPod earbuds out of the water. Unfortunately, they broke (one earbud went silent), so I picked up another similar Skull Candy pair at Target. Well, the ones my dad gave me must have been a slightly more premium model because the cheap ones I picked up sound like doo doo.

It's a noticeably "tinnier", flat sound. It also seems like a lot of the "range" of the music is compressed - I lose a lot of the detail and instrumentation in the song, and when I turn it up to compensate, the tinny parts of the song become grating and headache-inducing. (Pardon my loose terminology, I'm no audiophile).

So, I'd like to get a pair of IEMs that will be me a clearer, more full sound. Somewhere in the area of $40-60 would be nice. 90% of my use with them will be at the gym and on airline flights.


My dad gave me a pair of "Skull Candy" IEMs that I had been using for about the past year. They blew my stock iPod earbuds out of the water. Unfortunately, they broke (one earbud went silent), so I picked up another similar Skull Candy pair at Target. Well, the ones my dad gave me must have been a slightly more premium model because the cheap ones I picked up sound like doo doo.

It's a noticeably "tinnier", flat sound. It also seems like a lot of the "range" of the music is compressed - I lose a lot of the detail and instrumentation in the song, and when I turn it up to compensate, the tinny parts of the song become grating and headache-inducing. (Pardon my loose terminology, I'm no audiophile).

So, I'd like to get a pair of IEMs that will be me a clearer, more full sound. Somewhere in the area of $40-60 would be nice. 90% of my use with them will be at the gym and on airline flights.

I really really really love my Fischer Audio Silver Bullets if you can track them down...They're worth the wait.
The AKG K271 MKII's are all sorts of awesome. Really a fantastic mid range, with pretty impressive soundstage, and very nice isolation. You might even find them to be better for studio use.

Thanks for this, my recording professor actually has this sitting in our studio closet so I managed to grab it and rent it out for a few days. I like it but the highs are very bright and that's gonna be a problem since I'll be focusing on recording small wind bands and orchestras this semester. I even had one of my friends who's a piccolo player do something as simple as playing long notes using a ribbon mic(AEA R84) and it still was really bright despite the added warmth from the mic. I can't even begin to imagine how it'll sound coming from a regular cardioid mic lol.

Anyway, I've gotten my list down after sampling and further research. Right now it's between the Sony MDR-V6's, ATH M-50's, and another Superlux 662F(which is what I'm using right now). I've tested both the MDR-V6 and the 662F and I'm just waiting for my buddy to finish his burn in on his M-50's as he recently bought one. But right now I'm leaning towards another 662F as it's $60 bucks with shipping and is equal against the rest. The biggest factor right now is the portability of the cans, whatever fits fine in my bag along with the rest of my crap is the winner.


Thanks for this, my recording professor actually has this sitting in our studio closet so I managed to grab it and rent it out for a few days. I like it but the highs are very bright and that's gonna be a problem since I'll be focusing on recording small wind bands and orchestras this semester. I even had one of my friends who's a piccolo player do something as simple as playing long notes using a ribbon mic(AEA R84) and it still was really bright despite the added warmth from the mic. I can't even begin to imagine how it'll sound coming from a regular cardioid mic lol.

Anyway, I've gotten my list down after sampling and further research. Right now it's between the Sony MDR-V6's, ATH M-50's, and another Superlux 662F(which is what I'm using right now). I've tested both the MDR-V6 and the 662F and I'm just waiting for my buddy to finish his burn in on his M-50's as he recently bought one. But right now I'm leaning towards another 662F as it's $60 bucks with shipping and is equal against the rest. The biggest factor right now is the portability of the cans, whatever fits fine in my bag along with the rest of my crap is the winner.

You really think the highs are bright? I never really felt they were. In fact I think the highs are less bright than both the V6's and M50's, so if you're really sensitive to it, you might want to avoid those.

You might look into the Koss Pro DJ 100's. From what I remember, they had a pretty mellow high end, without lacking detail.

EDIT: Great minds.
So after around 3 years of solid use my Sony MDR-NC60s finally broke so while looking for a nice replacement these are the ones I've narrowed it down to -

Audio Technica ATH-M50
Sennheiser HD 380PRO
Sennheiser HD 558
Fischer Audio FA-003

I mainly listen to Hip Hop/RnB and tend to wear them when watching movies on my laptop. So of the 4, disregarding price, which ones do you all think would be best ?
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