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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Does anyone have any experience with Shure's CBL-M+-K iPhone cable? It seems like such a weird concept to me, but I really like the earbuds that come with Shure in-ear headphones. I was considering getting the Etymotic HF3's, but apparently they have next-to-no bass, and I'd like to have a moderate amount considering I listen mainly to rock.

So what do you guys think?

a) Shure SE215's + iPhone cable

b) Etymotic HF3's

c) something else?


Does anyone have any experience with Shure's CBL-M+-K iPhone cable? It seems like such a weird concept to me, but I really like the earbuds that come with Shure in-ear headphones. I was considering getting the Etymotic HF3's, but apparently they have next-to-no bass, and I'd like to have a moderate amount considering I listen mainly to rock.

So what do you guys think?

a) Shure SE215's + iPhone cable

b) Etymotic HF3's

c) something else?

If you listen mainly to rock I'd go with these





I'm loving it. Even my Senn 280s sound superb. I still need to tinker with it more but such a drastic improvement right off the bat.


The Koss' are serving well right now HRD. Kinda bright but I guess that's what I signed up for. Probably gonna get the m50 pads later.


Quick update on the Mad Dogs and powering them. I just got delivery of the Fostex HP-P1 iphone DAC and amp. I wanted to test this with my iphone and compare how it sounded next the iphone and continental (and also the wacky triple stack of iPhone/ HP-P1 DAC and Continental amp)

Anyway, the Fostex has taken the lead and has surprised me by how dynamic it is. there's more impact down low and more air up top than with the iphone by itself and the Cont. amp. And the soundstage seems just a bit wider, taller and deeper too. Very nice. This is pretty much due to the improved DAC over the iphone, from what I can tell.

The Fostex amp is not very powerful compared to the Cont. it's 80 mW @32ohms per channel so I believe that matches up to 160 mW the way most amps state their specs (the Cont. has 440 mW at 32ohm) BUT the amp is still powerful enough to drive the Mad Dogs to my satisfaction.

I find that even when I use the DAC line out on the HP-P1 to the Cont. amp, making the triple stack, the difference isn't that big compared to the Fostex headphone out. the Cont. adds a little midrange richness and a bit of rounded bass bloom but that's not necessarily better for every piece of music. The Fostex amp does a pretty nice job with the power hungry Mad Dogs. I need to increase the gain to max and turn the volume to 1 or 2 oclock on the dial but it sounds very good - very close to the line out of the DAC feeding the dedicated amp.

But the Cont by itself loses some of the incredible clarity and bass impact/kick that the HP-P1 provides with its better DAC than what it found on the iPhone. When faced with using only one device or another, the Fostex is slightly ahead for me. I prefer the increased dynamics and soundstage over the extra low mids bloom that the Cont. provides.

So, if I could bring myself to carry around a ridiculous triple stack, that would provide the best sound to my taste. I'd get the benefits of the better HP-P1 DAC plus the little extra "musicality" and richness of the Continental.

But, since I want to limit the amount of extra components in my work rig to just one, it looks like I'll be sticking with the Fostex and returning (or selling, if my return request is refused by ALO) the Continental.


Can anyone recommend the Jawbone Big Jambox? I like the portability a lot, how is the sound quality for social gatherings in a medium sized apartment? I will sacrifice on portability if the sound quality isn't worth $300.

Is this thing a good investment? Or should I put the money toward a more traditional speaker system?


Well...just went out yesterday and bought the Sol Republic headphones. Not bad so far and for the price it actually produces pretty good sound and not just pure bass. There is a cheap yet durable feel to the headband...probably due to the fact it can be customized and shit. Along with the wire (which is good because me and headphone wires don't really mix well)

All and all For cans that are a little over 100 I think it's pretty good. Sound Leakage(which is one of my main factors in a headphone) isn't that bad either.


Anyone who want's some amazing IEMs, you can get 50% off Atrio's at the moment by buying them from
http://atrio.me/ and using the code CostProg50% making them $100 instead of the usual $200 (which is still a bargain at $200)

Official site:


I went through a LOT of different high-end IEMs trying to find a set that sounded how I expect a full-range IEM should sound and these are by far the best, I've been using them for years but recently broke mine (my fault) and have just used this code to buy 2 pairs to replace them, so good I got a spare set. Non-fatiguing, rich, subby non boomy bass, loads of detail. I can't say enough good things about them.


Wired Online
November 2010

“True audiophile earbuds packing excellent, dynamic sound and great sensitivity. You won’t find a bass too low for the Future Sonics.”

MacLife Magzine
December 2009
"Earbud of the Year!!!"

“It’s really their impressive bass response – even at low volumes – that kept us coming back. The Atrios are comfortable for extended wear, and their treble is crisp and clean, without fatiguing after listening for long periods.”

iProng Magazine
November 2009

“Best iPod earbuds under $200 …the Atrio will move you nearly to tears of joy over their audio quality…”

March 2009

“On to sound quality…this is by far the most important feature…the Atrio earphones can be summed up in a single word; awesome.”

February 2009

“…everything sounded clear, full and natural. There was no distortion regardless of how high the notes were or how low. Based on the hours of listening I've done since these earphones arrived, I can say these are definitely some of the best ever.”


Anyone who want's some amazing IEMs, you can get 50% off Atrio's at the moment by buying them from
http://atrio.me/ and using the code CostProg50% making them $100 instead of the usual $200 (which is still a bargain at $200)

Official site:


I went through a LOT of different high-end IEMs trying to find a set that sounded how I expect a full-range IEM should sound and these are by far the best, I've been using them for years but recently broke mine (my fault) and have just used this code to buy 2 pairs to replace them, so good I got a spare set. Non-fatiguing, rich, subby non boomy bass, loads of detail. I can't say enough good things about them.


Wired Online
November 2010

“True audiophile earbuds packing excellent, dynamic sound and great sensitivity. You won’t find a bass too low for the Future Sonics.”

MacLife Magzine
December 2009
"Earbud of the Year!!!"

“It’s really their impressive bass response – even at low volumes – that kept us coming back. The Atrios are comfortable for extended wear, and their treble is crisp and clean, without fatiguing after listening for long periods.”

iProng Magazine
November 2009

“Best iPod earbuds under $200 …the Atrio will move you nearly to tears of joy over their audio quality…”

March 2009

“On to sound quality…this is by far the most important feature…the Atrio earphones can be summed up in a single word; awesome.”

February 2009

“…everything sounded clear, full and natural. There was no distortion regardless of how high the notes were or how low. Based on the hours of listening I've done since these earphones arrived, I can say these are definitely some of the best ever.”

Only reason I wouldn't buy them is the non-replaceable cables. I've been through so many cables on my Ultimate Ears, I would hate to change to something that I can't replace myself.


The Mad Dogs are going to be a bit too bulky for portable use. HD-25 wins on portability, but it has rather aggressive treble

$100 Atrios are a steal. I own way too many headphones and still want to buy a whole bunch more but as far as IEMs go I've settled down with my MG7s, the clarity upgrade these got from the old M5 drivers makes it perfect for me.
I'm having the same issue. I bent my V6 plug this week at the inner most green ring. Can anyone suggest a similar heavy duty replacement plug? I don't know how to solder but I figure for about £5, I could take the spare into an electrical repair/audio specialist and get them to solder it up for me.


Anything similar* to this'd be great. I'm not in the US so I don't have a stockist like Radioshack. I'll settle for a plastic one if there's literally no metal alternatives out there. Happy to shop internationally if I can't find anything local. Tried Sony, they were useless.

* don't care for the larger plug functionality.
Didn't get a reply but I found some by a brand called Switchcraft and slightly cheaper Rean. They're available in mono and stereo, gold and nickel plus they are heavy duty. Now just to learn to solder ^_^


My local stockist doesn't have the threaded version but I never use it anyway.
Been spending some quality time with my Grados.

At first I was like "I thought they would sound better." Then I adjusted the placement on my ears and omg musical bliss.

That bass is so punchy it is redic.


Didn't get a reply but I found some by a brand called Switchcraft and slightly cheaper Rean. They're available in mono and stereo, gold and nickel plus they are heavy duty. Now just to learn to solder ^_^


My local stockist doesn't have the threaded version but I never use it anyway.

I'm in the UK as well, I've repaired headphone cables with plugs bought from Maplin before. Probably not the best quality, but I can't tell the difference. Soldering headphone jacks are incredibly simple as well, there's a bunch of tutorials on youtube.


Junior Member
Been spending some quality time with my Grados.

At first I was like "I thought they would sound better." Then I adjusted the placement on my ears and omg musical bliss.

That bass is so punchy it is redic.
Oh yes, Grado. Transparency and speed, soooo good.

I can't wait to unpack my "Grado speakers". Call them that because they sound just like them, detailed and punchy. Will post pictures soon.
Just keep the tip clean and you're good. I literally went from having no clue to confidence in what I was doing in a ten minute span.

Wait until you unsolder. ;-)


Been spending some quality time with my Grados.

At first I was like "I thought they would sound better." Then I adjusted the placement on my ears and omg musical bliss.

That bass is so punchy it is redic.

Which ones? I sold my SR60s for not having enough bass, they had amazing detail and a massive soundstage though.


hey guys , need some advice. I want to get a portable amp to use in my car. I use my zune hd or htc arrive which i plug using a 3.5mm cable into the aux port in my car.

I also want one to use with just my phone and head phones and also with my tablet. I don't want anything big.

I'm going to use it mostly for podcasts and movies with the ocasional game and music.

What advice have you got for me ?
Which ones? I sold my SR60s for not having enough bass, they had amazing detail and a massive soundstage though.

I picked up the SR80i's

I'm not a huge bass head, but they certainly have more than enough for my purposes. Can't say how they compare to the 60s though.


Have there been any headphones recently released that surpass the HD800?

well, depends what you mean by "surpass". I've owned two headphones that I thought were better than the HD800. The LCD3 and the Stax O2 (mk I)

But I preferred these headphones mainly for frequency response differences. they're less treble tilted and more "meaty" or "earthy". I feel they're each just about as good as the HD800 for speed, clarity and detail. They do not have the same huge soundstage as the HD800 - this can be better for some rock/ pop stuff but maybe a drawback for classical.


hey guys , need some advice. I want to get a portable amp to use in my car. I use my zune hd or htc arrive which i plug using a 3.5mm cable into the aux port in my car.

I also want one to use with just my phone and head phones and also with my tablet. I don't want anything big.

I'm going to use it mostly for podcasts and movies with the ocasional game and music.

What advice have you got for me ?

using a portable amp for a car stereo is ridiculous


Have there been any headphones recently released that surpass the HD800?

well, depends what you mean by "surpass". I've owned two headphones that I thought were better than the HD800. The LCD3 and the Stax O2 (mk I)

But I preferred these headphones mainly for frequency response differences. they're less treble tilted and more "meaty" or "earthy". I feel they're each just about as good as the HD800 for speed, clarity and detail. They do not have the same huge soundstage as the HD800 - this can be better for some rock/ pop stuff but maybe a drawback for classical.

Whhhhhy were the Mad Dogs not mentioned here? Do they not "surpass" the HD800's?

using a portable amp for a car stereo is ridiculous

I second this.


Whhhhhy were the Mad Dogs not mentioned here? Do they not "surpass" the HD800's?

nope. :)

they don't surpass the LCD3, HD800, SR007. But they do so little wrong and do so much right compared to other midrange priced cans I have tried (and sold) that I felt I could safely keep them and sell off the super high end stuff and keep the money for more important things.

I don't listen to them and think about what I'm missing as I did when I was trying out all those other midrange cans.

Buggy Loop

I've got from amazon.ca these choices in my price range (i try for under 200$)

HiFiMan RE-0, 79$
HiFiMan - RE-ZERO, 99$
MEElectronics A151-BK, 47$
MEElectronics A161, 99$
Shure SE215-K, 88$
Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10, 168$ (seems really nice for that price), edit, ah crap, i was on amazon,com for just this pair...)

And others, i mean it seems endless and im getting lost. Any recommendations out of those or if there's something really nice i missed in canada that i can purchase online for under 200$ and killer deal? My headphones are seinnheiser HD555, really like them but i need something more portable for my return to school.


I've got from amazon.ca these choices in my price range (i try for under 200$)

HiFiMan RE-0, 79$
HiFiMan - RE-ZERO, 99$
MEElectronics A151-BK, 47$
MEElectronics A161, 99$
Shure SE215-K, 88$
Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10, 168$ (seems really nice for that price), edit, ah crap, i was on amazon,com for just this pair...)

And others, i mean it seems endless and im getting lost. Any recommendations out of those or if there's something really nice i missed in canada that i can purchase online for under 200$ and killer deal? My headphones are seinnheiser HD555, really like them but i need something more portable for my return to school.
A161s are the best value, they're RE-ZEROs with better durability basically.
So I listen to a lot of hip hop, electronic style stuff and some rock stuff too.. I want a headset with a clean sound that still gives me pounding bass.. I was thinking either the Sony MDR-XB700 or the Audio Technica ATH-PRO700mk2 or even the ATH-M50. What would be my best fit? Oh and closed ear is a must.


I've got from amazon.ca these choices in my price range (i try for under 200$)

HiFiMan RE-0, 79$
HiFiMan - RE-ZERO, 99$
MEElectronics A151-BK, 47$
MEElectronics A161, 99$
Shure SE215-K, 88$
Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10, 168$ (seems really nice for that price), edit, ah crap, i was on amazon,com for just this pair...)

And others, i mean it seems endless and im getting lost. Any recommendations out of those or if there's something really nice i missed in canada that i can purchase online for under 200$ and killer deal? My headphones are seinnheiser HD555, really like them but i need something more portable for my return to school.

I reckon you should also consider the Atrio's on sale at half-price, see my pimp post about halfway up this page.


how about for use with just the phone and tablets/laptops ?
I'm sure someone will recommend fiio amps

So I listen to a lot of hip hop, electronic style stuff and some rock stuff too.. I want a headset with a clean sound that still gives me pounding bass.. I was thinking either the Sony MDR-XB700 or the Audio Technica ATH-PRO700mk2 or even the ATH-M50. What would be my best fit? Oh and closed ear is a must.

Probably ultrasones


I'm looking for headphones mainly to listen to hiphop so if the sound produced favours it over other genres I won't mind a bit. My budget is around £250 but I can go slightly higher if there is a significant increase in quality. Probably hard for those in the US to determine my price range but I guess you can use amazon uk. I don't have a preference for buds or cans so either will do.


I'm looking for headphones mainly to listen to hiphop so if the sound produced favours it over other genres I won't mind a bit. My budget is around £250 but I can go slightly higher if there is a significant increase in quality. Probably hard for those in the US to determine my price range but I guess you can use amazon uk. I don't have a preference for buds or cans so either will do.

Okay let's narrow this down a bit, do you need them to be portable, and would you rather they be open or closed?

The HFI-780 model I'm assuming?

EDIT: no I'm now guessing you're talking about the Pro 900.. Judging from the reviews they're right up my alley. Thanks headphone-GAF, I'll be ordering a pair along with a Fiio amp in a couple weeks.

The HFI-580 is a good bang for buck, but the clamp force is a bit uncomfortable, Pro 900 is fantastic and has great comfort but needs to be amped

If you wanna tune in I'm getting ready to do a big overview on bass centric headphones as I help out Detox


Okay let's narrow this down a bit, do you need them to be portable, and would you rather they be open or closed?

The HFI-580 is a good bang for buck, but the clamp force is a bit uncomfortable, Pro 900 is fantastic and has great comfort but needs to be amped

If you wanna tune in I'm getting ready to do a big overview on bass centric headphones as I help out Detox

They have to be portable as I will be using them on my commute and if closed means noise doesn't leak then yes I would rather not disturb people.


hey guys what are some decent choices for IEM for running? They are for a girl who doesn't really care about audiophile quality, just wants something that sounds nice and are durable. I recommended the monoprice ones for now, but don't know any other options. Under 50$?


They have to be portable as I will be using them on my commute and if closed means noise doesn't leak then yes I would rather not disturb people.
Okay this is fairly easy then. I'd go with the Vmoda M80s or the Pioneer HDJ 2000, personally leaning towards the latter


hey guys what are some decent choices for IEM for running? They are for a girl who doesn't really care about audiophile quality, just wants something that sounds nice and are durable. I recommended the monoprice ones for now, but don't know any other options. Under 50$?

MEElectronics Sport-Fi S6 maybe? No idea how they actually perform but they're only 49.99 and mee ain't bad as far as companies go.
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