The guilt by association with Milo and Coulter sucks. That hurts the whole video.
But almost everything a Maher says in this clip is just criticism of the religion. And it weirds me out when liberals characterize criticism as illiberal. Especially when the target is religion, the defense mechanism of the patriarchy.
Nearly everything in this clip he says is about muslims, not as much the religion.
Jon Snow: "Would you come to a debate about this with a moderate muslim?"
Bill Maher: "Find one."
Bill Maher: "Wouldn't it be a great moment for moderate muslims - who I hear so much about - why don't you go to the Middle East and fight ISIS? Where are the moderates who want to fight ISIS if they're so bad, if they hate ISIS so much?"
Bill Maher: "The most popular name in the UK for babies this year was Muhammad. Am I a racist to feel I'm alarmed by that? Because I am. I don't have to apologise for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam?"
Bill Maher: "The terrorists and mainstream [muslims] share a lot of these bad ideas."
Bill Maher: "When all the Syrian refugees were going to Europe, I wasn't for it."
Bill Maher: "Their culture is not like ours."
Bill Maher: "They're worse. What's wrong with saying that?!"
Bill Maher: "I'm not insulting Arabs or muslims, I'm keeping it real."
Bill Maher: "Freedom might not be on the top of their list of what they really want."
Bill Maher: "Why did they stop traffic and get on their cellphones and honk their horn on September 11th when the thing happened?"
Bill Maher: "Talk to a woman who's ever dated an Arab man. The reviews are not good."
Bill Maher: "If muslim men could get laid more, we wouldn't have this problem."
Anderson Cooper: "Islam is a religion of peace. Do you buy that?"
Bill Maher: "Yeah, they blow you up. There's a piece of you over there. They're violent because they threaten us and because they bring that desert stuff."
Bill Maher: "It's a culture of suicide bombing. We're dealing with a culture that is in its medieval era."
Bill Maher: "Hundreds of millions of them support an attack like this."
Bill Maher: "It's not a small percentage, right? Who believe in some of the illiberal ideas that support terrorism?"
Bill Maher: "Vast numbers of muslims."
Jon Snow: Vast majorities of muslims?"
Bill Maher: Absolutely! Most muslim people in the world do condone violence."
Bill Maher: "They do seem like professional refugees sometimes. I mean lots of places in the world have refugees. Look, America stole a lot of what used to be Mexico. But Mexico doesn't set up shop in Tijuana and lob rockets to Los Angeles! I mean, Germany, and Czechoslovakia, and Poland after the war, thousands and millions of people. When Indonesia expelled the Chinese. It happens, it's awful. But people do move on at a certain point. How long do people get before they move on? It's a fait accompli. Israel is not going away."
Richard Dawkins: "To hell with their culture."
Bill Maher: "There you go, Richard Dawkins!"