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Activision, Nielsen study in-game ads


works for Gamestop (lol)

Activision and Nielsen Entertainment announced today that the game publisher and entertainment analysis experts will soon launch a test that would measure how consumers react to advertising in video games. The test will utilize Activision's upcoming Tony Hawk's Underground 2, which features various product placements throughout its in-game world, to determine how long and how often players interact with brand names they encounter within a game.

The first company to take part in the test will be Chrysler. Activision and Nielsen will measure players' interaction with the Jeep brand vehicles that are included in THUG 2. The version used will be the PC version of the game. Nielsen and Activision will recruit a representative sample of players from 13 to 35 years old for the study, and then provide them with copies of the game with special software installed that measures the frequency and length of gamers' use of the branded in-game features. Nielsen Entertainment will collect the data on a daily basis.

The console versions of the title are not part of the test, although the companies have announced that they are in talks with console manufacturers for future studies.
I can just picture getting coupons for choosing Chiquita bananas over Dole in an upcoming Monkey ball featuring both. That, or getting a discount from Dole for every 2000 bananas you get.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The technology behind nielson's shit is cool as hell. Games come with invisible and inaudible "watermarks" present within these in-game ads, and a device the gamer wears detects them, so as to keep track of the amount of time that object is interacted with.
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