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Alberta to introduce ban on spear hunting after American kills bear.

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Hunting wildlife with spears will be banned in Alberta in the wake of video footage showing an American hunter throwing a spear into a black bear in the northern part of the province.

Labelling the practice of modern spear hunting as “archaic” and “unacceptable,” the government on Monday condemned the actions of American hunter Josh Bowmar and asked fish and wildlife officers to investigate the incident to determine if charges were warranted.

“I just did something that I don’t think anybody in the world has ever done,” an elated Bowmar tells the camera after launching a spear about 10 to 12 metres into the side of a mature black bear that had been attracted to a bait bin.

Bear baiting is not illegal in Alberta, but it is restricted to certain areas.

The bear Bowmar targets isn’t immediately killed by the projectile and flees into the dusk.

“I can’t believe that just happened … He’s going down, I drilled him perfect. That was the longest throw I ever thought I could ever make,” Bowmar tells the camera.

“That was a 12- to 15-yard spear throw, on the ground, no blind, no backup. We have no shotguns within miles of here.”

Bowmar walks out to the spot, finds the spear and turns to the camera: “Oh yeah, I got mad penetration.”

Bowmar told The Canadian Press in an email he was surprised by the reaction to the video. He said spears have been used for hunting since the “dawn of man” and the notion that the method is inhumane “couldn’t be further from the truth.”

I really like how these people always talk about how because we did it since the 'dawn of man' it is a good thing. If you a neanderthal a gun to instantly kill an animal or a spear, pretty sure he would use the spear. The sheer joy in his voice just proves a lot of hunters especially those who do it for sport get 'joy' out of killing something else. Also don't get what is to be proud of baiting a bear with food and then hiding and hitting it with a spear as it runs away bleeding profusely. The intestines and other things were found quite a ways away. So cruel.

I don't get it. Why not admit the only reason you want to hunt the bear is you like killing things. So many sport hunters defend it saying it is about conservation, it is about food for the family blah blah. Hope this kind of ban is nationwide soon if not already. Watch the video if you want to as well. Not going to post the pics.
“I just did something that I don’t think anybody in the world has ever done,” an elated Bowmar tells the camera after launching a spear about 10 to 12 metres into the side of a mature black bear that had been attracted to a bait bin.

No one else is that dumb, that's for sure.

Really not a fan of hunting at all. Good on Alberta for taking care of the problem.
“I just did something that I don’t think anybody in the world has ever done,” an elated Bowmar tells the camera after launching a spear about 10 to 12 metres into the side of a mature black bear that had been attracted to a bait bin.
No you chimp, other people have used spears to kill bears.

You're just a dolt.
I don't get it. Why not admit the only reason you want to hunt the bear is you like killing things. So many sport hunters defend it saying it is about conservation, it is about food for the family blah blah. Hope this kind of ban is nationwide soon if not already. Watch the video if you want to as well. Not going to post the pics.
I'm not a fan of pure sport hunting, but conversely I don't see why we need to treat a bear like a sacred animal.

That shit tastes good.
Wait so they'd rather he shot the bear?

Only question that matters: is it legal to hunt bears where he was? If so, are there stipulations on how you kill them?

Not seeing the big deal. I thought people hunt all the time up there.


Spears were used by man to hunt for food not for fun. Why not idk go kill it afterwards and eat it or something. And not just leave a spear in a bear for no reason.
Guns are incredibly more efficient killing tools than spears

A trained hunter should be able to fell/kill a bear in a single shot done right

How long did it take the speared bear to die?

Edit: reading more of the article, bear ran off so god knows how long it took to die.

Same can of course happen with guns but I think it'd be less of an issue.


You know, when you shoot an animal with a gun it doesn't just immediately die most of the time either. The post-hunt "aftermath" here is similar to most.


I feel like spear hunting should be fine. You kill a bear armed with only a spear, fine. Bear kills you while you're attempting to kill a bear armed only with a spear, fine. Much more fair than shooting with a high powered rifle from hundreds of yards away.
Wait so they'd rather he shot the bear?

Only question that matters: is it legal to hunt bears where he was? If so, are there stipulations on how you kill them?

Not seeing the big deal. I thought people hunt all the time up there.

A rifle shot to the heart is going to result in a relatively quick death for the animal (In most instances, near instant due to the sudden drop in blood pressure). Using a spear results in a lot of unnecessary suffering: a lot of people dislike bow hunting for the same reason.
Spears were used by man to hunt for food not for fun. Why not idk go kill it afterwards and eat it or something. And not just leave a spear in a bear for no reason.
If you bother to read the article, it sounds like he had a bit too much fun with the spear but doesn't waste the kill.

He also said the animals he hunts are not wasted.

“In fact, it is even against the law to waste the animals hide … We also eat the meat from our harvested animals including bear. On top of tasting amazing, it’s extremely nutritious for our bodies.”
So your issue is the type of bait used?

Not really seeing the problem with this as long as bear hunting is legal there.

No, I don't really have an issue with it at all. I just think it's funny when a guy is talking about how his method of hunting is ancient but he's using a modern bait that I've personally seen is nearly irresistible to bears. I am literally from northern Alberta where this happened. Americans went up there all the time to hunt bears. The only time it bugged me was when my coworker would take time off to act as guides to these hunters making the workload for the rest of us bigger. Black bears are like rabbits up there.


“I just did something that I don’t think anybody in the world has ever done,” an elated Bowmar tells the camera[...]"

He said spears have been used for hunting since the “dawn of man”

Pick one, stupid.

I don't have any issues with hunting with a spear, truthfully. Seems more dangerous, if anything. But the use of bait should be banned. I've thought this for years and stories like this just reinforce my opinion. I don't get it. Where's the sport in that? Why not just cage the bear beforehand and then shoot it. Doesn't take that much more effort or skill.

Want to be a big man and hunt? Awesome, stand the same distance away from there bear, spear in hand, and don't use the bait. Let's see how big your balls are then.


Its one of the big issues people have with Bow hunters as well.
Most of them cant hit right and you end up with deer bleeding out over long periods of time / deer that is just mangled and never found again.

Hunting something you eat while the kill itself is as fast and precise (not wasting flesh or causing pain) as possible seems like a good goal to me.

I looked into doing some hunting here in Ontario before I remembered that I'm not a fan of black flies, have no freezer space for meat and not much love for guns. BORN HUNTER!


Unconfirmed Member
Good. Kill bears the old fashion way. With a rifle. The way God intended.
Good on Alberta. It's a start.

Hunting for sport has never made sense to me. It's always so needless and barbaric. Particularly when animals, in general, are already losing habitant at an unprecedented rate.
“I just did something that I don’t think anybody in the world has ever done,” an elated Bowmar tells the camera after launching a spear about 10 to 12 metres into the side of a mature black bear that had been attracted to a bait bin.


Bowmar told The Canadian Press in an email he was surprised by the reaction to the video. He said spears have been used for hunting since the “dawn of man” and the notion that the method is inhumane “couldn’t be further from the truth.”
But bruh...

I don't get it. Why not admit the only reason you want to hunt the bear is you like killing things. So many sport hunters defend it saying it is about conservation, it is about food for the family blah blah.

Because for a lot of us, it is about conservation and putting food on the table? Just because it doesn't fit into your pathetically narrow view on hunting doesn't make it bad.


Isn't hunting with a spear better than hunting with a gun? Seems like hunting with a rifle takes all the sport out of hunting.

Unless you're just against hunting, period, in which case the spear is a red herring.
Isn't hunting with a spear better than hunting with a gun? Seems like hunting with a rifle takes all the sport out of hunting.

Unless you're just against hunting, period, in which case the spear is a red herring.

It's a matter of an instant death or at least, a quick death after they're stopped by the first shot; versus a slow agonizing death where the animal runs away for a while until they finally collapse and you actually kill them.

Not exactly a humane alternative. That's how ancient people hunted: Spear them, then use human endurance to chase them until they stop and can be killed properly.


Because for a lot of us, it is about conservation and putting food on the table? Just because it doesn't fit into your pathetically narrow view on hunting doesn't make it bad.

An american who can go to Alberta and bait a bear and then kill it with a spear, doesn't need black bear meat to put food on the table. This entire sport hunt was about killing something in a cool way judging by his elation.

I see this defense all the time. Hunters driving 50 thousand dollar pickup trucks to the middle of bumfuck nowhere with a high powered rifle that costs well over $1000, decked out in expensive hunting gear and smelling of elk piss saying they need to blow the biggest stag away to put hundreds of pounds of meat on their families table when they can easily go to a butcher and get any cut of meat they want. Just admit it. The thrill of killing something is why you do it. But just remember, the death of that stag won't add inches to your dick.
Isn't hunting with a spear better than hunting with a gun? Seems like hunting with a rifle takes all the sport out of hunting.

Unless you're just against hunting, period, in which case the spear is a red herring.

Yeah I'm a bit confused on what exactly is "controversial" about it.

I understand if the guy didn't have a license to hunt there or the province had restrictions on it in the first place, but what about using a spear warrants this reaction?


Yeah I'm a bit confused on what exactly is "controversial" about it.

I understand if the guy didn't have a license to hunt there or the province had restrictions on it in the first place, but what about using a spear warrants this reaction?

Ask yourself would you want a bullet shot to the chest or a stab wound? Guns kill animals significantly quicker. It is inhumane to stab an animal that then has the metal spear in its body tearing its innards hitting into trees and branches draining blood like crazy etc. Even worse is that he used a bait bin.

Hunting for sport is the dumbest thing there is. You're literally admitting you like and enjoy the thrill of killing other things.

The way we're headed even getting the syrup will be deemed wrong to plant life.

Yeah a tree and a black bear are totally the same.


Ask yourself would you want a bullet shot to the chest or a stab wound? Guns kill animals significantly quicker. It is inhumane to stab an animal that then has the metal spear in its body tearing its innards hitting into trees and branches draining blood like crazy etc. Even worse is that he used a bait bin.

Hunting for sport is the dumbest thing there is. You're literally admitting you like and enjoy the thrill of killing other things.

To me debating the ethics of hunting itself is all well and good, but debating the method of the kill is strange. You do realize that plenty of shots from guns don't hit in spots that will instantly kill the animal, right?


I think this is good news, but add this to the farm bill and the climate plan as far as things that Albertans will be pissed at the NDP government over.
To me debating the ethics of hunting itself is all well and good, but debating the method of the kill is strange. You do realize that plenty of shots from guns don't hit in spots that will instantly kill the animal, right?

We can at least agree that a gun is more likely to cause less suffering before death than a spear.

Spears are actually pretty bad at instantly killing an animal. Humans tend to have to spear an animal then chase them for up to hours before they could kill them.
Because for a lot of us, it is about conservation and putting food on the table? Just because it doesn't fit into your pathetically narrow view on hunting doesn't make it bad.

Oh yes I'm sure the guy was just starving for days on end. Poor him with his paying for tickets to Canada, paying for fancy hunting gear.

The narrative that hunters are doing it for conservation or food just rings hollow. There are many many reports of deep and troubling corruption when it comes to hunting big game in Africa for example. And hunters usually go for the fittest, healthiest, strongest animals.

If you want meat, then push for the agriculture industry to have more humane, stringent standards. Or eat less meat. You won't die if you have less meat and might actually be better for the environment.
Real talk though, it really is a bit of a dick move to use a vastly inferior method of killing a creature when you can easily use a gun.

Like having a shotgun available and saying "nah, I'll use this sharpened pole instead". I guess there's some sport to it, but it seems needlessly cruel and anachronistic for no good reason.


Neo Member
I'm i the only one that thinks hunting for sport in today's world is barbaric and hideous all together?

I mean especially when most of what's being hunt is either in danger of being extinct or on the verge of being so. I may be exaggerating since i clearly oppose the idea of hunting but I think it should be banned altogether. Hunting used to be a means for survival, today i see no justification for why it should be allowed especially considering the damage it's doing to the planet and wildlife.


I'm i the only one that thinks hunting for sport in today's world is barbaric and hideous all together?

I mean especially when most of what's being hunt is either in danger of being extinct or on the verge of being so. I may be exaggerating since i clearly oppose the idea of hunting but I think it should be banned altogether. Hunting used to be a means for survival, today i see no justification for why it should be allowed especially considering the damage it's doing to the planet and wildlife.

It can still be for survival.I imagine hundreds of pounds of fresh meat for the cost of a spear can help a family a lot.
I'm not particularly fond of sport hunting (though it's got its merits as a population control thing), but somehow... using a spear is preferable to me? Like, if it's going to be a challenge, make it a challenge. I find people using guns with all those ridiculous gadgets much more deplorable.
I see this defense all the time. Hunters driving 50 thousand dollar pickup trucks to the middle of bumfuck nowhere with a high powered rifle that costs well over $1000, decked out in expensive hunting gear and smelling of elk piss saying they need to blow the biggest stag away to put hundreds of pounds of meat on their families table when they can easily go to a butcher and get any cut of meat they want. Just admit it. The thrill of killing something is why you do it. But just remember, the death of that stag won't add inches to your dick.

Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.


Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off.
So much text and you just proved his point.
Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.

But what's the excuse for hunting black bears? I understand what you're saying I'm not a hunter myself nor do I care for guns but I took hunters safety and education course and I'm licensed to hunt. Trophy killing is just a disgusting practice.


I'm i the only one that thinks hunting for sport in today's world is barbaric and hideous all together?

I mean especially when most of what's being hunt is either in danger of being extinct or on the verge of being so. I may be exaggerating since i clearly oppose the idea of hunting but I think it should be banned altogether. Hunting used to be a means for survival, today i see no justification for why it should be allowed especially considering the damage it's doing to the planet and wildlife.

Do you eat animal products regularly?
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