Way to show those assholesI enjoy the lecture from Vegans. It makes tearing into raw meat all the more satisfying.
Way to show those assholesI enjoy the lecture from Vegans. It makes tearing into raw meat all the more satisfying.
Aggressive vegans are not a myth. I've met plenty of them in person.
Ding dingA few of my best friends are vegan and they aren't obnoxious about it at all. Mark it with feminism and atheism where a cartoonish extreme is taken as the typical example.
As someone who loves chicken I can't help but laugh at the insecurity meateaters put on display when it comes to vegans. How do you feel threatened by someone who can't even build muscle?
IMO aggressive vegans are not so much people like this GAFer's cousin's wife:
but more like people like this:
But I live in Europe where demonstrations and these kinds of public "happenings" are more common than in the US, I think.
Maybe they just don't want to be vegan? What's wrong with that?Sure they exist. There's people that eat couches too. Aggressive vegans just aren't an issue though.
This study was for England and in England there are roughly 550,000 vegans.
How many of those are "aggressive vegans"? Let's say it's 10% even though it's probably lower than that. That means there are 55,000 "aggressive vegans".
If roughly 47,000,000 meat eating adults in England can't change their diets due to the attitudes of 55,000 "aggressive vegans" then there is something wrong here and it's not the "aggressive vegans".
Rambling aside, I think Veganism messaging feels too guilt inducing, instead of just being happy with the health benefits. I know a few Vegans that are proud because they just feel better on it, it doesn't just have to be about animal murder.
I've never been a vegitarian, let alone vegan but what about any of those demonstrations are aggressive? Seems like people are free to go about their day and ignore it. And those demonstrating are allowed to speak out on their passions or would you rather their free-speech be suppressed?
IMO aggressive vegans are not so much people like this GAFer's cousin's wife:
but more like people like this:
But I live in Europe where demonstrations and these kinds of public "happenings" are more common than in the US, I think.
Nothing. There's something wrong with this:Maybe they just don't want to be vegan? What's wrong with that?
26 per cent of carnivores are put off changing their eating habits due to the attitude of certain vegetarians/vegans.
Assholes become more ingrained in their positions when they feel called out. Poor snowflakes
I've never been a vegitarian, let alone vegan but what about any of those demonstrations are aggressive? Seems like people are free to go about their day and ignore it. And those demonstrating are allowed to speak out on their passions or would you rather their free-speech be suppressed?
It's also amazing how many aggressive vegans are out there and how many of you have met them. im gosh darned amazed.
Sounds exactly like my old art directorAgressive vegans are definitely not a myth.
My best friends ex was one of them. Always linking us to videos about slaughtered animals, busting in in BBQ-discussions/plannings, even tough no one asked her.
It was almost insufferable. But I won't deny that her vegan cookies were ace!
Luckily my ex wasn't like that. In fact I had to remind myself most of the time that she was vegan and purchase the food accordingly lol
The philosophical differences between the two stances will explain why that occurs.
The irony is that many vegans own cats or dogs.
Nothing. There's something wrong with this:
As someone who loves chicken I can't help but laugh at the insecurity meateaters put on display when it comes to vegans. How do you feel threatened by someone who can't even build muscle?
These kinds of actions aren't very effective. They just come off as bunches of looneys and are mocked while their message go completely ignored.
If you want to change people's minds, talk less about how something upsets you, and more how something benefits them.
eating meat doesnt make you an asshole ... lol. If that is your position then fuck yeah ill keep flauting that I eat meat even being indian my diet is must more tilted towards a vegetarian/vegan diet than the american diet.
No it doesn't. They may have their "reasons" but they aren't good reasons. Not enough to make a difference. And I know you're going to explain it to me but... my meat isn't going to jump on your plate if you sit at my table/booth. At the same time, I'm not going to invite you to a down south BBQ joint if you don't eat meat.
The irony is that many vegans own cats or dogs.
I've wondered if it would be more efficient if the movement focused on having one meat-free day a week rather than the extreme of none at all.
There's an argument to be made that the concept of pet ownership is problematic from a vegan perspective, absolutely. But the fact of the matter is that through years of domestication these animals, particularly dogs, are not really capable of living without people. So I don't see the harm in having a domesticated pet. It's not like my tiny pug/dachshund mix rescue that has bad front legs is going to survive on it's own, were I to release it.
Steak, burger, hotdogs, sushi, bacon, Thanksgiving turkey, and everything tangentially related is just too good. I'll gladly eat lab-grown meat and I prefer grassfed beef and free range chicken, but I'm never going to stop.
It would be if the goal was reducing humanity's carbon footprint by a more plant-based diet, but most people are vegans because of a moral reason, and "eating less animals" isn't really their goal.
I've seen interactions with vegans devolve when certain vegans used slavery imagery to raise awareness, completely forgetting that Black people in this country were lower than animals. It was a photo of a pig being lynched.
Also, conversations turned badly when the cost of food was mentioned, and people had to explain that food deserts exist, and availability affected cost and choice.
This is a very small number mind you and I wouldn't say this attitude is prevalent but if someone has an encounter with a militant vegan, I can see how it can sour people.
And as a side piece, I don't think a person owes anyone explanation of their eating habits unless they're physicians or something. People can have medical restrictions relating to diet, and they should not have to disclose anything to strangers.
It would be if the goal was reducing humanity's carbon footprint by a more plant-based diet, but most people are vegans because of a moral reason, and "eating less animals" isn't really their goal when >0 animals is unacceptable.
No, but it does make you more complicit in the suffering of animals.
If you're aware of that and fine with it then fair enough. In time I think the entire planet will be vegan anyway, if we make it that far.
my cousins wife cannot be in the same house if theres food that isnt 100% vegan being eaten or cooked. she will leave and sit outside during meals.
painted a pretty sour picture of vegans for them
Yeah I live in the UK and I saw chose Vegan ads on the side of the Bus and I just found it to be preachy with nonsense messaging targeted to tug the heart string.
I have nothing against Vegan but I shouldn't have to be made feel bad for choosing to eat meat, eggs and drinking milk.