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52 Games. 1 Year. 2024. [BacklogBeat]

Previous posts:

51: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake - Switch - Beat 9/10

I loved the look of this game. I actually would enjoy a remake of LTTP with this same style - But on Switch 2. Holy crap, the performance sucked. I assumed they patched it to even out the frame rate by now. That's part of the reason I waited so long to play. 90% of the time, it runs fine, but it's really jarring when the performance drops.
I haven't played the original since I was in High School, so it was fun to go back. I forgot so much about this game that it honestly all felt fresh. Despite the performance, it's a great game and definitely would recommend it.

1 more to go. I think I'll finish this up with The House of the Dead Remake. Might change my mind, though. Depends on what I decide to start while my daughter naps.

52: The House of the Dead Remake - Switch - Beat 9/10

Alright, so the baby stayed asleep and I started playing House of the Dead. Bought this on sale a while back and just never found time to play this. I REALLY liked it. That being said, I can't imagine playing this with a gamepad or honestly even gyro controls. Slow and/or imprecise. I played handheld with touch controls and it was absolutely glorious. The death of lightguns with modern TVs sucks, but this is a worthy workaround. I loved this game in the arcade, and it was fun to play it at home after all these years. Now they just need to bring back Typing of the Dead! Probably going to play this a few more times with my sons.

OK, with that, I finished my 52 games!
Not sure I'll be doing this next year. Maybe I'll try again when my daughter is a bit older. I'll probably keep adding to this post if I beat anything else this year. There will definitely be a Black Ops 6 update in a month.
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Another two great games.
I am not a fan of Harry Potter, but HL. Oh man. It's fantastic.

Game 15 - Tekken 8 (PS5) - 10h 33m
Beat 25/08/2024 - my score: 9/10
Game 16 - Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - 34h 32m
Beat 09/09/2024 - my score: 9/10
22) Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition (Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility)


Rating: C

23) Tomb Raider Legend (Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility)


Rating B-

24) Tomb Raider Legend DLC: Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Campaign (This is the full game of the Anniversary Edition purchasable as 360 Legend's DLC, and I will explain below why I am separating this version and giving it an A+)

Rating: A+

25) Tomb Raider Underworld


Rating: C-

I never actually played the 360 era of Tomb Raider, so I decided to give them all a shot. Tomb Raider Anniversary (The standalone purchasable title) is a game with good promise:

+Great level design
+Fun puzzles
+Manual grab option
+Thanks to manual grab, improvised and creative jumps are a thing.
+Good combat scenarios
+Good beginner's adventure story

However, the standalone release is broken. What do I mean by this? Failed inputs, glitchy jumps, slips to death after landing a jump, and at times the game not making Lara jump in the proper direction you're pushing towards. What that leads to is a platformer puzzler where I can't trust the platforming, ending in an entirely frustrating experience for a well designed game. Other than this very glaring issue, there are only four negatives I can give the game:

-The Egypt level is a bit too long
-Lara's run speed is a bit too slow
-There is a 'dual' boss that is slightly buggy and frustrating to play against in this version of the game
-The bloom, brightness, and darkness levels are all off. This game is the only one without a torch or flashlight as far as I'm aware.

So I came away from it disappointed and moved on to Tomb Raider Legend. This game decides to ramp up the action over the platforming as it's the new star of the show. Fine I guess, and I forgive it because this game technically released before Uncharted even existed. The problem is that the platforming is slightly more automated now, no option for manual grabbing anymore, but she can still fail jumps if not lined up properly which is still a good sign.

+Storytelling improvements over previous TR games (now there's a history and characters from Anniversary and this who will not only be mentioned but also appear in Underworld, Lara has a team now who provides some context to situations albeit a bit chatty at times)
+Lara feels very smooth and snappy to control when moving around and platforming
+On a Tomb Raider lock-on combat scale, the action scenarios are technically better and there are now human-sized boss fights
+The variety of locales is great since Lara beyong TR 1 became more like James Bond

Now the problems:

-Platforming took a hit and is easier, as mentioned above.
-Lara's villain actually makes a good point and the game paints younger Lara as kind of an idiot or even an asshole for not doing a specific thing that people would do when faced with tragic events.
-There is not much strategy to the shooting. You dodge with B and shoot with the trigger and you will take hits along the way since there's no actual type of cover system. You're going to spam through heals because of this.

There's not much else to be said. It was a nice game and it was fun, but nothing super remarkable and a bit short-lived of an experience. I'm going to put the Tomb Raider Underworld review here because even though I played it last I want to end on a good note. So after playing an A+ title, I went and finally decided to end things with the game that wraps every story thread up, Tomb Raider Underworld. This is what I have to say about this game:

+Storytelling even better than Legend. Well made cutscenes and direction.
+You can see the clear graphical mid-gen leap that Tomb Raider really needed at the time compared to other games blazing past it during this generation. The game looks great. It shows in the hair movement, cloth textures, animations, water and sweat effects, and lastly their ambitious lighting system where they tried to emulate actual ray traced bounced lighting (so your flashlight/torch wasn't just a simple cone or circle, it was actually illuminating subtle areas all around you to lighten areas nearby that should technically be lit if light bounced correctly
+Shooting is better for TR standards at least, but still
+The first DLC is fun

Now, what made Underworld a C- is this:

-The animation blending is absolutely atrocious. Lara will feel just as stiff as her character moves because of this. There is a pause between every single action you do as the character model has to reset and then animate the next thing you're trying to do. It makes the platforming feel awful and sometimes it looks like Lara wants to T-pose even though she'll finally snap into animation right before this happens
-Speaking of platforming, this is the most magnetic-feeling Lara has ever been. She will sometimes jump 15 ft to make a ledge that she should not have made, because she is already magnetizing to it in mid air before even nearing the ledge. It adds to this feeling of the controls and character being too stiff because this leads to moments where I want to jump somewhere and potentially improvise, but you can't because you'll magnetize to what the game tells you to
-Lock on combat and a bit basic/janky for a game that came out after Uncharted. Eventually, the game just hands you a super weapon halfway through and says 'have fun' because I think they even realized how basic/janky it is.
-Game froze on me about 5 times. It's enough to make it a negative because after freezing you will lose progress.
-The second DLC makes you play through an entire short level twice, forwards and backwards.

Underworld is a game with graphical ambition, but also a game where you can see the age start to set in on the franchise's gameplay. I do not blame them for going back to the drawing board after this, especially after the competition only got better and better with each iteration.

Before I had even played Underworld though, I had noticed that TR Legend had an Anniversary DLC section after completion. It was the entire game of Anniversary, split up into 2 purchasable 'Episodes'. Intriguing, I thought, as I said to myself 'Why do this, and why like this?'


I haven't seen something like this since hearing about White Knight Chronicles 2, or maybe some would argue Sonic Generations ripping out the good parts of Unleashed and putting it into that game instead (with these examples I think you see where I'm going). I had a hunch and did some research, because when first looking it up everyone will simply say 'It's the same game but buyable within Legend' and not much more. This isn't fully true. It's actually one of the biggest secret little lies of gaming, because what you actually get here is an absolute gem of an experience.

Tomb Raider Anniversary, the Legend version of it, fixes everything wrong with the original Anniversary (well except for Egypt still being a bit too long 🤷‍♂️ ).

-Lara's run speed is a bit too slow
-There is a 'dual' boss that is slightly buggy and frustrating to play against in this version of the game
-The bloom, brightness, and darkness levels are all off. This game is the only one without a torch or flashlight as far as I'm aware.

Bam, all fixed. Somehow, someway, this version is a patched version of the disc version of Anniversary, frankensteined together with Tomb Raider Legend's model, running speed, and smooth and snappy movement system but with the manual grab system of Anniversary. Remember what I said above about putting Sonic Unleashed levels Sonic Generations and they felt better? Well, what does this combination of TR games end up doing? Well, it created the perfect formula for a game that reminded me of the best moments of games like Mirror's Edge 1 and Prince of Persia Sands of Time. They have also made slight changes to each level and slightly, slightly shortened a few dragged areas on top of this, 97% same game otherwise.

Suddenly, I'm nailing every jump imaginable with ease, combo-ing into other jumps and into slides into another jump landing on a roll to run to the next obstacle. It all feels difficult/challenging and rewarding and yes, I would fail at times, but it was my fault. Those of you who have played great platformers know this feeling well: It's called the flow. This game has it, and it has it all put together perfectly. That's also why this version of the game has time trials. It instantly made the game an A+, and this A+ experience was good enough to make me want to not only beat the entire game again, but also do the time trials on top of that after playing Underworld (which is essentially finishing this game a third time).

If anyone here is curious and ever decides to pick up Tomb Raider Anniversary, I beg of you and highly recommend that you please pick up this version of the game...Wow what an experience. Probably my favorite Tomb Raider game now.

For such a specific version of the game to go unnoticed feels really bad, because I know that some people bought the full edition of Anniversary on 360 only to be met with some or all of the issues I listed above, when they could be having a blast with the Legend version.
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#62 Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (1990) | GEN | 4 hours | 6/10


Short but fun jump and run released in 1990 for the Sega Genesis. I played it many, many times with my cousins back in the 90s, but I don't remember finishing the game and beating the final boss back then.

Edit: Finished another game today :)

#63 Disney's Goof Troop | SNES | 2 hours | 7/10


Goof Troop is not among the best of Disney productions from the 1990s, but it's still a fun experience, and it especially shines when played with a co-op partner.
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Gold Member
I'm 12.5 hours in, and I love it. It's quickly climbing my list of the best games released this year. Before I would have said Rebirth was my favorite... this one is giving it a run for its money. Has a lot of the same nostalgia beats (if you were obsessed with Secret of Mana back in the day, like I was), but a good original story, fun combat, great traversal, just an all around great JRPG. You'll definitely wanna check this one out.
Just picked up the Moon Alm, I dont really understand the negativity about the game. It feels like a Mana game and Im really enjoying it.. I feel like it looks a lot better in handheld than docked on the OLED but thats probably the smaller OLED screen


Pretty behind with the writeups so going to breeze through some of this......

16) Stellar Blade(PS5)- 4/27-4/30, 5/2-5/6
Very good first try from this studio. Yeah the story is whatever and I think the platforming stinks until you get the double jump, but the gameplay/combat carries this game extremely nicely. The skill tree in Stellar Blade opens up so many possibilities on how to go through fights/boss fights. I think Shift Up did a genius move with giving you the demo leading up to the game, especially the final boss fight of the demo as I was on the fence with the game. The demo gave you practically your entire skill tree filled up(Sans 1-2 moves you get mid to late game) so it gave you a pure taste of what you can have in your arsenal in this game and essentially sold me on the game. The music has some bops and there's so much to do if you really want to get the most out of the game. Fishing, can collection(With the cute pose too!), helping out NPCs, different outfits/costumes etc.

I do wish the NPC/side mission had more variety though. Way too much of the "____ find the whereabouts of them" only for them to end up drowning in the ocean or find their dead bodies before getting ambushed. Much of the side content revolves around this so if there is ever to be a sequel to the game, I do wish Shift Up gets a bit more creative in that regard.

Overall 8.5/10. Really cool attempt here and I think Stellar Blade is a must have for any action fan. It's not a Soulsbourne or even Bayonetta/Devil May Cry, it really feels like it's own type of game and that's as good of a compliment that I can give. It borrows bits and pieces from other games but the end result is just a very fun, adrenaline fueled 35-40 hour venture.

17) The Coma: Recut(Switch) 5/6-5/9, 5/11

Really wanted to like this game more but what sounded like a cool concept on paper, simply fell flat in execution. It basically has you take the role of a teenager who is afraid of failing a big exam but ends up getting caught up in a nightmare scenario inside his own school: Going into a dark world version of his high school with his teacher trying to cut him down with a blade. The teacher serves as the antagonist and is almost like Scissorman(Clock Tower) levels of daunting where they will appear various times throughout your playthrough and will mow you down in seconds where you can't do anything except hide for the monster to go away. This isn't Outlast so much as say maybe Lone Survivor(If you've played that) where you are reliant on going screen to screen as you journey throughout the high school. A game I played earlier this year, Spirit Hunter: Death Mark 2 sort of borrows this gameplay in a sense. There are other enemies like toxic flowers or dead students that come down from the ceiling to try and hurt you or possesesed students trying to scrape you from the ground but the primary doom here is your monster like teacher trying to end you. You do get items like health replenishment or stamina increase or antidotes to cure the aforementioned toxic so not all is lost but your best friend in The Coma will be the bathroom. Yes the bathroom. It offers the chance to hide out from the deranged teacher if you get in the bathroom stool before the monster notices before they go off and vanish. Likewise, a trick with The Coma 1 is the ability to bait the monster to come into the door where you can for 1 second bait them to come in where you won't get hurt before you exit out and make a run for it. They do away with this in the little I played of the The Coma 2 but The Coma 1 allows it and it becomes pretty important to exploit this.

This all sounds cool though right? Not really, it becomes frustrating to play this game for a few reasons. Inventory is very low which would work for a survivor horror game, except you are defenseless and often can't pick up items around as you are consistently filled. There's no way to store items so it's use items or lose them basically. The poison mechanic is brutal too where you will slowly be drained of your health and the only way to negate this is to get an antidote, which makes it borderline mandatory to have one of your slot items be this. The idea of needing to go back and forth throughout the school to progress and to stumble upon dead ends with an indestructible monster lurking around is nauseating and after a few times, you've simply seen enough and just groan whenever they appear. Game does throw out a healthy amount of save points but there's no auto save so you have to rely on manual saving so there will be moments that you die and you may lose a little bit of progress, but that's a old school Survivor Horror game for you.

Overall: 6/10. I wish I liked The Coma more but the actual gameplay elements sort of ruin the premise of the game and it gets frustrating running into dead ends only for the antagonist to pop around and have you play a game of cat & mouse while your trying to progress the story.

18) Little Kitty Big City(XSX) 5/12

I have to apologize to Stray from 2 years ago, as I didn't think any game revolving around a cat can top how much of a slog it was to play Stray itself. Stray at the very least had a cool setting and had some elements of danger presented even if the enemy variation was lackluster in itself. Little Kitty Big City doesn't have any of that going for it. It opts to go for a more cartoony feel of it where your a cat strolling around a city(Hence the name) where you interact with various animals, fellow cats etc.to move around. It is very open world in the sense that you have NPCs you chat with and can help achieve goals for with the ultimate goal being you needing to make your way back to your apartment/home that you accidentally fell out from. Sadly with Little Kitty Big City, it's a mere couple of hours to play through unless you fully love to trophy hunt, we're talking 3 hours or so.

and I would have loved to have done that except I encountered a bad glitch that didn't allow me to fulfill one of the NPC quests(Getting all of their babies) where I somehow pushed an object out of place from where it needed to be(To help you make a jump above to get one of the children) and I was unable to push the item back which sort of ruined my experience of wanting to accomplish as much as I can do.

The game also is pretty easy which is expected as it feels more like a kid's game more than anything else so maybe this is one of those cases that a child may like the game but not necessarily an adult. The game just comes...............and goes. I also wish there was a mechanic that allowed you to go back to a platform you may have fallen by accident from rather than making the player having to climb all the way up and try again. Feels like a time plot and feels like a waste of time at that.

Overall: 5/10. Not a game for me which is a shame as I am a cat owner and it had the makings of being something maybe silly but it just feels like a pure "Check the boxes open world type of game" with nothing that stands out to make it truly memorable. It's a game that might be good for a day if you're looking for something that won't over extend it's stay but it's just a giant meh altogether.
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#64 Rayman Redemption | PC | 10 hours | 7/10


Rayman Redemption is a reimagination of the original Rayman game from 1995. The game is free to play on PC. A simple side-by-side comparison of the fan-imagined game and the original version demonstrates how much better the fan-made version is, not only in terms of visuals but also in terms of cleverly added additional content. Rayman Redemption runs incredibly smoothly thanks to the use of a modern engine. And it also offers a 16:9 aspect ratio that looks much better on modern monitors. Both the OG and this fan-made project have had a similar effect on me. I review video games according to the era of release, and this one gets a strong 7 out of 10 just like the OG.


#65 Pokémon Emerald | GBA | 35 hours | 8/10


When Ruby and Sapphire first came out, I really enjoyed them and was mesmerized by the newly introduced double battle system. Playing the ultimate version of those two games for the first time was a true blessing.
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