Just received the Kenner Ghost Predator from NECA the other day. Even though he's a re-used Jungle Hunter, I was super excited about this figure. The color choices made the figure look like a unique figure. I had to buy him the moment NECA put him up on their E-Bay store.
This guy is amazing. He features some updated articulation from the old Jungle Hunter body, most notably a ball joint in his torso and double-jointed knees. It very much mirrors the articulation in the AvP figures, but scaled down to suit the average, non-performance enhanced Predators. He also includes a removable mask, which is extremely well done. This feature has been used with the Berserker mold (such as on my boy
Nightstorm) but I think this is the first time it's appeared with a Jungle Hunter. It does make his head look a bit big when he's wearing it, but it's not that bad. The paint job turned out as spectacular as I'd hoped. The white, black and orange works so well together. It gives him a unique look that helps him stand out, despite using such a common body. I'm extremely glad to have him. Now I can't wait for Spiked-Tail and Clan Leader to pop up for order. This is just such a great line.