I gotta say some of the races though, I think near the volcanic ridge, the terrain is like built for a rugged off-roader, or an SUV yet for one event up there... all you get to choose from your collection is cars that are classed as "rare" so in my collection I had the BMW M5 I think along with a Ford Mustang, and I am having trouble controlling those cars in those races what with the tight turns etc...it is all off-road, both the cars have handling that makes them swing about so much the rest of the racers leave you for dead..... how are you meant to compete if you are restricted to what vehicles you can use for that event, specifically only to cars that are built for the road instead of vehicles that built for all-terrains...??? I then purchased one that was specifically built in a frame design/ a buggy like vehicle and that didn't fare much better...I'll likely donate it soon...

...Or maybe it is just me not buying the right vehicle for the event...despite what was in my garage..