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Incidentally, today is the 6th anniversary of AJ's release in Japan. Don't think anyone expected it take this long to get a release date for its sequel.


Nice trophy you can get in Guacamelee:




Some sort of AA5 announcement will be happening soon, it seems like.

C-R Member JapaneseGIRL said:

Takeshita(the producer of GhostTrick and PLvsGS) said, "We will announce something of Gyakuten Saiban 5 soon in Osaka"
(The head office of Capcom Japan is in Osaka. But NicoNico event will be held in Chiba)


At this point in time I'd rather get some news on AA123HD :(
I know that feeling.

Capcom: "It's coming in April, but don't take our word for it."

I really want to play through the games again, and decided to wait for the trilogy on iOS. Was hoping I'd have played through it again by now...


I'd rather a localization announcement, but eh. Wonder if it'll be another character or if it will be more information about case 1. Not sure they'd be revealing stuff about later cases, unless it was the return of a significant character or something.


I'd rather a localization announcement, but eh. Wonder if it'll be another character or if it will be more information about case 1. Not sure they'd be revealing stuff about later cases, unless it was the return of a significant character or something.

My guess would be official confirmation of the release date, and reveal of the main prosecutor (possibly meaning announcing Apollo to be in that role), with some associated media.

We're starting to get into the period before release when Capcom starts drip-feeding news, in any event. I doubt they'll put out as much as they did for AAI2, though (which showed off good chunks of cases 1-3, a ton of returning characters, and a tiny bit of case 4 before release.)

In any event, I'll be keeping an eye out for Famitsu tomorrow.


The "Apollo is the new prosecutor" stuff is pretty ridiculous. I don't think there's a chance in hell.

I'm not sold on it either, frankly, and I actually hope it's not the case (Apollo's game ended with him pretty much thinking about how much room he had to grow as a defense attorney, but how it was still worth it), but it's very much a possibility at this point.

I'm just hoping the team has reined in the returning characters a bit. AAI2 got absolutely ridiculous with how many old faces popped up for the sake of popping up. I wouldn't mind seeing a few old characters, but you've got to be reasonable.


It still really bothers me that I most likely will not ever get to play AAI2.

I used to be too, but then I actually played AAI 1 and it mostly killed my hype for the sequel. Can't shake the impression despite hearing the second game is an improvement.


At this point in time I'd rather get some news on AA123HD :(

It's pretty baffling to me how long it's taking to release this in the US. Games were ported to iOS over a year ago in Japan, the English scripts have been done for years when the originals were released, and yet Capcom still finds ways to keep pushing this back. Have to imagine they're giving this project the absolute lowest priority, but still, how long can it take?


Some tiny, forgotten corner of my heart is hoping AA5 shows up at the Nintendo Direct tomorrow, and I can't squash it no matter how hard I try.
I used to be too, but then I actually played AAI 1 and it mostly killed my hype for the sequel. Can't shake the impression despite hearing the second game is an improvement.

I don't get why people had an issue with AAI1, it pretty much played exactly like the AA games only with Edgeworth in the lead role. I guess if you were expecting something different you'd be disappointed but for me the AA formula is still so strong that I enjoyed the heck out of it.


I don't get why people had an issue with AAI1, it pretty much played exactly like the AA games only with Edgeworth in the lead role. I guess if you were expecting something different you'd be disappointed but for me the AA formula is still so strong that I enjoyed the heck out of it.

I feel this way as well. The "final boss" in AAI was one of the worst in the series and there was no true court scene, but I enjoyed the game very much overall. Hearing that AAI2 was an improvement makes its situation as an NA release all the more disappointing.


I don't get why people had an issue with AAI1, it pretty much played exactly like the AA games only with Edgeworth in the lead role. I guess if you were expecting something different you'd be disappointed but for me the AA formula is still so strong that I enjoyed the heck out of it.

Personally, I enjoy AAI as well, but I can understand some complaints against it. It had a lot of cameo characters, which cut down on possible suspects; it somewhat ham-handedly introduced Kay and tied her into Edgeworth's past; the overall story arc of the smuggling ring didn't quite come together as tightly as it needed to to make things feel satisfying; Edgeworth remained fairly static as a character throughout (the only time he really seems to have any conflict is deciding whether or not to use the potentially illegal evidence in case 5.)
I feel this way as well. The "final boss" in AAI was one of the worst in the series and there was no true court scene, but I enjoyed the game very much overall. Hearing that AAI2 was an improvement makes its situation as an NA release all the more disappointing.

Coming off of AJ:AA it was nice to actually have to beat the boss unlike AJ's final opponent.

Best to worst final bosses for gameplay

AA1 > AA2 > AAI > AA3 > AJ

For story impact

AAI > AA3 > AA2 > AJ > AAI

Personally, I enjoy AAI as well, but I can understand some complaints against it. It had a lot of cameo characters, which cut down on possible suspects; it somewhat ham-handedly introduced Kay and tied her into Edgeworth's past; the overall story arc of the smuggling ring didn't quite come together as tightly as it needed to to make things feel satisfying; Edgeworth remained fairly static as a character throughout (the only time he really seems to have any conflict is deciding whether or not to use the potentially illegal evidence in case 5.)

All good points, though I can't get behind the "easy to figure out the villains" comment. Lets be honest, most of the time these games aren't about finding out who did it but more about finding the proof they did do it. Most cases the killer either doesn't show up until near the end making it impossible to guess who it was before hand, or it's made incredibly obvious from the beginning. It's incredibly infuriating as someone who enjoys mystery novels that these games constantly introduce characters half way though the case just to give us a criminal. 1-3 is probably the best case for this simply because you meet and learn about everyone in some capacity before the first trial (IIRC).


Despite its story shortcomings I did appreciate the gameplay shakeups AAI brought. Dragging a cursor around in first person, presenting every item and profile to every character, and breaking psyche-locks had gotten a bit tedious by that time.

All good points, though I can't get behind the "easy to figure out the villains" comment. Lets be honest, most of the time these games aren't about finding out who did it but more about finding the proof they did do it. Most cases the killer either doesn't show up until near the end making it impossible to guess who it was before hand, or it's made incredibly obvious from the beginning. It's incredibly infuriating as someone who enjoys mystery novels that these games constantly introduce characters half way though the case just to give us a criminal. 1-3 is probably the best case for this simply because you meet and learn about everyone in some capacity before the first trial (IIRC).

In 1-3
you don't meet Dee until the last day of investigation and trial, although at the very end of the second to last day you learn about the presence of the members of the production company.


I don't get why people had an issue with AAI1, it pretty much played exactly like the AA games only with Edgeworth in the lead role. I guess if you were expecting something different you'd be disappointed but for me the AA formula is still so strong that I enjoyed the heck out of it.

I actually liked it, just thought it was sub-par compared to the rest of the series. One of the main reasons is that its pacing was different and it felt somewhat off. In AA games you'd complete an investigation and then, having all the evidence you managed to find, you'd head to the courtroom and use it as a weapon in the battle of wits etc. It felt logical and satisfying. In AAI on the other hand, you always have your investigation interrupted by someone willing to testify (!) to you, which at times felt forced and those bits were also often unnecessarily long. In fact, I wish the whole game was shorter.

There's also the matter of the overall story arc not being tied together very well. Minor spoiler follows:
All of THAT happening inside several days back-to-back was way over the top in my opinion. It's like Edgeworth can't eat lunch without getting into some elaborate murder/smuggling scheme.
Plots in individual chapters were okay for the most part, the culprits being completely obvious notwithstanding. However, I felt that they didn't have the momentum and the tension of good AA stories, which is mostly due to pacing problems mentioned above, and for that reason they didn't have as much impact.

That said, it indeed uses the AA formula, has a lot of cameos and is pretty fun to play in general. I'm a fan of Edgeworth, too!

For the reference, here are the games from my most favorite to my least favorite:

AA3 > AA1 > AJ > AA2 = AAI
It still really bothers me that I most likely will not ever get to play AAI2.
I'm not giving up. I know a lot people give Sven flak for his comments, but I still feel like he is trying to make it happen. There is no reason for him, in my mind, to still be telling the fans that he is pushing for it if he doesn't think there is some chance. It's certainly not earning him any respect among those that think he's just stalling us until we give up, so why continue saying so unless he's being genuine? He gives straight up denials to so many other requests, but he doesn't to this one.

We still have the campaign going at the Capcom forums. I'm hoping that the hype around AA5 will bring in some new people to add their requests for AAI2.


Famitsu info should be out in about an hour. No guarantees there'll be any AA5 info in it, but given Capcom's statements lately I'm hopeful.


Poor AA2. :( It gets bonus points in my book for having my favourite case in the series, which puts it ahead of AAI and AJ for me.

Yeah, AA2's final case was amazing. Other stuff was much worse though. AJ on the other hand, while not having any truly outstanding cases, was consistent and overall more enjoyable.


Original post: http://taletalesource.blog69.fc2.com/blog-entry-3071.html#more





Translation said:
Release date: July 25th.

Apollo will appear in court as well.

New character: Prosecutor Jin Yugami.
Although he is technically serving a sentence for murder, he has been ordered to stand in court.

As an incentive to order early, free costume DLC will be available until August 15th.
Phoenix: His old suit from the first three games.
Apollo: A new casual outfit by character designer Kazuya Nuri.
Kokone: A sailor fuku.
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