First of all
as a WOMAN
Because I appreciate it as much as you do (trust me on this). Beautiful people were created to be looked at, and there is nothing offensive about them. They should be celebrated, even in the sick, GAF way.
And I dont find any of the banter on this forum in any way offensive.
In fact, I love it here. I am addicted.
Guys, I have a confession to make. I am not a gamer. In the sense I am not up-to-date with, and I do not play games regularly. I like computer games sure, and I am good at them. But lets face it, I am not a gamer enough to be talking about them on a discussion board.
But I LOVE the off-topic discussions on this board.
Because they make me laugh. You guys are so funny. I love it how you take the shit out of everyone, and everything. Why should I be treated with kitten gloves because I am a woman? This is funny shit! Man, if I laughed, imagine how much YOU laughed.
In my opinion, if you really respected me, youd know I can look after myself and youd let me defend myself, because I can. Although I dont really see it as a defence, more a rhetorical or humorous retort, as I dont see the comments towards women as malicious or hateful. Jeez, you guys come up with some funny shit. It is funny, lighten up.
Someone made a good point, half the assholes in here would be romantic as hell if they had half the chance with a chick. The shit they carry on with is just bravadory and boys talk, and thats why I am here. I like it, you make me laugh.
I can guarantee you one thing, if this was a womans discussion board, I wouldnt waste my time, because it wouldnt be so damn funny. In fact, without the shit you guys give out, it would be down right boring.
I am only speaking on my point of view, and I dont speak on behalf of all women, and I can appreciate why some women would be offended.
Actually, no I cant.
Fuck em. Lighten up.
Look, as a chick, I have every advantage in life. I have the same education opportunities, the same employment opportunities, the same opportunities in life (in this western society, I am a lucky one, not all are). But I like it that guys open the door for me, that guys buy me drinks, that if I break down on the side of the road some dude will pull up within 2 seconds to assist me
who has the advantage here
I am not complaining about you guys. And I dont find your banter in anyway offensive or hateful
the ones that take it too far only make themselves look like fools, not me. I dont care. You are the ones not getting laid, not me. And should you want to advertise that to the world, be my guest.
And whats more, the funniest jokes are misogynistic ones
these are my favourite jokes in the world
Q. Why do women get their period?
A. Because they deserve it.
Q. Why do women get pregnant?
A. Because getting their period wasnt enough.
That was funny, dont you think? Seriously boys and girls, you laughed, didnt you?
I did anyway.
Hell, its all in good fun, I dont see it as hateful or bad.
Q. Why cant women park cars?
A. Because men tell them *this* much is 6 inches (*holding thumb and forefinger almost together).
If you dont like it, lighten up
if you cant take the piss out of yourself and make light of things, life must be really sad. Its only fun.
Seriously, if any chicks here feel uncomfortable by it, please say so. If you do, I will respect that.
But if you dont, then please dont stop the fun in this forum.
And I DO have great tits. And I am really a girl. And I am proud of that. Yes, I am not Greekboy, so shut the fuck up, I am real, and I am having fun.
Don't change things.