I watched the last two episodes and was catching up on the thread, I saw people confused on two things:
- LMD May was the leak in the previous episode. Radcliffe was watching through her eyes and got to know the details of the mission.
- Russian industrialist dude is "the superior". He's been financing Nadeer and has a vendetta against everything alien. Unless they're planning to throw us a curve ball and there's someone else above him.
I liked how this episode juggled goofiness and heavy stuff. Pretty well balanced. Loved the heavy look on Coulson's face when Daisy told him they'll find her at the end. This show has a way of fucking with its characters.
Really digging Radcliffe, he has a good mix of wonky morals and not giving a fuck. I like that we still can't be sure of his endgame.
Superior reveal was whatever, but I wasn't expecting anything from it to begin with. I'm not gonna lie though, during his slow entrance in the submarine for a split second I entertained the idea of it being Ward. I was ready to see that shark being jumped. :lol