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A new age of Piracy I daresay?

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sauce: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/01/w...20000&en=040eb2e949d5b4ff&ei=5087&oref=slogin

Somali Pirates Tell All: They’re in It for the Money

NAIROBI, Kenya — The Somali pirates who hijacked a Ukrainian freighter loaded with tanks, artillery, grenade launchers and ammunition said in an interview on Tuesday that they had no idea the ship was carrying arms when they seized it on the high seas.
“We just saw a big ship,” the pirates’ spokesman, Sugule Ali, said in a telephone interview. “So we stopped it.”

The pirates quickly learned, though, that their booty was an estimated $30 million worth of heavy weaponry, heading for Kenya or Sudan, depending on whom you ask.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted (“just money”) to why they were doing this (“to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters”) to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “you know, normal human-being food”).

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he said. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard.”

The pirates who answered the phone call on Tuesday morning said they were speaking by satellite phone from the bridge of the Faina, the Ukrainian cargo ship that was hijacked about 200 miles off the coast of Somalia on Thursday. Several pirates talked but said that only Mr. Sugule was authorized to be quoted. Mr. Sugule acknowledged that they were now surrounded by American warships, but he did not sound afraid. “You only die once,” Mr. Sugule said.

He said that all was peaceful on the ship, despite unconfirmed reports from maritime organizations in Kenya that three pirates were killed in a shootout among themselves on Sunday or Monday night.

He insisted that the pirates were not interested in the weapons and had no plans to sell them to Islamist insurgents battling Somalia’s weak transitional government. “Somalia has suffered from many years of destruction because of all these weapons,” he said. “We don’t want that suffering and chaos to continue. We are not going to offload the weapons. We just want the money.”

He said the pirates were asking for $20 million in cash; “we don’t use any other system than cash.” But he added that they were willing to bargain. “That’s deal-making,” he explained.

Piracy in Somalia is a highly organized, lucrative, ransom-driven business. Just this year, pirates hijacked more than 25 ships, and in many cases, they were paid million-dollar ransoms to release them. The juicy payoffs have attracted gunmen from across Somalia, and the pirates are thought to number in the thousands.

The piracy industry started about 10 to 15 years ago, Somali officials said, as a response to illegal fishing. Somalia’s central government imploded in 1991, casting the country into chaos. With no patrols along the shoreline, Somalia’s tuna-rich waters were soon plundered by commercial fishing fleets from around the world. Somali fishermen armed themselves and turned into vigilantes by confronting illegal fishing boats and demanding that they pay a tax.

“From there, they got greedy,” said Mohamed Osman Aden, a Somali diplomat in Kenya. “They starting attacking everyone.”

By the early 2000s, many of the fishermen had traded in their nets for machine guns and were hijacking any vessel they could catch: sailboat, oil tanker, United Nations-chartered food ship.

“It’s true that the pirates started to defend the fishing business,” Mr. Mohamed said. “And illegal fishing is a real problem for us. But this does not justify these boys to now act like guardians. They are criminals. The world must help us crack down on them.”

The United States and several European countries, in particular France, have been talking about ways to patrol the waters together. The United Nations is even considering something like a maritime peacekeeping force. Because of all the hijackings, the waters off Somalia’s coast are considered the most dangerous shipping lanes in the world.

On Tuesday, several American warships — around five, according to one Western diplomat — had the hijacked freighter cornered along the craggy Somali coastline. The American ships allowed the pirates to bring food and water on board, but not to take weapons off. A Russian frigate is also on its way to the area.

Lt. Nathan Christensen, a Navy spokesman, said on Tuesday that he had heard the unconfirmed reports about the pirate-on-pirate shootout, but that the Navy had no more information. “To be honest, we’re not seeing a whole lot of activity” on the ship, he said.

In Washington, Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, declined to discuss any possible American military operations to capture the ship.

“Our concern is right now making sure that there’s a peaceful resolution to this, that this cargo does not end up in the hands of anyone who would use it in a way that would be destabilizing to the region,” Mr. Morrell told reporters at the Pentagon. He said the United States government was not involved in any negotiations with the pirates. He also said he had no information about reports that the pirates had exchanged gunfire among themselves.

Kenyan officials continued to maintain that the weapons aboard were part of a legitimate arms deal for the Kenyan military, even though several Western diplomats, Somali officials and the pirates themselves said the arms were part of a secret deal to funnel weapons to southern Sudan.

Somali officials are urging the Western navies to storm the ship and arrest the pirates because they say that paying ransoms only fuels the problem. Western diplomats, however, have said that such a commando operation would be very difficult because the ship is full of explosives and the pirates could use the 20 crew members as human shields.

Mr. Sugule said his men were treating the crew members well. (The pirates would not let the crew members speak on the phone, saying it was against their rules.) “Killing is not in our plans,” he said. “We only want money so we can protect ourselves from hunger.”

When asked why the pirates needed $20 million to protect themselves from hunger, Mr. Sugule laughed and said, “Because we have a lot of men.”

Now everybody rush to Somalia so we can partake in this new age of piracy before it ends!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mr. Sugule in You Only Die Once.

Yeah, I just imagined a new James Bond spinoff involving pirates.



"See... right now we're sending in weapons to Somalia, but they're not getting to the people who need them because they're being intercepted by the warlor... I mean pirates."
Ventrue said:
Because letting pirates have tanks is a generally bad idea for everyone?

Um, let everyone else do it. I'm sick of USA being the fucking world police.
Once again, Ukraine take care of your own fuck ups.


KibblesBits said:
Um, let everyone else do it. I'm sick of USA being the fucking world police.
Once again, Ukraine take care of your own fuck ups.

The US has military bases and ships all over the world. They're generally the best prepared to respond to international matters.

Ukraine wouldn't get screwed if nothing was done; they'd just be out a little money. The African countries would be the ones getting screwed by this, and having further destabilisation of Africa is not in anyone's interests.
Ventrue said:
The US has military bases and ships all over the world. They're generally the best prepared to respond to international matters.

Ukraine wouldn't get screwed if nothing was done; they'd just be out a little money. The African countries would be the ones getting screwed by this, and having further destabilisation of Africa is not in anyone's interests.

We have a fundamental difference in opinion.
Good day sir.


I have to say, the fact that they stared as a naval vigilante force is interesting. It's almost somewhat tragic that the collapse of the government eventually brought whatever moral direction they had crashing down.


Right now I envision a modern day One Piece with all sorts of Pirate gangs battling it out for money and glory.


Somali Sea dogs Tell All: They’re in 't fer th' Treasure

NAIROBI, Kenya — Th' Somali shipmates who hijacked a Ukrainian freighter loaded wi' tanks, artillery, grenade launchers an' ammunition spake in an interview on Toosdee that they had nay idee th' ship be carryin' arms when they seized 't on th' high seas.
“We jus' saw a big ship,” th' shipmates’ spokesman, Sugule Ali, spake in a telephone interview. “So we stopped 't.”

Th' shipmates smartly learned, tho, that the'r booty be an estimated $30 cargo holds o' worth o' heavy weaponry, headin' fer Kenya or Sudan, dependin' on whom ye ask.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everythin' from what th' shipmates wanted (“jus' treasure”) t' why they be doin' this (“t' avast illegal fishin' an' dumpin' in our waters”) t' what they had t' eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “ye know, normal crewmate-bein' food”).

He spake that so far, in th' one good eye o' th' world, th' shipmates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he spake. “We consider sea bandits them who illegally fish in our seas an' dump waste in our seas an' carry weapons in our seas. We be simply patrollin' our seas. Think o' us like a coast guard.”

Th' shipmates who answered th' phone call on Toosdee mornin' spake they be speakin' by satellite phone from th' bridge o' th' Faina, th' Ukrainian cargo ship that be hijacked about 200 miles off th' coast o' Somalia on Thursday. Several shipmates talked but spake that only Mr. Sugule be authorized t' be quoted. Mr. Sugule acknowledged that they be now surrounded by American warships, but he did nay sound lily livered. “Ye only sink t'Davy Jones' locker once,” Mr. Sugule spake.

He spake that all be peaceful on th' ship, despite unconfirmed reports from maritime organizations in Kenya that three shipmates be killed in a shootout among they's self on Sundee or Mondee night.

He insisted that th' shipmates be nay interested in th' weapons an' had nay plans t' sell them t' Islamist insurgents battlin' Somalia’s weak transitional government. “Somalia has suffered from many voyages o' destruction on accoun' o' o' all these weapons,” he spake. “We don’t want that sufferin' an' chaos t' continue. We be nay goin' t' offload th' weapons. We jus' want th' treasure.”

He spake th' shipmates be askin' fer $20 cargo holds o' in cash; “we don’t use any other system than cash.” But he added that they be willin' t' bargain. “That’s deal-makin',” he explained.

Sweet trade in Somalia be a highly organized, lucrative, ransom-dri'en business. Jus' this voyage, shipmates hijacked more than 25 ships, an' in many cases, they be paid million-piece o' eight ransoms t' release them. Th' juicy payoffs be havin' attracted gunmen from across Somalia, an' th' shipmates be thought t' number in th' thousands.

Th' sweet trade industry started about 10 t' 15 voyages ago, Somali officials spake, as a response t' illegal fishin'. Somalia’s central government imploded in 1991, castin' th' country into chaos. Wi' nay patrols along th' shoreline, Somalia’s tuna-rich waters be soon plundered by commercial fishin' fleets from around th' world. Somali fishermen armed they's self an' turned into vigilantes by conforein' illegal fishin' boats an' demandin' that they pay a tax.

“From thar, they got greedy,” spake Mohamed Osman Aden, a Somali diplomat in Kenya. “They startin' attackin' sea dogs an' land lubbers.”

By th' early 2000s, many o' th' fishermen had traded in the'r nets fer machine cannons an' be hijackin' any vessel they could catch: sailboat, oil tanker, United Nations-chartered food ship.

“'t’s true that th' shipmates started t' defend th' fishin' business,” Mr. Mohamed spake. “An' illegal fishin' be a real problem fer us. But this dasn't justify these boys t' now act like guardians. They be criminals. Th' world must help us crack down on them.”

Th' United States an' several European countries, in particular France, ben talkin' about ways t' patrol th' waters together. Th' United Nations be e'en considerin' somethin' like a maritime peacekeepin' force. On accoun' o' o' all th' hijackings, th' waters off Somalia’s coast be considered th' most dangerous shippin' lanes in th' world.

On Toosdee, several American warships — around five, accordin' t' one Western diplomat — had th' hijacked freighter cornered along th' craggy Somali coastline. Th' American ships allowed th' shipmates t' brin' food an' water on board, but nay t' take weapons off. A Russian frigate be also on its way t' th' area.

Lt. Nathan Christensen, a Navy spokesman, spake on Toosdee that he had heard th' unconfirmed reports about th' shipmate-on-shipmate shootout, but that th' Navy had nay more information. “T' be honest, we’re nay seein' a whole lot o' activity” on th' ship, he spake.

In Washington, Geoff Morrell, th' Pentagon press secretary, declined t' discuss any possible American military operations t' capture th' ship.

“Our concern be starboard now makin' sure that thar’s a peaceful resolution t' this, that this cargo dasn't end up in th' hands o' ere who would use 't in a way that would be destabilizin' t' th' region,” Mr. Morrell told reporters at th' Pentagon. He spake th' United States government be nay involved in any negotiations wi' th' shipmates. He also spake he had nay information about reports that th' shipmates had exchanged gunfire among they's self.

Kenyan officials continued t' maintain that th' weapons aboard be part o' a legitimate arms deal fer th' Kenyan military, e'en tho several Western diplomats, Somali officials an' th' shipmates they's self spake th' arms be part o' a secret deal t' funnel weapons t' southern Sudan.

Somali officials be urgin' th' Western navies t' storm th' ship an' arrest th' shipmates on accoun' o' they say that payin' ransoms only fuels th' problem. Western diplomats, however, be havin' spake that such a commando operation would be very difficult on accoun' o' th' ship be full o' explosives an' th' shipmates could use th' 20 crew members as crewmate shields.

Mr. Sugule spake his men be treatin' th' crew members well. (Th' shipmates wouldna let th' crew members speak on th' phone, sayin' 't be against the'r rules.) “Killin' be nay in our plans,” he spake. “We only want treasure so we can protect ourselves from hunger.”

When asked why th' shipmates needed $20 cargo holds o' t' protect they's self from hunger, Mr. Sugule laughed an' spake, “On accoun' o' we be havin' a lot o' men.”
KibblesBits said:
Why are AMERICAN ships involved?

WTF Ukraine, do it yourself.
We should deal with this. People will like us if we deal with this . . . they are fucking pirates.

We just shouldn't invade countries unnecessarily.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Ventrue said:
Because letting pirates have tanks is a generally bad idea for everyone?

What's wrong with letting pirates have tanks? I mean... they're pirates, which, by definition, means that their operations are restricted to the sea. What are they going to do, strap the tanks onto their boats? Drive them out onto the ocean?

Now, if we were talking about bandits it would be a different story.


mre said:
What's wrong with letting pirates have tanks? I mean... they're pirates, which, by definition, means that their operations are restricted to the sea. What are they going to do, strap the tanks onto their boats? Drive them out onto the ocean?

Sell them.

(Regardless of what they say, if they couldn't get ransom for these things they'd sell them to anyone willing to buy).


mre said:
What's wrong with letting pirates have tanks? I mean... they're pirates, which, by definition, means that their operations are restricted to the sea. What are they going to do, strap the tanks onto their boats? Drive them out onto the ocean?

Now, if we were talking about bandits it would be a different story.

DEAR GOD! The pirates are teaming up with bandits. They must be stopped!



All they need to do is build tanks with better DRM. Make it so they have to register it online before anyone can get inside. That'll stop those fucking tank pirates ruining the industry.


Kritz said:
All they need to do is build tanks with better DRM. Make it so they have to register it online before anyone can get inside. That'll stop those fucking tank pirates ruining the industry.

dude DRM will never stop Pirates.

I mean the pirates will merely find a way to crack the security on the tank and then distribute it to other pirates.


Zyzyxxz said:
dude DRM will never stop Pirates.

I mean the pirates will merely find a way to crack the security on the tank and then distribute it to other pirates.

What if they only allowed three people to use the tank before it stops working?! WHAT THEN?
This article reads like the pirates hired a PR firm as soon as they realized that the American and Russian ships were closing in on them. And yes, the Russians have ships in the area too, which you'd know if you read the other thread.

These pirates are about to be fucked up, and now they're in full spin control. "We're not pirates. No! We're the coast guard! We swear!"

As I said in the other thread, the U.S. Navy will likely disable the engines on the ship, and drop a SEAL team on the deck, and it'll be lights out. At least the pirates should hope the U.S. Navy gets there first, because if the Russians do, it could be worse for them.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I like these guys. I don't have sympathy for a bunch of people selling weapons to fucked up african countries. Oh boo hoo Poor Ukraine and their war profits. Go PIRATES


keep your strippers out of my American football
Kung Fu Jedi said:
As I said in the other thread, the U.S. Navy will likely disable the engines on the ship, and drop a SEAL team on the deck, and it'll be lights out. At least the pirates should hope the U.S. Navy gets there first, because if the Russians do, it could be worse for them.

Exactly. Not sure why the opposition to the US and Russia taking care of these problems as they come up. I would expect China to start helping as well, if they were responsible in the slightest. With that said, the practice of selling the weapons to these countries needs to be stopped.


Kritz said:
What if they only allowed three people to use the tank before it stops working?! WHAT THEN?

fuck that there are better ways to combat piracy.

Instead let them have the the tanks but if they want to access the ammunition for it they must register the tanks. So they can still use the tanks but they can't access the best feature of it.
dskillzhtown said:
Exactly. Not sure why the opposition to the US and Russia taking care of these problems as they come up. I would expect China to start helping as well, if they were responsible in the slightest. With that said, the practice of selling the weapons to these countries needs to be stopped.

Next time you are having an argument with your girlfriend I think your parents should come in and slap the shit out of her.

What? They're just trying to do the right thing even though it's not their business.
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