Its always funny that the people claiming T and E haters dont get it can never even attempt to explain what people dont get.
Theres not much to get about dry, humorless, pretentious parody intermixed with extended floating head shots of them making funny noises with their mouths.
It's called absurdist or surreal humor. Its meant to be stupid and insane, and the fact that you're calling it pretentious shows how much you don't get it.
This is a commercial for a toy called B'owl. B'owl is a demonic looking owl doll that frightens children and animals and the commercial announcer isn't even even sure that its something your kid might want. The last shot of the commercial shows it being thrown in the garbage while it makes scary noises and the camera zooms into its eye. Its not a parody of anything, its just absurdism for the sake of being absurd in the same vein of the some of the later Space Ghost: Coast to Coast episodes, with a sprinkle of David Lynch creepiness thrown in for extra flavor.
Like I said, you either get it...or you don't. The fact that so many people found it funny shows that, subjective as humor may be, it was anything but humorless.