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A survey for the women of GAF. (PLEASE READ)

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JackFrost2012 said:
I hate to sound like a prude, but would these upcoming changes address the swath of bikini-clad avatars? I like animated pictures of girls running as much as the next guy, but it can be somewhat embarassing to be reading a thread where the poster lineup looks like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Like other people have said, I don't mind that sort of photos/behavior being on GAF, but I'd like to be able to avoid it if I choose.
We're working on it. Ideally, threads that don't contain worksafe materials should be labelled as such, and since an avatar appears next to every post, regardless of the thread, they should be worksafe as well. In case you can't tell, one of the major pushes behind the revised TOS is to make GAF a bit friendlier for the workplace environment.


This thread isn't going to accomplish anything, seriously.

If mods receive a complaint about the content of a post, they can look into it and decide whether action against the poster is appropriate, as always. Holding a big "all together now" thread/crusade is utterly pointless.

Also, this is a forum, people get mocked here all the time, it's just part and parcel of participating. You don't see "A survey for the virgins of GAF . (PLEASE READ)" or "A survey for the Gizmondo owners of GAF . (PLEASE READ)", do you?
DirtyHarry said:
This thread isn't going to accomplish anything, seriously.

If mods receive a complaint about the content of a post, they can look into it and decide whether action against the poster is appropriate, as always. Holding a big "all together now" thread/crusade is utterly pointless.

Also, this is a forum, people get mocked here all the time, it's just part and parcel of participating. You don't see "A survey for the virgins of GAF . (PLEASE READ)" or "A survey for the Gizmondo owners of GAF . (PLEASE READ)", do you?

there's probably more Gizmondo owners than there are women.
JackFrost2012 said:
I hate to sound like a prude, but would these upcoming changes address the swath of bikini-clad avatars? I like animated pictures of girls running as much as the next guy, but it can be somewhat embarassing to be reading a thread where the poster lineup looks like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Like other people have said, I don't mind that sort of photos/behavior being on GAF, but I'd like to be able to avoid it if I choose.

Avatars can be turned off right?


Early on, all the sexually-explicit pictures/talk/avatars bothered me alot. It's hard coming to one of your favorite places and being offended almost on a daily basis.

Now, meh, i've seen so much stuff here and on the internet that i've pretty much become indifferent to it all. It doesn't really bother me anymore, unless it's an extreme example. I do like it when guys stick up for us though :)

john tv

Blackace said:
I agree with you to some degree...but I have also heard people say they hate "spics" in real life too, does that make it ok? I think there has to big a degree of control.. saying "man she is hot" is cool but "man I want to raw dog her in the ass" is wrong anywhere there are females present... even here in Japan :lol
What if they don't understand English? :lol

john tv

JackFrost2012 said:
I hate to sound like a prude, but would these upcoming changes address the swath of bikini-clad avatars? I like animated pictures of girls running as much as the next guy, but it can be somewhat embarassing to be reading a thread where the poster lineup looks like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Like other people have said, I don't mind that sort of photos/behavior being on GAF, but I'd like to be able to avoid it if I choose.
Agreed. I don't need any animated bouncing titties while I'm trying to read about the latest Japanese review scores or release dates or whatever.


Hollywood Square
Be-Ah-Hui said:
I do like it when guys stick up for us though :)

Oh god.

I don't see the point to pandering to what will always be a very small demographic on the forum. The female is a rare visitor on what is truly a videogame fan site forum. Not that the testosterone can't be turned down a bit, but neutering male-oriented topics in hopes of appeasing the few females that browse the forum seems a bit much. Essentially because any female that is active here has learned that this is how it is or else they wouldn't be active here at all.

If your morals are too good for people whose avatars are no less than what you'd see on television, then you should throw away your cable boxes, never watch movies and quickly buy a time machine that will magically transport you to the 1950s. We're all grown up here, or at least we should be, and I see no problems with people posting stuff within reason and respecting boundaries. That goes for both the heterosexual and gay posters here.


The 'dating advice' posts are usually fairly balanced, and in some ways show that us nasty men actually care.

And other, perhaps more 'abusive' posts often simply show the poster as an ass.


Still Tagged Accordingly
some people here remind me of harold from neighbours. puffing up their chests, waggling their chins and getting all in a huff over issues no one else cares about. :p
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
That's how it should be. The mods don't have to be pointlessly altruistic knights in armor here. Women are a good subject for mocking, disapproval and stereotyping just like anything else on the Internet.

I think it extends far beyond mocking. Some of the sexual comments really do make me feel just a tad uncomfortable. It's... very educational to see this is how guys act when they're around other guys. :lol

Some things might seem unfair or uncomfortable to me, but I can always click the back button if I see something I don't care to see, and I don't take much that's said here to heart. I accept this is how guys talk and I'm not arrogant enough to think that anything should change around here because it offends me and the other like... 5 women on this board. If it offends Dragona and she wants to do something about it she can feel free. It seems that the admins and mods here care a lot about keeping as much of the conversation here on GAF as intelligent as possibe and they even go so far as to ban fad catchphrases.

Somehow "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" seems harmless in comparison to "I'd stick my dick between her tits."

I think enforcing new rules to appease the female demographic on this forum will do more harm than good in the long run and perhaps cause hostility and tension between the two groups.


Scary Euro Man
Willco said:
The female is a rare visitor on what is truly a videogame fan site forum.

Can you see any possible causative connection between the sort of behaviour being discussed here and this fact?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ToxicAdam said:
This is like 8 guys stuck in a space station and they spend half thier day drawing up a Sexual Harrassment policy.

Best analogy I've seen yet! :lol


ToxicAdam said:
This is like 8 guys stuck in a space station and they spend half thier day drawing up a Sexual Harrassment policy.
:lol :lol :lol

LMAO! I agree with containing the pics if it's not a big deal. Seems most pics tend to stay in the girly threads, although there'll be some slippage from time to time. But look at the NBA Thread, that's part of the whole deal right there. You have to have Kobe spy shots of him running away from the playoffs. If we can't see pics of Vanessa's pale ass, it wouldn't be worth posting. :p PEACE.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
ToxicAdam said:
This is like 8 guys stuck in a space station and they spend half thier day drawing up a Sexual Harrassment policy.


As for the topic...sometimes I think the problem is that we don't really know everyone that well, so our comments are taken too seriously.

For example, around my girlspacefriends I can make incredibly sexist jokes/comments that I would never make around people I didn't know, but it's fine because they know full well that I'm not sexist, so they can just see it in the joking way it's intended. And I'm quite happy to get the same level of teasing back, whether about men or being vegetarian or whatever is up for targetting, because I know there's nothing malicious.

The problem on a forum is that, even if you're a well known poster and have a good feeling for what is generally acceptable here, of the hundreds of people who read every single one of your posts, there's bound to be some who take it the wrong way. It could be for many reasons, either they don't know you so think you're serious, have the same comments made to them (only in a serious way) every day, or they just live in a completely different culture where such a comment just would not be accepted.

Some things are easy to enforce, like keeping T&A shots in T&A threads (and I can't imagine many people would complain about such a rule), but others...it's tough. You can't just say "This is the line, no one cross it", because that'd be so difficult to judge, not only for the mods but for the people posting. You'd end up with the most boring forum on the net, with half the funny comments that would be posted no longer showing up as people worry about being banned.

My only suggestion is make the obvious easy changes, whether to avatars or T&A pics or whatever, and then carry on as normal with the rest, only crack down on the stupid, unfunny comments to a larger degree than what's currently happening.

Musashi Wins!

drohne said:
gaf is an overwhelmingly male community. this is down to the subject matter. and it isn't going to change. rooting out the girly pictures and sexist chatter that are a basic feature (and imo a desirable feature) of overwhelmingly male communities for the comfort of a few female posters strikes me as grossly misguided. you can't run gaf as you'd run a gender-neutral real world situation, like a workplace -- gaf is neither neuter nor real.

Agreed. Give up the PC crusade. It's enough that things don't sink to a level of an OA. To think that what amounts to a video game forum has to get so gut wrenched over a 99% male site having boobs in avatars or inappropriate sex talk is silly. Go plant a tree.


Yea, worksafe avatars is a good idea. (especially removing the simulated oral sex ones)

I'm not good at math, but what is the percentage of 2 out of 5000?



I thought we already had "worksafe" avatars. I don't recall seeing any bouncing titties and asses in any avatars in a year, when they used to be rampant and we had a big powwow about that.
First of all…as a WOMAN…..


Because I appreciate it as much as you do (trust me on this). Beautiful people were created to be looked at, and there is nothing offensive about them. They should be celebrated, even in the sick, GAF way.

And I don’t find any of the banter on this forum in any way offensive.

In fact, I love it here. I am addicted.

Guys, I have a confession to make. I am not a gamer. In the sense I am not up-to-date with, and I do not play games regularly. I like computer games sure, and I am good at them. But let’s face it, I am not a gamer enough to be talking about them on a discussion board.

But I LOVE the off-topic discussions on this board.


Because they make me laugh. You guys are so funny. I love it how you take the shit out of everyone, and everything. Why should I be treated with kitten gloves because I am a woman? This is funny shit! Man, if I laughed, imagine how much YOU laughed.

In my opinion, if you really respected me, you’d know I can look after myself and you’d let me defend myself, because I can. Although I don’t really see it as a defence, more a rhetorical or humorous retort, as I don’t see the comments towards women as malicious or hateful. Jeez, you guys come up with some funny shit. It is funny, lighten up.

Someone made a good point, half the assholes in here would be romantic as hell if they had half the chance with a chick. The shit they carry on with is just bravadory and boys talk, and that’s why I am here. I like it, you make me laugh.

I can guarantee you one thing, if this was a woman’s discussion board, I wouldn’t waste my time, because it wouldn’t be so damn funny. In fact, without the shit you guys give out, it would be down right boring.

I am only speaking on my point of view, and I don’t speak on behalf of all women, and I can appreciate why some women would be offended.

Actually, no I can’t.

Fuck ‘em. Lighten up.

Look, as a chick, I have every advantage in life. I have the same education opportunities, the same employment opportunities, the same opportunities in life (in this western society, I am a lucky one, not all are). But I like it that guys open the door for me, that guys buy me drinks, that if I break down on the side of the road some dude will pull up within 2 seconds to assist me… who has the advantage here….ME!

I am not complaining about you guys. And I don’t find your banter in anyway offensive or hateful… the ones that take it too far only make themselves look like fools, not me. I don’t care. You are the ones not getting laid, not me. And should you want to advertise that to the world, be my guest.

And what’s more, the funniest jokes are misogynistic ones……seriously… these are my favourite jokes in the world…

Q. Why do women get their period?
A. Because they deserve it.

Q. Why do women get pregnant?
A. Because getting their period wasn’t enough.

That was funny, don’t you think? Seriously boys and girls, you laughed, didn’t you?

I did anyway.

Hell, it’s all in good fun, I don’t see it as hateful or bad.

Q. Why can’t women park cars?
A. Because men tell them *this* much is 6 inches (*holding thumb and forefinger almost together).

If you don’t like it, lighten up… if you can’t take the piss out of yourself and make light of things, life must be really sad. It’s only fun.

Seriously, if any chicks here feel uncomfortable by it, please say so. If you do, I will respect that.

But if you don’t, then please don’t stop the fun in this forum.

And I DO have great tits. And I am really a girl. And I am proud of that. Yes, I am not Greekboy, so shut the fuck up, I am real, and I am having fun.

Don't change things.


I completely stay away from the FAPPYUMMYOMGBOING threads. I have no interest in those, sorry :lol

The suggestive avatars that I see every so often are a little uncomfortable, but on the other hand I can just use the 'ignore' feature and not have to see them anymore. Of course I miss some of the conversation but I don't contribute much to begin with. I know there was a lockdown on those back on older GAF because they were getting out of control, but they seem to have crept back in here and there.

I do get irritated when I'm reading a topic and some nutball decides to post a picture of a half naked female that has nothing to do with the subject of the post. I'm sure I'm not the only one (male or female) that feels the same.

This is a video game forum and obviously the majory of users are going to be male. You just have to go with the flow and deal with it the best you can. I haven't had any post here single me out and harrass me. Most of them don't even know I'm a girl to begin with; I'm just one-of-the-guys.

Alyssa DeJour said:

As long as they're in their own thread I really don't mind them at all :lol
Alyssa DeJour said:
First of all…as a WOMAN…..


Because I appreciate it as much as you do (trust me on this). Beautiful people were created to be looked at, and there is nothing offensive about them. They should be celebrated, even in the sick, GAF way.

And I don’t find any of the banter on this forum in any way offensive.

In fact, I love it here. I am addicted.

Guys, I have a confession to make. I am not a gamer. In the sense I am not up-to-date with, and I do not play games regularly. I like computer games sure, and I am good at them. But let’s face it, I am not a gamer enough to be talking about them on a discussion board.

But I LOVE the off-topic discussions on this board.


Because they make me laugh. You guys are so funny. I love it how you take the shit out of everyone, and everything. Why should I be treated with kitten gloves because I am a woman? This is funny shit! Man, if I laughed, imagine how much YOU laughed.

In my opinion, if you really respected me, you’d know I can look after myself and you’d let me defend myself, because I can. Although I don’t really see it as a defence, more a rhetorical or humorous retort, as I don’t see the comments towards women as malicious or hateful. Jeez, you guys come up with some funny shit. It is funny, lighten up.

Someone made a good point, half the assholes in here would be romantic mother-fuckers if they had half the chance with a chick. The shit they carry on with is just bravadory and boys talk, and that’s why I am here. I like it, you make me laugh.

I can guarantee you one thing, if this was a woman’s discussion board, I wouldn’t waste my time, because it wouldn’t be so damn funny. In fact, without the shit you guys give out, it would be down right boring.

I am only speaking on my point of view, and I don’t speak on behalf of all women, and I can appreciate why some women would be offended.

Actually, no I can’t.

Fuck ‘em. Lighten up.

Look, as a chick, I have every advantage in life. I have the same education opportunities, the same employment opportunities, the same opportunities in life (in this western society, I am a lucky one, not all are). But I like it that guys open the door for me, that guys buy me drinks, that if I break down on the side of the road some dude will pull up within 2 seconds to assist me… who has the advantage here….ME!

I am not complaining about you guys. And I don’t find your banter in anyway offensive or hateful… the ones that take it too far only make themselves look like fools, not me. I don’t care. You are the ones not getting laid, not me. And should you want to advertise that to the world, be my guest.

And what’s more, the funniest jokes are misogynistic ones……seriously… these are my favourite jokes in the world…

Q. Why do women get their period?
A. Because they deserve it.

Q. Why do women get pregnant?
A. Because getting their period wasn’t enough.

That was funny, don’t you think? Seriously boys and girls, you laughed, didn’t you?

I did anyway.

Hell, it’s all in good fun, I don’t see it as hateful or bad.

Q. Why can’t women park cars?
A. Because men tell them *this* much is 6 inches (*holding thumb and forefinger almost together).

If you don’t like it, lighten up… if you can’t take the piss out of yourself and make light of things, life must be really sad. It’s only fun.

Seriously, if any chicks here feel uncomfortable by it, please say so. If you do, I will respect that.

But if you don’t, then please don’t stop the fun in this forum.

And I DO have great tits. And I am really a girl. And I am proud of that. Yes, I am not Greekboy, so shut the fuck up, I am real, and I am having fun.

Don't change things.

I agree with a lot of that. I just don't want to open a thread when my mom or brother or stepdad or sister is standing over me and see a picture of someone who's half naked without any warning and scrambling to scroll down or click the back button. Same goes for sexual avatars. I don't want it to catch me off guard and get me into trouble.

I've been around here for a long time and my opinions on this place have changed several times. I used to get really frustrated with this place, it's rules, how I was treated. I only came here for the Gaming-Forum because everyone hated me. They weren't the ones with the problem however, it was me and how I acted and how I took everything so seriously. Now the Gaming-Forum makes me hate videogames, and the OT makes me laugh on a regular basis.

Only thing I want gone is NWS avatars. Oh yes, and bring back the :rolleyes emoticon.
Alyssa DeJour said:
First of all…as a WOMAN…..

Justin Bailey said:
This is an idea I can stand behind.

Me too. I wasn't joking on that one. Seriously, when I start a thread, be my guest. I would not recommend it with the other girls in this forum as it appears it my offend, and at the end of the day it comes down to how someone is feeling, so it is only right to respect that. That is fair.
But boys, please feel free with my threads, I won't take offence at all... post as many hot chicks as you can.

This is more a request than a statement.


Alyssa DeJour said:
Guys, I have a confession to make. I am not a gamer. In the sense I am not up-to-date with, and I do not play games regularly. I like computer games sure, and I am good at them. But let’s face it, I am not a gamer enough to be talking about them on a discussion board.

What', did someone doubt? :lol I don't think I've ever seen you in Gaming Discussion. Anyway, gräjt' post.
posting pics of hot chicks is not the problem but some of the stuff that ppl say about them is a bit over the top in a vulgar way IMO.

Work safe avatars would be great.


force push the doodoo rock
Kabuki Waq said:
posting pics of hot chicks is not the problem but the some of the stuff that ppl say about them is a bit over the top in a vulgar way IMO.

Work safe avatars would be great.

essentially, this is what this thread is about.
Kabuki Waq said:
posting pics of hot chicks is not the problem but some of the stuff that ppl say about them is a bit over the top in a vulgar way IMO.

Come on, are you telling me you take those comments seriously? Yeah sure they are full-on (and funny as hell) and I can see how they can be taken as vulgar, but at the end of the day we all know that if half the guys actually had a serious chance with these girls, the behaviour elicited would be very different. They don't really mean it. There is no harm intended. It is more a self-defence tactic with them.

Work safe avatars would be great.

No. I disagree. I don't want any more reason for me to be able to open this forum at work... I am already spending way too much time here, I get no work done as it is, don't make it worse by making it easier for me.

This is so much more fun than work, don't you think?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, I've got no problem with the pictures themselves (at least if they're not just randomly posted into irrelevant topics). I've got severe issues with the often sexist, chauvanistic and/or objectifying discussion that occurs in relation to females. I think I made a lot of that clear in my infamous contributions to the Post pics of your Asian girlfriend(s)! thread. That said, I don't think it should be the mods' job to try and reduce that or anything. I just find it extremely unfortunate, if not occasionally disgusting, that it happens, and contrary to some claims, it is not all in a joking manner. I just don't see censorship as being a solution.

As far as what mods should be concerned with, I'd say enforcing work-safe avatars and keeping the ogling pics in ogling threads. I, along with others, don't appreciate opening up seemingly tame topics and potentially embarassing anyone else that's around, at least not without intention.
sp0rsk said:
are you sure youre not greekboy.
Would you boys believe me Greekboy emailed me the other day? I almost fell off my chair.

One thing I have to say, he impressed me by finding my blog on the net and thus my email address, where as none of the rest of you have.

At least the guy is tenacious.

But I almost DIED when I realised who he was... he was that dude who started that thread about bathing with his 10 year old son... and you thought I was him???? WTF???? The whole thing was funny up until that point. I mean, you really thought I was him???


THAT is offensive.
Alyssa DeJour said:
Come on, are you telling me you take those comments seriously? Yeah sure they are full-on (and funny as hell) and I can see how they can be taken as vulgar, but at the end of the day we all know that if half the guys actually had a serious chance with these girls, the behaviour elicited would be very different. They don't really mean it. There is no harm intended. It is more a self-defence tactic with them.

No. I disagree. I don't want any more reason for me to be able to open this forum at work... I am already spending way too much time here, I get no work done as it is, don't make it worse by making it easier for me.

This is so much more fun than work, don't you think?

so if some guy called you a cum guzzling slut and told you he wanted to Jizz on your chest ....you would just laugh it off?

assuming you arent greekboy ofcrouse.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Kabuki Waq said:
so if some guy called you a cum guzzling slut and told you he wanted to Jizz on your chest ....you would just laugh it off?

assuming you arent greekboy ofcrouse.
Has there ever been a time where someone did that to a female on this board and wasn't banned?


Justin Bailey said:
Has there ever been a time where someone did that to a female on this board and wasn't banned?
Yeah, but in his defense, the bitch looked like she wanted it.

Kabuki Waq said:
so if some guy called you a cum guzzling slut and told you he wanted to Jizz on your chest ....you would just laugh it off?

assuming you arent greekboy ofcrouse.

Actually, I couldn't give a rat's ass what anyone says. Sticks and stones Honey.... seriously, who cares? Not me!!

Plus that doesn't make sense... if I was a cum guzzling slut, why would he want to jizz on my chest.. wouldn't I guzzle it?
Alyssa DeJour said:
Actually, I couldn't give a rat's ass what anyone says. Sticks and stones Honey.... seriously, who cares? Not me!!

Plus that doesn't make sense... if I was a cum guzzling slut, why would he want to jizz on my chest.. wouldn't I guzzle it?

i really dont think Alyssa is a woman.

She has a Man-ish aura around her pic and posts.......do you have any pics that have some womenly parts?
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