Yeah AI can be both useful and fun, I’m definitely not negative in general, I just didn’t like some responses I got.It is actually quite useful to decompress IMO to have a meaningless discussion with AI about such things.
The problem with starting such discussions with people in RL is that they a) probably don't have your passion for the suspect at all or in that moment in time you want to vent, and b) their knowledge of all the things you'll reference is likely to be spotty so they might not understand your point, whereas CoPilot, etc can probably cross reference some 200 year old chess gambit with some droid groups movement in the battle of Naboo if you chose to draw such a weird parallel opinion and it can still give its own inferred opinion.
In those moments the AI giving validation to the obscure parallel you've drawn is very surreal, but very compelling, and almost therapeutic IMO. So I completely get why you picked that argument with an AI, but slightly disappointed for you that you didn't convince it of your point.
In such similar conversations I've easily been able to convince it that Disney selling off SW - and deleting everything they added - that almost nothing of value would be lostAnd convinced it that Gunn's reboot of the DC universe - after the trailer - has already failed by compromising both Superman and Batman's ability to be portrayed correctly because of cheaper shallow wider focus on ensemble characters and that the DC universe will eventually be owned by someone else when it fails.
I learned some things from the conversation though, got examples of 5 British actresses that would fit for a new Tomb Raider movie and Haley Atwell was actually a fairly decent pick I think. And I had no idea that Nick Fury was race-swapped in the Marvel movies and that Watson was changed to a woman in Elementary.