Xbox announces that future Halo games will be developed on Unreal Engine 5


Gold Member
Disgusting practice

Imagine being a white male computer science genius, having to work far more grueling and demanding roles that are integral to the product, only for this abomination to make more than you with a BS in basket weaving and feelings
I hope one day more will come out of what was going on at Xbox around the time this current gen launched, the couple of years leading into it and directly after


I hope one day more will come out of what was going on at Xbox around the time this current gen launched, the couple of years leading into it and directly after

Just remember what the trained Xbox fanboys were saying on the internet and know that it was obviously someone from MS who believed in it and "leaked" it for them to spread on the internet

Even Digital Foundry swallowed a lot of fake news. Leadbergue, the old man from DF, took the bait of "fake clock to inflate teraflops" and Alex Crossdress took the bait of "RDNA 1.x, RT by software and unsustainable performance"

Xbox marketing was all based on this "reality". They believe the Xbox SX would be 2x more powerful than the PS5
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The Xbox gamers are just as much to blame as 343, imo. There would be a massive revolt within the Xbox community if there are big changes to Halo multi-player. The truth is, arena shooters with little variety in gameplay is a dead genre. But Microsoft is scared of fracturing the fanbase by allowing creativity beyond traditional Halo PvP
They already tried that. Halo 4 MP failed miserably because they chased COD and Halo 5 chase loot shooters.
Sweet Baby Boone

Problematic words like master and chief will need to go.


Kinda sucks but I get it. I remember seeing that Slipspace demo and being so excited for that engine as I loved the super clean SIMPLE look. They ended up ruining it when they delayed Halo Infinite for a year and when it returned Halo looked just like Halo 4/5 with Chiefs dirty armor and stuff and it looked nothing like the demo we saw.


What they need to do is completely reboot halo. Forget about any of the previous entries and start over. Basically what Capcom did with RE. After RE6 the game needed a rebirth and they succeeded in doing that.


The Xbox gamers are just as much to blame as 343, imo. There would be a massive revolt within the Xbox community if there are big changes to Halo multi-player. The truth is, arena shooters with little variety in gameplay is a dead genre. But Microsoft is scared of fracturing the fanbase by allowing creativity beyond traditional Halo PvP

Halo worked absolutely fine, was super popular.
you know when it stopped being popular? when Halo 4 happened. when they threw away the arena shooter formula and chased trends.

and ever since 343i was chasing trends. Halo was once a trend setter, it was its own distinct thing. then 343i happened and all that was out the window.
suddenly Halo needed a sprint button, suddenly Halo needed Loadouts and kill streaks, then Titanfall happened and suddenly Halo needed boosters, hovering in the air, vaulting and aiming down sights.

and even with Infinite, where they supposedly went back to what makes Halo Halo, they still fucked it up because they just couldn't help themselves from copying other shooters yet again.
friendly fire? can't have that! CoD doesn't have that!
grenade and rocket jumps? CAN'T HAVE THAT! that's not what CoD does!
omnidirectional movement that doesn't impede on your ability to aim and shoot? NAAAAHHH! can't have that because in CoD you can sprint and vault, so you gotta lower your weapon and change your view direction to do jumps now! because CoD does that!

Halo, ever since 343i took over is literally just "how can we cram as much CoD into Halo as possible, without making it look like we stole their homework?"

you know what truly would stand out and attract an audience? NOT COPYING OTHER POPULAR GAMES! because those games have an audience, and that audience won't suddenly play your game just because you copy their game.
Halo with friendly fire, with the fun physics of classic Halo, without any movement nonsense that pulls you out of combat just to get up on a platform, that is a game that would stand out as unique nowadays. and a unique and well made shooter absolutely has a far better chance in today's landscape than yet another shooter that does force bullshit in that's popular for the sake of trying to appease players that don't have any interest in your game in the first place
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This master chief looks like dog shit. 343 doesn’t need to be rebranded it needs to be disbanded. Anyone bemoaning the loss of the engine they made, did you play infinite? The game is a mess at its core the engine they made is clearly not up to the task.

This shows how behind MS is. Announcing using UE5 with some poor animation and shoddy looking models is a statement on what management considers quality. Halo is cooked I don’t think MS gets gaming anymore.


My name is They, They Them. Guess that will be the new catchfrase for the former Master Chief John.

Oh boy, this will be something wonderfull i say🤣


Really hoping they go back to the Dark , Decrepit Violent roots 1,2,Reach and ODST had. Hell even 3 had moments. If anything the TV show did well was showing the brutality of the Halo-verse


There's a future for Halo?
Sad as I liked the look for Halo Infinite myself and like In House studios being in control of their own tech.

That said it does look good, but sadly it looks for all the world that the next Halo game will be a launch title for the next Xbox



Play this video soundtrack on the new unreal engine Halo, cover the maps in vehicals, weapons, covenant and you have a winning game.

Also, while this comparison is a bit strange, Halo 3 VS Halo Unreal, it makes me happy that there is nod in the direction that Halo 4,5 and Infinate should be deleted from series now.
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Naked Lunch

As a Halo fan, this is the most exciting news ive heard in a long, long time.
Im glad to know the franchise is still being taken seriously.

A complete reset and rebuild of the Halo dev team obviously happened - and the dude who fixed the MCC is heading the entire franchise now (Pierre Hintze).
This is a good thing and Hintze is proven.

The talk of them wanting Halo to be a graphical showcase again is the right move.
Halo has ALWAYS had the gameplay - but Halo 5 and Infinite just looked terrible.

Unfortunately - its going to be (yet another) super long wait for the next game.
I really, really hope they get rid of sprint. Just do it. Look at what made the gameplay of H1 2 3 so great.

Who knows the landscape of gaming by the time this releases - but I would still mark this as being an Xbox/PC exclusive.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
Literally today, I booted up Infinite and started a new story campaign. Got 30 minutes in and it hard locked up my XSX. So I do a google and find loads of people reporting the same instability. For a first party top tier IP, its shockingly bad how Xbox and its studio handled this. I love Halo, so lets hope one day its put in the hands of people who know what the fuck they are doing.
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