you will die and it's probably going to hurt
read the denial of death by ernest becker, then read camus
You had me at "alone".at least youre gonna die here on comfy planet earth with people and nature and birds everywhere
at least cool things are happening around your bones
imagine having to die alone in outer space where it's like cold and there's nobody around, i heard that shit is cold as fuck and no oxygen fuck that
Mind elaborating on this a bit?For me personally, nihilistic meaninglessness felt overly reductionist and never really stuck logically with me.
Where do I purchase these, aneurysms?Try having a brain aneurysm. Chance of it rupturing is small, but still terrifying. Lexapro. Get on Lexapro.
Where do I purchase these, aneurysms?
True. People who believe in one or the other are proven to be happier in general. People who are 100% convinced in either an afterlife, or no afterlife, can make peace with that, set it aside and focus on living. If you're in the middle, that's when you run into problems.Regarding the end itself, it's time to decide to be either a believer or a nihilist, so you can have conviction in the afterlife or acceptance in lack of meaning. Sitting on the fence is liable to produce a lifetime of existential dread instead of making the most of the time you have.
Love the least youre gonna die here on comfy planet earth with people and nature and birds everywhere
at least cool things are happening around your bones
imagine having to die alone in outer space where it's like cold and there's nobody around, i heard that shit is cold as fuck and no oxygen fuck that
I think the worst thing about death isn't dying yourself. It's losing the people you care about. When I think about what could happen if I die young, I think of my parents and how distraught they would be. That's more terrifying to me than any after-death scenario, not existing or going to hell. One time I forgot to answer my mom's phone calls when I was out late and it's one of the only times I have seen her cry. She thought I was dead in a ditch somewhere. I'm always extra careful after that.I didn't really give a shit about death until my daughter was born. Now, with my father approaching 72 and my daughter only being 2 and how close the two of them are I sit and think about all the things he’s going to miss in her life and it hurts. I don’t fear my own death so much as I fear the pain my daughter will experience when her grandparents pass away.
Death is just the big sleep.For me, every night I go to sleep, I'm relinquishing my identity to the void, and it's never a problem. I expect the same with death.
Consider the eternal return. Nietzsche, Hinduism, Buddhism, maybe Sikhi, and others are all on board with this concept. But there's a definite possibility that the qualities in a singularity are constant, or that there are a limited number of possibilities resultant, in either case this universe happens again and again, infinitely, meaning we'll all be having this conversation again very soon. Additionally, it could provide some substantial motivation to get free in this life, because the idea of reliving everything and just being stupid and lost until the end is unbearable.
Consider the eternal return. Nietzsche, Hinduism, Buddhism, maybe Sikhi, and others are all on board with this concept. But there's a definite possibility that the qualities in a singularity are constant, or that there are a limited number of possibilities resultant, in either case this universe happens again and again, infinitely, meaning we'll all be having this conversation again very soon. Additionally, it could provide some substantial motivation to get free in this life, because the idea of reliving everything and just being stupid and lost until the end is unbearable.
Is this what I'll experience if I started to play shmups?Make each day matter more. Time slows way down. And you'll stop worrying about the time that passed and enjoy the time you have.
You run into problems if you leave the door open for an afterlife and you believe that your actions in this life determine where you go in that afterlife (reward vs punishment). On the other hand, if there's some sort of afterlife, but you have zero control over it in this life, then why worry? Nothing you do in this life affects where you'll go later.People who are 100% convinced in either an afterlife, or no afterlife, can make peace with that, set it aside and focus on living. If you're in the middle, that's when you run into problems.
Not accepting death would be not accepting life and I think at least from this point of view you can be happy about the existence of death. Otherwise we could not post here on NeoGAF!
None of you have children that you think about this shit?
I dont understand the point of the topic but i can tell you once you have kids you get fucking paranoid about your kids or you dying.
Death is always in the back of your mind.
But let me get specific.
This happened today.
This was my wifes cousins best friend they hung out a lot in the past.
Mother and 3 children dead after 4-vehicle crash in Brampton, police watchdog investigating - Toronto |
The incident happened at the intersection of Torbram Road and Countryside Drive Thursday
Death is just the big sleep.
Regarding the end itself, it's time to decide to be either a believer or a nihilist, so you can have conviction in the afterlife or acceptance in lack of meaning. Sitting on the fence is liable to produce a lifetime of existential dread instead of making the most of the time you have.
Internet doesn't make strong convictions too easy though. There's always some fucker who is trying to spin your convictions around. I know because I probably am one of those fuckers
I've realized though that I've started to really admire people who have CRAZY ideas and stick by them no matter how much people are trying to shake those ideas away. I would kinda love to be a hardcore young earth creationist with tons of backbone to trust his own convictions. There's something oddly admirable in that. Hell, I'd love to be a flat earther too, or one of those whobelieveknow space is not real!
Ok, maybe for some internet also makes it very easy to have strong convictions too
Anyway, yeah I think you are right with having two sides you can fall on. It's either a believer or a nihilist. There's really no way around those two options. No middle ground. Any attempts to any middle ground requires some sort of false hope and thinking. Not fully accepting to be a believer requires you to be untrue with your ideals. And not fully accepting nihilism also requires you to be untrue with your ideals. In both cases you are not really going where that view of life and reality would logically lead you to.
But then again is that kind of full conviction even truly absolutely possible for anyone? What I know is that countless amount of people have thought about that exact thing for the past thousands or tens of thousands of years and died. There's either a meaning for this possibility to think of that, or there isn't. If there isn't, boy isn't it a miraculous thing!
what?It's just the continuation of change - the endless succession of movement against a backdrop of silence. The mind tends to associate with the movement without recognition that for movement to be perceived it must happen on a backdrop of stillness. All is stillness - that is the source - infinite potential having no content, yet giving life to *all* content. (like the void of the womb bringing life) In death the identification with the limited can be surrendered and seen for what it is and abandoned. (It can happen before death, ideally, but that's another topic.)