And almost every other example agrees with me.The last of us 2 disagrees with you.
And almost every other example agrees with me.The last of us 2 disagrees with you.
Ok time for reminders:
- Sony has the same policies: https://www.sie.com/en/csr/diversity.html
- Most if not all software companies have those;
- AB is doing that to counter the bad press they had between sexual harassment being covered, the lactation room stories etc.
Doesn’t “meeting or exceeding market availability for gender and ethnicity” mean hiring at least whatever percentage those groups represent in the total population and ideally exceeding this percentage and thus over-representing them? Sounds like the same thing said differently.Per your link:
Reflect diversity in our workforce by meeting or exceeding market availability for gender and ethnicity diversity at all levels and all functions. This means expanding our sourcing capabilities so we can engage strong, underrepresented talent in our recruiting process and hold the business accountable for ensuring we interview a diverse slate of job candidates before we make offers.
Sony isn't just willy-nilly hiring women and whatever the hell non-binaries are just to meet some arbitrary quota. Activision Blizzard said they have a quota to meet (increase women/non-binary employees by 50%). That makes these two completely different agendas.
It's one thing to be open towards hiring people with diverse backgrounds while not explicitly hiring because of diversity (Sony), but it's another thing entirely to say that you're going to specifically hire because of diversity (Activision Blizzard). The latter one is actually illegal in the U.S.
Someone who loses out on a job at Activision Blizzard can actually sue, and probably win, because they have this claim to show that there isn't equality (because equity and equality are not the same thing) in the hiring process.
I think you misunderstand what is work and what is personal life. In your work, you are paid to do something and that does not define you as a person. And your personality can't define your work. We have gay colleagues in my work but I have never in the many years I work there, heard them once bring that up. We respect them for the people they are and not they sexual preferences. And they got hired or promoted for the work they done and not because they have some special preference or they have to fill a quota. No one respect in any job the friend of the boss that comes to work without any skillset and he thinks he can do what he wants because the is privileged, the same applies when they bring someone to fill a agenda and not a missing position. That is the biggest problems people have with this inclusive policies.yes, that is not my problem or anyone else’s. You want me to call you toilet paper? Ok, I will. You do you.
Also, if what I’m saying is tiring, put me on ignore.
You know what, I’m going ahead and will do it.
There, done.
Because after a while it gets tiresome. Imagine having to socialize with thirty different people, who look like men, but one wants to be referred as 'they', the other as 'she', the other as 'worn', 'bjorn' or whatever. At some point, addressing those people stops being courtesy and becomes homework. I literally do not have the time, mood, or patience to learn about '100 different genders' and having to cater to the whims of every spoiled brat who wants a unique pronoun in order to feel special about themselves because they have no real problems and conjured up this crap in order to feel special and entertain themselves.
And on top of that, paint me as a nazi because I literally have no time to entertain their delusions.
Do you want to live like a woman and look like a woman? Fine. Do it and I'll refer you as 'she'. But this they/them/xorn/100 genders fad is bullshit, and it's getting tiresome.
You literally have *true* transgendered people call out this bullshit and point out how HARM it's doing to them, instead of good.
I’ve never heard of people being hired solely because they belong to one or other minority without having any required skill set. Never heard of someone being promoted the same way.I think you misunderstand what is work and what is personal life. In your work, you are paid to do something and that does not define you as a person. And your personality can't define your work. We have gay colleagues in my work but I have never in the many years I work there, heard them once bring that up. We respect them for the people they are and not they sexual preferences. And they got hired or promoted for the work they done and not because they have some special preference or they have to fill a quota. No one respect in any job the friend of the boss that comes to work without any skillset and he thinks he can do what he wants because the is privileged, the same applies when they bring someone to fill a agenda and not a missing position. That is the biggest problems people have with this inclusive policies.
Equity is by default communism. Then consider not replying next time.
wut?Russians are commies.
Society expects people to be considerate of others to some extend while respect is earned, unless you have no standard whatsoever. But, ye, participation award generation feels entitled to that too I guess.
This thread is another great filter to see the people who actually read and the people who just want to make a drive-by post for likes.This is normal, all big companies do this
admiration is earned. everyone has a right to be respected as long as they are themselves respectful.
Equality is something we all should fight for, as in having the same opportunity. I'm all for making sure people from "marginalized communities", whatever it means, get a chance to interview for a position.Seems like a pretty obvious position to have if you are a US company given the EEOC and expensive lawsuits still exist. Of course, if you're triggered by seeing certain words now, you'll immediately think the "Blue Haired Brigade" is up to something.
Yeah. . .no (nevermind you're thinking of "equality" and not "equity").
It's just a turn of words to avoid saying "no white straight men".It's just weird imo to lump stuff like '' non-binary '' into the same category as women.
Why not just hire the most qualified candidate?
Reporting you to the Officer of Diversity and Equity.
They do. No one hires people without the necessary skill set. All these policies do is trying to make sure the people hired with the necessary skill set aren’t homogeneous as usually is nowadays. They’re trying to hire diverse people, but with the required skill set.I just hope the hires have the talent necessary to make good games and its just not adding people to increase a quota.
Nah, people deserve respect. “Earning” lol so some people don’t deserve respect because of what they look like, want to be called of what they like? What type or BS is that? If you want to be a dick be my guest, but don’t expect not to get some backlash. And lmao at the bolded. Seems you’re not very smart and can’t understand what Is being said.
I don’t care about non binaries labels and whatnot, I just make a point about respecting people because is the bare minimum we have to do to live in society. It doesn’t matter to me if a person wants to look like an alien and wants to be called he, she, they or it, it’s their problem, not mine and it’s not hard to respect people, but some people really have a hard time to do that.![]()
like I said, I don’t care about the non binary stuff either, but I call them what they want to be called even if it sounds ridiculous.Generally I agree I am not against trans people or anything like that.
But I also think that no we shouldn't respect everything and everyone.
I also think that respecting someone identifying as a deer diminishes the struggles of trans people and turns things into a joke.
People collectively need to have boundaries and call shit out when they see it otherwise you end up in a situation like we're essentially in now where we have people quite literally making genders up and people bending over backwards as to not upset the most easily upset people on the planet.
I have mixed thoughts on the non-binary thing I think there are maybe extremely rare cases where it might make sense but those are EXTREMELY rare.
99% of the time when I see people identify as it it's people who clearly fall into one category or they're just guys with long hair or women with short hair etc.
Based on what I've seen you could also be clearly a man who looks like the most masculine dude ever and label yourself non-binary too, should he get hired by Blizzard?
Non-binary is just a dumb thing to have in your hiring quota imo, it's such an insane niche to the point of absurdity to even consider it.
It makes a lot more sense with women but when we start getting into non-binary etc it just becomes absurd.
If we're talking about some random person I have to interact with then I'll just referr to them whatever they want to not cause a fuzz but I think that's different than a hiring practice for a big company.
yeah , comunism done right is one of the best systems for the people , problem is not one country implemented comunism the way it should be
Ironically, I'm horrible with names.You also have to learn people’s name. Honestly, this excuse was not a good one.
They do. No one hires people without the necessary skill set. All these policies do is trying to make sure the people hired with the necessary skill set aren’t homogeneous as usually is nowadays. They’re trying to hire diverse people, but with the required skill set.
yes, that is not my problem or anyone else’s. You want me to call you toilet paper? Ok, I will. You do you.
Also, if what I’m saying is tiring, put me on ignore.
You know what, I’m going ahead and will do it.
There, done.
They don't want diversity of the mind. They want lockstep absolute adhesion to one particular ideology. The ideology that makes no natural sense and that is contradictory to human thought and biological behavior.
But honestly I don't even care anymore. I haven't touched an Activision game since 2015. I want to be a diversity officer in Uganda and just complain about Ugandans all day and express the need for more people of non-color in every business.
Equality is something we all should fight for, as in having the same opportunity. I'm all for making sure people from "marginalized communities", whatever it means, get a chance to interview for a position.
Equity is equality of outcome, which is basically what socialism tries to do, very badly.
Basically, if 50% of the people in the country are women, then 50% of the employees are women. If 13% of the people are black, than 13% of the employee must be black and so on. Apart from being stupid, it's also counterproductive because eventually you'll have to force more men to be teachers and nurses and more women to get into construction jobs. Oh, and let's not even go to sports and music. It completely ignores the fact that different people, genders and cultures have different interests. It's a disaster when put in place.
very unlikely to happen. I’ve never seen it myself and my company has such policies. The position will remain open until the person with required skills is found.... and if they don´t find anyone with the required skills, they will hire the least worse to fill quota.
They’re not special, they just don’t feel comfortable to be called with the usual pronouns. Like, I get it, it’s annoying, I don’t disagree with you and I don’t like it either, but I’d rather learn than get in the bad side of someone. With time you learn these things and it gets less annoying. Believe me, I find weird calling people “elu/delu” in Portuguese. It is what it is.Ironically, I'm horrible with names.
That said, the pronoun thing is harder because it conflicts with your mind being trained for years to register males as 'he/him' and females as 'she/her'. SonicFox can claim the 'they/them' as much 'they' like, in my mind and eyes he looks like a dude and my gut/instinct/brain tells me to refer tohimthem as 'him'.
And I'm not doing that because I'm an ass - I'm doing it because my eyes and brain register him as a dude and the 'he/him' almost immediately goes to my tongue when I wish to address or talk about that person. Sure, I can 'cheat' by always calling him by name, but little by little I come to realize that this person is basically 'forcing' me to change the way I address people and use my mind in order to satisfy that person's particular preference of being treated as a special exception to a global rule.
And I just don't realize what makes any such person so fucking special that I have to go through with all this.
Basically, if 50% of the people in the country are women, then 50% of the employees are women. If 13% of the people are black, than 13% of the employee must be black and so on.
So what happens with hiring people based on their talent? Dont blame gamers if your game sucks
Someone there gona lost their job and replaced by these new guy just to fill the diversity quota?
so if someone has great wealth and social status but is a jerk to you and treats you like crap, do you respect him or not? you sound like a brown noser to me. if someone is respectful to you, does he not get yours in return? what is the criteria? does he need to be making a certain amount of money or a certain career path for your respect?
very unlikely to happen. I’ve never seen it myself and my company has such policies.
they keep the position open or they hire a person with the necessary skill set, regardless of the policy. No one will hire a person to a position without them having the necessary skills. This is silly and doesn’t happen.No?, what´s the policy in your company when they cannot fill all the checkboxes?. Hire no one and lose money?.
Ironically, I'm horrible with names.
That said, the pronoun thing is harder because it conflicts with your mind being trained for years to register males as 'he/him' and females as 'she/her'. SonicFox can claim the 'they/them' as much 'they' like, in my mind and eyes he looks like a dude and my gut/instinct/brain tells me to refer tohimthem as 'him'.
And I'm not doing that because I'm an ass - I'm doing it because my eyes and brain register him as a dude and the 'he/him' almost immediately goes to my tongue when I wish to address or talk about that person. Sure, I can 'cheat' by always calling him by name, but little by little I come to realize that this person is basically 'forcing' me to change the way I address people and use my mind in order to satisfy that person's particular preference of being treated as a special exception to a global rule.
And I just don't realize what makes any such person so fucking special that I have to go through with all this.
Doesn’t “meeting or exceeding market availability for gender and ethnicity” mean hiring at least whatever percentage those groups represent in the total population and ideally exceeding this percentage and thus over-representing them? Sounds like the same thing said differently.
If you think the big Western Sony studios don’t have DEI policies for hiring I don’t know what to tell you, just take any open position and start the application process?
This kind of policy is everywhere, I work for an insurance company and we have something similar.