In multiplayer ive been experimenting and unlocked some new layers to the gameplay.
-Ive been testing dropping your weapon in firefights. AR, shield pop, drop AR, pistol. When you are for sure 1 v 1, try it. Youll win everytime. Basically you can fire your secondary instantly in comparison to the stock weapon switch. "Hold This".
-I thought pulse rifle forever sucked until I ran into this dude using it a certain way. Basically shoot and hit with 2 bursts - then pistol. The pulse rifle rarely kills, so dont even try - in this game, in this state - its a shield killer only. Drops insanely quick. No one uses this thing but thats how you do it. Even try it with the aforementioned weapon drop.
-Turn off auto clamber in the options. Theres many ledges in multiplayer where it makes you clamber even though you dont have to. Clambering makes you shoot slower - and traverse just a bit slower.
I don't mind the addition but the pricing on this stuff is woof. Clearly though people are spending money on all of it. Ugh...
Yep - definitely following the typical overpriced cosmetic template. Games like Smite and League of Legends sell skins at $30-100 a pop. Insanity. I still will buy Halo stuff I really want though.
I guess thats the tradeoff of F2P - the game does seems quite popular - so ill live with it. They just have to get a steady flow of new content, as in maps and modes.