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A survey for the women of GAF. (PLEASE READ)

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Wait, demi, what is this? I thought you were all about me, your beloved froggy frog.. don't fap while thinking about others than me. :(


i fap to all

please do not get discouraged, demi is here for all

i love you all

demi factor

no spin zone even in the ways of love


The funny thing is, there are actually more female posters at OA, despite its smaller community. So what does that tell you?

Ignatz Mouse said:
Not a woman, from the tone.

You'd be surprised.

Shit, seriously guys, I am not that hard to find on the net.... hell, Greekboy did... work it out once and for all if I am a woman or not... here's a challenge for you... who is the first geek who can track me down???!
Ignatz Mouse said:
Well, your blog is listed in another thread. That is in fact pretty darned easy.

Really? I missed that. I certainly didn't post the address myself. I was waiting for who would find me first.

I didn't think it would be Greekboy. 10 points to you Honey!!!!

Please post the link to the thread... I want to kick the ass of whoever posted it.


300chf ain't shit to me
Hmm, I guess I will throw in my two cents before work.

I'm one of those types of people who is pretty damn hard to offend. I'm extremely tolerant of others' opinions, and I realize when a joke is being made and take it with a grain of salt. I've seen comments made about women that I haven't agreed with, or I have thought might offend someone else, but on a forum that is predominantly male, things like that are to be expected.

Let's think of a role reversal, shall we? I used to post on a forum that was predominantly female, it had about 600 active members and probably 3 or 4 of those were males. There were constantly threads along the lines of "What do men do to piss you off?" "Check out these hot pictures of Orlando Bloom" "Guys are stupid" etc. Newsflash! Girls post the same kind of stuff, crack the same kind of jokes, etc.

As far as the revealing pictures go, they don't bother me. Why should they? I'm a girl too, hey, I have boobs and a vagina! Seeing a half-naked woman doesn't offend me the least bit. I get to see that every day when I get dressed, anyway.

What DOES bother me is when I am surfing a random thread and they pop up out of nowhere. It's only happened to me a few times, but I can remember furiously having to close Firefox while reading a discussion on politics so my family wouldn't think I was surfing porn or something. That makes it hard to enjoy the discussion! Avatars, too, can create problems this way, but I haven't seen any too recently that have been all that risqué.

I have absolutely no problem with revealing pictures of women (or men, for that matter) being posted in clearly marked threads, though. I think anyone should be smart enough not to browse "Most fap-o-licious pics" when they're at work or when their mother is baking muffins in the next room.

The only other thing I can think of that bothers me is when I contribute something to a thread (this usually has happened in threads where people ask for relationship advice) and I get a comment from someone along the lines of "you're a girl so your opinion doesn't count. OH AND YOU'RE PROBABLY A GUY ANYWAY LOL AM I RITE" Hasn't happened much, but it pissed me off when it did. I only ask that my opinion be respected and my views are not shoved aside because I happen to be female.


Alright, This isn't Otaking btw.. :p It's his girlfriend but I figured I'd go ahead and put my 2 cents in. My account hasn't been activated yet but I've been following the forums for several months. Not posting myself obviously but I still read alot of the threads. I don't see too much of a problem with it really. Sure, I've been slightly offended by a few remarks here and there but nothing too severe. I wouldn't consider it to be out of hand or anything. Though seeing as how I've never posted before I wouldn't really know first hand how it is to be a female poster here. But from what I've seen, I do still plan on posting once I get an account. :) As for the female images, I don't really have much of a problem with it. I find both males and females to be nice to look at so I have no problem. The only thing I would see a problem with is if some people make some serious remarks about objectifying women. That can be rather offensive.. I've been to other forums, I've played online games, the male population is all really pretty much the same. So you're gonna have this kind of stuff where ever you go really. Plus, most of my friends happen to be male ( I don't know many females into all the stuff that I am into.. ) so I guess I'm pretty used to how they are. :p

Overall, It's probably nothing to really worry about yet. Since I'm sure that most of the females that would even post on this board would be used to that kind of stuff. Since this is a gaming forum, which are usually full of males. I'm sure most of them should be used to being around guys and how they are. :)
siege said:
All it takes is googling your name to find it.

No shit. That's why I am surprised it took so long for you to find me. I am not hiding here.

So, as I said in that other thread...


You now have proof.

The next dick who makes another Greekboy remark gets shot.


Alyssa DeJour said:
No shit. That's why I am surprised it took so long for you to find me. I am not hiding here.

So, as I said in that other thread...


You now have proof.

The next dick who makes another Greekboy remark gets shot.

Whatever, Greekboy.
Alyssa DeJour said:
No shit. That's why I am surprised it took so long for you to find me. I am not hiding here.

So, as I said in that other thread...


You now have proof.

The next dick who makes another Greekboy remark gets shot.

So post a current pic with GAF and this thread clearly on the monitor behind you.
Kabuki Waq said:
man i cant believe greekboy would go as far as to create a blog for one of his characters :p
Honey, no one could make up shit like that.


I'm too interesting to be made up.

*And read it before you hang shit on me. I'm sure you will concur. Surely Greekboy could not know that many hot chicks. No offense to Greekboy intended, (he seems okay to me) but guys, really, logic please!


Alyssa DeJour said:
One thing I have to say, he impressed me by finding my blog on the net and thus my email address, where as none of the rest of you have.
Maybe we haven't found it because we're not looking! We're not all stalkers.

On the girl fap threads: don't click if you don't want to see hot chix
On the gay fap threads: don't click if you don't want to see hot guyz
On lemurnator getting "offended": you've said far more offensive things on IRC and OA; I don't buy it.
On Dating advice threads: come on...you can't be serious. Those are harmless and no one takes them seriously...or at least no one should.
On Avatars: If you're browsing from work, turn off the avatar option. If you're browsing from home, adblock any images that offend you. There are a few avatars that I absolutely despise for whatever reason, but I never have to see them because they are adblocked. If you don't want to use adblock, then block all images from that server. I don't care either way since I don't use them and I don't sit and stare at other user's avs all day, but for those who want to have them, let them.

I don't see people bothering most of the female posters. The only ones that get harrassed are the ones that are over the top. The same thing goes for every other poster. If a person is out of line with what they say to any poster, that person is banned, right?

It's the internet, guys. If you get "heated" over a "Women drivers suck" thread, then it's time to evaluate your time on the interweb. A woman posted in that thread and shut the boys up. This is a discussion board. If you have an opinion contrary to that of another poster, there are easily accessible "quote" and "reply" buttons for your convenience

This isn't your job. Quit taking it so damn seriously.
Rorschach said:
Maybe we haven't found it because we're not looking! We're not all stalkers.

On the girl fap threads: don't click if you don't want to see hot chix
On the gay fap threads: don't click if you don't want to see hot guyz
On lemurnator getting "offended": you've said far more offensive things on IRC and OA; I don't buy it.
On Dating advice threads: come on...you can't be serious. Those are harmless and no one takes them seriously...or at least no one should.
On Avatars: If you're browsing from work, turn off the avatar option. If you're browsing from home, adblock any images that offend you. There are a few avatars that I absolutely despise for whatever reason, but I never have to see them because they are adblocked. If you don't want to use adblock, then block all images from that server. I don't care either way since I don't use them and I don't sit and stare at other user's avs all day, but for those who want to have them, let them.

I don't see people bothering most of the female posters. The only ones that get harrassed are the ones that are over the top. The same thing goes for every other poster. If a person is out of line with what they say to any poster, that person is banned, right?

It's the internet, guys. If you get "heated" over a "Women drivers suck" thread, then it's time to evaluate your time on the interweb. A woman posted in that thread and shut the boys up. This is a discussion board. If you have an opinion contrary to that of another poster, there are easily accessible "quote" and "reply" buttons for your convenience

This isn't your job. Quit taking it so damn seriously.

Rorschach...You said it perfectly My Dear! I couldn't have done better myself.

Chill out everyone. It's all in good fun. No harm intended. It's all good.


I appreciate you posting this thread -jinx-. Personally, I ignore all the T&A and dating threads. Comments made in these threads DO offend me, that's why I choose to ignore them. However, there is only a small percentage of us here so I wouldn't go as far as restricting these threads for the larger male population here. I like the variety in here, so let's just keep this forum the way it is.



Giving women special 'walk on eggshells or else' treatment isn't any better than treating them worse because of thier gender. So why bother with making this community something it is not. I gotta agree with the get off the white plated mount sentiment.

If you want to talk about moderators artificially molding this community based on points of view, however, I think you would have a topic worth discussing.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Well I just googled your user name and it came up the top entry, so it's not fucking rocket science. By the way, you look great for a 30 yr old. No sarcasm. And yes, I did notice the 'married for two years part' too. :D

I think we have four women in total here:

Be Ah Hui
Alyssa DeJour

Also, FAP threads are all clearly labeled. Bitching on BOTH sides is dumb.
Kabuki Waq said:
i really dont think Alyssa is a woman.

She has a Man-ish aura around her pic and posts.......do you have any pics that have some womenly parts?

I can say with more familiarity than all of you that Alyssa is a woman VERY much so.
This is quite interesting. I think (OT) would be a much better place if we had more women posting there. I mean the place has good discussion and I think it would be well served by having more women in here. That being said I don't think that anyone should tone down what they are saying or feeling. I say if you can't stand the heat...

I knew that Alyssa could that's why I asked her to come here. More women would be a good thing here. I think for many posters it would be good to socialize with women at least one place in their lives.

siege said:
I'd hit it.

I can name one person on this forum who has. Too, late and it was VERY good.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think (OT) would be a much better place if we had more women posting there. I mean the place has good discussion and I think it would be well served by having more women in here. That being said I don't think that anyone should tone down what they are saying or feeling. I say if you can't stand the heat...

This man speaks great wisdom.
Kabuki Waq said:
Tommie YOU?

your married?

No sir, I'm nowhere near married. Alyssa and I dated a long, long time ago. I invited her here because her personality fits GAF OT. I think this a wonderful place for infomation and just silly and witty banter. All the Mods were in on it and they knew as well. If the people here didn't PURPOSELY try to be off putting to women then we would have more of them.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Alyssa and I dated a long, long time ago.

All the Mods were in on it and they knew as well. If the people here didn't PURPOSELY try to be off putting to women then we would have more of them.
That's what is so funny. I've personally banned Greekboy, Gumby, and Futami multiple times, and I suspect I'm one of the most diligent in verifying any users who even seem SLIGHTLY suspicious.

Do people really think that the GAF staff would really invite Greekboy back as an elaborate prank? We hate him as much as you do.

(BTW, welcome back, Tommie! Glad you got home safely.)


The only other thing I can think of that bothers me is when I contribute something to a thread (this usually has happened in threads where people ask for relationship advice) and I get a comment from someone along the lines of "you're a girl so your opinion doesn't count. OH AND YOU'RE PROBABLY A GUY ANYWAY LOL AM I RITE" Hasn't happened much, but it pissed me off when it did. I only ask that my opinion be respected and my views are not shoved aside because I happen to be female.

That sucks, cloudwalking is actually one of the female posters that don't annoy me.


-jinx- said:
Do people really think that the GAF staff would really invite Greekboy back as an elaborate prank?

You ask this of the forum whose members made a big deal about a guy losing Halo matches and a game about training animals selling over 100,000 units?

Musashi Wins!

Anyanka said:
I don't really care. This place is hateful to everyone.

That's pretty much true. There are a few smaller gaming forums out there with a much higher ratio of women, but they tend to be older in average age than GAF. This place won't change. Again, it's the activity level along with participation from probably the most serious gamers on earth along with a subject level that keeps it right above gamefaqs or OA most the time.


Mike Works said:



Teddman said:
The funny thing is, there are actually more female posters at OA, despite its smaller community. So what does that tell you?

OA regulars have several things in common. "Bad" being the consummate one, but without any positive connotations.


This thread is an overwhelming sausagefest!

But that's to be expected given the makeup of the forum.

So... what's the goal of this survey? To not push away the female posters we already have? Or to attract new ones?

If it's the former, this thread is kinda needless; if they're willing to register, then they'll know enough of the nature of this forum that they can avoid or dismiss offenses or do like any others seem to do when offended, post heavily and argue all day long.

If it's the latter... well, then what we really want.... is it to attract more female posters? Or is it to attract more female posters to our frame of mind?


Hey while I was near comatose, I was struck with this question:

Are any of the women here offended by the "Bitches love.." statements?

Like I've heard "Bitches love capers" and "Bitches love Sublime"

And I admit I say "Bitches love Coldplay" and "Bitches love flipflops"

Is it offensive because it uses bitches, because it generalizes or is it just true?
I think the only compromise here is:

1) No NSFW avatars
2) If there are pics of any guys or girls, it must be labeled. Certainly a mod or the thread starter can take a second or two out of their time to do that?

Then thats it. Who gives a shit what offends you. It bothers me that people call all Americans idiots but you don't see me officially bitching (until now). So whats being done to accomodate me and my concerns? Where do we draw the line? Hit the "Back" button and move on.

If the whole forum offends you, then go. Seriously. There's exercising, meeting guys/girls, playing games, hanging out with friends, etc. If you have no life except GAF and this place offends you, then you need a break from these forums anyway.
I think (OT) would be a much better place if we had more women posting there. I mean the place has good discussion and I think it would be well served by having more women in here. That being said I don't think that anyone should tone down what they are saying or feeling. I say if you can't stand the heat...
Truer words have naught been spoken.
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