Adventure Time Season 7 |OT| *CN walks into devastated fandom w/ new episodes*

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Back from work. Time to plow into these episodes!


I knew she had to be a human, but why is she called...


... doctor GrosssssaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!

And things just snowballed from there. Holy crap. Now that's a season finale. And a great setup for what's sure to be a not-so-return-to-status-quo Season 8. Okay, so we have confirmation of other humans surviving, most likely on this mysterious 'island' Gross and Susan were talking about, somewhere beyond the ocean. Gross seems like the mad doctor type, but not Ice King mad. Just driven. And apparently she has no qualms transforming living creatures into hybrids and people into cyborgs without their permission. And for the lulz, apparently.

Which brings us to Susan. Was she one of Gross's previous experiments? She didn't recognize her until she noticed the serial number. Possibly a colleague's work? When her system rebooted, Susan immediately targeted Finn. Why? Because he's a human and she was meant to retrieve humans? Or because he's Finn.

And then there's Grass Sword. Looks like Finn never really got his arm back, GS was just mimicking one until needed. Why did it disobey Finn, though? Did it see Susan as too great a threat, even after her implant was smashed? Or was it concerned about something else coming across the sea? Why did it manifest a new body instead of returning to Finn? And what the hell


was this about? What a way to end a season. If what was said about Season 8 is true, it's going to be a fun ride.

But man, I'm still pissed at CN for dropping the ball on this. The only notice anyone had that new episodes were airing today when watching the channel was catching a brief promo during the CN movie of the week. Stakes! had a week of repeating promos hyping up those episodes and various articles and banners made, but they did absolutely nothing for this. What the hell.

EDIT: final update made to the OP.
it's over, isn't it
isn't it
isn't it over...


I didn't even know there was a new episode until I ran across it on one of my sites. I was so excited for a new SU, I forgot all about this show. CN scheduling is just the worst. If it's not PPG or TTG you'll never know it aired.


I didn't even know there was a new episode until I ran across it on one of my sites. I was so excited for a new SU, I forgot all about this show. CN scheduling is just the worst. If it's not PPG or TTG you'll never know it aired.

Not true at all. Everything that airs on Thursday (Clarence, Regular Show, We Bare Bears, Steven Universe, Amazing World of Gumball etc.) get a lot of promo time. It's just shows that they clearly don't care about anymore (like AT) that rarely gets promoted.


Mysterious storyboard artwork surfaces:


You can't see it on a PC browser, but when viewed on mobile that post is tagged #two swords and #steve wolfhard. I guess the first episode of Season 8 will be called Two Swords, which is definitely a continuation of where Season 7 left off. No word yet on when it will air besides those "Islands" previews that said "this winter" and "later this year". Who knows if that's even accurate anymore.

EDIT: this article reveals that a DVD titled Adventure Time: Islands is set to release on January 24th. Taking bets that, like the Stakes! DVD from last year, it will be comprised of episodes from the rumoured Finn mini-series (apparently called Islands) and that it will (likely) air next month at the earliest, middle of January at the latest.


Caught up last night. That was some crazy shit and it definitely feels like they are setting up an endgame. Really excited to see where this is going to lead.

But man, I'm still pissed at CN for dropping the ball on this. The only notice anyone had that new episodes were airing today when watching the channel was catching a brief promo during the CN movie of the week. Stakes! had a week of repeating promos hyping up those episodes and various articles and banners made, but they did absolutely nothing for this. What the hell.
Seriously. They have really been treating this show like shit lately.


Jack Pendarvis says good-bye.

He just turned in his last script.


I don't suppose I should tell you who worked on our story for the series finale but I will 1) say that it's a murderers' row and 2) guarantee that you'll faint.
Oooh. I wonder if some of the old guard will return for one last hurrah.

EDIT: I know I'm not.

Adventure Time S7 Finale Rating

The Adventure Time season 7 finale got 767,000 TV ratings on Saturday.

This is THE LOWEST-RATED episode of the entire show.

Cartoon Network did not air a single TV promo for the episode. I hope they’re happy.
Saw the finale, and overall it was a much better finale than last season. SUper excited for season 8.


Why didn't you advertise this at all. I didn't know any new episodes were coming out this month, and I sure as hell didn't know it was the season finale. Why you gotta go and treat one of the best shows that has ever been on your network like garbage.

Why wasn't this on the Thursday time slot, or anywhere during the week. I know you have to whore out Teen Titans Go like crazy for fear that people will forget its their 'favorite show", but don't screw over Adventure Time so badly like that. The very least you all should of done was a promo.


I really don't get why CN seems to be dismissing the show. It was huge, and they pretty much just decided that they didn't want it to succeed anymore through no fault of the show itself.


I really don't get why CN seems to be dismissing the show. It was huge, and they pretty much just decided that they didn't want it to succeed anymore through no fault of the show itself.

Yeah, I'd like to know how AT fell out of favor with CN. Even Regular Show, who has also seemed to fallen out of favor, gets better treatment than AT. My only guess is that back when it was still in the limelight, the ratings began to drop or something, prompting CN to quietly faze out the show and replace it with newer, better performing shows.


Another storyboard, another Season 8 episode title:


Looks like we'll be seeing Mr. Fox again in "Do No Harm".

EDIT: The episode Bad Jubies got nominated for The Annies in three different categorries including Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production for Children. Source


There's now an AT cookbook out in stores.

Crave Online review review
images in the wild


Why brings this up here now? Well...

Product Description said:
“In the Founders’ Island Library, Finn discovered the remains of an old cookbook filled with dishes such as “lasagna” and “boiled eggs.” And he was pretty sure that the cookbook had belonged to his mom at some point. Weird.

But a lot of the pages had been lost to the cruel sands of time. So Finn took it upon himself to fill up the book with as many crazy delicious food ideas as he could. And since that only filled around six pages, he recruited Jake, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, and the other citizens of Ooo to help complete the cookbook. There was pouring! There was mixing! There was a pasta-related Wizard Battle!

Are you ready to feast your eyes and prepare your stomach for the most awesome, most delixious meals this side of the Candy Kingdom? Grab your friends and start cooking, Ooo-style, with Adventure Time: The Official Cookbook.”

Crave Online said:
Within this book, you’ll find that Finn has enlisted the help of Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, and the other residents of Ooo to reassemble the contents of a cookbook he discovered on a lost island. Along the way, you’ll get to read Jake’s take on Bacon Pancakes while Marceline takes on french fries. But for CraveOnline’s exclusive recipe, we’re running Jake’s Ultimate Cheesy Nachos. If you can’t read the text, click on the image for a larger view! said:
The final recipe in Adventure Time: The Official Cookbook is a sure-hit favorite, and it goes by the name of Minerva Feast. The recipe isn’t so much for a dish as it is for a three-course meal, but Finn’s commentary about the event is enough to make you set the table. “You can make every recipe in the book for the ultimate feast!” Finn writes in all caps, of course. “Get a little teary on the mom thing and then freak out because cooking all this food will be so much work.”

dat season eight foreshadowing

I'm thinking this book was supposed to have been released in concert with AT Season 8, possibly the mini-series, but of course CN had to fuck that up too. The show's delayed until the new year and here's this book now out in the wild talking about things that have yet to occur.

Bonus image from the back cover:

Martin and Minerva, huh...


Now what I was expecting, but good for Australia I guess. I'm intrigued by "new episode sneak peeks" though.

EDIT: Another storyboard for an upcoming episode named Jellybeans Have Power, boarded by Aleks Senwald.


Seems to be a follow up to the episode Elemental.


Damn. Can't believe the minute I leave for work they go and drop this.


Here's an article about the mini-series event:
“Adventure Time Islands” is a new mini-series event debuting this January

Cartoon Network has started teasing “Adventure Time: Islands,” a brand-new mini-series event that will air on the network in January. Fans of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning series will get a chance to join their favorite duo, and all of their terrific friends, this January when the mini-series debuts.

Adventure Time: Islands will be an eight-part journey into Finn the Human’s mysterious past beginning Monday, Jan. 30 and concluding Thursday, Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. (ET, PT) on Cartoon Network. The four-night special event will answer one of the series’ most-asked questions: What happened to the humans?

More at the link. "Islands" will also be available on DVD and digital services a whole week before it airs on CN, so... yeah.

Anyway, that intro: something tells me there's going to be a few eps preceding the Islands mini-series since it kinda reveals how the whole Grass Sword situation resolves (or does it?).
Damn. Can't believe the minute I leave for work they go and drop this.


Here's an article about the mini-series event:
“Adventure Time Islands” is a new mini-series event debuting this January

More at the link. "Islands" will also be available on DVD and digital services a whole week before it airs on CN, so... yeah.

Anyway, that intro: something tells me there's going to be a few eps preceding the Islands mini-series since it kinda reveals how the whole Grass Sword situation resolves (or does it?).

Hopefully CN actually markets this well rather than letting it go under the radar again.

I'm fully expecting Finn to keep the metal arm for the rest of the series.


Just a quick note that now has pages for the Islands mini-series airings, but hasn't updated their "upcoming episodes" list yet (probably not until within 2 weeks of airing). As of now they're listed as airing 2 a day (same as Stakes!) between January 30th and February 2nd. Apparently the episodes will just be called "Islands, Part. 1", "Islands, Part 2", etc.

Doesn't seem to be any episodes airing before Islands, however. So it looks like the Islands episodes will definitely be the first Season 8 ones to air (I had assumed that they had one or two eps to air beforehand to set things up, but I guess they're just going to get right into it).

I guess we're really going to have to wait until the end of January before Season 8 premieres, but I'll keep this thread updated if that ever changes. Will def put up a new OT for it too once we reach premiere day.

EDIT: oh right, there's that whole "gonna be available online a whole week before airing on TV" thing.


Fucking knew it.

On the heels of CN announcing the new Steven Bomb, new info about Season 8 has come out in force! New AT premieres kicks off a week before the Islands premiere w/ several episodes that will lead up to it (as I hoped!). Here's the schedule, episode titles and descriptions (spoilered, for now):

List of Adventure Time episodes premiering in January, including “Islands” (plus plot summaries!)

  • Monday, Jan. 23: “Two Swords” –
    Finn and Jake contend with a mysterious, but familiar, new being.
  • Monday, Jan. 23: “Do No Harm” –
    Finn makes amends at the Candy Hospital while Jake tries to connect with their unexpected houseguest.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 24: “Wheels” –
    Kim Kil Whan is worried about his daughter’s future and asks Jake for some parental advice.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 25: “High Strangeness” –
    An otherworldly encounter puts Tree Trunks on the trail of a conspiracy in the Candy Kingdom.
  • Thursday, Jan. 26: “Horse and Ball” –
    When disaster befalls James Baxter, it’s up to Finn and Jake to help him pick up the pieces.
  • Friday, Jan. 27: “Jelly Beans Have Power” –
    Princess Bubblegum’s scientific mind must wrestle with her Elemental magic potential when she’s faced with a Crystal Entity.
  • Monday, Jan. 30: “Islands, Part 1: The Invitation” –
    A mysterious craft invades Ooo and Finn believes it may hold the secrets to his past.
  • Monday, Jan. 30: “Islands, Part 2: Whipple the Happy Dragon” –
    Finn, Jake, and Susan set sail on a ocean voyage full of wonders and danger.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 31: “Islands, Part 3: Mysterious Island” –
    After waking up alone and shipwrecked, Finn investigates a bizarre island in search of his friends.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 31: “Islands, Part 4: Imaginary Resources” –
    Finn and Jake travel to a land where reality has been redesigned and improved.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 1: “Islands, Part 5: Hide and Seek” –
    While exploring some futuristic ruins, Susan sees glimpses of a familiar girl.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 1: “Islands, Part 6: Min & Marty” –
    An unexpected revelation from Susan leads Finn closer to answers about his past.
  • Thursday, Feb. 2: “Islands, Part 7: Helpers” –
    Finn and his friends journey to a last refuge called Founders Island.
  • Thursday, Feb. 2: “Islands, Part 8: The Light Cloud” –
    Finn confronts the power behind Founders Island, but will he ever return home to Ooo?

On top of all that, we get a clip from the premier episode, "Two Swords":

Here it is, peeps: the Adventure we've all been waiting for. And it's about Time.

Season 8 Speculation:
Okay, the episode Wheels is most likely the Wheels of Fury title that was on the leaked S7 bulletin pic from months back. The other two mystery titles may also be S8 episodes or have had their titles altered. Anyhoo, the cookbook I posted about earlier seems to have been proven canon: Founder's Island and Min (short for Minerva) have been verified as real concepts that will appear in the show. I think we all know who 'Marty' is, too. But then, could Susan *actually* be someone related to Finn? Whoo boy. Also, is that "Crystal Entity" that will meet PB the same as the ones from The Citadel? Yikes, that's bad... what did you do, Peebs? WHAT DID YOU DO!?


So where I typically live blocks me from buying digital Adventure Time comics. For the next couple weeks I'll be able to buy them, so I want to buy all the good ones while I can. Which ones are recommended?


So where I typically live blocks me from buying digital Adventure Time comics. For the next couple weeks I'll be able to buy them, so I want to buy all the good ones while I can. Which ones are recommended?

I'm probably the last person to ask this since I haven't been following any of the comics at all (despite occasionally posting updates about 'em). I'm aware however that a certain AT fanatic highly recommends the Marceline Gone Adrift mini-series. I also remember a time-travel plot in issues 5 through 9 of the original comic that seemed fun from the few pages I caught online.



There are so many different series. It's very overwhelming. I can't even find which ones are recommended elsewhere online. I planned on picking up Marceline's, the original, and maybe the graphic novel series that starts with the flame princess adventure. So confusing.

I wonder if Islands is worth it as a prequel to the next season...


Title card released for "Two Swords":


Two Swords - title card

designed by Michael DeForge

painted by Joy Ang

The Season 8 Premiere! A new half-hour of episodes, Two Swords followed by Do No Harm, premieres Monday, January 23rd at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network. The kickoff of 5 Nights of all-new Adventure Time episodes.

Wait a tic, is that...

Yup. Finn's manifesting his Magic arm again. Interesting.


Two weeks to go...


In two weeks, Adventure Time: Season 8 kicks off with a half-hour premiere!

Part of 5 NIGHTS of new episodes at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network.


TWO SWORDS - January 23rd

written/storyboarded by Tom Herpich & Steve Wolfhard


DO NO HARM - January 23rd

written/storyboarded by Laura Knetzger & Emily Partridge


WHEELS - January 24th

written/storyboarded by Graham Falk & Charmaine Verhagen



written/storyboarded by Pendleton Ward & Sam Alden


HORSE AND BALL - January 26th

written/storyboarded by Seo Kim & Somvilay Xayaphone



written/storyboarded by Hanna K Nyström & Aleks Sennwald

Bronwyn grew up!

Also, have a sneak peek screenshot for Islands:


There's an actual preview clip that goes with this, but it's not public yet. :x


EDIT: an advanced review of the Islands DVD has turned up
Nothing to spoiler-y, bu it leaves me even more hyped for what's to come.


EDIT: The Cartoon Network tumblr has upped a brief recap and preview for the Islands mini-series.
Is Finn really the only human left? Finally discover the truth on January 30th.


Neo Member
Well, we can try. Kinda hard when CN barely does any advertising. AT comes back next week and we still don't have any proper adverts? C'mon, son.

At least there's still a web presence. Here's the title card for Do No Harm:


And here's the leaked preview of the first minute and a half of Islands:

... I need to start working on a new OT...

NICE! What's your avatar from? She looks awesome


NICE! What's your avatar from? She looks awesome

It's one fan-artist's take on a female version of the main protagonist from the Trails of Cold Steel series.

The Fiona to Rean Schwarzer's Finn.


EDIT: promo artwork for "Two Swords" and "Do No Harm" has been released:


promo by writer/storyboard artist Steve Wolfhard

Two Swords and Do No Harm premiere Monday, January 23rd at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network

dawn of a new age


EDIT: next title card is up, for "Wheels":


I wonder if this the episode that was once known as "Wheels of Fury"?


EDIT: promo art for "Wheels"


Promo for a new AT ep I worked on w/ Graham Falk(!), this coming Tuesday on CN~ (make sure you catch the whole dang bomb)

Jacob Winkler, our lead BG designer, also did some music for this ep! I'm stoked, the dude can shred!!

A million thank-you's to board supervisor Erik Fountain for all the skateboard boarding help ��
Charmaine Verhagen


EDIT: another title card was released while I was away


I've pretty much finished designing the new OT. Other than the new graphics it won't be all that much different from this one, I just really like the format. I'll be rolling all of these updates into it so they won't go to waste, too. Now all I need is a suitable thread title.


Super Friendly Reminder™ that the new season of Adventure Time starts tomorrow.

CN put up new preview clips for the episodes "Do No Harm", "Wheels" "High Strangeness" and "Horse and Ball":

Do No Harm clip

Wheels clip

High Strangeness clip

Horse and Ball clip

Also, CN advises you drink plenty of cocoa and have tissues handy when Adventure Time: Islands premieres next week, though honestly it seems more like a CN Store ad than anything else (p.s. it is).

Also, the Season 8 OT should be up late tonight or super-early in the morning, depending on your point of view. Or should I wait until more folks are up before posting it so it won't get lost in the sea of 'look what Trump is doing now" threads? Also still need ideas for the subject title. I can probably come up with something on the spot but I want to see if anyone has any they want to contribute.


EDIT: Islands promo schedule revealed:


ADVENTURE TIME: ISLANDS! The 8-Part miniseries begins January 30th. Four consecutive nights of ALL NEW episodes premiering at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network.

If you can't wait, Islands will also be able on DVD, iTunes, Amazon Video, and Google Play beginning January 24th. But don't forget that Season 8 begins one day earlier on January 23rd with 5 nights of new episodes that take place before Islands. It's sort of confusing!


Pt.1 THE INVITATION - January 30th

written/storyboarded by Sam Alden & Polly Guo


written/storyboarded by Seo Kim & Somvilay Xayaphone


Pt. 3 MYSTERIOUS ISLAND - January 31st

written/storyboarded by Tom Herpich & Steve Wolfhard

Pt. 4 IMAGINARY RESOURCES - January 31st

written/storyboarded by Pendleton Ward & Graham Falk


Pt. 5 HIDE AND SEEK - February 1st

written/storyboarded by Hanna K Nyström & Aleks Sennwald

Pt. 6 MIN AND MARTY - February 1st

written/storyboarded by Kent Osborne & Sam Alden


Pt. 7 HELPERS - February 2nd

written/storyboarded by Tom Herpich & Steve Wolfhard

Pt. 8 THE LIGHT CLOUD - February 2nd

written/storyboarded by Aleks Sennwald, Graham Falk, and Adam Muto

... what's up with Friday...? Space filler? And oh, Pen's storyboarding another episode this season! It was assumed there would be only the one.


Not sure if it was mentioned in thread yet or not but pretty sure I heard an advertisement that Islands will be on DVD before it airs on TV


I'm still somewhat astonished about how badly CN has handled the marketing of this. I mean Regular Show's final season was marketed fairly well, so why aren't they doing ANY televised marketing for the return of AT? Instead when you turn on CN, you get ads for new episodes of TTG! on Fridays and the upcoming Steven and Gumball Bombs.


So they're just kind of dumping it when they have two seasons worth of episodes.

They fucked over Regular Show pretty hard towards the end.

More than the promo it's the lack of reruns that I don't understand. They didn't rerun a single episode of RS last season and it looks like they're doing the same here.

If they start dumping them on noon on random Saturdays...
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