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advise on fitness plan


I limit myself to three runs a week. Now my runs are what I call 'photo runs', as in I do a lot and take photos, but I do actually run quite a bit on them and hard (makes almost a bit HIIT like).

And boy, can it feel like my lower body is tearing itself apart. That's with proper stretching and avoiding roads as much as possible.
Ha! Nice! That actually sounds fun.

But yeah...I absolutely LOVE running...but man...anything over 3 to 5 miles 2-3 times a week...you are just tearing yourself up long term. And when you get older...you really feel what its doing to you.

I've had to switch more to weight lifting for my fitness. Lift 3 times a week. Heavy. On a beautiful Saturday, I go for a run...because I can't help myself. Then do some yoga when I can. Not going to lie...I feel pretty awesome with this.


But yeah...I absolutely LOVE running...but man...anything over 3 to 5 miles 2-3 times a week...you are just tearing yourself up long term. And when you get older...you really feel what its doing to you.
Wrong. The main problem when getting old is the loss of muscle mass, which is why lifting weights should be complementary to running.


Ha! Nice! That actually sounds fun.

But yeah...I absolutely LOVE running...but man...anything over 3 to 5 miles 2-3 times a week...you are just tearing yourself up long term. And when you get older...you really feel what its doing to you.

I've had to switch more to weight lifting for my fitness. Lift 3 times a week. Heavy. On a beautiful Saturday, I go for a run...because I can't help myself. Then do some yoga when I can. Not going to lie...I feel pretty awesome with this.

Swimming is my thing, and it's not bad for the body due to the water supporting it.

But the chlorine isn't great, and sea water is annoying. Pools can be hard to come by or find spots at, and open water swimming is almost always fucking freezing where I am (I went for a swim mid run and lasted about 5 minutes).
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Wrong. The main problem when getting old is the loss of muscle mass, which is why lifting weights should be complementary to running.
You misinterpreted what I was saying.

Running does tear you up long term. The health benefits of running compared to injury and wear and tear really fall off a cliff after a relatively short distance (over time). Unless you are competitive running for the SPORT itself (which I believe you are), incorporating weight training mixed with a little running is going to be better for most people. Running is just very accessible...and that runner's high is sublime.
Swimming is my thing, and it's not bad for the body due to three water supporting it.

But the chlorine isn't great, and sea water is annoying. Pools can be hard to come by or find spots at, and open water swimming is almost always fucking freezing where I am (I went for a swim mid run and lasted about 5 minutes).
We should all be swimming more rather than running for overall general fitness. I can swim, but I've been wanting to find some adult swim classes to learn the proper techniques for each of the strokes.


200 pull ups in the morning as fast as you can three or four times a week. Time yourself and constantly try to outdo your previous effort. Vary speed and range of motion. Slowly add weight to the exercises each week with a weight vest, always try to make the exercises harder in some way and also do other compound exercises on the other two or three days a week.

20 minutes a day is not a waste of time. Consistency every single day is much better and will make bigger gains than exercising for hours and hours only once or twice a week.
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Wrong. The main problem when getting old is the loss of muscle mass, which is why lifting weights should be complementary to running.
Wrong. The main problem when aging is indeed the loss of muscle mass as well as bone density, and resistance training is the number one way to retard that process of aging over literally all others. Such is why cardiovascular training of any sort should be complementary to resistance training at moderate to high intensity and moderate to low volumes.


Wrong. The main problem when aging is indeed the loss of muscle mass as well as bone density, and resistance training is the number one way to retard that process of aging over literally all others. Such is why cardiovascular training of any sort should be complementary to resistance training at moderate to high intensity and moderate to low volumes.
Cyber is a well known running junkie. His love of all things running and disdain for all things not is a part of his bit. (But I do think he over emphasizes running as a fitness tool)


Cyber is a well known running junkie. His love of all things running and disdain for all things not is a part of his bit. (But I do think he over emphasizes running as a fitness tool)
I'm aware, he and I have had our disagreements in this very thread. I don't have an issue with the guy, but I tend to correct inaccuracies with exercise science in general. Noone's gonna listen, and that's fine, but it was my first degree so I still have this thing in me that gets annoyed when I see bs spewed about fitness and nutrition, as this stuff isn't relative and it can be very harmful to misinform others about it, so I'm gonna continue to correct it when I see inaccuracies even if there's not a soul paying attention lol. Most people are just winging it and taking bro science as advice when it comes to fitness, and I just don't see why as the objective science on literally everything you could imagine about training, performance, longevity, and exercise science is out there and has been out there for nearly half a century. We have figured this stuff out, the jury is not out....and yet still everyone believes whatever fits their bias, particularly so with nutrition which is just a jungle of bullshit, but I digress.

For what it's worth, I think it's great that Cyber loves running, and he probably has a very healthy heart, which makes me happy. I wish he wasn't always trying to ward people off lifting though and push people towards a hobby that has much higher overuse related injury statistics. Runnings great if you do it correctly, but almost no one does. Form does matter, with all exercises including running, and 9 times out of 10 when I see runners they're overloading their quads, they've inefficient gates, they're not using their upper body, they're not striking the middle of the foot, they're not controlling their breathing, and their consistency is doo doo. If one doesn't work on running form, then it's gonna do way more harm than good. I mentioned earlier in the thread that when I was in the Army I noted that about 20% of our brigade had documented knee problems, and they were all from overuse related injuries from running. I've seen so many people ruin their bodies from their refusal to train with resistance and only engage in long form cardio, and it just depresses me to see.

It may not always come off as such, but I love you filthy bastards and I just want you all to be strong, healthy, and to age well.....and as such I want you to eat well, drink less, get quality sleep, train hard within reason, and get your cardio in, preferably with some low impact form of cardio like swimming, rowing, or climbing.


Gold Member
If you're doing it at home, I recommend getting some fitness bands which gives you a lot of different things you can do. Or, alternatively, believe it or not, if you have a Switch, Ring Fit Adventure is a fantastic workout.

All elite athletes. All of them. They all do huh?

Fucking wrong. So goddamn wrong it hurts. This is why I've been saying for years that someone should never give advice on training if they don't have credentials. Jesus man, someone tell Hafthor and Martins they've been doing it all wrong. Yes they won World's Strongest by training at high to moderate intensity for nearly all sets and left low intensity merely for dynamic warm ups, but Cyberpunkd just broke it down here folks and they're so wrong. Somebody tell Stan Efferding that when he was breaking all his records in Strongman through his unbelievably intense training that he doesn't qualify as an athlete, not by our lord Cyberpunkd's standards.

Christ people. Look, just go take an Exercise Science class at your local college. This stuff is not just "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks", or "well this worked for me so it must be the case". It's a hard science people, not a soft one like psychology or people's gender fluidity shit, this is a HARD science. Yes everyone's body functions differently and there will be differences in training for different goals, but the methodology for meeting those goals is consistent from person to person, and low intensity training does NOT produce athleticism and power. This is insane. If such was the case, then mall walking grandmas would be the power houses of the world.

Guys, come on....just please go study some exercise science or kinesiology. Please I'm begging you. Hell, message me your address and I'll send you my fuckin text books! Anything to educate so people stop reciting tales from your cornhole.
Excuse me sir, I read /fit/ too.
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not striking the middle of the foot

There's still a lot of debate and to the best place to strike. Don't off the best runners toe/front strike. Now how that is health wise, I have no idea.

It doesn't help that so many exercise shoes, even specifically running shoes, have massive heel cushions that just shout 'strike on me!' They also make striking elsewhere harder.

Shoe shopping in Japan was the worst for me in that regard. All those shoes with massive heels.


Excuse me sir, I read /fit/ too.
I know you're just being snarky, but if you love this stuff then go to school for it. When you actually study Exercise Science you start to learn just how much bro science bullshit has ruined the discourse on lifting and the dissemination of information on general health and fitness.

You're right on about bands and Ringfit though, fantastic tools man. I do my face pulls exclusively with bands hung from a high pull up bar, and Ring Fit on 30 difficulty is pretty much my cardio these days lol. It's low impact, it's varied, and it incorporates lots of volume in various exercises, making it great for supplementing ones lifting program while also keeping the heart healthy. I can't say enough good about the game. The only negative I can say about the game, and it really isn't about the game so much as about me, but I really over did it one day on the wide squats and overhead squats and on max difficulty it throws 37 reps at you per attack, and most of those reps are held for five seconds time under tension as you know. Man, I don't know what exactly caused it but I jacked my left knee pretty bad one day, I'm guessing my form started to crumble a bit after doing lots of reps and I started to load the knee more rather than load the glutes and hams properly, and I paid for it for like two weeks. It really shouldn't be possible to injure yourself on Ringfit but my dumbass finds a way lol.
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I know you're just being snarky, but if you love this stuff then go to school for it. When you actually study Exercise Science you start to learn just how much bro science bullshit has ruined the discourse on lifting and the dissemination of information on general health and fitness.

You're right on about bands and Ringfit though, fantastic tools man. I do my face pulls exclusively with bands hung from a high pull up bar, and Ring Fit on 30 difficulty is pretty much my cardio these days lol. It's low impact, it's varied, and it incorporates lots of volume in various exercises, making it great for supplementing ones lifting program while also keeping the heart healthy. I can't say enough good about the game. The only negative I can say about the game, and it really isn't about the game so much as about me, but I really over did it one day on the wide squats and overhead squats and on max difficulty it throws 37 reps at you per attack, and most of those reps are held for five seconds time under tension as you know. Man, I don't know what exactly caused it but I jacked my left knee pretty bad one day, I'm guessing my form started to crumble a bit after doing lots of reps and I started to load the knee more rather than load the glutes and hams properly, and I paid for it for like two weeks. It really shouldn't be possible to injure yourself on Ringfit but my dumbass finds a way lol.

30 difficulty can be an absolute killer. But I'm addicted to it.

My dumb arse decided very really on that the default setting was far too easy, so 'I'm going to go for the max!' Which was fine at first, but then the battles got longer and longer... but I was too invested in max difficulty to stop by then...

My main complaint is that the Joycons aren't of the highest quality. Drift aside, doing exercises like mountain climber almost never get measured properly.


30 difficulty can be an absolute killer. But I'm addicted to it.

My dumb arse decided very really on that the default setting was far too easy, so 'I'm going to go for the max!' Which was fine at first, but then the battles got longer and longer... but I was too invested in max difficulty to stop by then...

My main complaint is that the Joycons aren't of the highest quality. Drift aside, doing exercises like mountain climber almost never get measured properly.
Jesus man I thought I was the only one! I try so hard to do those mountain climbers properly and yeah they keep giving me "good", drives me nuts lol. I've still got em in the load out, but I think I'm about done trying to get greats, anyway ya slice it I'm still getting the work out I suppose.

Oh, and the ring cons themselves are a bit fishy too sometimes. The first Ring con we got started to get a bit weird after a while, so we got a replacement, and it's getting wonky now too, and it's always had a different resistance than the initial one. I tried out my wife's Ring con, and it's way harder! The resistance was much improved, it was very rigid, and it just overall made for a better work out, and my wife doesn't use hers nearly as much as I do, so I switched em out lol. I get the impression these things are made to last around a year before they're supposed to be replaced, but I could be wrong on that.

Oh! Not to veer too far off topic, but wouldn't a multiplayer Ring fit be amazing? My wife and I have spoken on that numerous times, and she likes to "play along" with her own Ring con sometimes and we've agreed that a sequel to Ringfit that includes co-op and versus modes could be absolutely the funnest and most interesting workout tool ever made. Anyway, sorry to blast into that but it's something I've thought about often and I think would really work. Plus, Nintendo's got a built in install base for the sequel as Ringfit sold a ton, so they could sell the sequel as digital without the accessories if folks just wanna use their accessories from the first game, or offer a physical pack with a Ringcon and the option to buy multipacks for multiplayer. Dude that'd be so fun..... alright I'm finished sorry for that.


Jesus man I thought I was the only one! I try so hard to do those mountain climbers properly and yeah they keep giving me "good", drives me nuts lol. I've still got em in the load out, but I think I'm about done trying to get greats, anyway ya slice it I'm still getting the work out I suppose.

Oh, and the ring cons themselves are a bit fishy too sometimes. The first Ring con we got started to get a bit weird after a while, so we got a replacement, and it's getting wonky now too, and it's always had a different resistance than the initial one. I tried out my wife's Ring con, and it's way harder! The resistance was much improved, it was very rigid, and it just overall made for a better work out, and my wife doesn't use hers nearly as much as I do, so I switched em out lol. I get the impression these things are made to last around a year before they're supposed to be replaced, but I could be wrong on that.

Oh! Not to veer too far off topic, but wouldn't a multiplayer Ring fit be amazing? My wife and I have spoken on that numerous times, and she likes to "play along" with her own Ring con sometimes and we've agreed that a sequel to Ringfit that includes co-op and versus modes could be absolutely the funnest and most interesting workout tool ever made. Anyway, sorry to blast into that but it's something I've thought about often and I think would really work. Plus, Nintendo's got a built in install base for the sequel as Ringfit sold a ton, so they could sell the sequel as digital without the accessories if folks just wanna use their accessories from the first game, or offer a physical pack with a Ringcon and the option to buy multipacks for multiplayer. Dude that'd be so fun..... alright I'm finished sorry for that.

The worst part about getting a 'good' instead of a 'great' is that it usually means you have to do one or two more attacks, so that's one to two more sets. At that difficulty... ugggh. But I can't stop!

Yeah, the Ring Con may also be to blame.

I'd love for multiplayer! Local and online!

I use Polar to measure my activity better while doing it (yeah, yeah, mostly pointless numbers and pretty graphs). I'd also love to see third party fitness integration. Polar are licensing out their tech now, so there's an opportunity there. But I don't see that happening.
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The worst part about getting a 'good' instead of a 'great' is that it usually means you have to do one or two more attacks, so that's one to two more sets. At that difficulty... ugggh. But I can't stop!

Yeah, the Ring Con may also be to blame.

I'd love for multiplayer! Local and online!

I use Polar to measure my activity better while doing it (yeah, yeah, mostly pointless numbers and pretty graphs). I'd also love to see third party fitness integration. Polar are licensing out their tech now, so there's an opportunity there. But I don't see that happening.
Bro, you gotta torture yourself with this, you'll love it lol. Go into the settings and find that setting that forces you to finish every set no matter what, and flip that on. Now the enemies won't be defeated until you perform every rep of the set every time, regardless of damage. The cool thing about it is that it's not just torture for the sake of torture, you get extra experience for every attack you do past the depletion of the enemy's health bar, so it's a great way to stay OP, so to speak, but you're also getting more volume in. You can also set it to always finish up just exercises that switch sides, so as not to train one side more than the other, which I think should be on by default frankly.

I've never heard of Polar, is it useful? It's an app I assume?


Bro, you gotta torture yourself with this, you'll love it lol. Go into the settings and find that setting that forces you to finish every set no matter what, and flip that on. Now the enemies won't be defeated until you perform every rep of the set every time, regardless of damage. The cool thing about it is that it's not just torture for the sake of torture, you get extra experience for every attack you do past the depletion of the enemy's health bar, so it's a great way to stay OP, so to speak, but you're also getting more volume in. You can also set it to always finish up just exercises that switch sides, so as not to train one side more than the other, which I think should be on by default frankly.

I've never heard of Polar, is it useful? It's an app I assume?

Oh, don't you worry. Those settings have been on from almost day one.

Part of me hates myself. Part of me loves it.

Polar are a Finnish company who make fitness tracking hardware and software. They've been left a bit behind in the watch area recently (hence the licensing out - to Casio so far), but their algorithms are considered top notch, especially their recovery and sleep ones (Apple seem to have optical heartrate down the best). And their H10 (H9) heartrate strap is considered the most accurate as it uses ECG (but still not full medical facility accurate, of course).

Again though, unless you are a professional athlete/coach, it's mostly just numbers and pretty graphs.
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I'm aware, he and I have had our disagreements in this very thread. I don't have an issue with the guy, but I tend to correct inaccuracies with exercise science in general. Noone's gonna listen, and that's fine, but it was my first degree so I still have this thing in me that gets annoyed when I see bs spewed about fitness and nutrition, as this stuff isn't relative and it can be very harmful to misinform others about it, so I'm gonna continue to correct it when I see inaccuracies even if there's not a soul paying attention lol. Most people are just winging it and taking bro science as advice when it comes to fitness, and I just don't see why as the objective science on literally everything you could imagine about training, performance, longevity, and exercise science is out there and has been out there for nearly half a century. We have figured this stuff out, the jury is not out....and yet still everyone believes whatever fits their bias, particularly so with nutrition which is just a jungle of bullshit, but I digress.

For what it's worth, I think it's great that Cyber loves running, and he probably has a very healthy heart, which makes me happy. I wish he wasn't always trying to ward people off lifting though and push people towards a hobby that has much higher overuse related injury statistics. Runnings great if you do it correctly, but almost no one does. Form does matter, with all exercises including running, and 9 times out of 10 when I see runners they're overloading their quads, they've inefficient gates, they're not using their upper body, they're not striking the middle of the foot, they're not controlling their breathing, and their consistency is doo doo. If one doesn't work on running form, then it's gonna do way more harm than good. I mentioned earlier in the thread that when I was in the Army I noted that about 20% of our brigade had documented knee problems, and they were all from overuse related injuries from running. I've seen so many people ruin their bodies from their refusal to train with resistance and only engage in long form cardio, and it just depresses me to see.

It may not always come off as such, but I love you filthy bastards and I just want you all to be strong, healthy, and to age well.....and as such I want you to eat well, drink less, get quality sleep, train hard within reason, and get your cardio in, preferably with some low impact form of cardio like swimming, rowing, or climbing.
Ha! We are in the post-modernist era of fitness. It seems the current cocktail is to take what a few outliers do (ie, professional bodybuilders, olympic lifters...etc...), try and make that apply to the general population....and then add some steroids. Its absolutely bonkers.

They you have some folks like Cyber who believe running is the be all end all of fitness...which it has shown to really diminish its returns over the long term...especially at longer distances. (3-5 miles once or twice a week is pretty good...but there are other ways to get your cardio...including just lifting).

Your last sentence...man....amen...

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm so tired of counting calories..



Gold Member
Lost 10 lbs in a month just cutting back sometimes on carbs during lunch and dinner. A bit mor water than pop. That’s it. Not a cold turkey thing. No working out, still ating junk food after dinner and fast food for lunch.


Gold Member
Also check out 75 Hard. I do that a few times a year. Takes a lot of commitment, but great results.


There's 100s of different avenues you can take to get fit, you have to find what makes it fun for you...

The only real advice you really need is consistency is key.

You aren't going to see or feel different till at least 3 months. You won't see any real transformation for a while

Just stick to it whatever it is and be consistent.
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I am also very interested in this topic. I'm new to the sport. I've been going to the gym for about six months. I like working out, but somehow I've had very poor results. I thought I could do better in six months. I take vitamins for muscle growth, protein, amino acids. I maintain a strict diet. And it's all in vain. Maybe I should try some light steroids. Some of my friends are taking anavar buy. I would like to have abs already.
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I am also very interested in this topic. I'm new to the sport. I've been going to the gym for about six months. I like working out, but somehow I've had very poor results. I thought I could do better in six months. I take vitamins for muscle growth, protein, amino acids. I maintain a strict diet. And it's all in vain. Maybe I should try some light steroids. Some of my friends are taking them. I would like to have abs already.
You don't want to try gear after training only for 6 months lol.

That's only if you're into bodybuilding, know the risks and you have plateau'd after several years of training. You most likely just need to tweak your diet, rest or excercise routine.


You don't want to try gear after training only for 6 months lol.

That's only if you're into bodybuilding, know the risks and you have plateau'd after several years of training. You most likely just need to tweak your diet, rest or excercise routine.
I tried different approaches to nutrition, which did not work. Unfortunately, I can't have regular rest because I often have to work at night. I know that this has a big impact on results and productivity, but I can't do anything about it yet.
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