Unconfirmed Member
Why are you always offended by anything and everything?
They cancelled Prey 2, The OA, Cinnamon Coke, and you expect me to NOT be constantly upset?!
But why are you offended that he is offended that makes you offended that things have to be offendedI'm just offended at the fact people get offended by the fact that people get offended.
I think some people feel unfulfilled in their lives.
So they feel that if they get mad at people on the internet then their lives have meaning.
Different people find different things offensive.
I played it.FFVIIR was just an anime arena fighter
Prove me wrong
Why are you always offended by anything and everything?
You mean(t) polls rightPlease Karen, stop doing votes on Neogaf
Please Karen, stop doing votes on Neogaf
Your poll needs an "I don't have voting privileges" option.Why are you always offended by anything and everything?
I'm just not offended at the fact people don't get offended by the fact that people don't get offended.I'm just offended at the fact people get offended by the fact that people get offended.
Well when someone post a photo of abbytch you know the topic can only rise in quality from there.
I have over 400k karma over at reddit and let me tell YOU why what you said was NOT cool you cisablestkhameleonnazi scuuuuuum1