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Alberta to introduce ban on spear hunting after American kills bear.

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But what's the excuse for hunting black bears? I understand what you're saying I'm not a hunter myself nor do I care for guns but I took hunters safety and education course and I'm licensed to hunt. Trophy killing is just a disgusting practice.

I mean you can eat bear just like any animal. My family has done that with the bears we've killed. I don't like it, I think they are too gamey. Same with wild Caribou. Taste like moss.


I mean, if you're gonna ban hunting with spears, might as well ban hunting black bears in general (something I personally agree with). But if hunting is legal, why make it a controversy? How is hitting a bear with a spear different than hitting a bear with a bullet? You can still miss a bears heart with a bullet and cause suffering. And you can kill a bear instantly with a spear. It just depends on what happens in the heat of the moment.

I'd even agree somewhat if he just killed for fun, but it at least sounds like he didn't waste any part of the bear. Sure the line about being the first to kill a bear with a spear is dumb, but I'm not sure where the outrage is coming from.
But what's the excuse for hunting black bears? I understand what you're saying I'm not a hunter myself nor do I care for guns but I took hunters safety and education course and I'm licensed to hunt. Trophy killing is just a disgusting practice.

I've been bear hunting before, and a decent bear can supply enough meat for a family all by itself if you get it at the right time of year. Plus some people will pay handsomly for a nice pelt, occasionally enough to cover the entire cost of the hunt.

Now would I do it with a spear? Hell no. Way to hard to hit a vital spot to get as clean a kill as possible, plus you run the risk of pissing the bear off which is never a good idea. but if he actually took the time to hunt down the bear afterwards and collect the meat, I see no problem with hunting bear just so long as he did it legally.


OK but what's wrong with repeatedly skewering a living creature? Mad penetration is the right of all bros. I think Gandhi said that.


Do we hunt chickens and cows for sport?

Sport hunting is far more humane than modern factory farming. It's also much less damaging to the environment.

It's not practical for everyone (for obvious reasons), but there'd be less animals suffering and less environment degradation if more people replaced some beef and chicken in their diet with venison.

If you're a strict vegan, feel free to condemn, but if you regularly eat animal products from the supermarket and you think sport hunting should be banned you're being extremely hypocritical.


I feel like if you suck ass with a spear, you'll end up harming the bear over a long period of time rather than if you just ended its life instantly or somewhat fast.

The situation is almost akin to when one hunts deer with a bow. If you suck ass at aiming, you'll cause the deer to run until it bleeds out in some persons yard, get stuck in a fence or run onto incoming traffic.

Unless you can license spear hunting, ban that shit.
An american who can go to Alberta and bait a bear and then kill it with a spear, doesn't need black bear meat to put food on the table. This entire sport hunt was about killing something in a cool way judging by his elation.

I see this defense all the time. Hunters driving 50 thousand dollar pickup trucks to the middle of bumfuck nowhere with a high powered rifle that costs well over $1000, decked out in expensive hunting gear and smelling of elk piss saying they need to blow the biggest stag away to put hundreds of pounds of meat on their families table when they can easily go to a butcher and get any cut of meat they want. Just admit it. The thrill of killing something is why you do it. But just remember, the death of that stag won't add inches to your dick.
Let's say he enjoys the thrill of the kill. So what? He killed the bear, took the corpse and ate it. I'm not seeing the waste in that endeavor really.

The only thing from the story that bothers me is that he left it out to bleed instead of putting it out of its misery.
But what's the excuse for hunting black bears? I understand what you're saying I'm not a hunter myself nor do I care for guns but I took hunters safety and education course and I'm licensed to hunt. Trophy killing is just a disgusting practice.
You can eat it for one. Bears are massive and have tons of meat on them. If you're smart you can use or sell the pelt as well.


Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.


So many words to just say it. You like hunting animals because you like killing them above all else. Why not be upfront about it and not be disengenuous. Hunters, especially sport hunters hunt for the thrill of the hunt and killing something. Look at the video of him killing the bear. How elatex with joy he is.
So many words to just say it. You like hunting animals because you like killing them above all else. Why not be upfront about it and not be disengenuous. Hunters, especially sport hunters hunt for the thrill of the hunt and killing something. Look at the video of him killing the bear. How elatex with joy he is.

Wow, way to miss the point of it. Completely and totally at that.

I'm out, you aren't worth the brain cells I would burn trying to knock it through your thick skull.
Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.
Jesus christ this is embarrassing. Did he strike a nerve? I mean if you want to kill animals and hurt things for enjoyment go right ahead while you can, but whats up with the edgy hostility? If anything you're just proving that the stereotypes associated with hunters are entirely accurate. There are absolutely hunters out there who kill because its a form of social dick measuring, unfortunately I know a few of them myself, to say otherwise is simply ridiculous.


Wow, way to miss the point of it. Completely and totally at that.

I'm out, you aren't worth the brain cells I would burn trying to knock it through your thick skull.

Difference is, you resorted to indignancy and personal insults. I never personally offended you. You somehow took such offense at my taking the piss post about a hypothetical hunter and went off the deep end.

At the end of the day, spear hunting will be banned. Go find another place to do it in.

Why is it always americans?

Pretty sure there is a strong correlation betwen gun owners, second amendment champions and hunters. Think about it. The way this guy gets his jollies off in the video about the kill. Think about that American dentist who tried to use his African lion kill to pick up a woman. They legitimately enjoy it, and think it is something to be revered.
Okay pal, I'll play your horseshit game.

First off, most hunters don't take 50 thousand dollar trucks out hunting, because 50 thousand dollar trucks are fucking overkill for that. A truck worth that is for pulling massive campers or farm equipment, not sloshing through bumfuck nowhere trying to get a prime hunting spot. As for the highpowered 1000$ rifles? The only people who use that are usually hunting wild pigs (an incredibly damaging and dangerous invasive species mind you) because anything less won't work, or people hunting animals at long range, where some help is needed to hit your target. You average hunter gets by with a 200 dollar shotgun or rifle, depending on what they are hunting. Or a bow if you are amazingly patient and willing to lose your animal into a bog or the tall grass where you may never find it which is kind of a waste. Also, hunting gear isn't that expensive unless you are going all top end, you can go hunting in a plain orange jacket jeans and cold weather boots. Again, just a few hundred bucks for it all. And getting it from a butcher? Have you seen the prices for all natural grass fed beef? It's not cheap, at all. But a decent hunter can stock 3-400 pounds of meat in their freezer for a year at about a quarter of the price. Not to mention none of it comes from factory farms, an added bonus. Oh, and as for the conservation? Check out the biggest animal killers in the US. It's large non-farm mammals like deer, elk, and moose taking the 2nd spot only behind bees and wasps. Now imagine if we were to stop hunting them, and their populations were to explode accordingly. Not only would they be a major concern for motorists, but the larger populations would decimate an already weak ecosystem, and larger populations would lead to mass starvations and disease which cause all sorts of other fun problems.

Now, do I find hunting fun? Of course. I take a lot of time and effort into scouting out hunting grounds, find out where the animals are more likely to be traversing that season for hunting, writing land owners and getting permission to cross their land if need be, and all sorts of other prep time that goes into it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. But for you to sit here and say I only do it for fun, and to try and add inches to my dick is both insulting, stupid, and quite frankly showing of your complete and total lack of understanding about hunting and those that do it.

So friend, why don't you go off to google, educate yourself and then come back and try again. Because it's either that, or you sit and down and shut the fuck up about things you obviously know little to nothing about other than what your narrow little mind wants to think is the truth because you are to pathetic to challenge your own views because that might cause you to have to not be able to look down that Mt. Fuji sized nose of yours at someone.

Jesus fuck people like you piss me the hell off. Not trying to be overly harsh, but come on. Going with the dick size argument? That's about as pathetic as it gets.

I agree that hunting is necessary to curb overpopulation, and hell if fresh meat/fish doesn't taste awesome. Done right, I see hunting as perfectly humane. That being said:

1) This is pretty liberal forum, so don't be surprised that many of the posters here view hunting in a negative light.

2) You seem upset by the assertion that you enjoy killing. But it's obviously true if you enjoy hunting. I don't enjoy killing, so I don't enjoy hunting (hell, even fishing makes me feel bad). Again, I don't have a problem with hunters like you who do it the right way and for the right reasons, but don't get offended when someone points out that you enjoy killing.

But what's the excuse for hunting black bears? I understand what you're saying I'm not a hunter myself nor do I care for guns but I took hunters safety and education course and I'm licensed to hunt. Trophy killing is just a disgusting practice.

People eat black bear meat. I don't have an issue with people killing for meat, but yeah I agree that trophy hunting is messed up. The only time I don't have an issue with it is when it serves a second purpose, like hunting the wild hogs that devastate the environment in the U.S..
Not really sure what the nationality has to do with anything. He apparently didn't do anything illegal, I'd assume there have been Canadians who have done it before he did.

Canadians just don't usually travel all the way up there to hunt bears. It was, in my experience, mostly Americans (surprising amount of Japanese too) that do for whatever reason.


listen to the mad man
I have great difficulty sustaining the idea that bear hunting with a rifle is OK and bear hunting with a spear is not.


I have great difficulty sustaining the idea that bear hunting with a rifle is OK and bear hunting with a spear is not.

Well bear hunting is restricted heavily. But there is a massive difference in a bear getting a sniper rifle shot to the chest which is a clean kill in and a massive metal spear that attaches and then hits branches and trees and tears up the insides. It is not a clean kill. Sometimes rifle hunting shots are instant deaths too, spear hunting is almost always drawn out.

Think of it this way. Imagine being snipered in the chest from a long distance. And then having a machete thrown at you, lodge into your ribs and you cannot pull it out and you run and every run tears more organs, you hit the ground and it pierces even more flesh and the pain is incredible until you bleed out and die.


gonna stick my head out and ramble a bit because i'm not a hunter but basically everyone else in my family are avid hunters, and i've picked up enough knowledge about the sport to be able to comment on a few things.

i talked about this in the thread where the bear died because the moron baited it with chocolate donuts but i've definitely heard of multiple people baiting bears with pastries like honey buns. i don't know how common or legal this is because my family doesn't bear hunt.

as far as sport hunting - there are some animal populations that need to be controlled. wild hogs are a nuisance in my local area, basically rooting up and destroying every area they come across, to the point where the fish and wildlife service basically allows them to be killed year round without a permit or license. deer populations need to be controlled (with more restrictions) or they destroy plants and get hit by cars all the time (you can google this one and find multiple .edu and .gov links backing it up). the government does think a lot about how to manage animal populations - usually there's stuff like lotteries for a limited number of permits depending on species. this doesn't apply for every species that's commonly hunted, but it is worth considering.

additionally, this is largely anecdotal so i can't say whether it applies to everyone or not, but the people in my family largely hunted as a social trip where you commune with nature. the animal harvest was largely secondary to hanging out in the woods for a week and making new friends and memories. for a lot of the deer my dad has killed, he's taken enough meat home to have one or two meals, then donated the rest to a food bank, which i think is pretty cool. he mounts the heads, but they're usually mementos of the trip - that's the ohio deer from x year, this happened that year, this is the new mexico deer, i drove home from that trip on five bucks because we bought this stupid expensive antique chest, etc.

i can say that my family and a lot of the hunters they've come across put a lot of effort into making sure their kill is clean (you actively pass up shots that aren't a pretty safe bet to land in the vital area, for example), and i'm not really sure whether hunting with a spear is clean enough for this to be true (i didn't watch the video so i'm not really sure how the bear gets killed with the spear).

i think factory farming is "worse" and the reason people have less of an issue with that is because it's out of sight and losing it would affect their daily lives in a significant way. if you're going to make an ethical argument against hunting you probably need to make it against animal consumption period. right now i'd say that nature probably does similarly or more gruesome shit from an animal-on-animal standpoint and animal consumption is pretty important nutritionally to the point where becoming vegan becomes problematic, so i don't really have an issue. if/when lab-grown meat becomes a viable thing this gets a whole lot more complicated and less justifiable.


listen to the mad man
Let's see with a gun you have a better chance of a one shit kill but with a spear well if you don't kill the bear you better run.

I don't think hunting laws should be written based on the danger wildlife pose to hunters if they are not killed properly.

Well bear hunting is restricted heavily. But there is a massive difference in a bear getting a sniper rifle shot to the chest which is a clean kill in and a massive metal spear that attaches and then hits branches and trees and tears up the insides. It is not a clean kill. Sometimes rifle hunting shots are instant deaths too, spear hunting is almost always drawn out.

I am deeply suspicious that we allow the amount of suffering occurring in factory farming, we allow people to use guns without paying a fine if they don't get a clean kill, we allow northern natives to kill seal with hakipik, we allow people to spear fish, but somehow it crosses a line of cruelty to have apparently one person in who knows how many years kill a bear with a spear. My objection is not to regulating (or banning) bear hunting, but to regulate a specific method of hunting. It seems like a reactionary and ill-considered policy.

Think of it this way. Imagine being snipered in the chest from a long distance. And then having a machete thrown at you, lodge into your ribs and you cannot pull it out and you run and every run tears more organs, you hit the ground and it pierces even more flesh and the pain is incredible until you bleed out and die.

Imagine seeing a therapist.


I don't think hunting laws should be written based on the danger wildlife pose to hunters if they are not killed properly.

I am deeply suspicious that we allow the amount of suffering occurring in factory farming, we allow people to use guns without paying a fine if they don't get a clean kill, we allow northern natives to kill seal with hakipik, we allow people to spear fish, but somehow it crosses a line of cruelty to have apparently one person in who knows how many years kill a bear with a spear. My objection is not to regulating (or banning) bear hunting, but to regulate a specific method of hunting. It seems like a reactionary and ill-considered policy.

Imagine seeing a therapist.

So I am not too sure what you're saying here. That because other cruel practices exist, this one should be allowed to exist as well until the others are banned first? After the video, they found it was an inhumane and cruel way to hunt and they are banning it. Maybe one day they'll get around to the others as well.

Why object to the banning of spear hunting, what is the positive of having it, regardless of the rest of what you wrote.
I won't lie, seeing the guy who chooses the more painful and archaic method of killing animal over a gun seems unjustifiable and sadistic.

Like a guy opting to stab someone rather than shoot someone in the head in a movie. Seems unseemly, even as far as murder goes. Make them look more villainous.

Imagine seeing a therapist.


I won't lie, seeing the guy who chooses the more painful and archaic method of killing animal over a gun seems unjustifiable and sadistic.

Like a guy opting to stab you rather than shoot you in the head. Seems unseemly.


Personally I don't mind that he used a spear to take the bear down.

What seems cruel is not going to put the creature out of its misery once he had speared it.
Personally I don't mind that he used a spear to take the bear down.

What seems cruel is not going to put the creature out of its misery once he had speared it.

That's the problem with spearing: That's usually the outcome.
At least with a gun, you could take it out in one shot if you're good.

Spears generally necessitate the animal suffering more while you chase it down and kill it.
Wait so they'd rather he shot the bear?

I think it has more to do with the regulation on hunting weapons than it has anything to do with guns. gun laws are very restrictive here in Canada. It's been many years since I lived in Alberta, and I have never hunted in my life. But I can assume the laws are about the sale in Alberta as they are here in BC. To my knowledge there really aren't any firm restrictions on hunting with spears, which is why this law is being put into place. I'm sure the province Alberta doesn't want to see an increase in spear hunting from out of country tourists because of a popular youtube video. Which is why they are enforcing this now.


You know this must have raised some eyebrows, they must have been like he did what? These fuck tards are chucking spears at bears how stupid do they get. Well we actually think they are dumb enough that a bunch more of them are going to come and try it so we actually have to make it illegal. WTF


I hunt almost exclusively with a bow. It's definitely higher velocity and gets deeper penetration than a spear but its not that much different.


I hunt almost exclusively with a bow. It's definitely higher velocity and gets deeper penetration than a spear but its not that much different.

Do you have other arrows handy, how quickly can you let loose the second if you miss? Have you ever seen a dude with a quiver of spears?


Neo Member
It can still be for survival.I imagine hundreds of pounds of fresh meat for the cost of a spear can help a family a lot.

Do you eat animal products regularly?

If you hunt something to eat it then I can't argue with that.

My point is with the meaningless hunting just to show off and hang a bear on your wall or killing a lion\elephant to brag about it while they are about to extinct.

Imagine your kids' kids growing up in a world where there is no lions or sharks anymore? that's pretty much a possibility right now.


Do you have other arrows handy, how quickly can you let loose the second if you miss? Have you ever seen a dude with a quiver of spears?

Of course I carry multiple arrows but I've never got two off at one animal. When I hit or miss they run. Usually not very far but arrows don't have immediate stopping power (except on turkey with the gobbler guillotine)


If you hunt something to eat it then I can't argue with that.

My point is with the meaningless hunting just to show off and hang a bear on your wall or killing a lionelephant to brag about it while they are about to extinct.

Imagine your kids' kids growing up in a world where there is no lions or sharks anymore? that's pretty much a possibility right now.


"It's not about enjoying killing the animal or having fun, it is about conservation and putting food on the table for the starving children"...


Just watched the video and this is fucking a disgrace the guy has a fucking go pro on the fucking spear. Penetration my ass it falls out and the bear fucks off. This Mickey mouse shit drives me crazy. I don't personally hunt I don't see the need. I have lots of friends that do but show a little respect. The beer is literally eating out of garbage can and the guy walks up with some ridiculous spear from a few feet away.


Of course I carry multiple arrows but I've never got two off at one animal. When I hit or miss they run. Usually not very far but arrows don't have immediate stopping power (except on turkey with the gobbler guillotine)

The point is if you made a bad shot and simply gave the animal a survivable wound you are capable of finishing the job. Also if it turns on you, you are still capable of defending yourself. You don't literally throw your weapon away in the process.
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