Water is not wet!
Kurt Vanzuuk - "To me the shooter in Dallas is a hero everyone of us should do the same, reads one such post on Vanzuuks Facebook page, which has since been taken down."
Postings on Vanzuuks Facebook page, as stated in court records, included: "(Expletive) talking on facebook, on a Sunday when you see the ... pig standing at the construction site getting his overtime circle around and kill him. and An eye for an eye, anything less isnt gonna do anything, its been going on since day 1. followed by "#getagunkillacop."
Yeah im going to say thats a threat.
Postings on Vanzuuks Facebook page, as stated in court records, included: "(Expletive) talking on facebook, on a Sunday when you see the ... pig standing at the construction site getting his overtime circle around and kill him. and An eye for an eye, anything less isnt gonna do anything, its been going on since day 1. followed by "#getagunkillacop."
Yeah im going to say thats a threat.