It's not a waste of money necessarily, but it's probably more expensive than it should be. Beta alanine causes that itchy feeling in the skin that many associate with a good pre workout, but it isn't necessarily improving your performance. Essentially, your scalps gonna itch and feel weird after beta alanine whenever you're
not lifting, so it can be effective for forcing someone into the gym when they're not really motivated. That being said, you seem motivated to me, so you probably don't need it. Another issue I have with beta alanine is that folks tend to not put enough rest time between sets when they're on it, myself included when I used to supplement with it in my early 20's. It causes too much physical irritation and "hype", which can be fine if you're just going for failure, but if you're doing high intensity work, like say 6 sets of singles at 80 to 85% of your one rep max, then you're gonna need to put at least 3 minutes of rest between sets, and really I'd say 5 ish minutes sometimes depending on your exhaustion level. Training heavy isn't a race, it's a slow, careful process, and beta alanine can really fuck with it. Glycolytic work typically goes pretty well with it though. Other than that, the main ingredients are caffeine, (of which 300 mg is right at the recommended daily cap for adult males, so this is a bit too much in my opinion as you really shouldn't drink any more coffee through out the day after), and niacin is just a b vitamin. All b vitamins are great for consistent energy output as they help your body utilize calories as energy, so it's certainly good that it's there, but that's why I always recommend a banana. Bananas are packed with b vitamins but aren't quite as fibrous as a lot of other b vitamin heavy weights like sweet potatoes. Generally, I'd say go with a sweet potato for the extra vitamin A and fiber, as sweet potatoes are basically a perfect food, but that fiber before a workout is gonna be pretty uncomfortable as anyone who squats can attest lol. Could lead to some rather embarrassing moments too. Also, a banana and a cup of coffee will put you right at about 100 calories of simple carbs, which is ideal for a workout that focuses on glycolytic work, (probably the primary energy pathway focused on when someone says they're going to the gym), and a cup of coffee is gonna be roughly 100 mg of caffeine give or take around 15 mg depending on how strong you like it. That's ideal for avoiding that caffeine crash that's associated with intake of large amounts of caffeine at once, and it's more than enough caffeine to stimulate your nervous system. Caffeine is a diaretic though, so you could still have some discomfort and what not. Such is why I like oats in the morning, but definitely not right before training as I'd be afraid of shitting myself lol. A banana works well for this, but I'd still recommend pumpin out a duke before training, especially if you're squatting or deadlifting.......or "lifting it for the back." whatever the fuck that means