Anyone who want's some amazing IEMs, you can get 50% off Atrio's at the moment by buying them from and using the code CostProg50% making them $100 instead of the usual $200 (which is still a bargain at $200)
Official site:
I went through a LOT of different high-end IEMs trying to find a set that sounded how I expect a full-range IEM should sound and these are by far the best, I've been using them for years but recently broke mine (my fault) and have just used this code to buy 2 pairs to replace them, so good I got a spare set. Non-fatiguing, rich, subby non boomy bass, loads of detail. I can't say enough good things about them.
Wired Online
November 2010
True audiophile earbuds packing excellent, dynamic sound and great sensitivity. You wont find a bass too low for the Future Sonics.
MacLife Magzine
December 2009
"Earbud of the Year!!!"
Its really their impressive bass response even at low volumes that kept us coming back. The Atrios are comfortable for extended wear, and their treble is crisp and clean, without fatiguing after listening for long periods.
iProng Magazine
November 2009
Best iPod earbuds under $200
the Atrio will move you nearly to tears of joy over their audio quality
March 2009
On to sound quality
this is by far the most important feature
the Atrio earphones can be summed up in a single word; awesome.
February 2009
everything sounded clear, full and natural. There was no distortion regardless of how high the notes were or how low. Based on the hours of listening I've done since these earphones arrived, I can say these are definitely some of the best ever.