are the two guys at the back bad guys or shield members?
Rotating larger cast this season?
are the two guys at the back bad guys or shield members?
Season 2 cast shot.
When the hell did Henry Simmons join the cast?
Dang, Skye.
Hnnngggg Skye.Season 2 cast shot.
When the hell did Henry Simmons join the cast?
Also, why is Simmons so far from the others? SUSPICIOUS
And why are her legs and arms crossed?
Double... crossed... Double cross!
Season 2 cast shot.
When the hell did Henry Simmons join the cast?
What are they all looking at? Most of them are looking straight ahead, but Skye is staring off to the left, May is staring at Skye, and Fitz is creeping on Simmons.
Higher res picture without the logo covering half of Skye
Season 2 cast shot.
When the hell did Henry Simmons join the cast?
Higher res picture without the logo covering half of Skye
Good God Fitz. Let it go man, it ain't happening.
After reading some comics: Is May's mother supposed to bean agent of S.P.E.A.R.? The Chinese equivilant of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Spoiled just in case.
Cripes. Dat Fitz stare. I can hear Radioactive in my head.
It's because Simmons is banging everyone who is standing between her and Fitz. And he knows.
skye looks hot as hell with bangs
Also why the hell is ward even there
Could Henry Simmons be Luke Cage?
Cripes. Dat Fitz stare. I can hear Radioactive in my head.
After reading some comics: Is May's mother supposed to bean agent of S.P.E.A.R.? The Chinese equivilant of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Spoiled just in case.
Could Henry Simmons be Luke Cage?
MEN of SHIELD.Higher res picture without the logo covering half of Skye
It's because Simmons is banging everyone who is standing between her and Fitz. And he knows.
skye looks hot as hell with bangs
Also why the hell is ward even there
Damn at those bangs. Simmons still comes out on top though.Chloe Bennett looks great with the new hairdo. Simmons is still my fav though, dat British accent, hnnnng.
Damn at those bangs. Simmons still comes out on top though.
Hopefully Loeb has learned the wonders of serialized story telling. Lol
Budget was also slashed and it was moved out of its nice timeslot.Serialized story telling is great for people that are already into the show, but it really kills ratings if you don't have a big base when you start it. Fringe went full serial around the end of season 2 and it's ratings kinda tanked after that.
im currently on episode 4, this show so far is meh. i don't typically watch shows on channels like ABC, and i can see why, it really comes of as a prime time basic cable show. so far the writing is meh, the chracters aren't interesting, and the episode plots are really dumb. i hope this show picks up, or else its really going to be a chore to watch this series, which im onlu doing for the tie in aspects of the MCU films.
The beginning kinda sucks, but it suddenly got a lot better around episode ten or so when they found the missing plot.
im currently on episode 4, this show so far is meh. i don't typically watch shows on channels like ABC, and i can see why, it really comes of as a prime time basic cable show. so far the writing is meh, the chracters aren't interesting, and the episode plots are really dumb. i hope this show picks up, or else its really going to be a chore to watch this series, which im onlu doing for the tie in aspects of the MCU films.
Every season Ward's beard will grow thicker and his head squarer.
It doesn't get much better, but I kept watching it because of the movie tie-ins. I was entrained, but I still don't really like any of the currently on episode 4, this show so far is meh. i don't typically watch shows on channels like ABC, and i can see why, it really comes of as a prime time basic cable show. so far the writing is meh, the chracters aren't interesting, and the episode plots are really dumb. i hope this show picks up, or else its really going to be a chore to watch this series, which im onlu doing for the tie in aspects of the MCU films.
They're going to do half the AoS season, then Agent Carter, then finish up AoS.Can't wait for Agent Carter. Are they both airing around the same time ?
Just make sure that any spoilerish promo photos are behind a link, please. Thanks.
They're going to do half the AoS season, then Agent Carter, then finish up AoS.