Neko Mimi Mode
I wouldn't mind going as high as 400 or 500 if it's worth it. But if you have suggestions in the 300 range I would like to hear them as well.
I've got plenty, but I'll actually need a few more specifics;
1. Do you play competitively or for fun (or both)?
2. Do you use a headphone amplifier and if not, would you be adverse to buying one?
3. Open back or sealed matter any?
EDIT: In case you're wondering, the Beats anti-hype that runs wild mostly on Head-fi is primarily a result of them being horribly bad value. Noontec Zoros are clones that sound better in every way imaginable for much, much less. Phiaton MS 400s are just plain sexy and literally blow away Beats with a sonic advantage so great I'd arbitrarily assign them a price of $100 more, not $100 less.
Sounds to me though if you are gaming you'll want something with long term comfort and on-ear portables can't really provide that. But that's good, as by sacrificing some portability you can make serious gains in fidelity.