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Adventures working Gamestop retail!


I posted on the old forum(different nick) regarding an incident where I refused a return and had a customer throw a tombraider strategy guide at my head (w/success -_-); now, I have another story of customer revenge to tell.

Another strange and unsettling incident happened at the gamestop where i work this past weekend. Let me explain.

WARNING: This story contains explicit portrayals of violence; sex; violent sex; sexual violence; clowns and violent scenes of violent excess, which are definitely not suitable for all audiences.

We have a customer, around the age of 25-30, who we call, in a derisive tone, "BATMAN!". He's mentally, not all there, to say the least, but we're not really making fun of him just laughing at his absolutely baffling behavior...Ok, fine, we're assholes. Anyways, he's become something of a living legend for the store employees, despite making as littel as three visits within six months.

You see, "BATMAN!", while looking at merchandise, will often mumble loud and incoherently; a complete gibberish that our expert employees have yet to decipher--a freind remarked: "he's reading the barcodes!" Ocasionally, however, he'll transcend the boundaries of his ordinary speech to speak, nay shout, a single word: "BATMAAAN!" Then it's back to gibberish for the poor fellow. Hmm. Needless to say, hilarity ensues amongst the employees, usually followed by an acknowledgement from one: "if hell existed, we'd have first class tickets, etc"

Last Sunday, our local caped crusader, was visiting the store. He was bending over looking at the psx games when we noticed he was sporting a plumber crack which he was not cognizant of. This little incident recieved the immediate approbation of the staff and while gross, was viewed quite merrily. Honestly, it was enough for one day. That is to say, it would be a story for the ages, yet another chapter in the grand legacy of events that composed Batman's life--you know, something to ridicule and laugh at amongst friends and coworkers in the future.

Life, however, was not content with petty amusement, it wanted an ovation. A minute or so later i'm ringing up a regular when, suddenly, i hear screams, curses, and laughter from my two coworkers!

My assistant manager points his finger towards the psx section and I chasing a carrot on a stick, followed innocently. I turn my head and look towards the psx section only to realize to my utter horror and astonishment that the customer's pants had slid further down displaying the large, full bodied dimensions of an ugly man ass!

Let it be said: it was no ordinary man ass either! Jesus fuck, i could paint a grisly picture--a hairy, blistery visage, etc--but no i shall spare you all. Just imagine witnessing tub girl in real life. For posterity's sake, we've dubbed it: "the unholy ass of god!"

My immediate reaction was a swift swivel of my head in the opposite direction while simultaenously uttering a long audible "NOooooooooooOoooooOoo" that would've made Pedro from Excel Saga proud.

Suffice to say, my two associates ran to the back room immediately. One, as if lashing out against god, yelled: "I did not live long enough to see that!"

I stayed at the counter, laughing my ass off with a customer, who had witnessed the surreal debaucle, for about ten minutes straight.

Sometime within that ten minute period "BATMAAN!" left the store. Satisfied with his grand victory, he vanished without stir or commotion.

We anxiously await his return!



go eat paint
I used to live in Vermont. While attending E3 in LA a couple years ago, I ran into one of the assistant managers from the local EB Games in the back "VIP area" of the Eidos booth. Freaked me the hell out. You don't expect to run into game store employees 2,000 miles away -- especially not in such a specific spot.


one day i was walking around in thise software etc and this really cute lady was behind the counterandshesexedmeupandilaughedndcameinhereyes
The gamestop I work at used to have a retarded person that would come in almost every day on a bike. He showed me his medal for the special olympics a few times.


mosaic said:
I used to live in Vermont. While attending E3 in LA a couple years ago, I ran into one of the assistant managers from the local EB Games in the back "VIP area" of the Eidos booth. Freaked me the hell out. You don't expect to run into game store employees 2,000 miles away -- especially not in such a specific spot.

The term "VIP" has been raped and left for dead if and EB assistant manager can get in.


My immediate reaction was a swift swivel of my head in the opposite direction while simultaenously uttering a long audible "NOooooooooooOoooooOoo" that would've made Pedro from Excel Saga proud.
Best part. =)
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