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'Active shooter incident' reported at Tennessee naval center

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Interesting that some people seem more upset that Fox has a story than they are over the idea that an ISIS sympathizer just shot people on American soil.

Or maybe they are upset over how it's being reported by Fix?

They aren't exactly known for their sensible and balanced reporting.

Have Fox had Pam Gellar on yet? Robert Spencer?
This was the one thing that made me leary of the confederate flag ban.

One southern racist jackass shoots up a church and we start banning a flag. What do you think the right wingers are gonna say now that one Muslim jackass shot up a U.S. military location?

But the confederate flag wasn't banned...

Honestly...what the hell are you even talking about?


Interesting that some people seem more upset that Fox has a story than they are over the idea that an ISIS sympathizer just shot people on American soil.

Any proof he was an ISIS sympathizer? It isn't impossible to feel bad for the victims and Muslim Americans that will feel heat from this.

How is it racist to think islam is a problem?

I'm not sure if racist is the right word, but saying Islam as a whole is a problem is a dumb generalization.


Or maybe they are upset over how it's being reported by Fix?

They aren't exactly known for their sensible and balanced reporting.

Have Fox had Pam Gellar on yet? Robert Spencer?

I haven't read anything in the thread about Fox's reporting on this particular matter. And yes, we all know what angle Fox is going to take with this. The exact opposite end of the spectrum as MSNBC. Still seems, from the posts I read that some were more upset by media bias than the fact that the ISIS trash is starting to hit home.




This is real?


Any proof he was an ISIS sympathizer? It isn't impossible to feel bad for the victims and Muslim Americans that will feel heat from this.

I'm not sure if racist is the right word, but saying Islam as a whole is a problem is a dumb generalization.

Ok, how about violent, homophobic and mysoginistic religions, such as Islam and Christianity are problems?
I heard on the radio that ISIS tweeted a warning earlier today. I think it is this one. Of course the account is now suspended.

I haven't read anything in the thread about Fox's reporting on this particular matter. And yes, we all know what angle Fox is going to take with this. The exact opposite end of the spectrum as MSNBC. Still seems, from the posts I read that some were more upset by media bias than the fact that the ISIS trash is starting to hit home.

Is he affiliated with IS?

Ok, how about violent, homophobic and mysoginistic religions, such as Islam and Christianity are problems?

Judaism and Hinduism aren't violent and mysoginistic?
I'm talking about companies, not the government.


All banned sales of products with the flag in it.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? Like what in the hell are you talking about?

Is this where you make some really compressed jpeg images about states rights?
Its terrible news. RIP to the victims.
I think its very hard to defend against these kinds of attacks. They can really happen anywhere at any time. Even though we have strict gun laws here in Australia, it didnt stop the Iranian terrorist we had in Sydney not long ago, getting a shotgun.


Its terrible news. RIP to the victims.
I think its very hard to defend against these kinds of attacks. They can really happen anywhere at any time. Even though we have strict gun laws here in Australia, it didnt stop the Iranian terrorist we had in Sydney not long ago, getting a shotgun.

Nor did it stop the terrorists in France. Education and civilization are the only cures for this madness in my humble opinion.
If this is legit, that's the IS connection confirmed.

I was listening to Sean Hannity of all people (Yes, I know) and heard about the tweet. This was almost 2 hours ago too. Not sure why nobody else was bringing it up.

The tweet happened BEFORE the attack too.

Scary stuff. This info went live as I was listening to a interview about the potential safety issues of having safe haven states.


I would warn anyone to treat that Tweet (say that 5 times fast) like anything you read on the internet....don't touch it will a ten foot pole till a trusted source confirms it.
Nor did it stop the terrorists in France. Education and civilization are the only cures for this madness in my humble opinion.

I agree with what you said, but I generally support tough gun laws too - especially here in Australia where we are somewhat geographically isolated. I think enforcing similar laws in the US would be tougher because they would flood into the US via Mexico the same way drugs do. Still, even taking guns away from just non-criminals would probably make a huge dent in the US gun suicide stats, which would also be great.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
The hell is up with people automatically going on the attack on Fox and people using the word 'terrorism'? A Muslim ISIS supporter just murdered people on military property for fuck's sake.
I would warn anyone to treat that Tweet (say that 5 times fast) like anything you read on the internet....don't touch it will a ten foot pole till a trusted source confirms it.

Out of curiosity, what is considered a trusted source for this kind of stuff.

I know I saw someone wondering when Pam Geller was going to show up. It is located on her site.

I guess she isn't trustworthy?
The hell is up with people automatically going on the attack on Fox and people using the word 'terrorism'? A Muslim ISIS supporter just murdered people on military property for fuck's sake.

Because Fox has been a shit news organization who are racist as fuck since forever?

Why wouldn't anyone sane person shit on Fox?
Good thing he didn't do anything to perpuate the stereotype...OOPS!

And to the people asking if he is an ISIS sympathizer, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say yes.

Based on what? His name?

The hell is up with people automatically going on the attack on Fox and people using the word 'terrorism'? A Muslim ISIS supporter just murdered people on military property for fuck's sake.

Am I missing something or has the link to ISIS been established? Or are you just assuming ISIS links based on his name?
Based on what? His name?

Am I missing something or has the link to ISIS been established? Or are you just assuming ISIS links based on his name?

So who sent two tweets referencing ISIS and Chatanooga less than 30 minutes before the attacks?

I would wager the suspect himself or someone else who knew he was going to commit the attack.


Out of curiosity, what is considered a trusted source for this kind of stuff.

I know I saw someone wondering when Pam Geller was going to show up. It is located on her site.

I guess she isn't trustworthy?

Whatever source you in particular trust.....personally, I've only seen that tweet credited to right wing sites and sourced from Fox News.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Worked for Charlie Hebdo.

That's incredibly disingenuous.

All we know right now is a lone gunman attacked a military facility.
We don't know if he had help or connections.

Very strict gun control laws would likely prevent such a lone gunman from getting a gun to do such an attack. Unless of course he had financial help and connections.
This is the 2nd tweet from that account.


First one I posted was screenshotted from NY, which is same timezone as Chatanooga. 2nd tweet, if also from NY occurred during the attack or shortly after.
This is such a cop-out response. Yeah, let's just not even bother doing anything since we've already fucked it up so badly. Maybe we should just burn the whole country to the ground, huh?

What are some sensible gun laws we can pass that would reduce these incidents? I'm curious to know because the replies vary from outright banning all gun ownership to implementing universal background checks. How would you go about doing this?

Van Owen

The hell is up with people automatically going on the attack on Fox and people using the word 'terrorism'? A Muslim ISIS supporter just murdered people on military property for fuck's sake.

Um, because thats what it appears to be? Just like the Charleston shooting was a terrorist attack.
This is the 2nd tweet from that account.


First one I posted was screenshotted from NY, which is same timezone as Chatanooga. 2nd tweet, if also from NY occurred during the attack or shortly after.

This one is suspect. IS are typically very good at social media, this seems so amateurish in comparison to what they normally put out.

Maybe it's the attacker who tweeted this as Coins suggested?


No, your bigotry shone through. That tweet came after your passing judgement.

I don't think presuming someone with that name who shot up a US Military facility has some connection to ISIS makes me a bigot.

If I thought someone with that name had a connection to ISIS prior to the shooting that would make me a bigot.

See the difference?
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