So this god could have created a perfect paradise but didn't. So then this god is indirectly responsible for all war and illness and suffering? It's all just some game or test, humanity be damned?
And another question: should we worship this entity and why? Or just fear it? Because in its omnipotence, it could easily prevent innocent children dying, but chooses not to? Regardless of the victim's faith, I should add. As if that does nothing, almost.
God gave free will, illness is a product of time and environment (cancers, environmental damage, etc.). Yes, people do die from disease. I am going through this now with someone close to me.
That doesn't mean God doesn't care. God did create a paradise, earth isn't it.
I am sorry to disappoint, I don't have every answer. Why do kids die? I don't know, I hate it. I do. Severely. Somethings I can not know the answer to, faith or science doesn't always fill those gaps.
That's the honest truth man.
Hope your night is great, sorry if my answer is underwhelming to you.
I do believe I will probably step away from this thread from here on out, as religious debate gets kind of circular, especially online. Not at all trying to ignore anyone and I respect you all disagree or agree with me. Doesn't matter one bit!