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Ace Combat 5 - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"It's been several years since the last Ace Combat game, and this latest installment doesn't do much to change an already-winning formula--but not much was needed to keep this series feeling fresh and exciting, especially since there just aren't many other flight combat games on the market. Those looking for a complex flight simulation on consoles need not apply to Ace Combat 5, which is much more interested in delivering the thrills and drama of Top Gun-style cinematic depictions of modern dogfighting--something that the game achieves very capably."


I posted this review in the IGN review thread and everyone agrees that the score is too low. :( Did anyone manage to pick this up today?


Man! Greg did it again...

In the video review, he did nothing but praise the game, making you feel this is really an 9.0-level game... then he handed out a low score by giving an 7 on the "value" category... I don't even recall he mentioned anything about "value" in his review...
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