Kabuki Waq said:Tommie YOU?
your married?
Alyssa DeJour said:That would have to be the best ass I have ever seen.
http://www.blogger.com/profile/4804668What can I say?! I am a 30 year old fun loving Aussie gal! I've been married for 3 years to a beautiful man called Jim whom I love very very much!! I have a sick sense of humor, and I am very different from anyone else I know - I am pretty out there!!! But I'm lots of fun!
-jinx- said:As a final, personal note: I'm sick of trying to moderate fairly. Seriously. I start a thread asking a serious question, and explicitly ASKED people to contribute serious responses (or none at all), and what happens? The first six responses were total bullshit, and the usual assholes all showed up. You think I take moderating too seriously? Think I'm a pompous prick? Fine, have it your way...things are going to change. Fuckers.
demi said:I was serious though.
I want to know if I'm el suave, or el sick to you fooooine ladies out there tonight.
This is no joke, guy. The fate of the world depends on it.
Your banning just strengthens your post. Seems the mods here like to get rid of all the 'threatening' beautiful people.Bacon said:OA has better looking posters than this place...
This kinda sums up how I feel, although I suppose that's not worth as much considering I'm a guy. I thought the locking of that "what turns you off in a woman" thread was absurd.Waychel said:Personally, I find the prospective employment of censorship far more offensive than the comments and topics I see floating around. Usually, the more sensible posters among us keep these posters and their topics/comments in check anyways (which in turn also leads to some rather interesting discussion and debate). Unless the comments are being aimed directly at a specific member of the boards, then there is really no justifiable reason for the administration to become involved in my opinion.
The topics you've cited are as easily overlooked as the posters behind them likely are IRL by the sex they criticize. I do not believe that I could say the same if I were to witness the coddling of female egoes on this board at every turn through the excessive editing and banning of members. Honestly, I think that this board could actually do without less moderation than already goes on.
Another thing worth noting is that some of the girls on this board have made a few derogatory comments themselves about the opposite sex; would this continue to go ignored or would it need to be addressed as well? Where would the line cross?
Just my two cents...
Admittedly, I wanted to say something to the same effect (on all points), but thought I'd just get banned considering all the sensitivity going around. :lolIncognito said:That's the spirit, Waychel. Unfortunately, a few select people still believe that by censoring a forum in order to "protect" the women from the dirty, dirty world of men that it will still net them brownie points at the next forum meetup.
It's pretty damn offensive to me, and I imagine pretty demeaning to the women. I'm sure they can stick up for themselves if things reach their respective boiling points. They don't need the masked-mod-crusader to bail them out; and if they do, they should seriously consider stop posting.
Socreges said:Admittedly, I wanted to say something to the same effect (on all points), but thought I'd just get banned considering all the sensitivity going around. :lol
Alyssa DeJour said:First of all as a WOMAN ..
Because I appreciate it as much as you do (trust me on this). Beautiful people were created to be looked at, and there is nothing offensive about them. They should be celebrated, even in the sick, GAF way.
And I dont find any of the banter on this forum in any way offensive.
In fact, I love it here. I am addicted.
Guys, I have a confession to make. I am not a gamer. In the sense I am not up-to-date with, and I do not play games regularly. I like computer games sure, and I am good at them. But lets face it, I am not a gamer enough to be talking about them on a discussion board.
But I LOVE the off-topic discussions on this board.
Because they make me laugh. You guys are so funny. I love it how you take the shit out of everyone, and everything. Why should I be treated with kitten gloves because I am a woman? This is funny shit! Man, if I laughed, imagine how much YOU laughed.
In my opinion, if you really respected me, youd know I can look after myself and youd let me defend myself, because I can. Although I dont really see it as a defence, more a rhetorical or humorous retort, as I dont see the comments towards women as malicious or hateful. Jeez, you guys come up with some funny shit. It is funny, lighten up.
Someone made a good point, half the assholes in here would be romantic as hell if they had half the chance with a chick. The shit they carry on with is just bravadory and boys talk, and thats why I am here. I like it, you make me laugh.
I can guarantee you one thing, if this was a womans discussion board, I wouldnt waste my time, because it wouldnt be so damn funny. In fact, without the shit you guys give out, it would be down right boring.
I am only speaking on my point of view, and I dont speak on behalf of all women, and I can appreciate why some women would be offended.
Actually, no I cant.
Fuck em. Lighten up.
Look, as a chick, I have every advantage in life. I have the same education opportunities, the same employment opportunities, the same opportunities in life (in this western society, I am a lucky one, not all are). But I like it that guys open the door for me, that guys buy me drinks, that if I break down on the side of the road some dude will pull up within 2 seconds to assist me who has the advantage here .ME!
I am not complaining about you guys. And I dont find your banter in anyway offensive or hateful the ones that take it too far only make themselves look like fools, not me. I dont care. You are the ones not getting laid, not me. And should you want to advertise that to the world, be my guest.
And whats more, the funniest jokes are misogynistic ones seriously these are my favourite jokes in the world
Q. Why do women get their period?
A. Because they deserve it.
Q. Why do women get pregnant?
A. Because getting their period wasnt enough.
That was funny, dont you think? Seriously boys and girls, you laughed, didnt you?
I did anyway.
Hell, its all in good fun, I dont see it as hateful or bad.
Q. Why cant women park cars?
A. Because men tell them *this* much is 6 inches (*holding thumb and forefinger almost together).
If you dont like it, lighten up if you cant take the piss out of yourself and make light of things, life must be really sad. Its only fun.
Seriously, if any chicks here feel uncomfortable by it, please say so. If you do, I will respect that.
But if you dont, then please dont stop the fun in this forum.
And I DO have great tits. And I am really a girl. And I am proud of that. Yes, I am not Greekboy, so shut the fuck up, I am real, and I am having fun.
Don't change things.
-jinx- said:Lemurnator, Be-Ah-Hui, Alyssa DeJour, Cherubae, cloudwalking, Anyanka, Otaking's GF, beerbelly -- THANK YOU for posting your comments. Some of the comments from the guys were also helpful -- in particular, I read the comments from Liu Kang Baking A Pie, drohne, Mama Smurf, Dan, and Tommie Hu$tle very closely. Here's what I'm taking away from this thread.
The consensus female opinion of GAF is "don't change the place," but please enforce more rigorous moderation of the following:
1) No NSFW avatars
2) Keep NSFW or inappropriate pictures out of threads about another topic
3) NSFW pictures of women are OK as long as they are in a clearly-labeled topic
Since we're revising the TOS, we'll make sure those are in there...some of them are already covered in neo-TOS.
As far as potentially misogynist comments, I'm not going to proactively try to determine what is offensive, since it seems that most of the girls are OK with -- or at least acclimated to -- the atmosphere here. If you're making a joke, it would certainly help to leave some kind of clue (emoticon, etc.) that you're kidding since you DO lose all non-language context by virtue of the communications medium. However, if female readers are offended by something which they read, PM me, and it will be taken care of promptly.
As a final, personal note: I'm sick of trying to moderate fairly. Seriously. I start a thread asking a serious question, and explicitly ASKED people to contribute serious responses (or none at all), and what happens? The first six responses were total bullshit, and the usual assholes all showed up. You think I take moderating too seriously? Think I'm a pompous prick? Fine, have it your way...things are going to change. Fuckers.
Noted.FoneBone said:OK, it may be a little late, and I'm not female (duh), but can I put in another vote for stricter moderation of CLEARLY LABELED Gayming-Age threads?
Frankly, i see it as considerate that at least someone on of the moderation staff even bothers to address the problems of what's likely no more than 5% of the forum populace.Personally, I find the prospective employment of censorship far more offensive than the comments and topics I see floating around.
Mr Gump said:And wtf is with lemurs even commenting on this shit? On the other board she makes posts about sucking penis to get attention. I love this "I find it shocking" shit she says.
Ned Flanders said:Why the lock? Because someone had the nerve to reply to the topic with the infamous *gasp* FHUTA?? OMG -civilzations will crumble!!
Ned Flanders said:I'm actually past the "she's too young" issue (I'm not big on guilt anymore) and more on some "I hope she doesn't get sprung and go pyscho" kind of shit. She's clearly infatuated with me already. But damn I'm a sucker for pretty pussy.
Ned Flanders said:What would you do if you were the Staminator? Find alternative, older-yet-equally-as-tantalizing pussy that would require a lot of effort and going out of my way? Or bang the extraordinarily hot, potentially psycho, convenient youngster?
Ned Flanders said:In all seriousness, the earliest I could concievably hit it would be tomorrow night, and considering I just bought 6 (count em) new games I may postpone that pussy and schedule a double header for sometime early next week. I'm debating...GTA or pussay?
Ned Flanders said:Anywho, I'll be sure and think of you guys when I'm beating it up. Except the bastards who mentioned AIDS and pregnancy in my teen fantasy boner thread. Thanks for that.
Ned Flanders said:Why is it that the minute you start dating someone..every pussy for miles wants you??
aoi tsuki said:Frankly, i see it as considerate that at least someone on of the moderation staff even bothers to address the problems of what's likely no more than 5% of the forum populace.
Cubsfan23 said:What about the heterosexual males on here that don't want to see half-naked pics of guys?
ToxicAdam said:This is like 8 guys stuck in a space station and they spend half thier day drawing up a Sexual Harrassment policy.
Teddman said:The funny thing is, there are actually more female posters at OA, despite its smaller community. So what does that tell you?
-jinx- said:Do people really think that the GAF staff would really invite Greekboy back as an elaborate prank?
Fixed2BeBroken said:not a female but would just like to add that, Most of the shit said about women on this forum would never be said to a woman in real life.
they know theyd get thier face slapped off.
-jinx- said:1) No NSFW avatars
2) Keep NSFW or inappropriate pictures out of threads about another topic
3) NSFW pictures of women are OK as long as they are in a clearly-labeled topic
-jinx- said:As far as potentially misogynist comments, I'm not going to proactively try to determine what is offensive, since it seems that most of the girls are OK with -- or at least acclimated to -- the atmosphere here. If you're making a joke, it would certainly help to leave some kind of clue (emoticon, etc.) that you're kidding since you DO lose all non-language context by virtue of the communications medium. However, if female readers are offended by something which they read, PM me, and it will be taken care of promptly.
FoneBone said:OK, it may be a little late, and I'm not female (duh), but can I put in another vote for stricter moderation of CLEARLY LABELED Gayming-Age threads?
Tommie Hu$tle said:I say let the misogynist be misogynists. If we are lucky enough to get a more diverse group in here then it will happen. I think the major problem is the aggressive attitude that we have towards women when they come to the board. Treating them like they are exhibitions in a zoo is more damaging than misogynistic comments or threads greatest nipples.
That's my take on it.
Shinobi said:I've got news for you...most of the stuff people say here to ANYONE on this board wouldn't be said in real life. You think the little braveheart posters would be point and laugh at me for not liking pizza, or thinking root beer tastes like toothpaste, or having the nerve to like Shenmue in real life? They wouldn't even have the balls to look into my eyes, nevermind open their lips. But that's the way the net has always been, making cowboys out of cowards, with modship being the ultimate example of this behaviour. And really, who cares? Unless you only just discovered the internet in the last couple months, you should be used to the way things go on by now. You either respond in kind, or get run over by the virtual wheels.
Fixed2BeBroken said:thats the beauty and strength of the internet. (and at the sametime the sadness of it)
it gives people super powers.
Shinobi said:With all that said, I love the chicks. I try and treat 'em well, knowing the way the boards can be. Most of it is just a ploy by me to try and pry some pics out of 'em, but whatever.
Dujour said:There's jsut a few testosterone-overdosed fuckheads that I can't stand, but it doesn't take away from the overall feel of the forum. Back when I was a regular, granted, I'd say some things that were strong opinions, but for Incognito to turn all sensitive bitch on me, or Society trying to be funny, come on. That's how you really are, and when you're nice in real life, that's the damned facade. I don't care how you treat women in real life. What put me to sleep back thaen was the solice of knowing they'll die single, or miserably married dorks. Men are men, can't hate em for that. And this forums full of them, no need to make it PC now. It won't fix anything. The only thing wrong with the forum now, I think, is the amount of members online. heh, I'd say this place jumped the shark, but I think it's just me. I'm the fonz in this case. Yeah. Whata buzz.
What does that mean, non-democrat? All non-Americans, all independents, and most apathetic are non-democrat. No one minds them. Now, if you mean you're Republican and support Bush in some way, then yeah, we may have a problem.etiolate said:Yeah I'm Christian, a Nintendo fan and a non-democrat. If I had a vagina I'd be everything this forum hated.
Shinobi said:I've got news for you...most of the stuff people say here to ANYONE on this board wouldn't be said in real life. You think the little braveheart posters would be point and laugh at me for not liking pizza
etiolate said:Yeah I'm Christian, a Nintendo fan and a non-democrat. If I had a vagina I'd be everything this forum hated.
Shinobi said:making cowboys out of cowards...
Incognito said:true. lemurs whores herself out like the attention spaz she is at OA. lately, she's been all about lesbianism re: mina and waychel.
Incognito said:YOU ARE ALSO A GUY
marsomega said:I don't agree with the jerks coming in and bitching about the Male Fap Women/Gay edition thread. No one forced you to click on that thread unless you wanted to see some hot male action. From time to time I see people getting banned for trolling or going in and doing stupid crap in other threads. Same should hold true for the women/gay edition fapping thread. Screw giving them warnings, they shouldve been banned on the spot. They fully knew what they were clicking on and they fully knew what they were going to see.
I bet they even had their responses all nicely typed up in word before they even entered the thread.
I don't think I've ever had problems with subject matter in threads as I always read I what I'm going into. Now as far as posters, I can think of none other then the classiest of classy males, Ned Flanders
He was confused and didn't have a clue as to why he was banned. But I think I have an idea...
Lets see shall we. I might know...
If Ned Flanders had congealed in a gutter somewhere rather then being born that would explain a lot.
Anyway, having thread titles such as "Why is it that the minute you start dating someone..every pussy for miles wants you??" just makes GAF dirty I guess. I mean, sure you have a thread about seeing or being sexually active with someone younger is ok. It is your topic of discussion and it is just that, a discussion. But having it spill over to thread titles this classy guy had just makes the whole place sink down the stink hole.
I know there is a joke aspect to it all and understand that. But come on, have some sense.
He kept it in the thread and sure I felt like running him over but I left the thread and that was that. But then he not only kept the classy posts but decided to include his classy nature in the topic titles too. And with the number of replies and posts similar to his growing in numbers I thought it wouldn't be long before we get more threads with titles like so, thus I went to speak to someone about it.
Of course it didn't help that this person also thinks along the same lines as Neddy but fortunately some other mod agreed with me.![]()
Dujour said:There's jsut a few testosterone-overdosed fuckheads that I can't stand, but it doesn't take away from the overall feel of the forum. Back when I was a regular, granted, I'd say some things that were strong opinions, but for Incognito to turn all sensitive bitch on me, or Society trying to be funny, come on. That's how you really are, and when you're nice in real life, that's the damned facade.