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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Sorry if this was discussed earlier, but do any of you have opinions on the

SkullCandy Hesh 2.0 Headphones



If you enjoy the styling of these types of phones you might like the Vmoda M80 or the Phiaton MS400. Those have a fashionable look and perform well at least


I got my MrSpeakers Mad Dogs!

I don't think I could recommend another closed headphone for under 500 that's better than these (maybe even more than that). After just listening for an hour, I like them more than my memory the D5000, that's for sure. They're more balanced in frequency response, while still providing solid, hard hitting bass.

As for the smaller closed headphones I have used (P5, HD 25 1-II, DT1350) these are in another league. much better soundstage and a more natural frequency response.

They need a lot of power, though. Out of an iPhone directly, they are anemic (not a surprise!). Even out of the pico amp, they barely have enough power for decent volume and are also slightly thin and screechy. No, these need the kind of power I can get from the Continental (portable) or Burson Soloist desktop amp (I imagine the cheaper but powerful Lyr would work well with them, too).

I would not say these are portable cans. I can use them in a transportable setup since I have the hot and heavy continental and I'll be wearing them at a desk setup at work. But out on the street? nah, not happening for me.

In terms of speed, clarity and lack of grain, they are very close to the LCD3. Their technicalities are excellent, imo. Their soundstage is a bit less layered and does not expand around the head as much as the LCD3, but it still feels more 3D than the HD650 soundstage. Perhaps this is due to the faster response and blacker background of the Fostex planar driver?

They are slightly boosted in the 5 kHz region (or maybe higher. don't quote me on this). Not a sharp boost like Grados, but just a little more boosted here than the LCD3. it reminds me of the HD650 I have here - there's a little more bite to high pitched female vocals than the LCD3. They're still smoother in the upper mids/ treble region than the (excellent) Magnums since the Magnums have more treble peaks in this area.

And they're comfortable! I got the comfort strap option for the Mad Dogs that adds a leather strap below the regular Fostex rubber headband. I think I would recommend this option for anyone - it's only an extra 15 bucks. There's some clamping force on my cheeks but I have not yet attempted to stretch the headband to reduce the pressure. the pads are soft and distribute the weight well.

I already ordered the vmoda "audio only" cable to replace the longer, and less portable friendly, stock cable (it connects with a 3.5mm connection to the headphones). Since I plan to use these at work with a portable amp, it seems like a fair investment at only $12 plus shipping

These are keepers. To the point where I'll need to do some mental gymnastic to justify keeping the LCD3. To be clear, the LCD3 are better. But maybe I'd rather have the Mad Dogs and go on vacation next year... hmmm.
Wow. Tyll said they weren't quite as good as LFF's Paradox mod or the Thunderpants, but they do generally sell $100 or so cheaper so...

That they even compete with Audeze LCD-3s, probably the best non-Stax headphones in the World, is literally mind-blowing.


They're really good, guys. but, again, they need lots of power.

I should note that the Mad Dogs that Tyll got had a manufacturing issue causing the bass to be shelved down below 100 Hz. Dan from MrSpeakers has commented on head fi that this is no longer the case and the bass response is more flat now.

It's still early so I'm going to hold off on any further LCD3 comparisons until more time has passed. I would say that for 260 new compared to the HD650 at ~500 or 600 new, I straight up prefer the Mad Dogs. I think the Mad Dogs are better with comfort, clarity (they're less "fuzzy") and depth of soundstage than the HD650 (even if the Mad Dogs have greater amping requirements to reach that point).

If anything, that might be more impressive to me. The HD650 are an institution.


edit : http://lendmeurears.com/product_info.php?products_id=146&osCsid=fea0413c6ffe0d7aecc78e429e7bcaea
If you don't need the extra tips, you'll spare a few dollar. Shipping is free for USA too, and it theses ships from a warehouse in the US.(the other ships indeed from Singapore)

Thanks for the heads up there Krabardaf! I didn't know about the other version without all of the tips. I am generally not one to use many different tips on iems. I am ASSUMING that the four pairs that ship with this version are the 3 standard and then the 1 bi-flange. Looking mostly for that bi-flange, so I hope it is one of the 4 pairs. If not, I will likely just grab some Comply T-400s. Thanks again for the heads up.


They're really good, guys. but, again, they need lots of power.

I should note that the Mad Dogs that Tyll got had a manufacturing issue causing the bass to be shelved down below 100 Hz. Dan from MrSpeakers has commented on head fi that this is no longer the case and the bass response is more flat now.

It's still early so I'm going to hold off on any further LCD3 comparisons until more time has passed. I would say that for 260 new compared to the HD650 at ~500 or 600 new, I straight up prefer the Mad Dogs. I think the Mad Dogs are better with comfort, clarity (they're less "fuzzy") and depth of soundstage than the HD650 (even if the Mad Dogs have greater amping requirements to reach that point).

If anything, that might be more impressive to me. The HD650 are an institution.

Excellent review man! They really are incredible, Im waiting on getting an o2 to really see my mad dogs shine. With an e10 they are somewhat powered, but I feel there is still so much left to power them, I can't wait to have more juice, and yes, I still need to do a proper review when I have a good amount of time :)

Edit: They are so bloody comfortable. I don't know how, but it feels like its floating on my head most of the time. Makes the tma-1s I have feel like they are clamping down on my head.
They're really good, guys. but, again, they need lots of power.

I should note that the Mad Dogs that Tyll got had a manufacturing issue causing the bass to be shelved down below 100 Hz. Dan from MrSpeakers has commented on head fi that this is no longer the case and the bass response is more flat now.

It's still early so I'm going to hold off on any further LCD3 comparisons until more time has passed. I would say that for 260 new compared to the HD650 at ~500 or 600 new, I straight up prefer the Mad Dogs. I think the Mad Dogs are better with comfort, clarity (they're less "fuzzy") and depth of soundstage than the HD650 (even if the Mad Dogs have greater amping requirements to reach that point).

If anything, that might be more impressive to me. The HD650 are an institution.

damn. how do they compare to the D7000's?

those are an institution in my home. My little brother has been looking for some new cans, and if these Mad Dogs are the shit, I'll point him that way. If he's okay with buying a legit DAC/Amp.


Excellent review man! They really are incredible, Im waiting on getting an o2 to really see my mad dogs shine. With an e10 they are somewhat powered, but I feel there is still so much left to power them, I can't wait to have more juice, and yes, I still need to do a proper review when I have a good amount of time :)

Edit: They are so bloody comfortable. I don't know how, but it feels like its floating on my head most of the time. Makes the tma-1s I have feel like they are clamping down on my head.

Yeah, I think I need to try an O2 later this year just to see how it compares to some of the other big amps out there. Assuming they got the power to do it, an O2 and the Mad Dogs might be a seriously impressive setup that punches way, way above its weight.

After all, in my case, I'm raving about these phones but the cheapest amp I have available to me that can drive them to my satisfaction costs twice as much as the headphones themselves. there needs to be a better solution than that.

And I love the comfort. Even at this early stage, I've had them on for hours now and they are very comfy and light.

edit. @ Dreams. I made a point not to bring up the D7000 since my memory of them is not as strong as the D5000. I know the D7000 cleaned up the bass vs the D5000 but I can't remember enough details about clarity, soundstage, treble extension, etc to make a comparison to the Mad Dogs. The D5000, on the other hand, made a longer lasting impression (but in a more negative way) so I feel comfortable saying the Mad Dos are better than those (for my taste, of course)


Yeah, I think I need to try an O2 later this year just to see how it compares to some of the other big amps out there. Assuming they got the power to do it, an O2 and the Mad Dogs might be a seriously impressive setup that punches way, way above its weight.

After all, in my case, I'm raving about these phones but the cheapest amp I have available to me that can drive them to my satisfaction costs twice as much as the headphones themselves. there needs to be a better solution than that.

And I love the comfort. Even at this early stage, I've had them on for hours now and they are very comfy and light.

Yeah, I'll be using my e10 as a dac, so at least I don't need to buy to odac combo. Which is nice. I have powered them through my audio receiver, and man are they incredible with movies. So much space and power. Watched The Dark Knight, and the score is simply amazing. Another thing I need to rave about is separation on this set. I can actually separate out the instruments on classical music, which is very nice.

Yeah, I wore them around 10 hours strait on my day off. Played games, listened to music, ventrillo, even in the heat they were very comfortable and never had a need to take them off.

An O2 probably won't be enough to drive the Mad Dogs, or any Planar Magnetic phone, to even 50% of it's potential. It's 50 ohms probably requires at least 1w and most likely 2+. A Schiit Lyr or any Audio-GD amp (or one of their DAC/Amps) would be a good choice to get the most out of them.

I'll take a look at those. Heard very good things of the Lry, though slightly out of my budget right now, hence the O2 :p
I'll take a look at those. Heard very good things of the Lry, though slightly out of my budget right now, hence the O2 :p

The Schiit Asgard is a less expensive option, but in that case I'd get an Audio-GD NFB-12.1. It's roughly the same price as an O2, but has a DAC (dual wolfson WM8741 no less) and outputs 1800mW at 50 ohms (about 3-4 times more powerful than the O2).
Great impressions LCFiner, I love your candid opinions and that you don't put the giants on pedestals.

Just returned my Leckerton the other day so I got $300 burning a hole in my pocket. Seriously tempted to jump on the Mad Dog. Maybe I'll finally sell my SM3s and be done with it. Mad Dogs for home and ES5 for out and about. But then there's the ASG-2 later on this year. Damn it all, I need to stop visiting this thread and Head-Fi :l


The Schiit Asgard is a less expensive option, but in that case I'd get an Audio-GD NFB-12.1. It's roughly the same price as an O2, but has a DAC (dual wolfson WM8741 no less) and outputs 1800mW at 50 ohms (about 3-4 times more powerful than the O2).

Interesting! Thanks for the tip, will check that out!

Edit: Ooooh man, has an optical in. Might just bite soon as I get home.
Sorry to add yet another recommendation-seeking post but my Yuin PK3 broke and I need something new and portable to supplement my HD555. Unfortunately, I don't like the feel of IEMs, so those are out of the running. Instead of another pair of earbuds, I was thinking about getting a light pair of headphones like the aiaiai tracks, which are damn sexy.

Music-wise, my tastes are pretty similar (though far inferior) to HiResDes, if that's any help. I also have to listen to audio data for work, so I would like something decent for spoken audio. I use a FiiO E10 when using my computer and an ipod classic on the go.

My price range is definitely under $100, though the cheaper the better since I'm saving up for a better pair of full-size headphones. Are the Tracks my best option?


Try the hisoundaudio paa-1 pro for around 50 bucks.

They're pretty nice buds that have decent instrument separation and some nice bass and smooth midrange.

I had owned the pk3 and these are better for only a few dollars more.


An O2 probably won't be enough to drive the Mad Dogs, or any Planar Magnetic phone, to even 50% of it's potential. It's 50 ohms probably requires at least 1w and most likely 2+. A Schiit Lyr or any Audio-GD amp (or one of their DAC/Amps) would be a good choice to get the most out of them.

I just want to point out that things might not be so dire with the O2 power output.

The O2 power output specs are actually a bit higher than the Continental (the Continental was measured by Vinnie Rossi over at head-fi but the numbers aren't listed at ALO).

O2 power output :

15 Ohms 337 mW
33 Ohms 613 mW
150 Ohms 355 mW

Continental power output:

740mW @ 16 ohm
500mW @ 32 ohm
440mW @ 50 ohm
250mW @ 300 ohm
125mW @ 600 ohm

And I can say without a doubt that the Mad Dogs out of the Continental sounds almost as good as from the Burson Soloist (1W at 32ohms) Just the tiniest bit harsher with treble and a bit less bass impact. It sounds really, really good out of the Continental.

The pico, another relatively powerful portable amp (for its small size, anyway) definitely struggles with the Mad Dogs. And the ALO Amphora (basically the headphone stage from the Isabellina HPA, sans the tube stage) needs to be set past 3 o'clock on the dial for any volume and drive (though it's not harsh or thin at all). So that's a bit of a struggle, too.

Anyway, just to say that I wouldn't dismiss the O2 at this point. It might not deliver 1W @ 50ohms, but it has a lot of power on tap and might be worth a shot for someone not looking to spend a lot considering it's a low risk purchase (only a round 150 and relatively easy to sell if it doesn't work out).

edit: this isn't to put down the suggestion of the Audio GD stuff, btw. I was just curious about the O2 numbers since I've had such a positive experience with the Continental so i decided to check. I was surprised to see the O2 deliver even more watts into the same load.
I'm pretty sure the O2 can handle it. I recall NWAguy saying they could handle anything short of the crazy power hungry HE6 which needs whats essentially speaker taps to be driven. I'm probably gonna put in an order for the Mad Dog later tonight. How long did it take to get yours LC?


I'm pretty sure the O2 can handle it. I recall NWAguy saying they could handle anything short of the crazy power hungry HE6 which needs whats essentially speaker taps to be driven. I'm probably gonna put in an order for the Mad Dog later tonight. How long did it take to get yours LC?

I ordered them July 31st and the post office attempted delivery yesterday. That's one week for US to canada delivery. I think domestic would be under 4 days, assuming he still has stock.


Hai guys, I know yall recommended me the AKG 271, but right now Best buy has a couple of models at like $80 bucks off. How would these AKG K172 bad boys do for what I need? Quiet, nice mids and comfort?


Linkage 2

Maybe I can go cop before they close in an hour.


Not many reviews, but they seem to be the same as the 272HDs, except they are on-ear versus around-the-ear. Probably a decent choice.
Welph, curiosity was just too powerful, just pulled the trigger on the Mad Dog. Hopefully they get here on Monday when I'm off work. Got 15 days to figure out whether they're worth keeping with the ES5 around. They don't look like the most portable phones in the world, that's for sure.


Welph, curiosity was just too powerful, just pulled the trigger on the Mad Dog. Hopefully they get here on Monday when I'm off work. Got 15 days to figure out whether they're worth keeping with the ES5 around. They don't look like the most portable phones in the world, that's for sure.

Not really portable at all. I mean, I have taken them on the bus, and yes they sound better then my triplefis, but they are just to large to be at all portable, especially after owning good iems. And thanks for those O2 tips. Makes it hard to pick!

Edit: if you're anywhere near San Diego it takes a day or two, mine took a day. (I'm in LA)


Not many reviews, but they seem to be the same as the 272HDs, except they are on-ear versus around-the-ear. Probably a decent choice.

Cool brah. Just went to the store and decided to wait. But on the real though, I was checking out the Sol Republic (Michael Phelps), those things sound nice!
Not really portable at all. I mean, I have taken them on the bus, and yes they sound better then my triplefis, but they are just to large to be at all portable, especially after owning good iems. And thanks for those O2 tips. Makes it hard to pick!

I have actually taken my SA5000s out and about powered by a minidisc player before haha. I think the Mad Dog is roughly the same size from pics I've seen of Tyll (?) wearing them. I'm really glad there's that return policy as I'm not particularly sure why I pulled the trigger on the Mad Dog. It's not like I even need them. I'm not really home enough to even use my desktop setup, hence the ES5. Just plain curiosity stemming from LC and others who keep comparing the Mad Dog to the LCDs and a desire to see what the full sized world is like these days I guess. And no prob on the O2 rec. I mean, if Head Fi's LFF endorses the O2, it's pretty much a no brainer, the guy's an audio engineer by trade and is behind the T50 Paradox mod lol

Cool brah. Just went to the store and decided to wait. But on the real though, I was checking out the Sol Republic (Michael Phelps), those things sound nice!
I don't know if anyone else's kept up with the Olympics, but damn, you'd think Beats audio had sponsored the Olympics or something. Can't count the number of times I'd seen an athlete with them on their head
Anyway, just to say that I wouldn't dismiss the O2 at this point. It might not deliver 1W @ 50ohms, but it has a lot of power on tap and might be worth a shot for someone not looking to spend a lot considering it's a low risk purchase (only a round 150 and relatively easy to sell if it doesn't work out).

edit: this isn't to put down the suggestion of the Audio GD stuff, btw. I was just curious about the O2 numbers since I've had such a positive experience with the Continental so i decided to check. I was surprised to see the O2 deliver even more watts into the same load.

You could be right, I'm not running down the O2 which is a great amp, more saying that planar magnetics prefer the extra headroom of the higher output.

I just see no advantage in spending $150 on the O2 when an Audio-GD for the same price can produce 1.8W @ 50ohms and even has a DAC.

I'm pretty sure the O2 can handle it. I recall NWAguy saying they could handle anything short of the crazy power hungry HE6 which needs whats essentially speaker taps to be driven. I'm probably gonna put in an order for the Mad Dog later tonight. How long did it take to get yours LC?

In my experience they fall considerably short of the mark for the HE-500s, which only really need 1W @ 38ohms, unlike the ridiculous 6W the HE6 needs to sound anywhere near as good as it can.

Again, not to run the O2 down. When it comes to High End/Summit-fi, it's not too much of a surprise that running expensive headphones on a budget amp doesn't produce the best results (or often even as good results as a much cheaper headphone on said amp).

Regardless, it sounds to me like the Mad Dogs could easily be contenders (the cheapest too) with the best headphones in the world. Still floored that they brush aside the HD650 (and get comparisons to the LC-3) so easily in your estimation, LC. Payday is too far away :(


Are these the proper settings for Audioengine D1?

* Sound settings > Audioengine D1 > Configure > Stereo, Full range speakers (Left and Right)
* Sound settings > Audioengine D1 > Properties > Advanced > Default format: 24 bit, 96000 Hz (Studio Quality)

Anything else you guys do software wise to get the most out of your DAC and headphones/speakers?


my FiiO e10 came and I love it guys !

definitely raising the quality of my playback

thank you headphonegaf

boost the bass? High gain or Low?

I have Koss ProDJ100s btw


my FiiO e10 came and I love it guys !

definitely raising the quality of my playback

thank you headphonegaf

boost the bass? High gain or Low?

I have Koss ProDJ100s btw

Bass boost is up to you.

I always start on low gain with a new amp and only bump it up to high if I can't get decent volume between 10 and 2 on the volume dial


Bass boost is up to you.

I always start on low gain with a new amp and only bump it up to high if I can't get decent volume between 10 and 2 on the volume dial

good stuff.

all in all its sounding quite good. as far as overall sound, im very happy for what i paid (~120)


I got my MrSpeakers Mad Dogs!

I hate you more every day, LC.

Welph, curiosity was just too powerful, just pulled the trigger on the Mad Dog. Hopefully they get here on Monday when I'm off work. Got 15 days to figure out whether they're worth keeping with the ES5 around. They don't look like the most portable phones in the world, that's for sure.

Why wouldn't you keep both? To me, they serve completely different purposes...


I hate you more every day, LC.

I aim to please.

You know what kils me? I have owned multiple thousand dollar (or close) headphones that I don't think are as good as 250 dollar Mad Dogs.

that's insane.

The Grado GS1000? nope. too much "boom & tish". uneven response and a lack of midrange energy.

The Grado PS500? Exaggerated bass impact and glare with the upper midrange

The LCD2? no real soundstage, very uncomfortable and a lack of any treble energy.

The PS1000 at 1700 bucks? Better than the GS1000 but still too much treble harshness and distortion.

The Denon D5000? Bloated bass sucks out the mids.

The HD650. Less pinpoint image separation and slightly less textured bass.

the Mad Dogs are not perfect but at their price point they are serious headphones. The biggest warning to place on them is that they absolutely need a good amp. They're not like a Grado PS500 that can sound very nice out of an ipod headphone out.
Why wouldn't you keep both? To me, they serve completely different purposes...
I was writing them off before I tried 'em is why. Thinking there's no way they'd be as good as the ES5. Reading LC's latest post though, I'm more optimistic. Regardless of how they stack up against the ES5, I'm sure the Mad Dogs are a crazy steal at the price. I've read enough posts from people who've owned phones beyond their price bracket to deduce that much.

I aim to please.

You know what kils me? I have owned multiple thousand dollar (or close) headphones that I don't think are as good as 250 dollar Mad Dogs.

that's insane.

The Grado GS1000? nope. too much "boom & tish". uneven response and a lack of midrange energy.

The Grado PS500? Exaggerated bass impact and glare with the upper midrange

The LCD2? no real soundstage, very uncomfortable and a lack of any treble energy.

The PS1000 at 1700 bucks? Better than the GS1000 but still too much treble harshness and distortion.

The Denon D5000? Bloated bass sucks out the mids.

The HD650. Less pinpoint image separation and slightly less textured bass.

the Mad Dogs are not perfect but at their price point they are serious headphones. The biggest warning to place on them is that they absolutely need a good amp. They're not like a Grado PS500 that can sound very nice out of an ipod headphone out.
That all sounds really promising! I like how Mr. Speakers has a blurb on his site mentioning that he wants you to have "unrealistic expectations" cause he'll meet and exceed them. Only thing now is, if I end up liking the MD's there's always LFF's Paradox tempting me from beyond. The search never ends unfortunately and I'm worried that one day, I'll just break down and buy a pair of SR-009s :/


I am strongly considering the paradox. I contacted LFF for pricing. It's a bit more than the mad dog but its supposed to be even more neutral and flat. Has me curious.

Even if they end up costing a little over 400, the paradox could end up being another great bang for the buck headphone.

oh, I should mention that in that list I just made, a lot of those headphones do certain things better than the mad dogs. They have real strengths. I realized I was just listing downsides. That probably gave the wrong impression.
I have a rastapants 2 modded fostex tr50 that I'm driving with an o2 amp and it sounds great. I don't think I'm going to upgrade the amp any time soon.

Before the o2 I used an e10 and felt while the e10 did a decent enough job alot of the low end was missing. It def is there now.


the Mad Dogs are not perfect but at their price point they are serious headphones. The biggest warning to place on them is that they absolutely need a good amp. They're not like a Grado PS500 that can sound very nice out of an ipod headphone out.

So the only thing keeping me from putting off medical bills for a month and buying them is the power thing... you make it sound like I need a WA6 or something to use them sufficiently... nevertheless I have them set as my homepage now so everytime I open a browser I remember that I want them. Sad that they outperform the PS1k's :(

I was writing them off before I tried 'em is why. Thinking there's no way they'd be as good as the ES5. Reading LC's latest post though, I'm more optimistic. Regardless of how they stack up against the ES5, I'm sure the Mad Dogs are a crazy steal at the price. I've read enough posts from people who've owned phones beyond their price bracket to deduce that much.

So what happens when the ASG2's hit the market then? :)


So the only thing keeping me from putting off medical bills for a month and buying them is the power thing... you make it sound like I need a WA6 or something to use them sufficiently... nevertheless I have them set as my homepage now so everytime I open a browser I remember that I want them. Sad that they outperform the PS1k's :(

well, don't put off any medical bills just based on my rambling. Your SR80 still rock!

The WA6 doesn't even output a ton of power :) It's similar to the O2 in output wattage at 30 and 50 ohms. I have to try these with an O2 later this fall or winter to know that there's an affordable amp with high power specs that can drive these things.

My time with the PS1000 this summer was eye opening. They have a great midrange and wide soundstage but I could not get around the artificially inflated bass hump at 100 Hz and the sibilant treble. I got them used for around 1100 and so I was able to sell them for the same price and never took a loss. I had tried them a year ago and my reaction to them was more positive but I think listening to more good quality headphones in the interim has given me a better perspective.

I'm doing more listening with these and the LCD3s today. The LCD3's bigger soundstage really gives more room around instruments. And it's not like the LCD3 has a big, HD800-like stage. It's just larger and more spaced out than the Mad Dogs. That plus the more natural bass and smoother mids puts them in a clearly higher league. But I still stand by my first impression that the Mad Dogs aren't getting blown out of the water here.

These Fostex planar drivers are no joke. it's crazy that they are capable of this performance but ship from the factory with no cup damping and with non optimal pads. It's like Fostex released an incomplete headphone.

They can produce a scarily accurate stage even if it's not as deep or wide. I'm listening to this binaural Ottmar Liebert recording ("Up Close") and it's just so damn impressive with the Mad Dogs.

I stopped the HD650 comparisons this afternoon. The open nature of the HD650 can produce a bigger soundstage, but it's less pinpoint precise. it feels more diffuse and less accurate. tonality is similar to the MD but it's just not as clean. Plus the clamping has become a deal breaker. they're just too tight and offer no adjustment aside from ear height (I swear, I don't have a fat head.)

OK, enough from me. Unless these MDs end up breaking or changing greatly in character in the next little while, they remain a steal.

I'll see if I notice any differences when I get the ODAC in (hopefully next week)
I am strongly considering the paradox. I contacted LFF for pricing. It's a bit more than the mad dog but its supposed to be even more neutral and flat. Has me curious.

Even if they end up costing a little over 400, the paradox could end up being another great bang for the buck headphone.

oh, I should mention that in that list I just made, a lot of those headphones do certain things better than the mad dogs. They have real strengths. I realized I was just listing downsides. That probably gave the wrong impression.

Yeah, curiosity would drive me zany in regards to the Paradox. I've read around and I think LFF compared the Mad Dog to the LCD and the Paradox to the SR-007/9. Different strokes for sure, and I'm sure the tuning on the Paradox is quite different than the Mad Dog. And yeah, I heard the Paradox clocks in at just under $400.

So the only thing keeping me from putting off medical bills for a month and buying them is the power thing... you make it sound like I need a WA6 or something to use them sufficiently... nevertheless I have them set as my homepage now so everytime I open a browser I remember that I want them. Sad that they outperform the PS1k's :(

So what happens when the ASG2's hit the market then? :)

1. You're nuts! If anything you ought to be glad that you can get such incredible performance for so much less!

2. Everything I've read about the AS2 (the G being the non custom version of the AS2) seems to put them straight at the top of the pack, alongside the UERM, JH13/16 and ES5. I dunno man, if they're packing the sound of the ES5 at the price of what I presume to be $400-600, they would straight up be game changers, simple as that. Once I get some time with them, I'll let you try 'em out; the sound of the ES5 is quite astounding, but there were a lot of moments when I wished I could just be like, "man, you gotta listen to this!" except they wouldn't fit anyone else's ears but my own, so the ASG2 might be the answer to that. And really, the great thing about hi end IEMs is that they've got sound that can hang with the top dogs in the full sized world, but you don't need a ridiculously expensive and powerful amp to juice them. You give up that last word in soundstage, but gain isolation and absolute portability.


well, don't put off any medical bills just based on my rambling. Your SR80 still rock!

I upgraded to the SR125i's :D

Yeah, curiosity would drive me zany in regards to the Paradox. I've read around and I think LFF compared the Mad Dog to the LCD and the Paradox to the SR-007/9. Different strokes for sure, and I'm sure the tuning on the Paradox is quite different than the Mad Dog. And yeah, I heard the Paradox clocks in at just under $400.

1. You're nuts! If anything you ought to be glad that you can get such incredible performance for so much less!

2. Everything I've read about the AS2 (the G being the non custom version of the AS2) seems to put them straight at the top of the pack, alongside the UERM, JH13/16 and ES5. I dunno man, if they're packing the sound of the ES5 at the price of what I presume to be $400-600, they would straight up be game changers, simple as that. Once I get some time with them, I'll let you try 'em out; the sound of the ES5 is quite astounding, but there were a lot of moments when I wished I could just be like, "man, you gotta listen to this!" except they wouldn't fit anyone else's ears but my own, so the ASG2 might be the answer to that. And really, the great thing about hi end IEMs is that they've got sound that can hang with the top dogs in the full sized world, but you don't need a ridiculously expensive and powerful amp to juice them. You give up that last word in soundstage, but gain isolation and absolute portability.

1) I guess the way I feel about the PS1000's is that if Lexus has been making the best road-going cars for the last twenty years, and then some new-comer on their first try makes something just as good at a lower price point, then it's a little disheartening to the Lexus fan :)

...but hey, the NSX did that to the supercar market in the early 90s and it's a legend today.

2) I really didn't care much for IEMs at all before I found this thread, and I think what I put in bold is what I like most about IEMs (at least while I have no money ha ha)
I upgraded to the SR125i's :D

1) I guess the way I feel about the PS1000's is that if Lexus has been making the best road-going cars for the last twenty years, and then some new-comer on their first try makes something just as good at a lower price point, then it's a little disheartening to the Lexus fan :)

...but hey, the NSX did that to the supercar market in the early 90s and it's a legend today.

2) I really didn't care much for IEMs at all before I found this thread, and I think what I put in bold is what I like most about IEMs (at least while I have no money ha ha)

1. I can understand how you feel now in regards to the Grados. As LCFiner stated, the Fostex are some serious phones that just seem to be incomplete. A lot of research and work went into the mods by guys with some serious know how, so it's not like the Mad Dogs or any other variation were the result of a first try. Who knows how many man hours went into getting it just right? Off topic, but I got a friend who owns a cherry red '91 NSX, that thing is a real beauty, that car made me get an Aztec Red 300ZX. I don't own it any more, but that brief flirtation with sports cars was pretty nice haha

2. Definitely. Just being able to have access to that caliber of sound no matter where, no matter how noisy the environment is nothing short of a miracle. The ES5's have made something as mundane as waiting around in an office really pleasurable haha


Well, broke down and finally ordered the MadDog headphones. Can't wait to hear them, considering that they should sound a lot better than my pair of UE TF10
Well after BestBuy/FutureShop (Canada) cancelled my order for the Koss PRODJ100 (and it seems they do not carry them any longer as they no longer appear on their web sites) I broke down and coughed up the extra cash for some DT 770 (80 Ohm). Still more expensive than the US stores, but there was a seller in Montreal who was under $200 so I bit. Hope these work out, I gotta admit I'm pretty excited for them to arrive!
I got 2 pairs of AKG K 311s for 20 CHF (~$20) total yesterday.

The best earbuds you can possibly get in this price range. Head and shoulders above the poor iPhone headphones and also better than those cheap Sony "DJ" on-ear phones I used to buy during high school. Nice complementary earbuds to my TMA-1s.
I really need a new headset for gaming and I am not sure whether to get a solid pair of ear phones and a seperate mic or a dedicated gaming headset.

I also do not have a sound card so my question is what is the best setup I could get for a budget of around £300 ($470)?
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