What the fuck, RNH, I've come to expect better from youVOTE: Xamtheking for not playing any PW
#humantellChecking in. Looking forward to this.
They made a spinoff of that one Professor Layton game?!? That's cool, I really liked those characters.
heh, i got bad news and good news.
Bad news: i wont be quite as active as i was expecting in our coming turnabout because:
Good news: i just got my first job since graduating! yayyyyyyyy
Yes, and in classic Layton style, they tried to convince everyone that the Phoenix Wright games came before the Layton x Phoenix game by distributing DS versions of them in used game stores with an older copyright date. They even got to Wikipedia.
What the fuck, RNH, I've come to expect better from you
Votes need to be on a separate line of text
Yes, and in classic Layton style, they tried to convince everyone that the Phoenix Wright games came before the Layton x Phoenix game by distributing DS versions of them in used game stores with an older copyright date. They even got to Wikipedia.
Checking in. Looking forward to this.
What kind of monster could bring themselves to kill Windy Oldbag? ...Probably a lot of people, actually. But a murder's a murder; let's do some investigating!
I hear they even altered peoples memories.
I just bought a DSi XL. Time to replay the AA games for the first time in seven years!
W-well, of course, I know that, it was a joke...haha...ha
Good luck to yourself![]()
I'll be watching you all from the great nether. Good luck lawyers.
Aww xGood luck to yourself
Splinter is gangbusters-level crazy
Good luck to yourself
Splinter is gangbusters-level crazy
Stay away from me, you spirit-worshiperAww x
No, what you have is a beer shed.I've been put with Splints so much these days that we're wearing each others underwear.
Unfortunately my pair is a bit baggy.
I've got personality.
Weirdos in my courthouse. They'll be evicted in 2 two days.
What kind of legal system allows you to forcibly evict random people for speaking their mind? WAKE UP SHEEPLE! THIS ISN'T A FAIR SYSTEM! IT'S STACKED AGAINST YOU! JOIN TOGETHER! RISE UP! GLORY TO THE PROLETARIAT!
Why this no start earlier
This is the same world where this guy:
Gets to decide innocence or guilt solely based on if this guy (small image, sorry):
Does his job right. I'm within my rights here Coppa.
Have a gif:
Its also a world where a ton of witnesses blatantly lie and prosecutors can openly Forge evidence...... And none of them gets punished for that.
Yeah, The one person who DID get punished for it was framed.
is this vague enough to not be spoilers
Yeah, The one person who DID get punished for it was framed.
is this vague enough to not be spoilers
This is the same world where this guy:
Gets to decide innocence or guilt solely based on if this guy (small image, sorry):
Does his job right. I'm within my rights here Coppa.
Have a gif:
That's inaccurate. Phoenix Wright is a defense lawyer. But in order to win he basically has to play the role of detective and somewhat prosecutor. Because it seems the justice system runs on "GUILTY until you can prove someone else GUILTY."
Because it seems the justice system runs on "GUILTY until you can prove someone else GUILTY."
Doesn't IRL Japan also have some absurdly high conviction rate?
Gawd you nail-biters, find something to do. Go eat some oatmeal or play a new indie game or something. THERE IS LIFE OUTSIDE OF MAFIA!
Mafia life is the only life I need.