No problem! Post some pics when you get it.
They are pretty cool, but I'm with you. Who knows what the quality is like. I really like the vulture and the rooster though, heh.
gonna be a while. Summer 2016 is the release date lol
No problem! Post some pics when you get it.
They are pretty cool, but I'm with you. Who knows what the quality is like. I really like the vulture and the rooster though, heh.
Snow Miku 2016.<3
In for that 1/6 BB-8 with Rey companion figure.
Finally Got these two:
They are from the Bandai S.I.C line. The sculpt is amazing and the base is so good it could really be a separate piece in your collection.
Those look fantastic. How much do they cost?
BB8 will probably be rocket priced right?
At first they were on Amazon for 40.00 dollars I believe. They jumped up in price though. it is now 44 dollars with 8 dollar shipping. Luckily I found a seller on Ebay who was selling it for 40 dollars with free shipping.
Mecha-King Ghidorah's box art is just gorgeous.
1/6th Transporter! I'm pretty sure it'll be a exhibition only vehicle like the Millennium Falcon.
That it is. Kinda surprised you're also displaying the boxes. All of mine are at the attic.
Picked up a sparring partner for the Vader Hot Toy in a few weeks. Mother F'ing Obi-Wan!
not gonna lie, but his face doesn't look anything like Alec Guinness there. :/
Not perfect but still a fantastic figure. Almost how he would look a tad younger.
this pic looks dead on. is it just a prototype?
Here is another picture of mine.
2 Figuarts Kylo Ren still available from a small re-stock on CD Japan, I just snagged one since I missed out on the pre-order, go go go.
Action Figure GAF, I need your help!!!
Does anyone know of a glass display case that would be able to support the combiner wars class Devastator??
I already have that tall skinny ikea display case that so many of you use, and it's almost full, so I can not add it to that case. I'm looking for a case that would hold just the Devastator figure.
If there is no case I may have to display him atop my ikea display case and then I gotta worry about dust and cleaning him
Thanks all!!!
That War Machine pic is a fake someone at Sideshow Freaks made. That's just the original figure.
Copper Stormtrooper looks awful.
I don't even understand why they would do this.
Special edition so why not. They can charge more for it.
I seen my financial destruction in the Civil War trailer today.
I seen my financial destruction in the Civil War trailer today.
I seen my financial destruction in the Civil War trailer today.
Oh god what is happening to Scarlet Witch in that upcoming releases picture? that looks terrible. Seeing her with a new costume in the Civil War trailer is giving me pause in buying this...
I think I'm only doing three, which are Black Panther, Spidey, and a 1/4 Bleeding Edge. None of the other costumes changed enough.
Is there a new War Machine armor in Civil War? I couldn't really tell from the trailer.
Definitely getting Bleeding Edge though.