I didn't advocate for anything having to do with the flu; I explained to you that we do in fact in developed nations vaccinate far more than the "vulnerable." Because the non-vulnerable not getting vaccinated greatly increases the risk... to the vulnerable.. since.. as you so kindly pointed out, the flu vaccine is not full proof.
By your language I'm guessing you live in the UK? Do you live in England? Do you know they vaccinate > 70% of the people there for the flu every year?
But beyond that.. COVID ,the virus being discussed in this thread... has over 10 times the mortality rate.
Not that "mortality" is the only problem with COVID.. or the flu.
And those rates aren't small when a virus can spread like wildfire.. we vaccinate against the flu because it is so transmittable... which is why despite a "99.9%" survivability rate.. and vaccinating roughly half the population.. it's still a top 10 killer in the US.
What I advocate for is for developed nations to continue what they are doing to stop the spread of diseases. Because I don't want to get sick... anyone can be hit with pneumonia from a bad case of the flu and it can permanently damage you... leave you more "vulnerable" in the future. And who the fuck wants to get the flu? lol
I dunno where you googled that but this is the reality
"In the
2019/20 flu campaign, around 15.3m vaccinations were administered to eligible groups, covering patients over 65, those in clinical at-risk groups, pregnant women, children aged two to three years old, primary school children and healthcare workers."
In countries where health care is a business they vaccinate far more than is required, certainly not here
Apart from the number in what I've posted, the key words are "eligible groups". It's not offered to everyone. As someone that has dated an American chick, don't think i haven't noticed your obsession with unnecessary medication, in the UK we medicate if we are prescribed by a doctor, that's it.
Here's some extra trivia :
Did you know it's thought that 20-50% of the UK population is already immune to SARS viruses
I reckon I'm in that group, as I've never had the flu, according to the symptoms.
Here, if masks work, how come people are catching covid in multiples of wave one?