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A Halogaf Community Thread: The Old Becomes New


Gold Member
I thought halo could have like an automatic shield on front when ads. It would deplete quickly under fire or just by itself and then recharge. Melee could be integral part of core gameplay and have stuns and throws.


Anyone have something they’re hoping will come to the next Halo?
From a multiplayer point of view, all I ever wanted was a more vanilla Halo game. Without all the abilities, clamber, sprint etc. I really hope we'll someday get to see both ends of the spectrum getting an equal amount of attention within a single title.

I want more colorful maps again, no more grey spartan training ground stuff. Introduce more flora/fauna. Remove all the visual clutter from the HUD. Get rid of those ugly player outlines and return red vs blue.

I hope the next game has actual decent physics and sandbox elements. Infinite is almost punishable in that regard, with explosions doing jack shit, most objects being either too heavy to mess around with or having too fast of a despawn rate. Clamber and grapple got rid of all incentive to have good map movement/agility as well. Really hope the next game will be a bit more daring.
Can they set aside a small team and do a remake or reboot of Halo: CE multiplayer? :messenger_tears_of_joy: It's my first first person shooter love. I can't even get excited about the next Halo game. Even 3 years would be too far away for me to care or get excited and development will probably take 6+... So yay.
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Naked Lunch

Halo GAF dudes, you gotta try the Halo 3 playlist in Infinite.
Seriously the most fun ive had in Halo in years.

Just had some incredible matches on Classic Pit and 1 flag High Ground.
Really nice map selection. Not a fan of the amount of oddball that pops up but even that is still fun.
Hopefully the playlist is permanent.

I gotta say the forge maps DO look good too. Forge maps looked really bad in Halo 4 and 5 - the newest classic Pit (not the neon one) looks fantastic.
They did a great job on High Ground too - complete with workable switches that open the gate and such. Some neat surprises on some of the maps too like new areas.

Overall, im still not a fan of how fast Infinite is, I hate sprint and clamber too - but this is some fun Halo.


The teleporter equipment is pretty damn sweet. Few things are cooler than using instant transmission to dodge a rocket and then come back to kill the dingus reloading. The devs deserve a pat on the back.

I just can’t get into the game though sadly. Too many little things and some big things are missing in the gameplay and systems. Guess it’s back to 3, Reach, and 5 for me lol
I had the day off today. I thought I'd catch up on some Star Wars. I start watching Boba Fett because I never finished the series on Disney+. Episode 5 begins and all of a sudden I'm watching the Mandalorian land on a Halo ring lol.

I would have preferred content such as DLC, story expansion, coop missions or a paid full blown editor beyond Forge and PC based etc. Free to play is nice for maps and modes but there are so many ways they could have expanded paid content rather that just digital-barbie-chief.

343 could have drilled down to paid local servers in matchmaking/forge/custom games browser being a thing or create your own adventure style coop mini campaigns or something new and fresh e.g. mods run like Nexus Mods subs.

How the powers that be with Halo have never expanded on the campaign/story is beyond a joke.
Not very often, but occasionally, I go over to halowaypoint to check out the most recent news. I saw a big update is coming out for Infinite on Tuesday. Looks promising, but I'll wait and see what others say before getting more excited. There appears to be some hefty and much requested changes. Fixing desync really stuck out to me among other changes.
Here is a snippet:
"A completely overhauled networking model will be coming to Halo Infinite in a matter of days.

After launch, we heard the feedback around the game’s online experience loud and clear: desync, being shot around corners, etc. And while we did release numerous updates to the previous model, they were not having the impact that players expected and deserved. When we recognized this, the team decided to shift gears and pursue a fundamental change to the underlying networking model. Since then, we’ve been heads down to make it happen.

Last December, we shared a first look at it when it launched in Firefight: King of the Hill and was featured in the Combat Workshop. It was great to see such a positive response from the community online, in our surveys, and on Halo Support—but we knew that it still needed some extra polish before it could roll out on a wider scale.

Now that we’ve given it that extra time, we are confident that this updated model will result in a better and more consistent multiplayer experience."

Great Job Reaction GIF
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I do not like the new network model one bit…I have to lead my shots a lot more.
I'm sure it's a change. For you has the new experience been consistent at least, meaning once you get used to leading shots more, there will be less incidents of hits not registering? I think I could accept the change as long as it is consistent. The lack of consistency has been a problem for a long time.
I like these new forge maps for squad battle. The headlong remake looks legit. All of them are pretty sick.

Since the surprise introduction of Squad Battle to Halo Infinite, it has very quickly become a staple of the Halo Infinite experience. Existing in the space between classic 4v4 Team Slayer games and the 12v12 mayhem of Big Team Battle, Squad Battle is a nostalgia filled, action packed 8v8 mode that is ripe for carnage. The current maps should seem familiar and, thanks to our incredibly talented Forgers, the upcoming batch should also be a walk down memory lane. There’s a good mix from across the titles so let’s take a tour!
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Ooh check it!

This would be a lot of fun. Also, I always felt vehicles were too OP in Halo 3. Perhaps the settings in Infinite would balance it out a bit.
Having played a little Forge'd squad battle in Infinite it was a bit of a mess e.g. no missle pod, no laser, no banshee to balance out the hog and ghost teams get and just wreck the map with. If it's balanced like dev quality it could be good, I'll try it out either way.
Having played a little Forge'd squad battle in Infinite it was a bit of a mess e.g. no missle pod, no laser, no banshee to balance out the hog and ghost teams get and just wreck the map with. If it's balanced like dev quality it could be good, I'll try it out either way.
Yeah I wasn't even considering certain weapons not being available from Halo 3. If you get a chance to try it out let us know what you think. I still don't have a Series S/X but might consider buying a digital Series S for Infinite with all the forge content being created. The days of playing Halo on my laptop are over. It's too old.
Yeah I wasn't even considering certain weapons not being available from Halo 3. If you get a chance to try it out let us know what you think. I still don't have a Series S/X but might consider buying a digital Series S for Infinite with all the forge content being created. The days of playing Halo on my laptop are over. It's too old.

The S is a good option to enjoy MCC and Infinite and emulation on. Also -


Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
Wanted to get back thanks to Yappening but I can't launch the game on PC because of EasyAntiCheat fucking up, I tried reinstalling it, reinstalling the whole game, same issue.
It's in the known issues since two weeks according to reddit, I guess I will have to play on Xbox...


Man. I'm loving firefight so so much. So stress free or try hard, whichever way I'd like.

Wish there were more maps and random rotation of shit but all in all I'm having a blast (still?)


Gold Member

had to post this, this is certainly the first things I think of when I think "Halo"

although to be fair I could see why the remaining Infinite player base might need more mental health support than the average one.

Naked Lunch

Hopped on Infinite for the first time in months this past week or 2.
Very cool they added a match composer now - you can choose exactly what you want to play. MCC got this feature a couple years back and its finally in Infinite.
All Halos needed to have this from day one - that always been my beef with the series - having to hope you get want you want to play in matchmaking was never cool.

Had an insane match on this new(er) Husky Raid CTF - the kinda match that is only possible in Halo and old school PC FPS like Team Fortress.
Glad to see the crazy area style CTF is still alive somewhere in online gaming.

I had fun and the game seems to have had many tweaks and improvements from when I last played. So many maps in there now.
Still not a fan of the herky jerky nonsensical combat when you are up close in Infinite. The game still doesnt feel or play quite as good as Halo 2 and 3. Hopefully they can get this right in the next Halo.
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