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'Active shooter incident' reported at Tennessee naval center

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So it was a local recruitment office? Some of the initial reporting made it sound like it was on an actual military facility, or at a MEPS.

I don't think recruiters generally carry weapons. They're usually locals too. Most recruiters get stationed near their home towns.

Unfortunately, they'd make easy targets since they're usually just small offices located in strip malls and such.


Any word on if the shooter is a US citizen? Have read that he was possibly born in Kuwait, but not when he left.

Red Hood

Islamic name? Damn, that doesn't bode well. Hope he didn't have some political agenda or something and that he was "just" not right in the head. Awful for the families involved and I wish them all the best.
Shooter is Muslim? Domestic terrorism.
Anything else? Mass shooting.

If it was based on ISIS beliefs, then yea it's going to be called terrorism, as that's the modern day definition of it.

Mass shootings are terrorist acts, but they simply don't have the religious backing or idealism behind them.
So it was a local recruitment office? Some of the initial reporting made it sound like it was on an actual military facility, or at a MEPS.

I don't think recruiters generally carry weapons. They're usually locals too. Most recruiters get stationed near their home towns.

Unfortunately, they'd make easy targets since they're usually just small offices located in strip malls and such.

Can't carry a weapon in a recruiting station or even on base. It's only allowed when heading to some type of training.


CNN is reporting 4 marines were killed, and the shooter shot into the windows of a military recruiting center before heading to another location more than 7 miles away (http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/16/us/tennessee-naval-reserve-shooting/index.html).

CNN said:
Investigators "have not determined whether it was an act of terrorism or whether it was a criminal act," Ed Reinhold, FBI special agent in charge, told reporters. "We are looking at every possible avenue, whether it was terrorism -- whether it was domestic, international -- or whether it was a simple, criminal act."
What a surprise, they busted out the terrorist word.

Load up Drudge, Muhammad shoots up Marines in TN. NM, don't.


In what other shooting would Drudge simply say, Adam shoots up X. Newsflash, they wouldn't.

This is going to be all about Islam and the dog-whistling has already started. Guys he was, ya know a Muslim.
What a surprise, they busted out the terrorist word.

Well targeting an army recruitment center, with the fatalities being marines...I understand why the first thing they would investigate it as under the official definition of terrorism - violence directed at the government in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Honestly not sure what else we know about the shooter, but usually any targeted violence against the military/soldiers falls first under domestic terrorism for investigative purposes.


Well targeting an army recruitment center, with the fatalities being marines...I understand why the first thing they would investigate it as under the official definition of terrorism - violence directed at the government in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Honestly not sure what else we know about the shooter, but usually any targeted violence against the military/soldiers falls first under domestic terrorism for investigative purposes.
Yeah, targeting two different military/recruitment sites that are miles apart, killing 4 soldiers, seems pretty specifically targeted. Even if it was a lone crazy person, they had to be sane enough to go to those sites or else they would just shoot other people nearby instead of driving 7 miles, I would think.
Well targeting an army recruitment center, with the fatalities being marines...I understand why the first thing they would investigate it as under the official definition of terrorism - violence directed at the government in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Honestly not sure what else we know about the shooter, but usually any targeted violence against the military/soldiers falls first under domestic terrorism for investigative purposes.

Isn't terrorism much more broad than simply targeting military/govt/soldiers?


Unconfirmed Member
Fox News showing a picture of the car, a silver 2015 Ecoboost Mustang convertible. Looks like a rental car honestly.

I'm positive Ford would appreciate if the public and news focus on anything else. They sell quite a few to rental fleets.


What a surprise, they busted out the terrorist word.

So your educated guess when 24 year old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opens fire into an armed forces recruiting center and kills four Marines is that it most likely wasn't an act of terrorism?

Are the FBI being unreasonable or engaging in "dog-whistling" when they investigate it as terrorism?

“We will treat this as a terrorism investigation until we determine it was not,” he said. He added: “We have not determined if it was an act of terrorism or a criminal act.”


I know it's possible.....but seems like a stretch to think of any motive other than domestic terrorism for this act.


Man, these random shootings is really out of control. Are we ever going to be able to fix this problem?

The prevalence of shootings has actually steadily decreased over the last few decades. Our instant access to news, however, has become more effective.


This was the one thing that made me leary of the confederate flag ban.

One southern racist jackass shoots up a church and we start banning a flag. What do you think the right wingers are gonna say now that one Muslim jackass shot up a U.S. military location?


This was the one thing that made me leary of the confederate flag ban.

One southern racist jackass shoots up a church and we start banning a flag. What do you think the right wingers are gonna say now that one Muslim jackass shot up a U.S. military location?
Dumb shit, what else?
This was the one thing that made me leary of the confederate flag ban.

One southern racist jackass shoots up a church and we start banning a flag. What do you think the right wingers are gonna say now that one Muslim jackass shot up a U.S. military location?
Ban Muslims..it's the only way. Maybe we don't worry about morans that would make these things equal. What do I know..I'm stoopid.
Yea, but it gives them more racist stuff to circle jerk themselves to.
What doesn't though?


This was the one thing that made me leary of the confederate flag ban.

One southern racist jackass shoots up a church and we start banning a flag. What do you think the right wingers are gonna say now that one Muslim jackass shot up a U.S. military location?

I don't think any of our government buildings fly the flag of any terrorist organizations.

Surely they'll see that there is no correlation... surely.... right?


This is indeed red meat for idiotic false equivalences though.

Sitting here in a doctor's waiting room with Fox News on. They're so excited a (presumed) Muslim did this you'd think the GOP took back the White House.


If it was based on ISIS beliefs, then yea it's going to be called terrorism, as that's the modern day definition of it.

Mass shootings are terrorist acts, but they simply don't have the religious backing or idealism behind them.

Hey, I dont really care what they call it. If it's terrorism then call it that. I'm just asking for some consistency. Religious motives are not needed for an act of terrorism.


I find it a little cold that there so many posts in this thread just focusing on how a particular group or news channel is gonna react to this event. Maybe its because we are just way too accustomed to these things occurring.


I don't think any of our government buildings fly the flag of any terrorist organizations.

Surely they'll see that there is no correlation... surely.... right?

Right, but I'm talking about things like Amazon and Apple banning products with confederate flags.

I'm just bracing myself for the crazy Facebook posts.


Interesting that some people seem more upset that Fox has a story than they are over the idea that an ISIS sympathizer just shot people on American soil.
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