Seems strange that Star Wars would not have a videogame based on it's most popular property today:
As much as I despise the fact that Electronic Arts owns the license, I enjoyed the hell out of Jedi Fallen Order. But while I'd like to see a sequel to that game, I'm kind of getting sick of playing a Jedi everytime in a Star Wars game. For the next single player Star Wars game EA should not force us to use lightsabers exclusively and make us smoke fools with a blaster.
Fortunately for us, The Mandalorian series on Disney+ has become a hit with audiences and made the Star Wars universe's resident armored badasses as cool as the Jedi (I'd daresay even cooler). But if EA were to make a new game with a Mandalorian protagonist, who would it be? Below I've listed the possible choices EA might go for:
Din Djarin - Of course, he's the star of the show. But since the series is still going on, I find it unlikely that they'd make a game chronicling his further adventures with Grogu (aka the Child). But if they do make a game starring him, it could chronicle his career as a bounty hunter before the series began. It seems unlikely however, unless series creator Jon Favreau has a hand in writing the game's story. Would be cool though.
Boba Fett - The latest episode featured the return of the fan favorite character who made Mandalorians a thing in the first place. Fett's return was handled brilliantly and could be the start of a new round of Boba related media, including videogames. It's not there isn't a precedent. 2002's Star Wars Bounty Hunter starred his father Jango Fett and was well recieved by gamers and critics alike. A game focused on Boba's exploits in the post Return of the Jedi universe would be sweet if done right.
Bo Katan Kryze - Episode 11 featured the live action debut of this character from the Clone Wars cartoon played by Katee Sackoff. Due to my not watching Clone Wars and the Rebels series I'm not that familiar with Bo Katan as a character. Still, it was cool to see a female Mando leader in action and that could translate well into a videogame.
A new character - This for me seems the most likely scenario and would allow developers more freedom to craft a story that would fit well in a videogame. In the series it's implied that there are many mandalorians in hiding after the purge of Mandalore by the Empire. The player could start out as the member another Mandalorian covert in some other part of the galaxy doing missions for the benefit of the clan.
Again, this is all just speculation since EA likes to move at a snail's pace when producing a new Star Wars game. But man it would it be sweet to play as a Mandalorian. But what say you GAF?

As much as I despise the fact that Electronic Arts owns the license, I enjoyed the hell out of Jedi Fallen Order. But while I'd like to see a sequel to that game, I'm kind of getting sick of playing a Jedi everytime in a Star Wars game. For the next single player Star Wars game EA should not force us to use lightsabers exclusively and make us smoke fools with a blaster.
Fortunately for us, The Mandalorian series on Disney+ has become a hit with audiences and made the Star Wars universe's resident armored badasses as cool as the Jedi (I'd daresay even cooler). But if EA were to make a new game with a Mandalorian protagonist, who would it be? Below I've listed the possible choices EA might go for:

Din Djarin - Of course, he's the star of the show. But since the series is still going on, I find it unlikely that they'd make a game chronicling his further adventures with Grogu (aka the Child). But if they do make a game starring him, it could chronicle his career as a bounty hunter before the series began. It seems unlikely however, unless series creator Jon Favreau has a hand in writing the game's story. Would be cool though.

Boba Fett - The latest episode featured the return of the fan favorite character who made Mandalorians a thing in the first place. Fett's return was handled brilliantly and could be the start of a new round of Boba related media, including videogames. It's not there isn't a precedent. 2002's Star Wars Bounty Hunter starred his father Jango Fett and was well recieved by gamers and critics alike. A game focused on Boba's exploits in the post Return of the Jedi universe would be sweet if done right.

Bo Katan Kryze - Episode 11 featured the live action debut of this character from the Clone Wars cartoon played by Katee Sackoff. Due to my not watching Clone Wars and the Rebels series I'm not that familiar with Bo Katan as a character. Still, it was cool to see a female Mando leader in action and that could translate well into a videogame.
A new character - This for me seems the most likely scenario and would allow developers more freedom to craft a story that would fit well in a videogame. In the series it's implied that there are many mandalorians in hiding after the purge of Mandalore by the Empire. The player could start out as the member another Mandalorian covert in some other part of the galaxy doing missions for the benefit of the clan.
Again, this is all just speculation since EA likes to move at a snail's pace when producing a new Star Wars game. But man it would it be sweet to play as a Mandalorian. But what say you GAF?