Guys this is ridiculous. And this is the state that I live in.
The Tax excuse is just a Cop-out. Why wouldn't people want to pay a little extra to ensure better education for our children? Racism is still alive folks wether you want to believe it or not. It's really sad.
Edited the title in hopes of drawing in posters who would have been scared off by the original. Hope you don't mind. - Mandark
Alabama voters made sure of that Nov. 2, refusing to approve a constitutional amendment to erase segregation-era wording requiring separate schools for "white and colored children" and to eliminate references to the poll taxes once imposed to disenfranchise blacks.
The vote was so close -- a margin of 1,850 votes out of 1.38 million -- that an automatic recount will take place Monday. But, with few expecting the results to change, the amendment's saga has dragged Alabama into a confrontation with its segregationist past that illuminates the sometimes uneasy race relations of its present.
The outcome resonates achingly here in this college town, where the silver-haired men and women who close their eyes and lift their arms when the organ wails at Bethel Baptist Church -- a short drive from Wallace's schoolhouse door -- don't have to strain to remember riding buses past the shiny all-white school on their way to the all-black school.
There are competing theories about the defeat of Amendment 2, the measure that would have taken "colored children" and segregated schools out of Alabama's constitution. One says latent, persistent racism was to blame; another says voters are suspicious of all constitutional amendments; and a third says it was not about race but about taxes.
Giles has said he would support taking out the passage about separate schools for "white and colored children" as long as the part about not guaranteeing a right to an education is kept.
The Tax excuse is just a Cop-out. Why wouldn't people want to pay a little extra to ensure better education for our children? Racism is still alive folks wether you want to believe it or not. It's really sad.
Edited the title in hopes of drawing in posters who would have been scared off by the original. Hope you don't mind. - Mandark