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Alberta to introduce ban on spear hunting after American kills bear.

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why are foreign nationals permitted to hunt on Canadian soil? WTF is this shit?


Canadians don't hunt as much, have more wilderness areas and it costs less. US has more regulations and a lot of hunters are actually crying that too much development has driven away wild game, costs are up, canada and USA have different seasons and then the gif above is the biggest reason. Same reason so many Americans go to African countries, drop thousands to kill rhinos and lions and gazelle and other exotic animals.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
This feels so odd watching people debate over "what a hunter is really going out there for"

like of course any asshole can go buy a box of mac and cheese. What a dumb argument. People like their things. These things are legal now and here we are getting angry at a dude for using a spear when normally the narrative is "Guns make it so easy the poor bear didn't even have a chance what sport is there in this??!!"

Of course hunters love hunting. Like wtf... you think it's a breeze getting up at 4am and hiking for miles in wet ass muddy ass bullshit to maybe not even see anything close enough to you to get a shot at? Yes they love the thrill of the kill.. we talk about the adrenaline that returning soldiers yearn for again often. This is the same shit...

I dunno. I don't hunt myself at all but i've known hunters all my life and never has a single one pushed the "its for the meat and conservation" angle unless they were being forced to defend their choices to someone shouting in their face that they were straight up evil. Which none of them have been.

It's fucking hunting, meng. Something hard coded into our very survival as a species. As long as you aren't breaking a law by hunting endangered species you're good in my book. That shit is a totally different bag of worms. FUCK those people.

If you hunt something to eat it then I can't argue with that.

My point is with the meaningless hunting just to show off and hang a bear on your wall or killing a lion\elephant to brag about it while they are about to extinct.

Imagine your kids' kids growing up in a world where there is no lions or sharks anymore? that's pretty much a possibility right now.

I'm sorry man but you simply can't rope black bears into the same category as like great whites or lions or elephants. No way.

Not to mention the biggest factor in the decline of the greater species on this planet is not our hunting practices. It's just us being here.. taking up space and belching fire and shit and smoke everywhere we go. S'how we do.
The hunters here in Oregon at least are some of the most ardent nature advocates i've ever met.


Well, he killed it with a spear without shotguns for miles (so if the bear was pissed off, he'd be fucked). And he ate all of it and uses the pelt.

Short of asking him to CQC the bear, which would be fucking stupid, I don't see what's wrong with hunting and using the animal.

Although, I'm kinda sad because it's a black bear and they're mostly scaredy-cats that don't fight back.

Canadians don't hunt as much, have more wilderness areas and it costs less. US has more regulations and a lot of hunters are actually crying that too much development has driven away wild game, costs are up, canada and USA have different seasons and then the gif above is the biggest reason. Same reason so many Americans go to African countries, drop thousands to kill rhinos and lions and gazelle and other exotic animals.

Hunting laws generally favor tourists more than they do for citizens of Canada, unless of course you are first nation.

And yeah, it is because it does bring in a lot of additional money into the country.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Well, he killed it with a spear without shotguns for miles (so if the bear was pissed off, he'd be fucked). And he ate all of it and uses the pelt.

Short of asking him to CQC the bear, which would be fucking stupid, I don't see what's wrong with hunting and using the animal.

Although, I'm kinda sad because it's a black bear and they're mostly scaredy-cats that don't fight back.

He should stay in his fucking country and play Stone Age Man all he wants.


Neo Member

"It's not about enjoying killing the animal or having fun, it is about conservation and putting food on the table for the starving children"...
Oh god, does he eat bear meat? doesn't bear meat kill people if eaten uncooked? :|
in any case he did not drive all the way to Canada to eat a non human friendly meat.


I'm sorry man but you simply can't rope black bears into the same category as like great whites or lions or elephants. No way.

Not to mention the biggest factor in the decline of the greater species on this planet is not our hunting practices. It's just us being here.. taking up space and belching fire and shit and smoke everywhere we go. S'how we do.
The hunters here in Oregon at least are some of the most ardent nature advocates i've ever met.

That's manly true but also the ludicrous man hunt of wildlife shares a big part of the blame for the extinction of many species. especially in the 20th century like the Tasmanian tiger, the Falkland Island wolf, the Zanzibar leopard, the Caribbean monk seal, the Atlas bear, the Toolache wallaby... and the list goes on and on and on.

Now Sharks and lions in all of their kinds are in danger among other great species because of hunters and at this rate don't be surprised if the bears join the list in the near future.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Why does it matter where he hunts?

Entitled foreign pricks running around doing shit our hunters don't. I really don't care for hunting, but I can understand why some people here do it. Some jackass from another country coming over here and thinking he's playing real life Far Cry Primal, it just pisses me off. Clearly I wasn't the only one pissed off, hence the ban.
gonna stick my head out and ramble a bit because i'm not a hunter but basically everyone else in my family are avid hunters, and i've picked up enough knowledge about the sport to be able to comment on a few things.

i talked about this in the thread where the bear died because the moron baited it with chocolate donuts but i've definitely heard of multiple people baiting bears with pastries like honey buns. i don't know how common or legal this is because my family doesn't bear hunt.

as far as sport hunting - there are some animal populations that need to be controlled. wild hogs are a nuisance in my local area, basically rooting up and destroying every area they come across, to the point where the fish and wildlife service basically allows them to be killed year round without a permit or license. deer populations need to be controlled (with more restrictions) or they destroy plants and get hit by cars all the time (you can google this one and find multiple .edu and .gov links backing it up). the government does think a lot about how to manage animal populations - usually there's stuff like lotteries for a limited number of permits depending on species. this doesn't apply for every species that's commonly hunted, but it is worth considering.

additionally, this is largely anecdotal so i can't say whether it applies to everyone or not, but the people in my family largely hunted as a social trip where you commune with nature. the animal harvest was largely secondary to hanging out in the woods for a week and making new friends and memories. for a lot of the deer my dad has killed, he's taken enough meat home to have one or two meals, then donated the rest to a food bank, which i think is pretty cool. he mounts the heads, but they're usually mementos of the trip - that's the ohio deer from x year, this happened that year, this is the new mexico deer, i drove home from that trip on five bucks because we bought this stupid expensive antique chest, etc.

i can say that my family and a lot of the hunters they've come across put a lot of effort into making sure their kill is clean (you actively pass up shots that aren't a pretty safe bet to land in the vital area, for example), and i'm not really sure whether hunting with a spear is clean enough for this to be true (i didn't watch the video so i'm not really sure how the bear gets killed with the spear).

i think factory farming is "worse" and the reason people have less of an issue with that is because it's out of sight and losing it would affect their daily lives in a significant way. if you're going to make an ethical argument against hunting you probably need to make it against animal consumption period. right now i'd say that nature probably does similarly or more gruesome shit from an animal-on-animal standpoint and animal consumption is pretty important nutritionally to the point where becoming vegan becomes problematic, so i don't really have an issue. if/when lab-grown meat becomes a viable thing this gets a whole lot more complicated and less justifiable.

I wanted to quote this as I think he speaks plainly from experience, perhaps confirmed by the fact that the dick wagging posts have avoided this one.

I don't hunt as it's not a pastime that resonates with me but I certainly don't begrudge those that do.

I used to actively turn my nose up at people who hunted but then I did my research (originally hoping to be better able to turn my nose up) and found how misguided my views are.

There will be exceptions to every rule but on the whole the hunting community and the hunting industry do more to preserve and promote animal populations and habitats than any other group, corporation or organization.

If you find killing a living animal detestable you're free to feel that way but don't think that you aren't doing far worse for all involved by buying your meat at a grocery store. (which is where I buy my meat, but I'm not the one shitting on hunters)

Also, the black bear would be much less concerned about how humanely he was mauling you as most are in the spear vs gun debate.
Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.

Man, your box ain't the only thing that's short. You should check your


OP, to answer your question, you're asking people to admit that they feel a certain way just because YOU can't comprehend that people have multiple reasons for hunting. I hunt deer and upland game birds. I don't do it because I like to kill stuff (wtf), I do it because it's satisfying to hunt your own food rather than buy it from a grocery store. And good luck finding deer or quail or grouse in the store here. How is instantly killing an animal for food worse than keeping an animal in a cage its entire life before stringing it up by its feet and then slitting its throat? The fact that hunting is highly important as a conservation effort and a great way to experience and appreciate nature is just a bonus. Some of the biggest environmentalists are indeed hunters.

With that said, there are hunters who hunt solely for the thrill of the kill. It's fair to criticize them, but don't lump everyone in with them. I think this guy should be punished. We use guns and bows for hunting because a well-placed shot ensures a quick and painless death. Throwing a sharp stick at an animal may seem "macho" to some, but certainly not when it's being baited.
Entitled foreign pricks running around doing shit our hunters don't. I really don't care for hunting, but I can understand why some people here do it. Some jackass from another country coming over here and thinking he's playing real life Far Cry Primal, it just pisses me off. Clearly I wasn't the only one pissed off, hence the ban.
I'm not really sure what's "entitled" about hunting tourism. Seems like an odd way to describe the situation.
Oh god, does he eat bear meat? doesn't bear meat kill people if eaten uncooked? :|
in any case he did not drive all the way to Canada to eat a non human friendly meat.
Bear meat is perfectly edible if cooked properly. If you undercook it, you can get trichinosis.


If you're a strict vegan, feel free to condemn, but if you regularly eat animal products from the supermarket and you think sport hunting should be banned you're being extremely hypocritical.

Even my vegan coworker recognizes the importance and appeal of hunting and fishing, even if she herself wouldn't feel comfortable participating in it.

I live in a town where thousands of deer are hit by cars every year or die of disease due to overpopulation. There's currently a disease going around that kills them in less than five days. They no longer fear humans and are increasingly aggressive. If the population were properly controlled, this wouldn't be an issue. But because so many people here have this bullshit notion that hunting and animal population control is evil, the deer ultimately are the ones that suffer.


Wait so they'd rather he shot the bear?

Only question that matters: is it legal to hunt bears where he was? If so, are there stipulations on how you kill them?

Not seeing the big deal. I thought people hunt all the time up there.

Would you rather be shot or stabbed? Why? There's your answer.


I actually prefer bows and spears to guns for people hunting. Gives the animal a chance to escape

Ive never hunted in my life and will probably never do anything. Hell, I have a hard time fishing, but ya'll are acting like guns are a surefire thing are crazy. They can easily be just as bad for the animal as any other weapon, and a bear will probably take a few shots to kill, even from someone with a good rifle and good aim.

Would you rather be shot or stabbed? Why? There's your answer.

would you rather be shot 3-5 times, or have a single spear thrown at you and then have the chance to run away? I sure as hell would take the spear. Maybe it would hurt more, but i'd have a much better chance of survivng


I actually prefer bows and spears to guns for people hunting. Gives the animal a chance to escape

Ive never hunted in my life and will probably never do anything. Hell, I have a hard time fishing, but ya'll are acting like guns are a surefire thing are crazy. They can easily be just as bad for the animal as any other weapon, and a bear will probably take a few shots to kill, even from someone with a good rifle and good aim.

Need to remove bait, hides and camouflage to even things out there.

Unless you are a hapless mug, a stationary bear will go down in one.


Need to remove bait, hides and camouflage to even things out there.

Unless you are a hapless mug, a stationary bear will go down in one.

Im pretty sure you've never hunted in your life or know anyone who does, or even fired a hunting rifle in your life. I have a lot of family who hunts and they would laugh hysterically at you right now. Unless you have a military grade rifle, then maybe, maybe you might, but most hunting rifles will have a hard time killing a bear in one shot unless you get a perfect shot which is incredibly difficult to do.


There's a lot of weird hostility in the thread for hunters in general that's...weird.

I mean, I understand most people grow up in big cities and the like, but for rural folk, hunting is absolutely something you do for two reasons: 1. To get food 2. To preserve land/livestock

That's it. It's not about the 'thrill' or whatever. Sure there are assholes that do it for fun, and those assholes tend to be rich assholes that make the news...cause they are assholes. If hunting were outlawed in the US, National Parks would lose a ton of funding, deer would destroy everything, etc...

Done responsibly, hunting is perfectly fine. Poachers can get fucked.

It honestly makes me wonder if people only see the 'rich asshole hunter' because they've never been exposed to life outside of cites? Kinda like how I will never understand public transport because I've literally never lived anywhere that had it?


Trucker Sexologist
I actually prefer bows and spears to guns for people hunting. Gives the animal a chance to escape

Ive never hunted in my life and will probably never do anything. Hell, I have a hard time fishing, but ya'll are acting like guns are a surefire thing are crazy. They can easily be just as bad for the animal as any other weapon, and a bear will probably take a few shots to kill, even from someone with a good rifle and good aim.

would you rather be shot 3-5 times, or have a single spear thrown at you and then have the chance to run away? I sure as hell would take the spear. Maybe it would hurt more, but i'd have a much better chance of survivng
Or eat your face. I approve.


I actually prefer bows and spears to guns for people hunting. Gives the animal a chance to escape

Ive never hunted in my life and will probably never do anything. Hell, I have a hard time fishing, but ya'll are acting like guns are a surefire thing are crazy. They can easily be just as bad for the animal as any other weapon, and a bear will probably take a few shots to kill, even from someone with a good rifle and good aim.

would you rather be shot 3-5 times, or have a single spear thrown at you and then have the chance to run away? I sure as hell would take the spear. Maybe it would hurt more, but i'd have a much better chance of survivng

There are generally laws in place when hunting with a gun that are designed to give you a 50/50 chance of getting an animal should you encounter it. For example, you can't have more than three shotgun shells loaded when hunting upland game birds, you can't "run down" ducks in a boat, etc.

Also, bears don't have some sort of protective armor for their vital organs. A .223 and up will kill it almost instantly if it's hit in the right spot.


There are generally laws in place when hunting with a gun that are designed to give you a 50/50 chance of getting an animal should you encounter it. For example, you can't have more than three shotgun shells loaded when hunting upland game birds, you can't "run down" ducks in a boat, etc.

Also, bears don't have some sort of protective armor for their vital organs. A .223 and up will kill it almost instantly if it's hit in the right spot.

I mean, don't get me wrong, if you make a great shot, the thing is going to die. It's a living creature. It's a matter of getting that perfect shot since you'll have to be fairly far away, and just in general, bears are huge as shit and don't go down easily. Im not implying it's impossible to do, like you said they have those 50/50 shots you mentioned, but the idea that a gun is somehow an instant kill automatically no matter what is asinine to me.


I mean, don't get me wrong, if you make a great shot, the thing is going to die. It's a living creature. It's a matter of getting that perfect shot since you'll have to be fairly far away, and just in general, bears are huge as shit and don't go down easily. Im not implying it's impossible to do, like you said they have those 50/50 shots you mentioned, but the idea that a gun is somehow an instant kill automatically no matter what is asinine to me.

True. It ultimately comes down to the skill and patience of the hunter, and that's hard to regulate.


I mean, I think the sport of hunting for joy is a bit perverse... but I eat meat, and neither I nor anyone who stuffs any kind of meat in their mouth is in a position to judge; you're being an enormous hypocrite and also showing a comical lack of self-awareness by doing so. Every single meat eater is enabling horrors on animals on a scale that no hunter (or even all hunters combined) will ever remotely get close to.


Im pretty sure you've never hunted in your life or know anyone who does, or even fired a hunting rifle in your life. I have a lot of family who hunts and they would laugh hysterically at you right now. Unless you have a military grade rifle, then maybe, maybe you might, but most hunting rifles will have a hard time killing a bear in one shot unless you get a perfect shot which is incredibly difficult to do.

I've fired shotguns and lever action rifles plenty, but you're right I don't hunt, I'm not really a murderer, but if I were hunting, in a non-apocalyptic future type starvation scenario, then I'd have the common decency to not take the shot unless it was a one shot kill.


I mean, don't get me wrong, if you make a great shot, the thing is going to die. It's a living creature. It's a matter of getting that perfect shot since you'll have to be fairly far away, and just in general, bears are huge as shit and don't go down easily. Im not implying it's impossible to do, like you said they have those 50/50 shots you mentioned, but the idea that a gun is somehow an instant kill automatically no matter what is asinine to me.

Well there's some back peddling


I grew up in NM, where there's a lot of those in rural areas who hunt. As a whole I have no problems with well regulated hunting of invasive or overpopulated species.

As long as the kill is clean and quick (or made to be clean and quick), I don't care what method you use, be it rifle, bow, or spear.

I also see a lot of people say hunting is barbaric. While I never got into it myself, I gave been around tons of people who have. It is not early ad bad as it initially sounds. I can see "sport" hunting as being off putting to some, but as long as it is done correctly it can actually be a net positive.

The food tends not to go to waste, and it is far more humane than factory processed meat. In fact, if you do eat meat, you have absolutely no right to look down on most hunters.

That said, those fucks that hunt tigers and shit can go fuck themselves. That should be highly illigal and those fucks can end up in jail for all I care. There is no excuse for hunting of that sort.
I've fired shotguns and lever action rifles plenty, but you're right I don't hunt, I'm not really a murderer, but if I were hunting, in a non-apocalyptic future type starvation scenario, then I'd have the common decency to not take the shot unless it was a one shot kill.
Lmao, yes you definitely haven't hunted.
No I don't eat any.
Congrats then. If you're a vegan then you're one of the few people who could actually have a leg to stand on in this discussion.


I used to hunt a bit for rabbits and go fishing.

I enjoyed it, was good fun and a bit of an adrenaline rush when you got the kill.
I can't imagine why people would do it otherwise (unless it was out of necessity)

But I ate whatever I killed (bunny burgers are awesome) and always looked to get as clean a kill as possible.

I don't see a problem with this personally, especially with how barbaric modern day farming is to animals.
I don't agree with hunting just for trophies.

In this case he ate what he killed and black bears aren't endangered a far as I know. Assuming he's working within the law (at the time) I don't see the big deal about what weapon he's using. Whether it's a gun, bow & arrow, spear, trap, or some other legit hunting implement as long as the animal end up dead and they eat or otherwise use the whole thing for more than just mounting on the wall I'm cool with it.

Rather someone eat a deer or bear than crash into it with my car.
Canadians don't hunt as much, have more wilderness areas and it costs less. US has more regulations and a lot of hunters are actually crying that too much development has driven away wild game, costs are up, canada and USA have different seasons and then the gif above is the biggest reason. Same reason so many Americans go to African countries, drop thousands to kill rhinos and lions and gazelle and other exotic animals.

Canadians have less usable land, less need to sustain land that isn't being used anyway, and much less people resulting in only about 7 million being in rural areas compared to 60 mil for the US. I've yet to hear this outcry of costs and regulations around me either, but I can't deny that it might exist somewhere.

I think your points are kind of silly personally, but I don't expect to change your mind or intend to. It's a complete lack of viewpoint that ends up with the "hunting is inherently evil" mindset that most people on GAF have, and that's not something a few typed words can change.


Many of the animals we buy in the supermarket have had shit, unnatural, abusive lives alltogether, without a single instance of living in a natural situation. I don't know, I feel like demonizing hunting is off given the major sources of our average animal products. That said, regulations for hunting need to be there and they should always focus on minimising animal sufdering. I don't have a proper hunting knowledge to comment on rifles/spears/bows though.
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