Well now that it's over I thought I'd give my thoughts.
The game is pretty damn close to being what I'd want out of a modern Halo game, but like
Ozzy Onya A2Z
said there's just so many little things preventing it from being quite there. Ones that come to mind immediately -
>Weapon balance is kinda screwy. Example, like I said before the AR is a laserbeam while the pulse carbine is just bad. Sniper feels inconsistent. Etc.
>Physics are bizarre. They work in some cases but don't in others. I don't like just phasing through teammates and that all of the hammer's actual gravity abilities are basically gone.
>Friendly fire needs to come back.
>Weird performance issues. Not being able to see your legs at high FOV. Weapon animations being low framerate sometimes.
>No Steitzer in BTB, literally nobody was asking for his removal in any way. And getting multikill medals to dead silence makes it feel unfinished.
>Not gonna mince words here - The UI is fucking atrocious, maybe even worse than Halo 5 and that's really disappointing to say. Extremely cluttered, unintuitive and glitchy.
>Aiming is still off.
>Dropwall feels like it's made out of tissue paper and is basically useless.
>I don't like the randomness of weapon/vehicle spawns, prefer them being static.
>Plasma Pistol vehicle stunning getting taken out in favor of the shock rifle. Bad 343. Bad!
Overall it's my favorite Halo MP since Reach, but Jesus does it feel like it could use more time in the oven and I really don't know if they're gonna be able to fix all this by launch.