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Junior Member
Not really. Level-5's acknowledged the demand is there, but nothing formally announced.

My guess is it'll show up at E3 either alongside or in place of Azran Legacies.

Man, I really hope it gets over here. I need games like that back in my life!

Also, those gifs are absolutely stunning. I think AA5 is gonna look great, and the 3D models capture the spirit juuust fine.


Absolutely not. Much like the change from 999 to VLR, I think 3D models are the logical direction to take and could actually make the court scenes more dynamic, like they've said in interviews. Plus, I think they capture the spirit of the sprites just fine.

This is really just me then, probably. Some expressions look quite plastic. For example the sweating gif, I know it's supposed to look goofy, but the mouth is moving really akwardly to me compared to the sprite.

I haven't seen all the classic expressions yet but there are certain sprites with very fine nuances, I'm curious to find out how they will translate into 3D.


In case you've missed the thread, the AA DS games have been reprinted.
Encouraging those who are curious to at least pick up AA 1

still waiting on 123 HD, Capcom godammit


Speaking of PLvAA, has anything been said about a western release?

Since they've already committed to bringing over AA5, I wouldn't be surprised if they used its sales performance to judge whether releasing PLvAA would be viable.
I have a feeling that it at least won't outright replace Azran Legacies, though, because the yearly Layton release is a pretty big money cow and I don't think they'd want to run the risk of turning Layton-only fans off the series before the last one releases.


Junior Member
I think it was recently said that it'd be coming in "April", but that this is a new date that has changed enough already, so take it with a pinch of salt.
What can be taking them so long, though? I played a playable demo of it at a Korean game expo back in November I think, and it seemed pretty done.
What can be taking them so long, though? I played a playable demo of it at a Korean game expo back in November I think, and it seemed pretty done.
There was an english demo at Pax Prime last year, I don't remember when that was, but I saw a video of it floating around online. From what I could tell, the game looked complete. I guess I was wrong.

My only guess is that there's a glitch halting release, they're waiting to complete an android version too, or they just don't have the manpower working on the game.


Junior Member
There was an english demo at Pax Prime last year, I don't remember when that was, but I saw a video of it floating around online. From what I could tell, the game looked complete. I guess I was wrong.

My only guess is that there's a glitch halting release, they're waiting to complete an android version too, or they just don't have the manpower working on the game.
I dunno, man. I played it on a Galaxy S3, so it can't be Android slowing it down. Maybe there are some localization issues or censors they're trying to fix or get around.
I don't know, I just want to play it asap.


Maybe they want it to support more iOS devices natively? Could there be an iPad and iPhone 5 version in the works? Remember those devices have different screen sizes to iPhone 4S and earlier, so they'd need to be developed specifically for those devices, unless you wanted black bars.


Junior Member
Maybe they want it to support more iOS devices natively? Could there be an iPad and iPhone 5 version in the works? Remember those devices have different screen sizes to iPhone 4S and earlier, so they'd need to be developed specifically for those devices, unless you wanted black bars.
That's also a possibility, a bunch of optimisation stuff. Either that or one too many coffee breaks.


Feels kind of weird posting this link given he's a GAF member himself, but RyougaSaotome put up a good review of PLvsAA:


It sums up pretty well how I feel about the game, both its good and bad points.

I don't think GAF members can post their own links and stuff. I'm not entirely sure.

Reading that seems to indicate bringing Takumi to this was a great idea. Sounds like this game is very solid.





Not exactly the most reliable-looking source, especially given they're using fanart from the 2010 reveal, but you never know. Maybe I'm imagining things, but didn't some of the Layton games' localization get outed early by retailers?

EDIT: And the Wayback machine shows the listing's been there since 2012, previously with a release date of November 11th, 2012 (before the game's Japanese release!) I wouldn't put too much stock in this.


Not exactly the most reliable-looking source, especially given they're using fanart from the 2010 reveal, but you never know. Maybe I'm imagining things, but didn't some of the Layton games' localization get outed early by retailers?

It is common that retailers use either a plain logo as a placeholder for the boxart or use fanart.


Random post here, but if PLvsAA does hop the pond, I'm very curious as to how they'll market it. In Japan, the advertising for the Layton games tends to feature the storyline pretty heavily, so the PLvsAA spots also devoted a good amount of time to shots of the animation and the like. In addition, AA is bigger in Japan than it is in America by a pretty sizeable chunk, so images of Layton and Phoenix sharing pointer finger duty were well received.

(That said, it's worth noting that PLvsAA seems to have underperformed in Japan - it did about 128,000 copies its first week, less than all other Layton and AA games save Miracle Mask. Of course, there are digital sales these days, but I doubt that made a huge difference. It's telling that one of the free, no-fourth-wall DLC episodes (which are clearly already on the cart) makes a reference to the number of people who've played PLvsAA, and it's much higher than 128,000 - I think Level-5 was a little optimistic on the sales numbers.)

In America, though, Layton games are still marketed first and foremost as puzzle games, it seems. Ace Attorney is moderately known, but not anywhere near the level the Layton games are. How are they going to push it - as a crossover, or as a 'special' Layton title?

Even the name could be a spot of trouble. Keep it as "Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney" (which honestly I figure they will) and they might get casual Layton fans asking, "what's this Ace Attorney thing? Why is it a VS game? What sort of weird crossover is this?" And the other possible obvious change - "Professor Layton and the Ace Attorney" - doesn't really have the same magic to it as, say, "Miracle Mask."


I imagine that they won't question as to why the "Vs Ace Attorney" is there since the subtitles in Layton games have been very different from each other, though like you said, they all have a magical sound to them. People haven't had trouble establishing a Professor Layton game despite the lack of numbers in each sequel, so I don't think its name will be that much of an issue. I imagine that there is an overlap with Ace Attorney fans and Professor Layton fans here in the west.

What are the sales for the AA series in NA/EU?


Random post here, but if PLvsAA does hop the pond, I'm very curious as to how they'll market it. In Japan, the advertising for the Layton games tends to feature the storyline pretty heavily, so the PLvsAA spots also devoted a good amount of time to shots of the animation and the like. In addition, AA is bigger in Japan than it is in America by a pretty sizeable chunk, so images of Layton and Phoenix sharing pointer finger duty were well received.


In America, though, Layton games are still marketed first and foremost as puzzle games, it seems. Ace Attorney is moderately known, but not anywhere near the level the Layton games are. How are they going to push it - as a crossover, or as a 'special' Layton title?

Even the name could be a spot of trouble. Keep it as "Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney" (which honestly I figure they will) and they might get casual Layton fans asking, "what's this Ace Attorney thing? Why is it a VS game? What sort of weird crossover is this?" And the other possible obvious change - "Professor Layton and the Ace Attorney" - doesn't really have the same magic to it as, say, "Miracle Mask."

Maybe they call it "Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney: Typical Professor Layton subtitle" and tell everybody that there is an entirely new type of "puzzle" (the trials) to play?

Surely in US/EU they should focus on the Layton part during they marketing to appeal to as many people as possible, while the Ace Attorney part should be something like a "new feature" (Ace Attorney fans are used to seeing no marketing for their games anyway). In the best case all the Layton fans buy the game, begin to like Ace Attorney and want to try the whole series. Even better if a few months later a brand new AA game for 3DS will be available to them...


Not exactly the most reliable-looking source, especially given they're using fanart from the 2010 reveal, but you never know. Maybe I'm imagining things, but didn't some of the Layton games' localization get outed early by retailers?

EDIT: And the Wayback machine shows the listing's been there since 2012, previously with a release date of November 11th, 2012 (before the game's Japanese release!) I wouldn't put too much stock in this.

There was THIS a while ago (ctrl+f "Thankfully Hino seemed much happier to discuss the studio’s incoming releases – Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney – due for release on PS3 and 3DS next year respectively."), but I don't know if it was them misinterpreting their interview or not. Either way, my guess was that it would just be this year's Fall title for the Nintendo handhelds. I was thinking Azran wouldn't have been this year anyways.


What are the sales for the AA series in NA/EU?

I haven't got exact numbers, but not very high save maybe the first one. I think AAI did less than 80k - one very unreliable sales site had it pegged at 160k or so, and later Sven (I think it was) said the site's numbers for the AA games were inflated by a factor of 2 or more.

(As an aside, one large emulation site had about 80k downloads for AAI not tremendously long after its release. Piracy was a serious issue on the DS for niche titles.)


I haven't got exact numbers, but not very high save maybe the first one. I think AAI did less than 80k - one very unreliable sales site had it pegged at 160k or so, and later Sven (I think it was) said the site's numbers for the AA games were inflated by a factor of 2 or more.

(As an aside, one large emulation site had about 80k downloads for AAI not tremendously long after its release. Piracy was a serious issue on the DS for niche titles.)

Well that's a shame, I would love to know numbers specifically. I know AAI did very bad and caused them to not bring over AAI2. And yea, piracy was big for lots of these games sadly. :/

The reprint they did was pretty interesting. Do you think the reprint was to gauge interest that newcomers have? Or was there demand for the games? I imagine there are more fans for the AA series now than there were when they originally came out.




It's what I do. (But seriously I tend to be the pessimist in these things, I'm still half-convinced AA5's having serious dev issues.)

On a completely different note, the PLvsAA OST is out today in Japan. Tempted to import even though I don't really have any good way to rip/listen at the moment (would have to use a university computer or something.)


It's what I do. (But seriously I tend to be the pessimist in these things, I'm still half-convinced AA5's having serious dev issues.)

I was cynical concerning that PLvAA listing, but I really don't think AA5's situation should be any cause for worry. They reiterated the 2013 release date along with that Apollo news last month, after all.


I was cynical concerning that PLvAA listing, but I really don't think AA5's situation should be any cause for worry. They reiterated the 2013 release date along with that Apollo news last month, after all.

Duly noted, and from a reasonable point of view there's really not reason to be worried. I'm just saying that between the developers mentioning they were finding it difficult to write Phoenix (and the fact it's the AAI team rather than the usual AA team), the transition to a new platform for the series (on Capcom's side - Level-5 did all the programming for PLvsAA), and the severe info drought compared to AJ, AAI, and AAI2's Japanese marketing, I do think it's possible the game's not coming along as smoothly as it could be.


I want to remain positive. About both games.
If we haven't heard about a localization for PLvAA by E3 though, I'd start to be concerned. Level-5 would be in charge of that right?


I want to remain positive. About both games.
If we haven't heard about a localization for PLvAA by E3 though, I'd start to be concerned. Level-5 would be in charge of that right?

Yup. They're the publisher, and Sven has said many times that that extends to localization duties as well.


Yup. They're the publisher, and Sven has said many times that that extends to localization duties as well.

I guess all we can do is wait to see what they announce next. Probably down to Fantasy Life, PLvsAA, or the new Layton. I don't think they have anything else big in the works that would have a chance here.


I guess all we can do is wait to see what they announce next. Probably down to Fantasy Life, PLvsAA, or the new Layton. I don't think they have anything else big in the works that would have a chance here.

Is Layton not handled by Nintendo?
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