As another person from Alabama, I find it hard to grasp how this bill failed as well. But really there are two things that exist in it that hit a serious button in this region:
1. Racism. When you're the battle ground for the civil rights movement, everything takes a pretty dark slant when race is brought up. Most people want to totally forget and move on, others want to hold on with every ounce of their being on
both sides (no one's getting off easy on this one). Do I think it might have had something to do with it? Sure. Was it enough for me to point an accusing finger at my fellow rednecks and "pooh pooh"? I don't know. I mean it's there, but the issues are entirely too complicated to even get into on a message board. It's definitely an issue that will hang over our heads for a long time and has some seriously deep cuts that may never heal.
2. Taxes. Alabama has a serious distrust of its politicians, period. And they deserve every ounce of malice they get! You can say all the sweet things you want about a document but the second "taxes" are brought up in any way, shape or form in this state, people run for cover. It's just the way things are. Pork is a way of life and lining the pockets of your constituents has been the order of the day for pretty much ever. We're dealing with a system that attacks education first, the poor second, and the industries never. Most of the public is so sick of it they never want to see another tax hike again. A lot of people want to down play it, but it is an issue here. Enough to make 50% of the population vote against it? Not a chance. But add it with latent racism and distrust of the government in general? It just might do it.
Add to that the fact that Alabama's constitution is one of the most broken documents in the known universe (742 Amendments and counting..., and it's a real quagmire where anyone who half pays attention to the system can see where saying "We're removing racism form the constitution..." can quickly be extruded to "And screwing you over while we're at it!" Even the writer of the bill said he should reword it so no question about it's merit would be brought up! That's Alabama politics for ya.
I'm not trying to apologize at all for this mess, just trying to add some context. Alabama politics is something anyone in their right mind should avoid at all costs! On the plus side, it is a nice microcosm for the US in general. I mean really it seems like you guys say "Oh my god! They're stealing our money and subverting our children's future!" Here we go "Eh, what's new?"
I'm not happy about any of it one bit...
Gah! Here's praying for no misspelled words.