52 Games. 1 Year. 2024. [BacklogBeat]

Previous posts:

51: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake - Switch - Beat 9/10

I loved the look of this game. I actually would enjoy a remake of LTTP with this same style - But on Switch 2. Holy crap, the performance sucked. I assumed they patched it to even out the frame rate by now. That's part of the reason I waited so long to play. 90% of the time, it runs fine, but it's really jarring when the performance drops.
I haven't played the original since I was in High School, so it was fun to go back. I forgot so much about this game that it honestly all felt fresh. Despite the performance, it's a great game and definitely would recommend it.

1 more to go. I think I'll finish this up with The House of the Dead Remake. Might change my mind, though. Depends on what I decide to start while my daughter naps.

52: The House of the Dead Remake - Switch - Beat 9/10

Alright, so the baby stayed asleep and I started playing House of the Dead. Bought this on sale a while back and just never found time to play this. I REALLY liked it. That being said, I can't imagine playing this with a gamepad or honestly even gyro controls. Slow and/or imprecise. I played handheld with touch controls and it was absolutely glorious. The death of lightguns with modern TVs sucks, but this is a worthy workaround. I loved this game in the arcade, and it was fun to play it at home after all these years. Now they just need to bring back Typing of the Dead! Probably going to play this a few more times with my sons.

OK, with that, I finished my 52 games!
Not sure I'll be doing this next year. Maybe I'll try again when my daughter is a bit older. I'll probably keep adding to this post if I beat anything else this year. There will definitely be a Black Ops 6 update in a month.
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Another two great games.
I am not a fan of Harry Potter, but HL. Oh man. It's fantastic.

Game 15 - Tekken 8 (PS5) - 10h 33m
Beat 25/08/2024 - my score: 9/10
Game 16 - Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - 34h 32m
Beat 09/09/2024 - my score: 9/10
22) Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition (Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility)


Rating: C

23) Tomb Raider Legend (Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility)


Rating B-

24) Tomb Raider Legend DLC: Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Campaign (This is the full game of the Anniversary Edition purchasable as 360 Legend's DLC, and I will explain below why I am separating this version and giving it an A+)

Rating: A+

25) Tomb Raider Underworld


Rating: C-

I never actually played the 360 era of Tomb Raider, so I decided to give them all a shot. Tomb Raider Anniversary (The standalone purchasable title) is a game with good promise:

+Great level design
+Fun puzzles
+Manual grab option
+Thanks to manual grab, improvised and creative jumps are a thing.
+Good combat scenarios
+Good beginner's adventure story

However, the standalone release is broken. What do I mean by this? Failed inputs, glitchy jumps, slips to death after landing a jump, and at times the game not making Lara jump in the proper direction you're pushing towards. What that leads to is a platformer puzzler where I can't trust the platforming, ending in an entirely frustrating experience for a well designed game. Other than this very glaring issue, there are only four negatives I can give the game:

-The Egypt level is a bit too long
-Lara's run speed is a bit too slow
-There is a 'dual' boss that is slightly buggy and frustrating to play against in this version of the game
-The bloom, brightness, and darkness levels are all off. This game is the only one without a torch or flashlight as far as I'm aware.

So I came away from it disappointed and moved on to Tomb Raider Legend. This game decides to ramp up the action over the platforming as it's the new star of the show. Fine I guess, and I forgive it because this game technically released before Uncharted even existed. The problem is that the platforming is slightly more automated now, no option for manual grabbing anymore, but she can still fail jumps if not lined up properly which is still a good sign.

+Storytelling improvements over previous TR games (now there's a history and characters from Anniversary and this who will not only be mentioned but also appear in Underworld, Lara has a team now who provides some context to situations albeit a bit chatty at times)
+Lara feels very smooth and snappy to control when moving around and platforming
+On a Tomb Raider lock-on combat scale, the action scenarios are technically better and there are now human-sized boss fights
+The variety of locales is great since Lara beyong TR 1 became more like James Bond

Now the problems:

-Platforming took a hit and is easier, as mentioned above.
-Lara's villain actually makes a good point and the game paints younger Lara as kind of an idiot or even an asshole for not doing a specific thing that people would do when faced with tragic events.
-There is not much strategy to the shooting. You dodge with B and shoot with the trigger and you will take hits along the way since there's no actual type of cover system. You're going to spam through heals because of this.

There's not much else to be said. It was a nice game and it was fun, but nothing super remarkable and a bit short-lived of an experience. I'm going to put the Tomb Raider Underworld review here because even though I played it last I want to end on a good note. So after playing an A+ title, I went and finally decided to end things with the game that wraps every story thread up, Tomb Raider Underworld. This is what I have to say about this game:

+Storytelling even better than Legend. Well made cutscenes and direction.
+You can see the clear graphical mid-gen leap that Tomb Raider really needed at the time compared to other games blazing past it during this generation. The game looks great. It shows in the hair movement, cloth textures, animations, water and sweat effects, and lastly their ambitious lighting system where they tried to emulate actual ray traced bounced lighting (so your flashlight/torch wasn't just a simple cone or circle, it was actually illuminating subtle areas all around you to lighten areas nearby that should technically be lit if light bounced correctly
+Shooting is better for TR standards at least, but still
+The first DLC is fun

Now, what made Underworld a C- is this:

-The animation blending is absolutely atrocious. Lara will feel just as stiff as her character moves because of this. There is a pause between every single action you do as the character model has to reset and then animate the next thing you're trying to do. It makes the platforming feel awful and sometimes it looks like Lara wants to T-pose even though she'll finally snap into animation right before this happens
-Speaking of platforming, this is the most magnetic-feeling Lara has ever been. She will sometimes jump 15 ft to make a ledge that she should not have made, because she is already magnetizing to it in mid air before even nearing the ledge. It adds to this feeling of the controls and character being too stiff because this leads to moments where I want to jump somewhere and potentially improvise, but you can't because you'll magnetize to what the game tells you to
-Lock on combat and a bit basic/janky for a game that came out after Uncharted. Eventually, the game just hands you a super weapon halfway through and says 'have fun' because I think they even realized how basic/janky it is.
-Game froze on me about 5 times. It's enough to make it a negative because after freezing you will lose progress.
-The second DLC makes you play through an entire short level twice, forwards and backwards.

Underworld is a game with graphical ambition, but also a game where you can see the age start to set in on the franchise's gameplay. I do not blame them for going back to the drawing board after this, especially after the competition only got better and better with each iteration.

Before I had even played Underworld though, I had noticed that TR Legend had an Anniversary DLC section after completion. It was the entire game of Anniversary, split up into 2 purchasable 'Episodes'. Intriguing, I thought, as I said to myself 'Why do this, and why like this?'


I haven't seen something like this since hearing about White Knight Chronicles 2, or maybe some would argue Sonic Generations ripping out the good parts of Unleashed and putting it into that game instead (with these examples I think you see where I'm going). I had a hunch and did some research, because when first looking it up everyone will simply say 'It's the same game but buyable within Legend' and not much more. This isn't fully true. It's actually one of the biggest secret little lies of gaming, because what you actually get here is an absolute gem of an experience.

Tomb Raider Anniversary, the Legend version of it, fixes everything wrong with the original Anniversary (well except for Egypt still being a bit too long 🤷‍♂️ ).

-Lara's run speed is a bit too slow
-There is a 'dual' boss that is slightly buggy and frustrating to play against in this version of the game
-The bloom, brightness, and darkness levels are all off. This game is the only one without a torch or flashlight as far as I'm aware.

Bam, all fixed. Somehow, someway, this version is a patched version of the disc version of Anniversary, frankensteined together with Tomb Raider Legend's model, running speed, and smooth and snappy movement system but with the manual grab system of Anniversary. Remember what I said above about putting Sonic Unleashed levels Sonic Generations and they felt better? Well, what does this combination of TR games end up doing? Well, it created the perfect formula for a game that reminded me of the best moments of games like Mirror's Edge 1 and Prince of Persia Sands of Time. They have also made slight changes to each level and slightly, slightly shortened a few dragged areas on top of this, 97% same game otherwise.

Suddenly, I'm nailing every jump imaginable with ease, combo-ing into other jumps and into slides into another jump landing on a roll to run to the next obstacle. It all feels difficult/challenging and rewarding and yes, I would fail at times, but it was my fault. Those of you who have played great platformers know this feeling well: It's called the flow. This game has it, and it has it all put together perfectly. That's also why this version of the game has time trials. It instantly made the game an A+, and this A+ experience was good enough to make me want to not only beat the entire game again, but also do the time trials on top of that after playing Underworld (which is essentially finishing this game a third time).

If anyone here is curious and ever decides to pick up Tomb Raider Anniversary, I beg of you and highly recommend that you please pick up this version of the game...Wow what an experience. Probably my favorite Tomb Raider game now.

For such a specific version of the game to go unnoticed feels really bad, because I know that some people bought the full edition of Anniversary on 360 only to be met with some or all of the issues I listed above, when they could be having a blast with the Legend version.
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#62 Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (1990) | GEN | 4 hours | 6/10


Short but fun jump and run released in 1990 for the Sega Genesis. I played it many, many times with my cousins back in the 90s, but I don't remember finishing the game and beating the final boss back then.

Edit: Finished another game today :)

#63 Disney's Goof Troop | SNES | 2 hours | 7/10


Goof Troop is not among the best of Disney productions from the 1990s, but it's still a fun experience, and it especially shines when played with a co-op partner.
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Gold Member
I'm 12.5 hours in, and I love it. It's quickly climbing my list of the best games released this year. Before I would have said Rebirth was my favorite... this one is giving it a run for its money. Has a lot of the same nostalgia beats (if you were obsessed with Secret of Mana back in the day, like I was), but a good original story, fun combat, great traversal, just an all around great JRPG. You'll definitely wanna check this one out.
Just picked up the Moon Alm, I dont really understand the negativity about the game. It feels like a Mana game and Im really enjoying it.. I feel like it looks a lot better in handheld than docked on the OLED but thats probably the smaller OLED screen


Pretty behind with the writeups so going to breeze through some of this......

16) Stellar Blade(PS5)- 4/27-4/30, 5/2-5/6
Very good first try from this studio. Yeah the story is whatever and I think the platforming stinks until you get the double jump, but the gameplay/combat carries this game extremely nicely. The skill tree in Stellar Blade opens up so many possibilities on how to go through fights/boss fights. I think Shift Up did a genius move with giving you the demo leading up to the game, especially the final boss fight of the demo as I was on the fence with the game. The demo gave you practically your entire skill tree filled up(Sans 1-2 moves you get mid to late game) so it gave you a pure taste of what you can have in your arsenal in this game and essentially sold me on the game. The music has some bops and there's so much to do if you really want to get the most out of the game. Fishing, can collection(With the cute pose too!), helping out NPCs, different outfits/costumes etc.

I do wish the NPC/side mission had more variety though. Way too much of the "____ find the whereabouts of them" only for them to end up drowning in the ocean or find their dead bodies before getting ambushed. Much of the side content revolves around this so if there is ever to be a sequel to the game, I do wish Shift Up gets a bit more creative in that regard.

Overall 8.5/10. Really cool attempt here and I think Stellar Blade is a must have for any action fan. It's not a Soulsbourne or even Bayonetta/Devil May Cry, it really feels like it's own type of game and that's as good of a compliment that I can give. It borrows bits and pieces from other games but the end result is just a very fun, adrenaline fueled 35-40 hour venture.

17) The Coma: Recut(Switch) 5/6-5/9, 5/11

Really wanted to like this game more but what sounded like a cool concept on paper, simply fell flat in execution. It basically has you take the role of a teenager who is afraid of failing a big exam but ends up getting caught up in a nightmare scenario inside his own school: Going into a dark world version of his high school with his teacher trying to cut him down with a blade. The teacher serves as the antagonist and is almost like Scissorman(Clock Tower) levels of daunting where they will appear various times throughout your playthrough and will mow you down in seconds where you can't do anything except hide for the monster to go away. This isn't Outlast so much as say maybe Lone Survivor(If you've played that) where you are reliant on going screen to screen as you journey throughout the high school. A game I played earlier this year, Spirit Hunter: Death Mark 2 sort of borrows this gameplay in a sense. There are other enemies like toxic flowers or dead students that come down from the ceiling to try and hurt you or possesesed students trying to scrape you from the ground but the primary doom here is your monster like teacher trying to end you. You do get items like health replenishment or stamina increase or antidotes to cure the aforementioned toxic so not all is lost but your best friend in The Coma will be the bathroom. Yes the bathroom. It offers the chance to hide out from the deranged teacher if you get in the bathroom stool before the monster notices before they go off and vanish. Likewise, a trick with The Coma 1 is the ability to bait the monster to come into the door where you can for 1 second bait them to come in where you won't get hurt before you exit out and make a run for it. They do away with this in the little I played of the The Coma 2 but The Coma 1 allows it and it becomes pretty important to exploit this.

This all sounds cool though right? Not really, it becomes frustrating to play this game for a few reasons. Inventory is very low which would work for a survivor horror game, except you are defenseless and often can't pick up items around as you are consistently filled. There's no way to store items so it's use items or lose them basically. The poison mechanic is brutal too where you will slowly be drained of your health and the only way to negate this is to get an antidote, which makes it borderline mandatory to have one of your slot items be this. The idea of needing to go back and forth throughout the school to progress and to stumble upon dead ends with an indestructible monster lurking around is nauseating and after a few times, you've simply seen enough and just groan whenever they appear. Game does throw out a healthy amount of save points but there's no auto save so you have to rely on manual saving so there will be moments that you die and you may lose a little bit of progress, but that's a old school Survivor Horror game for you.

Overall: 6/10. I wish I liked The Coma more but the actual gameplay elements sort of ruin the premise of the game and it gets frustrating running into dead ends only for the antagonist to pop around and have you play a game of cat & mouse while your trying to progress the story.

18) Little Kitty Big City(XSX) 5/12

I have to apologize to Stray from 2 years ago, as I didn't think any game revolving around a cat can top how much of a slog it was to play Stray itself. Stray at the very least had a cool setting and had some elements of danger presented even if the enemy variation was lackluster in itself. Little Kitty Big City doesn't have any of that going for it. It opts to go for a more cartoony feel of it where your a cat strolling around a city(Hence the name) where you interact with various animals, fellow cats etc.to move around. It is very open world in the sense that you have NPCs you chat with and can help achieve goals for with the ultimate goal being you needing to make your way back to your apartment/home that you accidentally fell out from. Sadly with Little Kitty Big City, it's a mere couple of hours to play through unless you fully love to trophy hunt, we're talking 3 hours or so.

and I would have loved to have done that except I encountered a bad glitch that didn't allow me to fulfill one of the NPC quests(Getting all of their babies) where I somehow pushed an object out of place from where it needed to be(To help you make a jump above to get one of the children) and I was unable to push the item back which sort of ruined my experience of wanting to accomplish as much as I can do.

The game also is pretty easy which is expected as it feels more like a kid's game more than anything else so maybe this is one of those cases that a child may like the game but not necessarily an adult. The game just comes...............and goes. I also wish there was a mechanic that allowed you to go back to a platform you may have fallen by accident from rather than making the player having to climb all the way up and try again. Feels like a time plot and feels like a waste of time at that.

Overall: 5/10. Not a game for me which is a shame as I am a cat owner and it had the makings of being something maybe silly but it just feels like a pure "Check the boxes open world type of game" with nothing that stands out to make it truly memorable. It's a game that might be good for a day if you're looking for something that won't over extend it's stay but it's just a giant meh altogether.
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#64 Rayman Redemption | PC | 10 hours | 7/10


Rayman Redemption is a reimagination of the original Rayman game from 1995. The game is free to play on PC. A simple side-by-side comparison of the fan-imagined game and the original version demonstrates how much better the fan-made version is, not only in terms of visuals but also in terms of cleverly added additional content. Rayman Redemption runs incredibly smoothly thanks to the use of a modern engine. And it also offers a 16:9 aspect ratio that looks much better on modern monitors. Both the OG and this fan-made project have had a similar effect on me. I review video games according to the era of release, and this one gets a strong 7 out of 10 just like the OG.


#65 Pokémon Emerald | GBA | 35 hours | 8/10


When Ruby and Sapphire first came out, I really enjoyed them and was mesmerized by the newly introduced double battle system. Playing the ultimate version of those two games for the first time was a true blessing.


19) Tails of Iron+Bright Fir Forest DLC(PS5)(PLATNIUM) 5/12-5/15

What a pleasant surprise this game was! Probably a title best known for Geralt's voice actor narrating the game given the popularity of The Witcher series, Tails of Iron is so much more than just that. Game was fantastic, and it was so good that I beat both the main campaign as well as the recently released DLC. It's a 2D Soulsbourne, think Salt & Sanctuary where you play as a rat knight and take on various enemies from frogs to bugs to now all sorts of enemies in the sequel. It's a slower paced game and you will die in this game but man it's just really good once you get a hang on it. By the end of the 1st game, I could not be killed with the armor and everything I had on. Game def. is harder early on due to this and if you are willing to take your licks, you will do just fine. Game gets easier but even some post game bosses make you work for it. Yellow color is for parry, red color is for dodge, that sort of indicator on how to do combat in this game. There are different weapon choices throughout but I find the spear had the perfect range and distance that the heavy weapon and regular weapons meant nothing to me. They are there if you are looking for a different build but once something clicks for me, I am sticking with it. Probably the 1st Soulsbourne game where I stood by the spear if given the choice. You get a good 12-15 hours out of this game too so it's a title that doesn't stay overstay it's welcome nor does it feel like something you just breeze through 1-2-3.

Rating: 9/10. Delightful, think Redwall meets 2D Soulsbourne games. It has that fairy tail way it portrays it's story but it also can get very grim & dark with the amount of allies(And foes too) that end up dying in this game. Again, it's a slower styled Soulsbourne game and if you've played Death's Gambit or Salt & Sanctuary/Sacrifice, you know exactly what you're getting with this game. Pure case of the 1st game being so good and criminally underrated that the sequel has my eye. Just need a concrete date of the sequel, was hoping it'd hit 2024 but totally worth the wait if it comes to consoles on 2025 too.

20) The Chant(PS5) 4/20-4/23, 5/20

Another one of those premises that sounded cool on paper but the actual gameplay lets the game down. Seeing this trailer at first gave me a serious B type of horror camp that I would have been all over, almost like Until Dawn/The Quarry esque but then the reviews gave it a 6 or 7/10 and it sort of downplayed my overall expectations of the game, making it one of those "Jump on it when it goes on sale" sort of deals. So I did and even then I was still pretty letdown by The Chant.

The gameplay is so repetitive and boring that I actually wished this game took a page out of Supermassive Games and just made this a walking simulator because what you are given to do in The Chant is pretty uninspiring. Practically the generic tackle button serves as much of a purpose as the different amounts of weapons(In the form of incense that equips to a stick) that the game gives at you. The Chant has a color indication that shows an enemy's weakness but it isn't an overwhelming increase for damage. Honestly though, the game is so scarce with the amount of resources you get that more often then not, you feel more inclined to just use your generic shoulder tackle to take down these plant enemies that try and eat up your stamina. The game admittedly gives you some magic abilities but maybe this is a me issue, I simply forgot how to use it and the game didn't explain it when I went to look at the controller settings so I ended up beating the game without using this with all but like 1-2 times(When you're forced to) but it would not have mattered much by even using this. The game is at it's worst combat wise when multiple enemies are around as it becomes a clunkfest where you really need to hope & pray you're hitting 2+ enemies at the same time to not waste resources and not get hit from someone while you're going at another enemy. I think the game is again at it's best when combat isn't involved as some of the chase sequences are the highlights of the gameplay from The Chant. The combat was so frustrating at times where you can get picked apart by multiple enemies that I would intentionally pop in & out of the enemy zone(They're an illusion or in an illusion zone) hit them and pop out where they can't reach me to help exploit to progress.

The story again I think works in a cheesy Sy-Fy/Sci-Fi original movie with a isolated island that takes in worshippers/people looking for a purpose to join a cult to better themselves and overcome loss/grief. You are quickly shown in this game's intro that there's a greater power and some sort of Cthulhu sort of abnormalities is cool. What is cool with the story of The Chant is the Remedy Entertainment style of video tapes you can find throughout the game that help with lore explanation of new monsters & the cult's well being, both the modern version of the cult and the 1970's version in game. The game gives you lore but it doesn't make essays worth of it and they keep it short & sweet, take note Remedy please. Voice acting is alright, I swear the main character of this game sounds like Max Caufield of Life is Strange, it was to the point I looked it up to see if they shared the same voice actress(They aren't the same).

Rating: 6/10. I think if the gameplay was at all clever and accompanied the cheesy story that can get pretty dark at times, you might have a nice AA title but it just is way too clunky to ever fall in love with. The boss fights/hoard of enemy fights are portions of The Chant that you just learn to tolerate rather than appreciate. The game throws new enemies at you that have like 1 new trick to them so i've played much worse games with enemy variation but not one enemy stands out from the pack. The boss fights are alright even if I wish they would give out checkpoints during the fights rather than make you repeat if you die at all. Def. not a horror game I can recommend and for some, it may not even be a real scary game so much as a supernatural type of experience. The combat makes Alan Wake 1 look like Resident Evil 4 and the game does lack some polish as well where I had 1-2 bugs that made me lose a little bit of progress(Game is generous with autosaves though). It's simply alright, nothing else. The Chant gives you free DLC but I just wasn't feeling the base game so I have yet to even play it.

21) Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga(XSX) 5/21

Came into this one with fair enough expectations to maybe not expect a great game given this game/Ninja Theory were in sort of development hell with this one but I was hoping bare minimum, I was getting the same kind of experience the 1st Hellblade game gave me. I feel like I got this so I wasn't fully defeated the way a lot of gamers were when they reviewed the Hellblade sequel but I can't say anything else in favor of the game.

Simply not enough was done to make it fully better than the original but it is still a visual/sound/atmospheric delight. Combat is very bare bones but I get where they are going for, they want to not gateway this game for a casual audience. Ninja Theory wants as many people to play it as possible and don't want the combat or puzzles to be too offputting. I just wish there was more variety in the combat and some actual thought process behind it rather than be a Punch Out clone of LIGHT ATTACK/HEAVY ATTACK/DODGE. There is a lot of walking simulation but the background is nice, it is about the same as Uncharted 4 had it.Hyperbole to say it's a terrible game but it's fair to be letdown that after 6+ years of development, this was the end result. Still solid for what it is, glad to play it on Game Pass.

If you liked the 1st Hellblade, you will (probably) like this sequel. It doesn't change the wheel at all but you know going in you're playing this for the atmosphere/sound(That music by the end is great, the warhorn viking drum music while fighting gets loud and obnoxious and it was wicked)/graphics and not for the combat or challenge. It's seriously press 2-3 buttons during combat and win and it's basically a throwdown where guys come in one after another in a cutscene formula in very repetitive fights.

Rating: 7.5/10. Hellblade 2 is roughly 6 hours more or less if you're trying to explore much of the game. I got 9/11 achievements as well so far from a rush job on my end either. Now, in comparison to a game with similar length that I played in The Chant, it's night/day on how much more enjoyable this game was vs The Chant. The stuff that's good in Hellblade 2 is really good, it's just bogged down by simplistic combat and puzzles for the sake of.)

It's about what I expected from a studio that was caught with the loss of their founder and changing from AA studio to Team XBOX but yeah....a diehard gamer or someone who has played a ton of these games will sniff out the flaws from the get go of this game but the casual audience or someone who doesn't play video games religiously may like how easy to get into Hellblade 2 is. I think it serves the purpose of not gatekeeping itself with difficulty so people can play and experience the game, including maybe people with similar mental disorders where gaming is a media that admittedly doesn't tackle or have many references to these types of ailments today.

Headphones are as marketed, a must with this game btw. So trippy, again having the devil & angel on your shoulder talking you throughout your journey and giving you both doubt & encouragement in every step you take is wild, it's like the voices are playing with your two ears and you consistently hear these voices for again nearly the entire game. Add in a giant representation of "The Shadow of Doubt/The Darkness" and it's a trip from a sound engineering standpoint, it's really good stuff.

22) Animal Well(PS5)(PLATNIUM) 5/20-5/21, 5/25-5/26

Do not sleep on Animal Well folks, holy cow this was the game of the month for me. I spoke about Hellblade in another thread but I just got the platinum(4th plat of the year!) for the game. At first, I was worried about the lack of combat, especially for a Metroidvania but once you get past that, you are in for a great ride. Off the bat, the visuals are so good, it has a beautiful and colorful 2D pixelated art look to it that just shined on my OLED TV. The puzzles are easily the biggest takeaway with Animal Well, they are thoughtful, and really made you utilize the various tools you get throughout the game. Every tool you get has a purpose! It's a pretty short game from the get go, can take you a good 5 or so hours but it's the post game where the game truly shines. Dark, mysterious, ambiguous are just some of the words that describe your journey to Animal Well. The puzzles will make you think and have zero shame of looking up what needs to be done, they are that crafty. The different animals that range from cutesy to outright diabolical was pretty wicked too, game has so much story/lore just waiting to be dissected. You're thrown into Animal Well in a Soulslike sort of "Figure this out on your own" sort of deal which is unforgiving but really makes all the triumphs you get all the more satisfying. It has the typical Metroidvania-ism of "Can't get past this part until later but you feel stronger/better coming back here with the needed tools" sort of progression that makes this genre top-class for games. It just has all of the markings of a really nice and easy to jump into Metroidvania, it's a massive compliment that a small group of people(Heard only 1 person made the backbone of this game which is awesome) put this out there. Best of all?

Free on PS Plus Premimum(Well free as in free after a subscription that is

Rating: This is an easy 8.5/10. type of game for me. The lone blemishes can be the backtracking can be a little rough, especially if you're trying to complete a full 100% completion of the game. Yes there is a specific room that is a hub that can have you go to various places throughout the game but it still doesn't make navigating to places frustration-proof. The platforming on it's own is solid but when you're being chased by a couple of threats(Won't spoil), it does rear it's ugly head in that regard. There's a near frame perfect jump you have to do while being chased that was easily the most maddening part of the playthrough for me. Could have totally done without it!

Likewise, a very minor gripe I have are the egg collectibles. There's 65 of them in the game and that part is fantastic! What isn't though is the inability to see what eggs you got vs which ones you didn't. Sure there's a room that shows you all of the eggs captured so you could technically base it off that but if you're far away from there? Shit out of luck. You just know the number of eggs you have but not which ones. There's too many names to remember from Devil Egg to Rare Egg to Upside Down Egg to Virtual Egg etc. There's no way possible you will know without a guide which ones you're missing. I was missing 1 egg but went to the room and compared it to a Youtube video and found out which egg it was before getting the trophy for it. Animal Well does a lot of good with it's menus but this was one that it could have done better IMO!

Full 100% completion took me 11-12 hours, just a very digestible experience. Thank goodness the recommendations for this one carried me to give it a chance, had a great couple of days with Animal Well!

23) Eternights(PS5)(PLATNIUM) 5/27-5/30

Started up a game that came out under the radar Q3 of last year in Eternights on Monday and finished it in 3 days with the full platinum. Folks this is my 5th platinum in like 2 months, your boy is cooking. Spirit Hunter: Death Mark 2/Ender Lillies/Tails of Iron/Animal Well/Eternights.

Back to the game though, what a pleasant surprise this game ended up being. Got it for like $10 bucks on a deal with Amazon so it was the right time to jump right in. I was just occupied with a lot of gaming at the time of this game's release that despite the $30 dollar pric etag out the gates, just could not fit it in but now? Perfect time.

I came in thinking this would be a small budget Indie JRPG with tons of Persona inspiration and came out completely fooled as this ended up being a Bayonetta/Devil May Cry clone with dating sim elements in the mold of Persona. Eternights borrows a little of each with the Witch time combat dodging mechanic of Bayonetta to the arena fighting enemies that both DMC & Bayonetta have(The main character of this game literarily can learn a move called "Stinger" which was one of Dante's infamous abilities, and it looks near identical!). The SMT: Persona similarities are more than just 18 year olds(Or in the Persona games, even younger) who fight together for a cause and can fall in love with the main character pending on how you answer them in social link moments. Much like in Persona, you have a specific date to clear out the main mission/story or else it's instant game over so you do have to plan a little bit accordingly on when you tackle the main mission, which can be done in 1 day used if you're good about things. What is going for Eternights favor Now of course as you'd expect, there's less social links like in say Persona where you have to prioritize on who and when to do them where as you have 4 romantic options(3 girls and 1 guy, you can only play as a male in this game) and nothing else to do as far as a social link goes. Eternights doesn't touch any of the 3 aforementioned IPs in their craft but all things considered, for what was a 3 person team who were behind the development of this game, it's a solid try at it.

The story is pretty anime tropish and much of the game falls under this where a group of young kids have to save the world from destruction where the entire world has been taken over by an evil presence and have fallen under it's control. Stop me if you've heard this before. Where this game excels is in the form that you do care about the characters you stumble upon and this game makes you do some tough decisions for the most part. In addition, the game does get somewhat dark where people do get killed in cutscenes. It's a pretty standard story but it was simple enough to not lose track of and was easy to understand so it was simply fine for me.

The combat is dungeon crawling action combat so again Persona meets Bayonetta meets Devil May Cry. There's no combos in Eternights sure but you have a skill tree where based off points picked up from various ways(Training with an ally or doing scavenger hunts with them or finding items at a dungeon exploration), you can learn better abilities and further improve your chances of survival. Again it's a very simplistic combat system where you do a couple of hits before you can do a strike and or deathblow that each do compound damage to help your chances out. It does get a little repetitive, especially towards the end when you're required to do simplistic dungeon crawling and combat sequences to further rank a romantic partner in this game which is necessary for the trophies attached to each option. There's for sure some diversity shown in the dungeon crawling elements with this one with some decent enough puzzles but I wish they appeared more. There was also a random motorcycle riding in a tunnel scene that I thought was odd to only be featured a mere one time in the entire game.

The combat does have a little complexity to it where you have enemies with barriers that must be broken with the exploiting of their weakness. See in Eternights, the characters you get travel with you in combat and offer support. One is the healer and does fire damage, one is the shield and does lightning, one is the AOE attack and does ice and you offer your own magic ability. Over time, you do. You build a meter based off your combat/dodging/parrying and when you do that you get to use one of these abilities and if you're doing it correctly, you can burn off that barrier and finally do damage to enemies. Weaknesses are like ICE and FIRE are effective vs each other and LIGHTNING/MAGIC(Not sure what the main character's ability is TBH) cancel each other out. Sounds simple but it becomes crucial to hit these exploits. In addition, this game has QTE's that take a little bit of time to get used to at first but become vital to add on more damage. Again it borrows from other games but isn't too overly complex which is a plus in my book in favor of the game.

The blemishes as there are a few with this game are....

1) One of the romantic options is practically useless as they don't help you in combat. They're a great buff if you put points into him where they can increase your HP/SP/DEF/ATTK plenty but they arrive late game so their impact outside of the story is bare minimum. Very important character to the overall story for sure but I wish they were a substitute for the romantic partner you choose who without spoiling anything you lose access to for a portion of the game, would have made more sense.

2) You can't replenish your SP at all in this game consistently. No items or any form of a pickup during your dungeon exploring. This is frustrating mostly because there's so many dead ends in this game which is always going to be an issue for any game of this genre. That's not a knock on the game itself but that there's only so much you can do when it comes to dungeon exploring games of this mold. Still though, I wish the game was better with giving you HP or SP replenishing options as often, especially in the early portion of the game I needed to use SP to heal and ran into the end boss of the area with no SP to use which meant the margin of error was razor thin. I get that the game is sort of poking you do fallback and use a quick travel to go back to your ship to replenish your stats to try at full health and energy but the game is all about utilizing time to create social links so I still felt there were better ways around this concept.

3) The game really does feel low budget. I was worried at the beginning as there was not only no intro to this game but the font looked like something straight out of Microsoft Word. :lol: Again it's a small team and all things considered, I think they did a solid job with Eternights but yeah, you'll see right away what I mean. Very unintentionally hilariously awkward 5 second scenes that go into a loading screen that served no real purpose or the VTUBER look of the character dialogue avatar when they're speaking. Couple of other tidbits that indicate this but again low budget does not mean doom for a game but you can't help but see some of these pop up when playing Eternights.

The game has quite a bit of perverted humor so that's more of a take it as you come sort of thing where some will find it funny and some will find is nauseating. Count me in the former, especially as it made me laugh quite a bit. What can I say, that's just the type of humor that always gets me. It's what made A.I.: The Somnium Files so friggin epic for me. There's legit a dialogue option every other choice that has some perverted ulterior motive behind it so be warned that it's there.

Rating: 8/10 for me. Was such a pleasant surprise of a game for me. It's not for everybody and you really should know exactly what you're getting into with this title but for what it tries to be, it's more than solid. It doesn't touch Bayonetta or DMC's combat or Persona's social link/romance simulation or dungeon crawling aspects but it does a respectable job of combined it all into one. I think for a first real attempt at this type of game for this relatively unknown studio that they did a solid job and it gives me hope that they're taking the criticism and praise from this game to maybe combat and hit a sequel even farther than with this one. By no means, this isn't a game you stop and drop everything that you're doing but hey I had a good time with it. After all, I did get the platinum in 3 days! Game ran me over 15 hours to do everything so more than decent amount of content behind this one, especially at the price tag it's asking for.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.

Pico Park 2 - Switch - 8/28

After the Nintendo indie direct a couple weeks back, I decided to grab this game for the $6 or whatever it was. For those who don’t know, this is a puzzle platformer that supports 1 to 8 players, adjusting each level based on how many people are in the game.

The coolest part (and the whole reason why I got it on launch day) is that randos can jump in and drop out as they wish, and since the entire game is based off of cooperation (and there’s no real communication between players, aside from some generic quick chats), it becomes an exercise of trying to use your character’s movement and actions to communicate with your teammates.

The best/worst thing is that EVERYONE must beat the level in order for you to move on, so it often gets progressively harder the more people join. Thankfully, you can kick players who totally suck.

I ended up making a room where a random dude joined, and he played through the entire game with me, start to finish. Meanwhile, we had a dozen or so other people jump in and out throughout the session. It was ridiculously fun, sometimes frustrating, and a bit chaotic. Especially when we had 8 players.

I usually base my ratings on how much fun I had, with consideration to the price. And this game absolutely nailed the fun-to-price ratio. The only bummer is that, now that it’s been out for a few weeks, it’s probably not nearly as populated anymore. And while you could get friends to play with you, being able to actually talk to your teammates would definitely take the fun out of it a bit.

If it’s still active, it’s definitely worth buying. 8️⃣


Astro’s Playroom - PS5 - 9/5

What needs to be said about this pack-in game? It’s short and sweet, but has so much character and fun concepts. I needed to play through it again prior to Astro Bot, and that’s just what I did.

And spoilers: Before I got Astro Bot, this was probably my favorite PS5 exclusive.

So good. 9️⃣


Astro Bot - PS5 - 9/15

HERE IT IS, BABY! I have been waiting and praying for this game from the moment I played Astro’s Playroom. As some of you know, my favorite games are Mario games, especially the 3D Mario games. I maintain that there are literally ZERO 3D platformers worth a piss aside from Mario, specifically in the AAA space.

Until now.

Astro Bot is absolutely everything I wanted it to be, and somehow even more. Make no mistake, this game is every bit as good as most 3D Mario games, and I don’t say something like that lightly. Astro Bot feels like it was developed by the highest talent at Nintendo, and as a Mario fanboy, that’s one of the biggest praises I could give.

Yes. The game HEAVILY borrows from Nintendo games (primarily Galaxy, Odyssey, and even a tiny bit of Zelda in parts), but who fucking cares? It’s not like there are tons of excellent 3D platformers out there. Furthermore, Astro Bot doesn’t just borrow from other Mario games, it generally expands on the gameplay concepts in ways that feel fresh and delightful.

Anecdotally, I counted at least 20 elements in Astro Bot that originated or were made popular in Mario games. Everything from gameplay gimmicks—like Galaxy 2’s cloud power up—to subtle “Nintendisms”, like how some of the sound effects that come from the PS5 controller match the tones and chord changes happening in the stage’s music.

And the fact that Team Asobi was somehow able to not only copy, but out-Nintendo Nintendo in so many ways absolutely blows my mind. They literally took decades of game development refinement and managed to fucking match the masters in this genre. That is INSANE.

But that’s not to say Astro Bot is void of original ideas, far from it in fact. There are plenty of original stage gimmicks that are more inspired by other Sony properties, and they’re just as polished and fun as everything else. Plus, there are some things (like the superfluous and amazing use of physics) that Nintendo hardware simply is not capable of doing. I’ve got extremely mild gripes (like, I wish there was a long jump, or just more traversal mechanics in general), but the game is essentially perfect as it is.

This game isn’t just a love letter to Sony’s history, it isn’t even just a love letter to 3D platformers and Mario games, it’s a love letter TO ME.

As someone whose favorite games are 3D platformers—a woefully underrepresented genre in the AAA space—I could not be happier with Team Asobi’s absolute masterpiece of a game. This is already easily my favorite PS5 game, but it damn might be my favorite Sony game of all-time. And I can’t stress enough how exciting it is that there’s another developer out there that can go toe-to-toe with Nintendo. I hope this game sells 20 million copies, because I demand more.

I have no doubt this will be my game of the year.

Absolute masterpiece. 🔟


Gold Member
Game 41 - Nier Replicant - 9/21/24 - Steam Deck - First time playing a Nier game, had fun with it. Got a little tiring running around to the same places over and over but it had a good story and I enjoyed it enough to play all the routes. Looking forward to Automata.


#66 Pokémon FireRed | GBA | 39 hours | 7/10


I chose to play Pokemon FireRed immediately after finishing Pokemon Emerald, and I must admit that it's considerably more difficult. It requires more grinding and strategy than Emerald (Ruby and Sapphire included) to overcome certain obstacles, such as the gym trainers, fighting Bill, or beating the final 8. I personally don't mind little grinding sessions here and there, even if they are somewhat mandatory. I'm a huge fan of the Kanto region and the older games. Even if they can feel boring at times, especially considering how far Pokemon has come in generation four and upwards, how many new gameplay mechanics were added, etc. Pokemon FireRed is definitely the ultimate Kanto game to play. It offers the best overall experience, and the endgame content is also really well put together.
Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox Series X Backwards Compatibility)


Rating so far: D

I am a Mass Effect fan when it comes to Bioware games. I did enjoy Kotor 1 and 2 as well, but Mass Effect was the bread and butter for me when it comes to me thinking of them as a great developer. I decided to try and get into the Dragon Age series by checking out the first entry on BC. I put 'So far' because for now I have decided to DNF this version of the game. I will attempt to play the PC version instead with mods sometime in the future when I get the chance. So, due to what I have experienced so far it get's a D.

There are a multitude of little factors, like small little cuts all over the body, that make this game one of the most aggravating games I have ever played. Whether it's braindead companion A.I., MMO-style combat that plays worse than the MMOs that released before it, small bugs that make you have to reload a save(that I looked up and the community just tells you 'tough luck' or download ___ mod), the most randomly high difficulty spikes followed by the most randomly low ones, certain classes being useless in the long run, lack of information about these classes being useless in the long run, queued skills randomly failing, random mistargeting, bugged skills, etc....

It all adds up to a game that feels like it needs a ton of tinkering (mods) and some pre-game research to be a definitively fun experience. It needs a serious remaster or even a remake honestly, but if it can't have that then I will at least play it on PC and mod it in the future.


26) Dragon Age: Origins (Steam with mods)

Rating: C-

27) Dragon Age: Awakening (Steam with mods)

Rating: C
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#67 Pokémon Platinum | DS | 76 hours | 8/10


After spending an immersive 76 hours with Pokémon Platinum, I can confidently say it ranks among the best Pokémon games I've ever played, standing tall alongside Pokémon Emerald. The game is an absolute joy, keeping me engaged and entertained from start to finish.

The first thing that stands out is the charming Nintendo DS graphics. While they retain the pixelated charm of the era, Pokémon Platinum brings the world of Sinnoh to life in a way that still feels vibrant and lively today. The animations, the overworld design, and the attention to detail is amazing. What really sets Platinum apart, though, is its improved story. The narrative is deeper and more engaging, with Giratina’s role and the Distortion World adding a much-needed layer of intrigue and excitement that Diamond and Pearl lacked. It takes the original plot and elevates it, making the experience more cohesive and compelling. The game’s balance is noticeably better, with a much tougher difficulty curve that makes the journey more satisfying. This balance is especially evident during the later stages, where battles feel challenging but fair. The expanded and more varied Pokédex adds so much more variety to team-building, offering more options that make each playthrough feel unique and fresh.

Overall, Pokémon Platinum refines everything that made its predecessors great while introducing enough new elements to stand on its own as a fantastic game. For any Pokémon fan, it’s an absolute must-play, and for me personally, it’s cemented itself as one of the most enjoyable Pokémon games in the series, right up there with Emerald.


Game 26 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD - Nintendo Switch
The name is literal. This is Luigi's Mansion 2, just in HD. Nothing is added, just better visuals and no stereoscopic 3D. It's fun to play, but not really anything that special especially since Luigi's Mansion 3 is better in every way.

Game 27 - Gimmick 2 - Nintendo Switch
SunSoft certainly made great games in the 90's, but Gimmick wasn't the best of them. This sequel isn't much better, and the platforming becomes an annoying grind soon after the first two stages. Some item's really need multiple pixel perfect maneuvers in a row, and that really grinded my gears. I wouldn't waste money on this.

Game 28 - Emio: The Smiling Man - Famicom Detective Club - Nintendo Switch
Now this one was a completely different beast. Following a new detective from Sakamoto was a joy, and while it leans extremely on the novel side instead of gameplay, it makes following the story more easy. No longer you have to move between a dozen different characters hoping to find the exact combination to advance, the game always points you to right direction. The story can get quite gruesome, too. I'm actually quite surprised they went that far with these disturbing themes.

Game 29 - Astro Bot - PlayStation 5
As a longtime fan of platformers, of course I had to get this one right at the release. This game is a joy, with pure and simple platforming with collectables. Suits perfectly for younger and inexperienced gamers as well, since there is minimal amount of dialogue, and the game is very easy. I don't usually mind games being easy, but I was able to clear the final challenge in about 10 minutes. Those were the only disappointments, though. There is also DLC promised, and you can already kind of see it, since they added placeholders for them on the maps.


Not a very exciting month in terms of games that stuck with me, but that's ok. Didn't have much time to play anyway. And October will definitely be better.

43. Trifox (5h, ). It's a top down (or isometric, close enough) action game that just doesn't do enough to separate it from anything else out there. It's fairly slow moving, it's hard to aim some of the attacks, it's hard to see what's going on sometimes, and the enemy variety is rather lacking. I think it's meant to be replayed multiple times with friends, but I don't have friends and it's not worth playing through twice anyway.

44. Steamworld Dig (4h, ). For a game that was completely superceded by its successor, this still isn't bad. Sure, it's shorter and simpler, but the main drive of digging and selling and upgrading and digging and finding new caves is still there. In that sense, I still had a lot of fun with this. It really is just a great concept. But, well, there is literally nothing that this one does better than SD2. All you can say here is that there are some caves that are different levels. Other than that, there is no reason to play Dig now that Dig 2 exists.

45. VVVVV (2h, ). I can see the potential here. Needing to explore to find your next area of challenging platforming was a nice idea, and the unique tidbit of manipulating gravity rather than a jump like every other platformer made it stand out. I liked it for that, and the level design was solid enough. But I never felt I mastered anything. Manipulating both your momentum and gravity always felt random to me. Maybe you have to be frame perfect, but I'm not. I've played and felt I improved in other precision platformers, but this one still seemed like random chance. Tis a pity.

46. Bang on Balls: Chronicles (6h, ). There is a lot to like here. It's an indie 3D platformer with massive worlds to explore, plenty of secrets, some fun customization if you are into that sort of thing, and a quirky weird charm. That's the good part. The bad part is that the secrets often don't feel like they stand out as worthwhile missions, the movement is somewhat slow and without the expressiveness of Mario or even Hat Girl, and combat isn't any fun. So I wasn't really motivated to get the full experience from it.


3 more to the list in the past week or so:

Uncharted Lost Legacy, Resident Evil 3(Remake), and Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (GoG PC Port)

I don't have a lot to say about those games. All are solid and it's hard to find flaws in them. Lost Legacy and RE3 both feel like spin offs of their main series', but really hold their own. All 3 are on the shorter side and it was kind of nice to just be able to wrap up a single player experience in 4 -6 hours. I don't necessarily want to spend 15+ hours on every game.

I'm currently at 31 games for the year and probably won't hit the 52 mark. I'm having a blast chipping away at my backlog though. Next up is the Shadow of The Colossus remake.
Back to slacking on updates.

August Update:
Main Post


59. Picross e2 (3DS) - 8/10

More solid picross puzzles. If you enjoy picross, you should enjoy these.


60. Kirby's Adventure 3D (3DS) - 8/10

Haven't played this Kirby game since my younger days. The 3D effect was pretty cool and worth grabbing this version as the eShop shut down. Can't really recommend unless you already own it!


61. Alone in the Dark (PS5) - 7/10

I wasn't as impressed with this as others seem to be. It was good but I found the combat to be annoying. Thankfully you don't have to use the combat very often. The stealth is also not great. I did really appreciate the goofy story and the length of the game, which is around 6-7 hours. I wish more games aimed for that. I enjoyed my time with it but didn't feel it was spooky or a classic in any sense. That said, please make more games like this!


62. Chex Quest HD (Switch) - 6/10

Backlog clearing! I had this on the PC back in the day from the cereal. I think I paid a $1 for it on Switch and it was worth it at that price. It's slow, and there isn't much to the game. It's a doom clone with Chex. You can knock it out in a little over an hour.


63. Summit (Playdate) - 9/10

I haven't played Celeste, but I hear this is very similar to it. It was an extremely competent platformer on the Playdate and extremely difficult at point. I loved it and was really impressed with the mechanics they were able to fit into the game. If you have a Playdate and don't mind a difficult platformer, don't pass this one up!


64. Tiny Toon Adventures (NES) - 8/10

Great Konami platformer for the NES. I remember beating this as a kid and had a memory that it was an easy game. Playing it now…I disagree, it's pretty difficult at times. Konami era on the NES/SNES was amazing and this game fits right there with the best of them.


65. Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon (PC) - 8/10

Continuing my Space Quest playthrough. I appreciate the updated graphics and audio. It also was a tad more forgiving on screwing things up. I had to resort to a guide a few times but overall I enjoyed this more than 1 and 2.


66. 100 Hidden Frogs (Steam Deck) - 6/10

I have enjoyed a few of the "100 Hidden" games but this one didn't really do it for me. It was pretty bare bones. I think I found all of the frogs in an extremely short period of time. It does what it sets out to do and not much more. It's also free…so that helps.


67. Maniac Mansion (PC) - 8/10

Originally played this on the NES and never got very far. Being a huge fan of DoTT, I felt I needed to give this one another go. I failed quite a few times and resorted to using a guide to help me at least figure things out. I appreciate everything they did to make it unique and funny, but I really had a hard time figuring out what I needed to do. It's definitely worth it if you enjoy PnC games and have patience for failure.


68. Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (PC) - 8/10

Another great Space Quest game that made sense to me most of the time. I really just had issues in a section at the mall. If you have played the game, you probably know what I am talking about. I feel like the graphics, audio and humor all come together in this game. I am taking a break before I go into 5/6 but I am really digging this series overall.


69. X-Men: Destiny (PS3) - 5/10

More backlog cleaning. Don't know why I had this game and I am now glad to be rid of it. This game really made my PS3 chug and I found myself having to reload saves to have the game actually properly load sections of a level. I couldn't even continue at points because cutscenes didn't know they should load. The RPG elements are bare bones and the combat is pretty basic. Also, who makes an X-Men game where you don't get to play as an established X-Men?!


70. The Fall of Elena Temple (Playdate) - 9/10

Another freaking awesome Playdate game. I guess this ended up on Steam at some point, but I love the crank mechanic with this. You must use the crank to go backwards in steps to successfully get through the puzzles. This really worked my brain at times, and I really enjoyed all the creativity they put into such a little game. Definitely recommend picking this up on Playdate if you have it. Probably still fun on Steam but would be missing some of the charm!


71. The Golden Compass (Xbox 360) - 5/10

Another backlog clearing that I am just giving away after. I never even ended up watching the movie but somehow the game was on my shelf. It's pretty bad and honestly have no idea what the movie is about after playing through the entire game. This has some of the worst stealth I have seen in a game…and I have played some pretty bad ones. Skip!


72. Star Trek (PS3) - 5/10

Another bad game cleared out of my backlog. It had some elements that I thought my raise my thoughts on it, but then it just felt like I was in the same environments over and over. There is a island/cave level that finally breaks up the rhythm, but that level was so annoying and frustrating that I just wanted to be back on the ship. Bad!
Fully updated and now on to spooky season!

September Update:
Main Post


73. Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World (Switch) - 8/10
Having played the original game a year or so ago, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this. I think I actually enjoyed this more than the OG and really appreciated the graphic updates that they put into the game. The game seems to be pretty much 1:1, and that worked for me. It is also fairly easy, which most of the Wonder Boy games aren’t. Solid remake!


74. Jolly Chimp Champ (Playdate) - 8/10

Another banger Playdate game. It’s a puzzle game and you use the crank exclusively. I don’t see how this game would work on another device. There are 100 levels in total and I had a blast playing through the majority of them.


75. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Switch) - 8/10

Randomly felt like diving back into Castlevania and kept rolling. III is a fantastic swansong to the NES and I feel it really holds up. My biggest issue is still the ending bosses, I have so much trouble with them and it took me way longer than I would have liked to finish it. Still, if you are a fan, do not pass up on this one!


76. Super Castlevania IV (Switch) - 8/10

I had never actually played this game and I came away really impressed with it. I hear that it is a remake of the OG but it still felt like a brand new game to me. A lot of the SNES effects worked very well. The biggest thing that worked for me, the controls and difficulty were more my speed. It made it easier…but also more fun. Solid game.


77. Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Switch) - 7/10

Way better than the first GB game. I appreciated the ability to pick which castle you want to go after first. I found this fairly easy and still fairly basic when put up against the other games in the series. I would definitely recommend this over The Adventure though…


78. Castlevania Legends (Switch) - 7/10

I found this to be just as good as Belmont’s Revenge. Maybe a tad easier, you basically get a powerup that makes you invincible. You can save that for a boss and then just power through them. It was also really short. Crazy this game came out so close to SotN.


79. Kid Dracula (Switch) - 7/10

This was a fun addition to the Castlevania collection and figured I would jump in and give it a go. Having never played it, it still took me back to playing random games on the NES and just falling in love with the music and levels. Outside of 2 specific levels, this was a really easy game. It you have the collection and like old NES platformers, might as well give it a go!


80. The Walking Dead: Michonne (PS4) - 6/10

Took a long break from Telltale and TWD series and was planning to keep up with the spooky/horror games for October. Having enjoyed 1-3 in the series…this one was just fine. The story was okay and doesn’t really connect to the other games at all. Maybe there were broader plans to keep the series going. Overall, the choices and story were pretty average but enjoyable. If you like the character and Telltale games, go for it! I’ll have to finish the final season sometime soon.


Gold Member
Game 42 - Warframe - 10/5/24 - PC - Got into Warframe with some pals and played through the main story missions and assembled a few frames. Lots of fun. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would, playing around wiht the different mods for different frames was interesting.


Gold Member
Finally have all the elemental vessels. Which one was your favorite to play around with jshackles jshackles . I'm kinda partial to Beserker Val, High Cleric Julei and Samurai Morely.
53: Balatro - Android - Beat 10/18

Holy balls, this game is absolutely incredible. I was going to get it on Switch, but then I saw I could get it on my phone for $7. It's the perfect phone game. It's honestly a nearly perfect game full stop. I've never really played a deck builder, so this was all new to me.


Game 17 - The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (PS4) - 98h 31m
Beat 19/10/2024 - my score: 9/10

Another enormous jrpg this year. Real masterpiece and one of the best jrpg I've ever played. Probably the best title in TLoH saga.


01 - Final Fight - SNES - Capcom - 1991 - 8 mega - 6.7
02 - Final Fight 2 - SNES - Capcom - 1993 - 10 mega - 7.1
03 - Final Fight 3 - SNES - Capcom - 1996 - 24 mega - 8.0
04 - Super Metroid - SNES - Nintendo - 1994 - 24 mega - 8.2
05 - Super Castlevania IV - SNES - Konami - 1991 - 8 mega - 7.5
07 - Castlevania Bloodlines - Mega Drive - Konami - 1994 - 8 mega - 9.1
08 - After Burner Complete - 32X - Rutubo Games - 1995 - 16 mega - 7.2
09 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse - Mega Drive - Sega - 1990 - 4 mega - 6.9
10 - World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck - Mega Drive - Sega - 1993 - 8 mega - 8.1
11 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles - Mega Drive - Sonic Team - 32 mega - 1994 - 9.5
12 - The Revenge of Shinobi - Mega Drive - Sega - 1989 - 4 mega - 7.9
13 - Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi - Mega Drive - Sega - 1990 - 4 mega - 9.3
14 - Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master - Mega Drive - Sega - 1993 - 8 mega - 8.1
15 - Splatterhouse - Turbografx-16 - Namco - 1989 - 4 mega - 7.9
16 - Splatterhouse 2 - Mega Drive - Now Production - 1992 - 8 mega - 7.6
17 - Splatterhouse 3 - Mega Drive - Now Production - 1993 - 16 mega - 6.9
18 - Golden Axe 32X Edition (Hack) - 32X - Sega/ jvisser - 1989/2023 - 16 mega - 8.5
19 - Golden Axe 2 - Mega Drive - Sega - 1992 - 4 mega - 6.7
20 - Golden Axe 3 - Mega Drive - Sega - 1993 - 8 mega - 4.9
21 - Rocket Knight Adventures - Mega Drive - Konami - 1993 - 8 mega - 8.1
22 - Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 - Mega Drive - Konami - 1994 - 8 mega - 7.4
23 - M.U.S.H.A.: Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor - Mega Drive - Compile - 1991 - 4 mega - 7.5
24 - Panorama Cotton - Mega Drive - Success - 1994 - 20 mega - 8.1
25 - Alisia Dragoon - Mega Drive - Game Arts - 1992 - 8 mega - 7.3
26 - Shui Hu: Feng Yun Zhuan - Mega drive - Never Ending Soft Team - 1997 - 16 mega - 6.9
27 - The Adventures of Batman & Robin - Mega drive - Clockwork Tortoise - 1995 - 16 mega - 8.0
28 - Wings of Wor - Mega drive - NCS Corp - 1991 - 4 mega - 6.5
29 - Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-Arm - Sega Mega CD - Human - 1994 - 2896 mega (362 MB) - 7.2
30 - Snatcher - Sega Mega CD - Konami - 1994 - 5000 mega (625 MB) - 9.5
31 - Sonic the Hedgehog CD - Sega Mega CD - Sega CS3 - 1993 - 4808 mega (601 MB) mega - 6.5
32 - Final Fight CD - Sega Mega CD - A-Wave - 1993 - 3584 mega (448 MB) - 7.0
33 - Keio Flying Squadron - Sega Mega CD - Victor Entertainment - 1995 - 4464 mega (558 MB) - 7.3
34 - Contra III: The Alien Wars - SNES - Konami - 1992 - 8 mega - 6.8
35 - The Firemen - SNES - Human Entertainment - 1995 - 8 mega - 9.0
36 - Gradius III - SNES - Konami - 1991 - 4 mega - 7.4
37 - Star Fox - SNES - Nintendo EAD / Argonaut Software - 1993 - 8 mega - 7.8
38 - The Ninja Warriors - SNES - Natsume - 1994 - 12 mega - 8.6
39 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - SNES - Konami - 1992 - 8 mega - 8.1
40 - Cybernator (Assault Suits Valken) - SNES - NCS Corp - 1993 - 8 mega - 8.8
41 - The King of Dragons - SNES - Capcom - 1994 - 16 mega - 7.8
42 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition - SNES - Natsume - 1995 - 8 mega - 8.0
43 - Kirby's Adventure - NES - HAL Laboratory - 1993 - 6 mega - 9.0
44 - Knights of the Round - SNES - Capcom - 1994 - 12 mega - 7.9
45 - Wild Guns - SNES - Natsume - 1995 - 8 mega - 8.1
46 - Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls - GBA - Square Enix - 2004 - 128 mega - 8.2
47 - Final Fantasy II: Dawn of Souls - GBA - Square Enix - 2004 - 128 mega - 7.5

I decided to start playing the Final Fantasy franchise, so in the final stretch, I'm stalling a bit, since the games are longer.

48 - Final Fantasy III - PSP - Matrix Software/Square Enix - 2012 - 4456 mega (557 MB) - 7.0


I finished FF3, it was so far the weakest game in the franchise I've played. The game innovated a lot when creating the job system, which appeared in later games. It was also where summons, such as Ifrit, Bahamut, etc., first appeared. However, the game has no story, at least nothing very relevant like it was in FFII, which was basically a Game of Thrones. Here the premise is the 4 heroes of light fight against the fearsome Xande who wants to spread darkness in the world.
Therefore, the game has zero weight in the story, but the gameplay makes up for it, because the job system is interesting, it makes you want to try several, as I did at the beginning.
The game's difficulty is exaggerated at some points, I believe it is one of the most difficult in the franchise, although it all depends on how you use the jobs, there are bosses that have weaknesses for a specific job. However, the catch is that at the end it turns into a boss rush, so you spend a lot of time on them. That's why the game is lengthened just because of that. The number of random battles is very high and irritating. Luckily the developers, at least in this PSP version, knew this was boring and added an Auto-Battle to make the game faster.
The soundtrack, as usual in the series, is phenomenal, the songs are catchy and encourage you to keep playing.

Overall, it's a good game, but it could be better if it had a deeper backstory. But you can see the game as a prototype, from what I read this job system was evolved in FFV, XII, Tactics, Bravely Default, etc.



#68 Silent Hill 2 (2024) | PC | 101 hours | 9/10


First off, I must admit I had serious doubts about this remake, much like many other longtime fans of the series. I couldn't imagine Bloober Team successfully handling such a monumental title. I've always held the first three Silent Hill games close to my heart, with Silent Hill 2 standing out as the best of the trilogy.

The Silent Hill 2 remake by Bloober Team delivers an impressive take on James, with his character design and voice acting standing out as exceptional. The game's visual fidelity is stunning, bringing the eerie world of Silent Hill to life in ways that surpass expectations. Akira Yamaoka's music and sound design are masterful, once again creating a haunting atmosphere reminiscent of the 2001 original. Though the fog isn't quite on par with the original, I personally found it to be far better than anticipated and a great addition to the remake's overall atmosphere. I also found the redesigned UI to be sleek and incredibly customizable, a nice touch for modern players.

However, it's important to note that this is not a flawless remake. My biggest issues lie with the character designs for Angela, Laura, Maria/Mary, and Eddie, which are far from satisfying. The voice acting, too, is a major letdown, which nearly detracted from the overall experience for me. These two aspects alone could have brought any other game down to a much lower score, but because Silent Hill 2's story remains so deeply compelling, they don't drag it below a 9/10 in my eyes.

Bloober Team exceeded my expectations, and despite my gripes, I enjoyed my 101 hours with the game.


Never thought I'd be finishing this with time to spare, but it looks like that is going to happen...

47. Nobody Saves the World (15h, ★★★). You develop a combat system for an action game with lots of different options like, say, multiple jobs or multiple attacks or, even better, customization in which attacks from one job can be added to a different job. Inevitably, players are going to find the few they are comfortable with and stay with it for the rest of the game. How do you get around this complacency? The solution here is to tie progression into the jobs themselves. You don't gain EXP via combat, but instead via completing quests. And you get automated quests telling you to use different moves from different "jobs" (forms in this case) in different ways. And, of course, you need to use your different forms enough to unlock new ones. So even though level design and enemy design is fairly basic here, the variety in your moveset was enough to keep the game fresh and fun for basically the entire game. It's maybe a bit too long and loses its charm near the end, but that's subjective and wasn't too bad anyway.

48. Inside (3h, ★★). Every once in a while I'll play a critically acclaimed immersive, atmospheric game just to see if I can get into them. And inevitably, the answer is no. Slowly moving in a single direction with some very basic puzzles and some trial and error gameplay is basically all there is once you get past the atmosphere. And yes, I understand the atmosphere is the point. So if you want creepy, nonsensical imagery in your slow moving game, good for you. I just prefer more game in my game than this.

49. Pikmin (5h, ★★★★). Ah, my old friend, it has been too long. And with all ship parts in 15 days, it appears my Dandori skills have grown since the last time we met. OK, so it required a couple false starts, especially of the scouting variety, but still, not bad! Playing this one after Pikmin 4 really makes it clear how much the franchise has changed. Combat is much harder here, and even traversal can be annoying due to stray Pikmin getting caught. But combat feels more rewarding because of it. On the flip side, only being able to control Olimar makes multitasking more complicated. And honestly, the risk of losing it all (even if I was never really in danger of it) makes it feel more real and challenging than Pikmin 4's laid back approach. The latter may be the better game, but I still love this one anyway. I wonder if I can get 14 days...

50. Kaze and the Wild Masks (6h, ★★★). Is this game very derivative of Donkey Kong Country? Yes. But that's not a problem; despite not being the biggest fan of DKC I really enjoyed Kaze. It's fairly short, but challenging with well-hidden secrets while simultaneously being forgiving with those secrets, and a great sense of flow. There's enough variety present to keep you wanting to move forward. And best of all, no annoying underwater bosses (yes, I'm looking at you DKCTF)! I got hooked enough to get 100% of the collectibles and secrets, which is not something that is typical for me.


Game 30 - The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Nintendo Switch
Zelda team rarely misses, and they didn't this time either. This game is pure bliss from start to finish. So many ideas packed into a a single game makes this definitely a worthy entry in the series.

Games 31 & 32 - Ace Attorney Investigations Collection - Nintendo Switch
Ace Attorney series continues to be a fun visual novel series. The characters are colorful and hilariously over the top. The series still has a problem with it's pacing, as some cases take far too long to complete, and have too many turns in their stories. I know this is a visual novel, but man.
Game No.1 - Air Twister
Playtime: 05 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.2 - Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest
Playtime: 03 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.3 - Death Come True
Playtime: 04 hrs. 08 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Game No.4 - GYLT
Playtime: 03 hrs. 32 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.5 - Guilty Gear Strive
Playtime: 05 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.6 - Samurai Shodown
Playtime: 07 hrs. 22 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Game No.7 - Under The Waves
Playtime: 07 hrs. 03 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.8 - The Shapeshifting Detective
Playtime: 02 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.9 - Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows Of New York
Playtime: 06 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.10 - Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Playtime: 05 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.11 - Hiyarigami 1-2-3 Collection
Playtime: 07 hrs. 12 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.12 - Gran Blue Fantasy: Relink
Playtime: 15 hrs. 32 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Playtime: 13 hrs. 17 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.14 - Dragon's Dogma 2
Playtime: 46 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.15 - Rise of The Ronin
Playtime: 36 hrs. 12 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.16 - Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 Plus
Playtime: 51 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 24 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo GameCube

Game No.17 - Stellar Blade
Playtime: 22 hrs. 22 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.18 - ASTEBREED
Playtime: 02 hrs. 08 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.19 - Endless Ocean Luminous
Playtime: 35 hrs. 32 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.20 - Banishers Ghost of New Eden
Playtime: 12 hrs. 52 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.21 - ASTEBREED
Playtime: 01 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.22 - TEKKEN 8
Playtime: 04 hrs. 35 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.23 - Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Playtime: 164 hrs. 36 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Game No.24 - FINAL FIGHT
Playtime: 02 hrs. 06 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.25 - Captain Commando
Playtime: 03 hrs. 02 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.26 - The King of Dragons
Playtime: 04 hrs. 32 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.27 - Knights of the Round
Playtime: 02 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.28 - Warriors of Fate
Playtime: 03 hrs. 22 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.29 - Armored Warriors
Playtime: 02 hrs. 30 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.30 - Battle Circuit
Playtime: 03 hrs. 45 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.31 - Street Fighter 6
Playtime: 03 hrs. 45 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.32 - Mortal Kombat 1
Playtime: 03 hrs. 35 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.33 - The Last Blade
Playtime: 03 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Game No.34 - Monkey King: Hero is Back
Playtime: 07 hrs. 05 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Game No.35 - Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch
Playtime: 11 hrs. 11 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.36 - King of Fighters XV
Playtime: 02 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 4

Playtime: 19 hrs. 45 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.38 - Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Playtime: 04 hrs. 40 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.39 - The Centennial Case : A Shijima Story
Playtime: 16 hrs. 50 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.40 - Shadow of The Ninja Reborn
Playtime: 4 hrs. 14 mins.
My Rating: 15 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.41 - Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch
Playtime: 12 hrs. 30 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.42 - Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon
Playtime: 35 hrs. 32 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Playtime: 34 hrs. 05 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.44 - Last Faith
Playtime: 97 hrs. 45 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.45 - Emio: The Smiling Man
Playtime: 12 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.46 - Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
Playtime: 06 hrs. 12 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.47 - INDIKA
Playtime: 06 hrs. 07 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.48 - REYNATIS
Playtime: 21 hrs. 49 mins.
My Rating: 19 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.49 - UNTIL DAWN Remake
Playtime: 06 hrs. 25 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.50 - Lolipop Chainsaw Repop
Playtime: 18 hrs. 35 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.51 - Bleak Faith: Forsaken
Playtime: 36 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5

Game No.52 - Red Colony
Playtime: 01 hrs. 35 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.53 - Red Colony 2
Playtime: 04 hrs. 13 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.54 - Red Colony 3
Playtime: 05 hrs. 45 mins.
My Rating: 20 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: Nintendo Switch

Game No.55 - Phantasy Star Nova
Playtime: 76 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation Vita

Game No.56 - Painkiller: Hell and Damnation
Playtime: 03 hrs. 05 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 3

Game No.57 - Slitterhead
Playtime: 18 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5
Last edited:


24) Cat Quest(PS5) 5/31-6/3

It's a solid 2D game that has you control a cat trying to save their kingdom over a world map. It's undoing is the sheer repetition this game has going on throughout. You are more of less doing the same type of combat and navigating through the area. Shame it takes so late into the game to have an actual manageable form of transportation(Flying) as it's a drag having to go place to place as the quick travel isn't as good as it really needs to be. By the end game of Cat Quest, I was sort of waiting for the game to wrap up a little bit as the repetition fatigue was catching on by the end of the game. Didn't end up pursuing the platinum as it required you guessed it, more repetitive grinding to get certain trophies. Probably a game that is best to play for like 1-2 hours a night, anything more will just feel way too mundane.

Rating: 7/10. Overall, it's just a solid game. The cat puns are clever and there's definitely an appeal to the game with how easy it is to get into and play but it's lack of complex is also somewhat of it's downside as the game ends up being something that you just go from Point A to Point B on a map and do the same ol'.

25) Lies of P(XBX) 5/31, 6/2-6/4, 6/6-6/11

So I played Lies of P last year on launch and nothing at fault to the game, but I hit that "Soulsbourne wall" where I just didn't want anything to do with the genre. Whether it's the difficulty or the exploration being near identical to Bloodborne and other From Software games of that nature, I ended up dropping the game with the intent of coming back to it when I felt I was ready for it. Purely regretting that decision, I wish I stuck with the game when I played it at the time of release. I think I was burnt out on everything Soulsbourne related so I dropped it with the intent of coming back to it but I wish I played it sooner. One because it is a fantastic game where especially post Stellar Blade, I felt like my parries were on point and I was reading things so much better than I was last year(The true ending final boss is a parry fest and required you to hit your perfect controls). I saw they also nerfed a couple of bosses health, particularly

King of Puppets 1st phase and Simon Manus 1st phase
, the latter in which I 1 shoted the entire 2 phase boss and said "That's suppose to be tough?". Felt like the people who played Elden Ring post patch Starscourge Radahn vs the people who played him pre patch, I was in the latter's boat here. The true ending final boss was pure 30 minutes of bliss though, it was such a fantastic final boss. I hate that the developers felt the need to nerf some of the tougher bosses and it's an ongoing issue I have with difficult games in general. I would much prefer a difficulty option for others to pick if they can't bypass a boss rather than completely tone the challenge down for everybody to compensate.

The great that it does, from the music(That still to this day I play, Feel and Quixotic are my 2 favorites) to the smooth action combat to the exploration of a puppet controlled world, has you absolute living through the madness that Lies of P gives to you. Even counting both NiOh's, I think Lies of P nails the perfect Soulsbourne inspired game to a tee, it really builds off so much of the foundation that Bloodborne helped establish. The lone major difference is Bloodborne focused on HP Lovecraft as it's primary theme where as this game really hits on home with a respectful homage to the Pinocchio theme.

Rating: Easy 9.5/10 game, practically Bloodborne's successor in so many ways. The 1st half had somewhat simplistic level design and I want to say up until maybe the Cathedral does the game open up with diversity of the levels rather than exploring through Krat for 2-3 times. This would have been runner up to RE4Remake for my GOTY last year and it's the best game I played this year although Persona 3 Reload is right there with it and still has the edge for 2024 rankings.

The fact that DLC Is confirmed is well deserved and I am all in for whatever this studio ends up doing. Shame I ended up going into NG+ but the journey was so damn good, that it might be something worth visiting again in 2025. Yeah the ending of Lies of P is pretty wild too, didn't expect that at all! One of the better games I have played in sometime, bravo South Korea. Pure hotbed of gaming for me with 2 really good titles in Stellar Blade and Lies of P.

26) Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC(PS5) 6/21-6/25, 6/28-6/29
***11/8/2024 NOTE The writeup listed below is probably going to be outdated information due to the patches/nerfs that happened after beating this game and it will be in a different form where I am recapping my sessions with the game vs giving a general overview of thoughts. Think it is better this way, also I typed lots so it will help me on the writeups in the long run lol***

Early 2 bosses of Shadow of the Erdtree:
Divine Beast & Retalla

My main issue with the 1st major boss most players tackle upon are the obnoxious camera and the FPS dips, especially when it does the lightning and ice AOE. It looks pretty and I am sure on a true high end PC it runs smooth but on a PS5? No way jose. My PS5 I thought was about to blow up at given portions of this fight and I could not even see where my guy is on the screen half the time because of how big this boss is and all of the AOE happening around. I shit you not, I even said out loud during the lightning portion of this fight "It's like pinball, my guy was legit just going around due to the boss hits, the lightning bolts, the lightning on the ground". I wish I can find the video that really illustrates all that I am talking about, may even edit it in if I do find it because man it's a boss that looks fantastic on paper but is ruined by From Software trying to do too much with the scenery flair & dramatics and a camera that you struggle even seeing where your character is much of the time. I had to lock off at given portions just to be able to tell when to roll out.

I do 2 handed blood/strength build in this DLC, much like I did with the original Elden Ring. No summons(Sans the aforementioned Malenia fight which still irks me). Sword of Milos+10 is the "Stagger Daddy" aka enemies get poise'd the fuck up with each hit before they succumb due to the damage or bleed build, the weapon also gives you a temp. buff in multiple stats when you do the "Shriek of Milos" MP ability. Have a medallion that I think I got from Mohg's area that grants you temporary attack buff anytime "Blood Loss" occurs for the enemies, which is often due to my build so as Ryback said it best, "I HIT HARD".

Sometimes the Sword of Milos is too slow though so my alternative weapon which admittedly carried me for much of the base game is the good ol' Blood Uchigatana(I want to say +25?). It actually draws blood loss quicker and makes me move a little bit lighter(Medium load) and I swing quicker but at the cost of less damage and less stagger. This weapon slayed the 1st major boss of this DLC since I needed to get quicker hits in and trigger blood loss quicker for powerup and damage output but the 2nd major boss my Sword of Milos was the go to.

That 2nd boss took me a good 90 minutes yesterday alone doing it solo, so much shit can go wrong in that fight. I had a run where I was 1 hit away but my character would not fucking R1 when I wanted it to and I wanted to go for the kill over prioritizing full health and she hit me with 2 shots on her final phase. Took a practically perfect run with like 5 heals used to get her last night.

We're back in the Elden Ring grind baby. I tried so hard to get used to a shield but after Lies of P and the end game of Elden Ring, just not for me. May walk these words back in the future but it's 2H all the way. Level 148 I think going into this DLC so perfect range that is recommended, gotten like 4-5 levels since. Game does not give you many souls/echoes at all in this DLC.

Still not doing the infamous JUMP+R2 combo that slaps this game, playing this like a old Souls game. :lol: :lol:

Dragon Killin'

This morning session I think I beat 8 bosses, 6 of them dragons:lol: This game went crazy with dragon fights which are similar on how to combat them. Each dragon has their own gimmick like one can raise minions halfway with their health, another was a fight between two dragons against each other leaving the major dragon to combat you at not full health etc.

Got a new weapon from one of the other bosses. Looks promising, bleed buildup and long range but the damn sword of Milos just packs too much of a punch to give up on it.

Hungry Hungry Hippo

So glad to be done with the
Golden Hippo
boss fight this morning. FROM threw a boss that is almost as bad as the 1st major boss fight with the FPS dip and the camera where you can see the inside of its polygon body while you can hardly see your character in addition to obnoxiously huge hitboxes. Had 3 tries to visceral if after he got stagger daddy'd but FROM made the genius idea to only have 1 side of the head be the place to do it so 2/3 I was on the other side and it's so big I don't have enough time to do it so I ended up just whacking it to try and make it bleed/buff my attack up. The other time was highway robbery with the visceral, got it in the orange/glowing spot but the game registered it as a regular attack and it woke it up from the stagger, wasn't happy at all. What a mess of a boss, FROM is 0/2 in these giant beast fights, they are abysmally awful. Hope there aren't too many more of these in the game.

Another dragon done where the dumb enemies who are fighting this giant dragon are attacking me while I am trying to work together with them to down the fucking monster(Great AI) and I stagger daddy'd this knight dude in a fort where he got destroyed in like 2 minutes where he bled and got visceral'd like twice. The Sword of Milos still does not want to escape from me, this bad boy is just him. #MightMakesRight.

Day 2 evening was filled with optional dungeons and bosses, think I beat 4 in general. That includes a dumb death bird that can frostbite you that haunted me for the morning, and some dumb gimmick boss fight that can 1 hit ko you if you don't kill enough of it's clones, took me like 20 minutes to figure out what the hell was going on.

R-E-S-P-E-C & Finishing Touches

And the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC has been downed. Begrudgingly, I ended up respecing and caving into demolishing my character, having to take the strength build and put it mostly on Arcane....but what I ended up getting was instead of a stagger daddy, I became a stagger GOD. This was the build I ended up doing minus the mask which I didn't get since I beat Mohg before beating one of the invaders that you can only fight pre Mohg but still.....

There was a build that that ideal for a bleed build like myself that I ended up basing my character off of to progress further into the DLC.
I already had much of this(The stamina turtle relic/blood increase attack) but the axe talisman basically made it that my charge R2 was the clutch here, the blade of mercy made such good sense on the visceral attacks too. The Sword of Milos is old news, the Bloodfiend Arm weapon that I read about is a killer. I +25 it with blood reaching over 220 which makes it basically 2 swings cause blood loss. I didn't use any buff either, this is pure read, roll and charge R2. My character doesn't apologize with what he does in killing you. It's simple but so effective.

3 big bosses forced me to respec and it still is by no means a walk in the park but I was able to take down all 3 big bosses that haunted me(Literally my Sunday night went from worry about maybe not being good enough to Monday sleeping really, really good). Thus why I evolved from swagger daddy to an absolute stagger god. I had no idea Arcane would increase the blood loss damage/meter, that was a pure game changer.

People have caught onto this bad boy, seen a lot of videos now giving this stagger god a whirl. This probably means it/blood loss is getting nerfed to oblivion. I would rather see FROM Software tackle the fuckin' perfume attacks or something.

This is still not some win button either, you still have to get your dodges as big bosses can 2-3 shot you, especially the final boss. You also have to stay still for 2-3 seconds and get a swing off that has to hit the enemy which they can sometimes dodge out of but when it hits, it hits HARD. It felt so good rocking one of the bosses that haunted me that was mandatory to beat in the DLC, he is in the beginning of the spoiler video. Did this all as a 1 man show, the game is definitely hard but not impossible. Especially post nerf which helps the beginning game of the DLC.

Overall: 9/10. The lone blemishes of this DLC was the frustrating FPS dips for some of the big bosses, particularly ones that really do some epic visual attacks that while look super cool, they are something that a PS5 just can't simply control. Everything else is pretty crisp with the DLC too and it's more Elden Ring if you are looking for a 40+ hour expansion DLC. Very tough to mess up Elden Ring but it's downright scary that even in a down year, that FROM Software can just outright put this type of effort for a mere DLC.


#69 The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Switch | 19 hours | 9/10


The game offers a refreshing experience with Zelda as the playable lead. I’d love to see her as the protagonist again. The echo system is just sooo freaking lovely. It is a standout feature of the game with a wide variety of fun and genuinely useful echoes to use during our playthroughs. The world is vast and varied, featuring a variety of different biomes, intricate dungeons, and clever puzzles. However, it suffers from frequent FPS drops, which is a noticeable drawback. Despite performance issues, it’s a solid 9/10 in my book and one of the better Zelda games, even if it doesn't quite reach the heights of masterpieces like Ocarina of Time or Tears of the Kingdom.


Game 18 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (NS) - 39h 52m
Beat 06/11/2024 - my score: 9/10

What a game. Really great Mario (I haven't seen a lot of text in any Nintendo title). Jrpg with adventure, puzzle and platformer elements.


What time is it?
#69 The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Switch | 19 hours | 9/10


The game offers a refreshing experience with Zelda as the playable lead. I’d love to see her as the protagonist again. The echo system is just sooo freaking lovely. It is a standout feature of the game with a wide variety of fun and genuinely useful echoes to use during our playthroughs. The world is vast and varied, featuring a variety of different biomes, intricate dungeons, and clever puzzles. However, it suffers from frequent FPS drops, which is a noticeable drawback. Despite performance issues, it’s a solid 9/10 in my book and one of the better Zelda games, even if it doesn't quite reach the heights of masterpieces like Ocarina of Time or Tears of the Kingdom.

Finished last night (#76) and I adore this game. To think I almost skipped it because the previews looked so dull. The sense of adventure and exploration is great and the music is so fucking good.
54: Black Ops 6 - Xbox - Beat 11/18

I really enjoyed this campaign, and I'm digging the game as a whole. I've always gravitated more towards Black Ops than Modern Warfare of the WWII based COD games and this is peak Black Ops, in my opinion.

That aside, it's been really nice not feeling like I NEED to beat any games lately. I really felt shackled to video games for the first half of this year and didn't feel like I was accomplishing enough.

55: Mega Man - NES - Beat 12/20

I haven't played this one in YEARS. Great game, but it's always hard for me to play it knowing part 2 and beyond perfected the formula.
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Game 19 - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5) - 56h 47m
Beat 26/11/2024 - my score: 8/10

Finished. Final chapter, boss and ending are completely mess. Besides some obligatory missions, like playing cards, push/pull boxes, plug cables, etc. I gave 8/10, but overall I am disappointed.


Game 33 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge - Nintendo Switch
Pure nostalgia for the 80's cartoon, featuring a huge cast of playable characters. Short and sweet, but the gameplay felt somehow off to me. Maybe I just long for the simple feel of old Konami games.

Game 34 - Super Mario Party: Jamboree - Nintendo Switch
Of course Mario Party games are never finished, they are played for years. This one is pretty fun, with many minigames and multiple boards to play in. You can also roll credits fast if you wish.

Game 35 - Mario & Luigi Brothership - Nintendo Switch
The hugely controversial game is actually a fun RPG, with fun characters, and interesting battle system. Only things I would have changed are the beginning and end. At the beginning, some crucial gameplay elements are not unlocked until several hours into the game, and the end drags on too long. Other than those, pretty much worth it.


#70 Diablo II⠀|⠀PC⠀|⠀30 hours⠀|⠀9/10


I first played Diablo II in the early 2000s and enjoyed my brief experience with it. Back then, my attention was divided among other games, and I didn't dedicate the time this gem truly deserved. Despite playing it sporadically for only 20–30 hours, I could still recognize its greatness. Most of my close friends were completely captivated, spending countless hours discussing rare items they had discovered, their character progress, and the sheer depth of the game.
If I had immersed myself back then, diving into its addictive gameplay loop, brilliant loot system, deep and flexible skill trees, and fast-paced combat, I'm certain I would have rated it a perfect 10/10 instead of a 9/10. The dark and gothic atmosphere, haunting visuals, and evocative sound design created a truly immersive world that felt ahead of its time.
The story, though minimalistic, was compelling, centered on the eternal struggle between good and evil and the pursuit of the Prime Evils. Matt Uelmen's ambient and melodic soundtrack perfectly complemented the game, amplifying its tension and beauty. Diablo II also pioneered many features that became staples of the ARPG genre, such as extensive online play, loot-driven mechanics, and deeply customizable characters, influencing countless titles in its wake.
For me, Diablo II remains an extraordinary game, only a hair's breadth from being a true masterpiece. It paved the way for modern ARPGs, and its spiritual successor, Path of Exile, continues to carry that legacy. As someone who has spent over 15,000 hours and invested deeply in Path of Exile, I eagerly await Path of Exile II to hopefully match the heights of Diablo II and its successor.

#71 Diablo II: Resurrected⠀|⠀PC⠀|⠀200 hours⠀|⠀7/10


Diablo II: Resurrected is a fantastic way to experience the 2000 classic in 2024, especially for those who have nostalgic ties to the original. With updated 3D graphics, modernized visuals, and quality-of-life improvements, it faithfully preserves the core gameplay and atmosphere. While this remaster is perfect for fans who wanted minimal changes, it might feel underwhelming for newcomers seeking a modernized take on the experience.

That said, I had a good time completing the game with all classes and diving deep into Hell mode with my Sorceress and Barbarian. Though it definitely doesn't carry the same groundbreaking impact the original had at launch, it remains the definitive way to play Diablo II today.


Done! And even a whole month early!

51. Unicorn Overlord (49 h, ). To my great shame, I bought Ogre Battle 64 many years ago but never finished it. Thankfully, Atlus came along many years later and helped me atone for my shortcomings. And I couldn't put it down. I didn't get too deep into the programming aspect; it didn't seem like it could do what I wanted without too many lines, but that's ok. Sending out my armies and slowly conquering the map never got old, even to the very end. The endless array of advantages/disadvantages meant no one unit or character ever got overpowering for me, and I was able to mix things up as much as I pleased. I had a really fast cavalry unit I would use early on to thin the ranks before retreating, a flight unit that never took shape enough to be a heavy hitter, but one I could rely on to take out towers, and a core army I could use to clear the main paths. One flaw though is the same as Pikmin 3, in that Atlus wimped out and renamed the easy mode to normal. So if you play, don't be fooled. Thankfully I figured it out early and the game lets you switch difficulties whenever you want.

52. Axiom Verge 2 (7h, ). The original Axiom Verge is above average, but I can't say much else about it since nothing really stood out to me. This game goes in the opposite direction. It has some unique ideas, and I appreciate them. The standard Metroidvania trope of exploring for 15 minutes until you reach a save spot and obvious boss guarding the next "big" powerup and leading to the next story point simply does not exist here, there really aren't any bosses at all and the powerups are often just lying around. The drone world connecting the normal world at different locations was neat. But it didn't come together fully and had too many flaws. The lack of challenging bosses meant powerups themselves weren't very useful, limiting the desire to explore. The drone parts weren't as much fun. The backgrounds made it tough to figure out what was a platform at times and what wasn't. But worst of all, your lack of options early combined with a lot of barriers despite an open world feel made the early part of the game feel like a slog.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Almost done!


Game 51 - Mortal Kombat 1 - PlayStation 5 - Completed Nov 30th, 2024
I love playing through these games' story modes - ever since MK9 it's been pretty consistently good. This game was no exception, and the story mode was honestly pretty great. Kind of a mix between watching a movie and playing Mortal Kombat in-between, I honestly find it pretty satisfying. I was also enjoying the smooth gameplay of the PS5 Pro, which was also really nice. I'm not sure if I'll buy and play through the expansion story or not, but I suppose if I get a fighting game itch again, it'll be high on my list.
Game No.55 - Phantasy Star Nova
Playtime: 76 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation Vita

Game No.56 - Painkiller: Hell and Damnation
Playtime: 03 hrs. 05 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 3

Game No.57 - Slitterhead
Playtime: 18 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 5
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Game No.55 - Phantasy Star Nova
Playtime: 76 hrs. 10 mins.
My Rating: 22 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation Vita

Game No.56 - Painkiller: Hell and Damnation
Playtime: 03 hrs. 05 mins.
My Rating: 18 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 3

Game No.57 - Slitterhead
Playtime: 18 hrs. 15 mins.
My Rating: 16 out or 25
Completed: Finished Single Player
Version: PlayStation 3
Not PS5?


Gold Member
Game 43 - New World Aeternum - 12/1/24 - PC - Fun MMO, relaunch was a lot of fun console players brought some fresh life into the MMO. Hope Amazon doesn't mess it up

Game 44 - Visions of Mana - 12/1/24 - PC - Really enjoyed this more than a lot of people seemed to, had a good time, end boss was kind of a let down.

Game 45 - Donut Country - 12/2/24 - Series X - Fun little puzzle game, also enjoyed much more than I thought I would

Game 46 - Factorio - 12/2/24 - Steam Deck - My friend made me try the demo for this game at 8pm, next time I looked up it was midnight, very addicting gameplay, see myself playing this off and on for a while.

ive been slacking at updating my completions, thats why all the dates are recent since October, I think i have a couple more but I'll have to look when i get home. still not sure ill make it this year but im gonna try!
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It's December! The final stretch! And with that, a big ol' stretch of waking up and updating that Hall of Fame...

Congrats to the latest additions. We're going to have to get some more in the Hall of Fame, them numbers dwindling, my own included :D As ever throw a DM my way with a link to your lists if you want adding to the Hall of Fame for the year.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

Game 52 - Life is Strange: Double Exposure - Nintendo Switch - Completed Dec 4th, 2024
I'm a huge fan of the Life is Strange series, though I didn't care for Life is Strange 2 - this should have been called Life is Strange 2 since it's a direct sequel to the first game. It was great seeing a grown up Max, and reminiscing alongside Max about her earlier adventures. This game had a great setting and fun cast. Extremely cozy vibe, very heartwarming story. My only complaint is that the Switch version of the game is absolutely terrible from a technical standpoint.


Game 20 - Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (XGP) - 07h 12m
Beat 02/12/2024 - my score: 7/10
Game 21 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (XGP) - 10h 35m
Beat 06/12/2024 - my score: 7/10

I've bought game pass to play Indiana Jones next Monday, but before that I finished these titles.

Edit; one more game:
Game 22 - Jusant (XGP) - 06h 02m
Beat 08/12/2024 - my score: 6/10
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There were 4 games left to complete and playing RPGs, I wouldn't have time. So I went to play some arcade games that I had selected a while ago, watching retrogaming channels:

49 - Violent Storm - Arcade (Konami Mystic Warriors Hardware) - Konami - 1993 - 137 mega - 7.3


Konami's Streets of Rage clone. It's such a clone that it has very similar stages and enemies too. The characters are also reminiscent of Final Fight. Plot is similar, they kidnapped the protagonist's girlfriend. Gameplay is good, Konami standard and the soundtrack is fantastic. Not only the songs, but the sound quality itself is very high.

50 - Night Slashers - Arcade (Data East ARM6) - Data East - 1993 - 106 mega - 6.5


For a change in beat n ups, Data East made one with horror themes, zombies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, etc. and of course, a lot of gore. At first I had downloaded an international rom and it had green blood. Then I downloaded the Japanese rom and not only did it have red blood, but the gore animations were longer. The gameplay is very good, each character has a sequence of attacks and a special attack. The only thing that's wrong with the game is the soundtrack, which is played on piano with horror themes, but it doesn't have much sound quality, especially after me playing Violent Storm. Due to the size of the ROM, they wasted space on animations...

51 - Mystic Warriors - Arcade (Konami Mystic Warriors Hardware) - Konami - 1993 - 105 mega - 7.0


This isn't really a beat n up, but rather a shooter, since you attack with shurikens most of the time, except when there's an enemy nearby, where the character uses a sword. It's similar to the gameplay of Shadow Dancer on the Mega Drive. The game has a sad ending! I didn't expect this from an arcade game. I checked if it was an alternative ending, but no, it's the only ending.

52 - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Arcade (CPS1) - Capcom - 1993 - 61 mega - 7.5


I loved the cartoon in 90s, although I don't remember the plot exactly, I just remember the protagonist talking about the flooded city of New York and the resurgence of dinosaurs. The game is Capcom's standard beat n ups, which I love, as they are always very well animated games, with good music and good gameplay. People at Capcom did a lot of work on Hannah's sprite ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Gold Member
Game 47 - Marvel Rivals - 12/15/24 - Series X - Great game put about 50 hours in with the friends already, some heroes are broken - Fuck Jeff and Iron man

Game 48 - Baisu - 12/14/24 - PC - Fun little horror game, only got one of the endings and called it a day, started a lot creepier than it ended

Game 49 - Madison - 12/14/24 - PC - Even better than Baisu, super creepy atmosphere one of the better horror games I've played, demon looks super scary because at times you only catch glimpses running around you etc.

Game 50 - Trais of Cold Steel 2 - Steam Deck - Finally finished the next part of the legend of hero's series, not my favorite one, by the end of the game I was ready for it to be over. Seemed like it went on a little long.


#72 Path of Exile II Early Access⠀|⠀PC⠀|⠀120 hours⠀|⠀8/10


Path of Exile 2 Early Access has been an incredible experience, delivering the challenging gameplay and scarce loot drops I was hoping for. While the game is currently a solid 8/10 for me, issues like poor HDR implementation and frequent PC freezes during loading screens are frustrating. Despite these setbacks, I'm excited for the full release in 2025 and can't wait to see how many hours I'll sink into it by then!


Another two games from gamepass.
Never played before in CTR.

Game 23 - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (XGP) - 18h 18m
Beat 18/12/2024 - my score: 7/10
Game 24 - Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled (XGP) - 03h 44m
Beat 20/12/2024 - my score: 8/10


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Don’t think I’m gonna hit 52 this year unless I blitz through a bunch of arcade games in the next couple days. Currently at 39, and need to add the latest five or so to this thread. But maybe I’ll have one more push if I can get some free time tonight and tomorrow. I’m hoping to at least beat Indy before the year is up.

Anyone have any suggestions for 20 minute games I can rush through?
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