Forza Horizon 5 |OT| Are you a Mexican, or a Mexican't?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
So I started playing this, my first proper racing game. Learned I need to hit on the brakes. Anything I should be focusing early on? Just did my first expedition to Tulun.
Just have fun. If you want more of a challenge, you can remove assists and increase the Drivatar difficulty. Enjoy!


So I started playing this, my first proper racing game. Learned I need to hit on the brakes. Anything I should be focusing early on? Just did my first expedition to Tulun.
Every week in the Festival Playlist is a category for Playground Games. Play it to the end and you get the prize whether you win or lose. Sometimes, like this week, it’s a free car.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Stolen shamelessly from Reddit:

I am bummed I won't be able to get the Season tier 2 reward since I haven't had much time to play this month.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Hey Turk1993 Turk1993 , you've probably already discovered this, but just incase I've figured out a way to stop time from advancing in photomode.

Set the car up for the shot and sit for a bit (or drive by where you want the shot) then use rewind and select view replay (X on controller) If you enter photomode from the replay time won't advance.
No i didn't discover it yet, will definitely try this out when im home. Lately i just make a custom race and set 1 checkpoint to a far corner of the map and then drive freely without spawning or ending the race. That way i can also control the weather, tod and season so when i take a picture the tod is always static and i have some control of the tod/weather.

Fox Mulder

Lol at there being a festival playlist event to win a horizon open event. This mode sucks ass with all the waiting and load times between races.

many players also aren’t good enough to win online. They included this for the last week of the series when there is an achievement for completing everything.


Gold Member
Lol at there being a festival playlist event to win a horizon open event. This mode sucks ass with all the waiting and load times between races.

many players also aren’t good enough to win online. They included this for the last week of the series when there is an achievement for completing everything.

And after also making everyone buy that 4.5million bentley as well, drive 100 miles and the 1.2million ferrari. Assholes pushing you out of checkpoints etc.

Honestly scumbag tactics and just makes it easy to get the points in a couple hours, claim the cars and then don't log on again. Never mind the stuff like daily wheelspins not working or leaderboards being hacked.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Yeah, I avoid the online whenever possible. I’m impressed with the Drivatars of the general GAF group. Only a few rammers here and there.
And after also making everyone buy that 4.5million bentley as well, drive 100 miles and the 1.2million ferrari. Assholes pushing you out of checkpoints etc.

Honestly scumbag tactics and just makes it easy to get the points in a couple hours, claim the cars and then don't log on again. Never mind the stuff like daily wheelspins not working or leaderboards being hacked.
I still get a kick out of the cheaters in the Eliminator.

I had a level 9 Rally-X Beetle and was way closer to the destination when it spawned and was booking it down the main highway at top speed for an easy win when someone in an Audi Quattro (which I think is a level 3 car) blew by me so fast I might as well have been parked and he wasn't alone as a Mini rally-raid car also shot by. I actually was in that same car earlier in the round and know it can't go that fast.

I think the "win an eliminator round" achievement is officially now in my "don't care" list along with the one for doing all the events in a season. Trials are just not for me. If I'm not on a team with people who just quit immediately if they aren't first , I'm with people I assume are trying to play using Donkey Konga Bongos as a controller or I'm in a group that thinks they have to destroy everyone else on the track to win including teammates. No thanks.


Gold Member
I still get a kick out of the cheaters in the Eliminator.

I had a level 9 Rally-X Beetle and was way closer to the destination when it spawned and was booking it down the main highway at top speed for an easy win when someone in an Audi Quattro (which I think is a level 3 car) blew by me so fast I might as well have been parked and he wasn't alone as a Mini rally-raid car also shot by. I actually was in that same car earlier in the round and know it can't go that fast.

I think the "win an eliminator round" achievement is officially now in my "don't care" list along with the one for doing all the events in a season. Trials are just not for me. If I'm not on a team with people who just quit immediately if they aren't first , I'm with people I assume are trying to play using Donkey Konga Bongos as a controller or I'm in a group that thinks they have to destroy everyone else on the track to win including teammates. No thanks.

Yeah I was cruising in the last 4, then saw some shitty car launch about 500 yards ahead of me so just resigned to doing the festival 'finish in the top 30' task. SO I alreayd knew I wasn't getting that, or even going for it properly. Now what they've done this season has just pissed me off, having to splurge on that Bentley, then drive 100 miles as well as buy the Ferrari and this shitty thing at the end just soured me even more. Even worse because I would have already had it if the treasure hunt from last season hadn't bugged as well.

So basically it's just spend less time in the game now. Log in, do the playlist until I unlock both cars then park it until new content. In the meantime shiny new GT7 is coming out so I'll probably spend some time on that instead. Playground are really skirting a line here with bugs, leaderboards, livery bans, playground games inbalance and just general terrible races with wrong classes and unsuited terrain.


Been holding out on ranting, but this game's post-launch support has been horrible. There's a gigantic list of known issues, including the game constantly crashing when any Fanatec wheel is used (unless you revert to a very old driver) yet they give us four shit cars that nobody cares about.

This was one of my most anticipated games of 2021 and it instantly turned into a disappointment even if I did put a decent amount of time into it.
Have Turn 10 said anything about Forza Motorsport release date/window?

Nothing, but I've read this fall from several sites. T10 is more tight-lipped than they've ever been about this game. Most of the stuff around the game has been small tidbits or discussion about the work they're putting into the new Forzatech engine.

A bunch of Chinese cars coming, how fun.

It's hilarious that China bought one of the automakers with the worst track records for reliability in the UK and now builds them in the country that makes all the world's worst shit. It's actually a good fit when you think about it :messenger_grinning_sweat:

People complained about the seasonal PR stunts being locked to certain cars, so they took it out of series 4. When it returns, it will be any car like in Forza Horizon 4. I actually liked being forced to use different cars. Now it'll just be everything with the same OP car every week.

II actually preferred the new challenges as well, it gave me a reason to set up and use cars that I otherwise wouldn't have. Now it's just going to be putting rally tires on a Koenigsegg and getting everything in one attempt like in FH4.


This is the problem with having a wide appeal. For everyone that wants more challenge there are even more people that want everything to be easier. The modern casual gamer doesn't want to play the game they want to see the game. This is why there is no real progression in the game and this is why games have journalist modes

Fox Mulder

It was going down this road since like FH3. They moved away from progression or themed championships and let you just do whatever. They even killed the loyalty rewards they’ve had for every game since 2013 to cater to the new players.

I looked at the achievements and only 62% of players have even completed any race event. A ton of people aren’t doing shit in the game but they’re building it for them.



So despite being my most hyped game of 2021, i hadn't spent two hours with it since launch. For me and my buddy, it wasn't until the patch this week that online would work. Working great now, we'll co-op the entire game together!

...Only to find out they have REMOVED co-op for horizon stories...this was favorite aspect of FH4.

Why the hell was this removed?


What’s the trick to finding these last 9 roads for the road discovery achievement?

Edit: I’ve got 575/578
But it gave me the achievement at 573.

Edit 2: omg. I need one more road and one more (bonus) area?
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What’s the trick to finding these last 9 roads for the road discovery achievement?

Edit: I’ve got 575/578
But it gave me the achievement at 573.

Edit 2: omg. I need one more road and one more (bonus) area?

In Horizon 4 I actually screenshotted the map and stitched it together, then used the bucket tool in photoshop to fill the discovered roads in with neon green which revealed a tiny sliver of road I'd missed where a gravel road met a paved road. I thought my game was bugged.


So despite being my most hyped game of 2021, i hadn't spent two hours with it since launch. For me and my buddy, it wasn't until the patch this week that online would work. Working great now, we'll co-op the entire game together!

...Only to find out they have REMOVED co-op for horizon stories...this was favorite aspect of FH4.

Why the hell was this removed?

Two steps forward, one step back is pretty typical for the series. A good example :people didn't like doing 3 hours of shit every week to unlock the cars so they lowered the seasonal points required to unlock them this round. But instead of just lowering the amount of points needed, they also removed the events that were quick and easy to do so you still have to do one of the shitty teamwork based events or hope you're able to play every day to grab the Forzathon challenges.

It's dumb sometimes.
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Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I think you only get a horn for finding them all unless it’s your OCD kicking in as you’ve got the achievement.

If you’ve found all the fast travel boards it’s easier but I just turn all the icons off on the map and then spent a good chunk of time zoomed in and going over it as best as I could. You’ll probably find it’s one of those little red ones that seemed to be joined in dashes on the map.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I guess it might be bugged and that’s why they gave me the achievement early.
They intentionally don't force you to get the actual 100% for the achievement. Same goes for bonus signs.

Right now my total roads discovered is +1 or 2 above the actual total so I don't know how they are truly calculation.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I cannot find a game of flag rush to save my life. Lots of infected games but nothing for flag rush.

Edit: seems best is to do the seasonal playground as they match you up from round 1. The open one was always throwing me into round 3. I assume people just mass quit after 2 when they complete the challenge.
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Gold Member
I got min, max achievement despite missing the open racing win so I'm chuffed. Dropping the PR stunts out now means that basically the refresh is like Destiny 2, takes me about 2 and a half hours to earn the new cars and then I can rest it each week for the DLC :D
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