Gold Member
I'm not sure what they can do at this point. The show has pretty much everything people have begged for around Space battles, Jedi battles, and live action versions of the animated world. I'm enjoying it but it does seem a bit safe.I'm up to ep4 now and the funny thing is, despite 2/3rd of the bad guys and ALL of the good guys being women, I still don't think this show passes the Bechdel testAs dumb as that test is as an indicator, even here Ezra, Anakin or Jacen come up all the time. Sure, Hera and Ahsoka will talk about Sabine, but one of the three males will inevitably be mentioned in the scene as well.
The bad guys are teslly carrying the show for me. Because they just REFUSE to let the Republic be shown in a good light, it's hard to prefer it over the empire, really. Take away the Emporer himself, was the Empire, with its order, stability, and meritocracy, really that bad for like 99.5% of the population? Is the chaos, pirating, and corruption of the New Republic any better?
So I find myself WANTING Thrawn back. Ahsoka has become just as humdrum as the Jedi she rejected, Hera is the LEAST tactical General ever (clearly a product of a desperate time), and Sabine, the only one with real life in her, well, that way lies the dark side
What I wouldn't give for the wry humor of Obi-Wan ir Solo, the enthusiasm of young Luke or Ezra, ANYONE to match the gravitas of Baylan. The poor robot is carrying the weight of the entire good guy side.
I did like the WW2 fighter plane inspired battle around the hyperspace ship. But they nerfed blasters too much (along with lightsabers, I guess). Ahsokas ship was getting stitched up and down with shots but it didn't even shake. Compare it to the hectic jostling of the Falcon when under attack by TIEs. Almost no dramatic tension.
Thrawn has to come back to wipe all of the sequel era nonsense away. Ahsoka, Sabine, and Ezra will be locked away in another galaxy until then in order to keep the timeline sane.
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