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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat

The MAGA hat is a display of intolerance and racism to liberals. It left a lasting impression.

If trump didn't want the attribution he shouldn't have made white identity politics, racism, division and xenophobia such a huge part of his campaign. Oh wait, it was 85% of his campaign. Lock her up if I'm wrong.
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Went out of my way to be specifically friendly and kind to someone who looked like they'd have opposing values to mine. I was nothing but friendly. I always have my MAGA hat and open carry daily, that wasn't out of the ordinary.
I'm not from US so this seems a bit odd to me. Carrying a gun every day. Are you like expecting that you will need it?
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So we're ignoring the Witness testimony about racial slurs? And pretending that there was no possiblity of provoking?
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The MAGA hat is a display of intolerance and racism to liberals. It left a lasting impression.

If trump didn't want the attribution he shouldn't have made white identity politics, racism, division and xenophobia such a huge part of his campaign. Oh wait, it was 85% of his campaign. Lock her up if I'm wrong.

He didn’t. The press just did a great job of manipulating some dumbasses into thinking such.

The “witness” testimony was also retracted from articles. Then the dude’s confession had no mention of that. So, unless there’s been more recent reports clarifying if that happened... just another unhinged retard and upstanding citizen with a previous record of DUIs and car theft.
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The MAGA hat is a display of intolerance and racism to liberals.

You don't create an inclusive and tolerant society by making excuses for the aggressive and violent behavior of your own political team. Sooner or later, these very same excuses will be thrown back at you if the tables are turned. No matter who you are or what you believe in, once you resort to physical violence in a civil society, you've already invalidated your message.

The hysterical and hyperbolic militant rhetoric and violent-prone behavior of the far left isn't any better than the intolerant behavior of white supremacists. Stop making excuses.


The MAGA hat is a display of intolerance and racism to liberals. It left a lasting impression.

If trump didn't want the attribution he shouldn't have made white identity politics, racism, division and xenophobia such a huge part of his campaign. Oh wait, it was 85% of his campaign. Lock her up if I'm wrong.
Aw, poor liberals have to see people in a free society wearing a hat they don't like which they have branded a display of intolerance and racism in their anti-Trump hysteria. Boo-hoo.


I'm not from US so this seems a bit odd to me. Carrying a gun every day. Are you like expecting that you will need it?

There is evil in the world that would do harm to innocent law abiding people, I for one will do my best to not be a victim and protect those I love.

You don't create an inclusive and tolerant society by making excuses for the aggressive and violent behavior of your own political team. Sooner or later, these very same excuses will be thrown back at you if the tables are turned. No matter who you are or what you believe in, once you resort to physical violence in a civil society, you've already invalidated your message.

The hysterical and hyperbolic militant rhetoric and violent-prone behavior of the far left isn't any better than the intolerant behavior of white supremacists. Stop making excuses.

You say this while trump supporters were getting physical against protestors at rallies, racists were up ticking their hate crimes against minoriries, and there were increasing public racist rants against certain foreigners, all because of Trump.

So you have far left violence against nazis which is ultra specific, and a drop in the bucket against what's coming from encouraged trump supporters and racists. At some point you have to root cause the situation, and that the leftist reaction to intolerance is different from the antagonism on the right.
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So we're ignoring the Witness testimony about racial slurs? And pretending that there was no possiblity of provoking?

What witness ?

The perpetrator gave a media interview and said nothing about any racial comments, "so I was sitting here and overheard this kid saying x, y, z."

He admitted he lost his cool, and thought the MAGA hat was like a KKK hood. In other words, he completely overreacted and assaulted someone based on their lawful political beliefs.


You say this while trump supporters were getting physical against protestors at rallies, racists were up ticking their hate crimes against minoriries.

Majority of them bullshit which you would know if you actually keept up with most of those stories.
I just went to the store for a few things. Had my Glock 17 on my hip and my MAGA hat on. Made sure to pick the register with the cashier with the stupid dyed hair and shitty facial piercings.

Customer in line before me she's cheerful and chatty and friendly

She spent the whole transaction silent, didn't greet me, didn't respond to me asking how her day is going, just glared slightly past me when she handed me my receipt. It was kind of pathetic on her part.
I worked retail once and had to serve a mentally unstable, drug addled woman who reeked of piss. I mean, it was pungent as fuck. My reaction probably wasn't much different from the girl you're describing here. Pretty professional given the circumstances.

Nice masterbatory incel fan fic though :D
here's some "evidance" that the kid could have been saying some racist shit

The guy who threw the cup at the kid didn't mention anything about racial slurs. Looking at his Twitter, though.. I have to say, he's ignorant, but he's also just a kid. Has a long road ahead of him. Short if he keeps saying that stupid fucking word.
The MAGA hat is a display of intolerance and racism to liberals. It left a lasting impression.

If trump didn't want the attribution he shouldn't have made white identity politics, racism, division and xenophobia such a huge part of his campaign. Oh wait, it was 85% of his campaign. Lock her up if I'm wrong.

The left may have a fear but it doesn’t come from a genuine place. I am sorry if you say you have spiders crawling all over you and I don’t see them I’m going to think you are either a lunatic or you are on a strong mind altering substance
like social media


I shouldn't have to tell adults this but calling people "fucking morons" and likening them to "retards" is over the line. No reason you can't express your opinion without such words.


The guy who threw the cup at the kid didn't mention anything about racial slurs. Looking at his Twitter, though.. I have to say, he's ignorant, but he's also just a kid. Has a long road ahead of him. Short if he keeps saying that stupid fucking word.
That's the friend's twitter. Not the kid whose hat was taken, btw.


So we're ignoring the Witness testimony about racial slurs? And pretending that there was no possiblity of provoking?

We have evidence of the attacker using the N word right in the video and he's not black, but I suppose you are referring to the fake story that went out on one news site and was quickly removed claiming the white kids were talking about hanging blacks on the 4th.


I've read the thread trying to keep an open mind. But i keep hearing the liberal side of the argument boil down to "the hat is racist so it's understandable what the guy did (assault and robbery of a minor) since he was triggered".

This truly does come down to feels vs reals. Some of you "feel" the hat is racist. Versus the very "real" crime that took place.

Just because something triggers you doesn't give anyone the right to commit physical violence.

That's how America works. Freedom of speech and expression even if you disagree. Nobody has the right to enact physical force against another person over speech and expression.

Many of you may feel the hat is racist, the rest of us laugh at you because it's not, it is simply a statement of our support of the president and making America Great Again. Great for everyone regardless of color.

Yes you don't agree, but you don't get to commit crimes or have crimes committed excused because you dislike somebody else's political speech and/or expression.
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Many of you may feel the hat is racist, the rest of us laugh at you because it's not, it is simply a statement of our support of the president and making America Great Again.
What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?


What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?
It is nationalistic yes but it is not racist. Even Trump calls everyone born in America American and he does not fucking care about your race as long your are legal. There is the difference.


What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?

It doesnt matter what it means to me or to you. Legally people in America are have the right to free expression and speech. The laws exist to protect expression specifically to prevent tyranny.

If anything this thread is a very clear example of why you can't kick the shit in of somebody you disagree with. What you see as an oppressive statement/dogwhistle many others see as a patriotic ideal.

Don't like it? Go win the next election instead of assaulting a minor and stealing his hat.

That sentiment goes for BOTH sides. Violence is unacceptable. Argue with your speech and ideas and win elections.
What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?

It's extremely vague, and that's the point. It means whatever you want it to mean. Same with "Hope" from Obama's campaign. Here's Reagan using both in less than 10 seconds from one another.

So, yes, I do think it could be construed as a dogwhistle. Because, as I said, it means what you want it to mean, and some liberals really want it to mean a dogwhistle. That's the two way street of being vague. I imagine conservatives had all sorts of eye-twitching responses to whatever they thought Obama was "Hoping" for.
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What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?
You know what it means to me? Fair trade, jobs for Americans, upward movement based on your character, not skin color, sexuality, e.t.c civility from everyone, towards everyone.

When you say group, remember how many people your lumping together. I know its popular these days to say "white people" "black people" "gay people" but I care more about the individual. You lose your own identity in a group, it makes it super easy to dismiss large swaths of the country.

I stand for free speech no matter how unpopular, and for the government to abide by the constitution, and stay the hell out of my life.

Very simple to me.

Texas Pride

I'm not from US so this seems a bit odd to me. Carrying a gun every day. Are you like expecting that you will need it?

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. When seconds matter cops are minutes away. More in some cases depending on your area.

Texas Pride

I'm from the US and it's very odd. I won't do business with any proprietor that open carries on the job. Similarly I will not frequent places that allow open carry, which in Texas, is a task.

No you'd rather hide behind the same police you think want to murder you. So you don't trust the cops or people like me who carry. I'm sure you're a complete wreck in public.


I'm from the US and it's very odd. I won't do business with any proprietor that open carries on the job. Similarly I will not frequent places that allow open carry, which in Texas, is a task.
Texas only recently legalized open carry. You have to go out of your way to prohibit firearms on the premises in Texas.

Don't try to convince us you won't walk through a door without a 30.06 or 30.07 sign on it.


I'm not from US so this seems a bit odd to me. Carrying a gun every day. Are you like expecting that you will need it?
Nope. Odds are, along with my hopes, that it'll never be anything but a weight on my hip. But if I ever need it, I'd rather have it there than back at home.

Texas Pride

Why am I hiding?
Not really.

As much as you try to avoid guns in Texas. I think you'd be more than surprised at how often you're around people carrying in public that you don't even know about. Also us both being in Texas you know there's more rural areas than cops to cover those areas. Protecting yourself and yours is priceless.
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I'm not from US so this seems a bit odd to me. Carrying a gun every day. Are you like expecting that you will need it?

Because people they're a bunch of insecure pussies who think carrying a gun makes them look like a tough guy badass, and not like the morons they actually are.


How do people usually react when they see it?
Apathy 98% of the time. 2% of the time I have to make time to stop and chat about guns for the next half hour, or get some weird older guy thanking me for being brave enough to open carry and show the world that gun owners are law abiding citizens.

Texas Pride

Because people they're a bunch of insecure pussies who think carrying a gun makes them look like a tough guy badass, and not like the morons they actually are.

Did you clear this post with your Monarch? It could be considered hate speech with the way your government subjugates it's people into submission. Have they banned kitchen utensils yet?
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won't need luck, been doing fine avoiding those states so far.
You've never been outside of California, Florida, Illinois, New York, or South Carolina?

That's... that's really sad. I couldn't imagine living such a sheltered life with so many beautiful states with so much to do in this country.


As much as you try to avoid guns in Texas. I think you'd be more than surprised at how often you're around people carrying in public that you don't even know about. Also us both being in Texas you know there's more rural areas than cops to cover those areas. Protecting yourself and yours is priceless.

Kinda like Florida. Tons of people carry and nothing happens. I keep my Beretta in the truck and hope I never need it. I don’t have my concealed carry and I’m unsure if I am getting one, but I know there are people all around that carry. I never bothers me at all.


You've never been outside of California, Florida, Illinois, New York, or South Carolina?

That's... that's really sad. I couldn't imagine living such a sheltered life with so many beautiful states with so much to do in this country.

Been to many states in past now i don't need to anymore... also been to many places in asia and latin america.

Texas Pride

Kinda like Florida. Tons of people carry and nothing happens. I keep my Beretta in the truck and hope I never need it. I don’t have my concealed carry and I’m unsure if I am getting one, but I know there are people all around that carry. I never bothers me at all.

That's why I find it so fascinating. Anti gun people are likely around guns everyday and don't realize it. Yet they're not murdered or bothered in the least. Somehow seeing it brings out these imaginary fears. It's an interesting social experience to be sure.


Did you clear this post with your Monarch? It could be considered hate speech with the way your government subjugates it's people into submission. Have they banned kitchen utensils yet?

Yes I did! And she said 'American, thank goodness you don't live in a country where random crazys walk around with guns and can shoot you at any moment.

And i said, 'Yes! God Save the Queen!'


Yes I did! And she said 'American, thank goodness you don't live in a country where random crazys walk around with guns and can shoot you at any moment.

And i said, 'Yes! God Save the Queen!'
You do live in a country where random crazies walk around with guns.

Here in America, normal, non-criminal folk get to be armed too ;)

Texas Pride

Yes I did! And she said 'American, thank goodness you don't live in a country where random crazys walk around with guns and can shoot you at any moment.

And i said, 'Yes! God Save the Queen!'

I find it sad that you're happy with limited rights and choices. You should strive for and want better than what you have. Guns are used by people. They don't operate themselves. As you've seen first hand take away guns and they'll use a knife. Take away knives they use cars and round & round it goes with no end. Humans are violent it's already illegal to be violent to others. More laws only restrict law abiding citizens because if criminals gave a shit about the law they wouldn't be criminals. You find guns abhorrent. I think your lack of freedom is abhorrent. To each his own.
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