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Aldnoah Zero Season 2 |OT| Inaho or Out, It's All The Slaine

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A completely illogical Inaho would just make him as useless as everyone else, though (show would've ended way back at episode 3 if that were the case).

Making the rest of the cast more competent would be one thing. Bringing back the competent one only to remove that factor would be pointless, and would certainly make for a much worse watch if it amounted to seeing him compromise the group in battle again and again. Seeing that happen every time he showed up would be ten times worse than Slaine helping Saazbaum. An Inaho who's not purely logical, okay, but completely illogical? No thanks.

A more practical approach to bringing him back while downplaying his role would be to have him alive yet still in recovery, possibly having what happened to him weigh on his sister's mind while she attempts to look at battles the way that he would and make gradual progress in devising comparable plans. I also question just how much of a deconstruction one could expect of a princess who's already had people try to kill her on more than one occasion, with her actually forgiving the person who had come closest before the finale. If a typical angsty deconstruction is what you want, Inaho staying dead would likely serve such a purpose better.


But he was the only truly entertaning part of the show. Him and music. What's the point of watching it without Inaho? Even TeamSlaine isn't really pro-Slaine, they're just anti-Inaho. Without him nobody has any reason to watch this thing.

He really isn't, and I struggle to understand why you like a character that is such a blatant Gary Stu is cheapens all the characters around him so spectacularly?

By the same token, Team Inaho could just be anti-Slaine. I like Slaine because he actually does shit other than fight the villain of the week or build a harem. The dude isn't perfect, but he's brave, and he's going at it all alone out of complete selflessness. If it wasn't for Slaine, we wouldn't know why the assassination attempt happened and the Martians would just be cartoony villains. Through Slaine the Martians have been humanised, and through Slaine we understand their reasoning, even if we disagree with it. Slaine is the only real character on the show worth a damn and he just so happens to be the only that stakes his loyalty not in nations but in people, which makes him all the more interesting because his character is conflicted because of it.


By the same token, Team Inaho could just be anti-Slaine. I like Slaine because he actually does shit other than fight the villain of the week or build a harem. .

No, thos analogy doesn't make sense. People like Inaho because he drives the most interesting part of the show (well..to them anyway), which is weak outdated mechs figuring out ways to destroy vastly superior magic mechs. And taking satysfying revenge for all the humans killed (which Slaine can't do because he was raised as martian) The only true anti-Slaine sentiment one could have is that he's taking the time away from cool mech battles.

Also..the one big thing Slaine acomplished is killing Inaho and even that wouldn't be worthy of mention if he killed just some random enemy. What else did he do to gather any sympaty? Got beat around?

I just don't see anything left here to watch unless they ressurect Inaho or make a move of introducing new character who's exactly like him. The setting isn't exctly interesting and Slaine doesn't have what it takes to replace Inaho in battle role without completely changing what those battles are about. I guess I will be watching S2 in hopes Slaine gets killed brutually, but without Inaho there's no excitement there for me. I feel it's like when L died in Death Note. The whole show should have ended here.

Unless they ressurect Inaho I doubt I will be following it week by week. Just propably wait till last ep is about to air and marathon it all in one or two days


No, thos analogy doesn't make sense. People like Inaho because he drives the most interesting part of the show (well..to them anyway), which is weak outdated mechs figuring out ways to destroy vastly superior magic mechs. And taking satysfying revenge for all the humans killed (which Slaine can't do because he was raised as martian) The only true anti-Slaine sentiment one could have is that he's taking the time away from cool mech battles.

Also..the one big thing Slaine acomplished is killing Inaho and even that wouldn't be worthy of mention if he killed just some random enemy. What else did he do to gather any sympaty? Got beat around?

I just don't see anything left here to watch unless they ressurect Inaho or make a move of introducing new character who's exactly like him. The setting isn't exctly interesting and Slaine doesn't have what it takes to replace Inaho in battle role without completely changing what those battles are about. I guess I will be watching S2 in hopes Slaine gets killed brutually, but without Inaho there's no excitement there for me. I feel it's like when L died in Death Note. The whole show should have ended here.

Unless they ressurect Inaho I doubt I will be following it week by week. Just propably wait till last ep is about to air and marathon it all in one or two days

lol, Inaho's fights are the worst thing about this show. It makes every Terran but him utterly useless. It's cringeworthy to watch. It's like Inaho is the result of some kind of narcissistic self-insert projection or wish fulfilment. It's like his character is the only one designed to be competent and everyone else is made stupid to emphasise that. It's ridiculous and boring.

Slaine accomplished more than killing Inaho. He's been protecting Asseylum from afar from the very start and did what he could as individual in the midst of planetary warfare, without to help or bail him out. The Terrans would have been dead if he hadn't shown up to help them against that one particular Orbital Knight, so there is that too.


lol, Inaho's fights are the worst thing about this show. It makes every Terran but him utterly useless.
I love those fights. Best thing about the show. And Inaho is the only non-useless character on both sides, so loosing him just means leaving bunch of useless characters who will stumble around and hit walls with their faces.

I don't think this show is particularly well written or original. It's a mess to be honest. But I like it because it managed to evoke emotional response for me. The first two episodes made me genuinelly hate martians, so seeing a lowly human beat their assess again and again felt extremely satysfying. And his lack of emotional responses made it even better, because every martian so far has been a huge drama queen, so to see all that pride and emotions just get broken into pieces after crashing into Inaho's stone-like personality was just plain fun to watch

I just don't see anything interesting on horizon. What will S2 be about? Slaine again running around, getting slapped and watching the war from afar? Maybe that's interesting to you, but not for me. Inaho's death, if it sticks, killed the thing I liked the most about Aldnoah Zero. Slaine won't be able to deliver me the fights I liked or the recreate those emotions. For now it seems like S2 will remove all I liked and replace it with even more of the stuff I disliked.

Maybe they will make a soft reboot and introduce something completely new to replace Inaho's parts, but I'm not holding my breath.


Maturity, bitches.
Inaho is smart where Slaine, due to his Mars upbringing, is dumb. Dumb characters in anime are annoying so of course one will naturally side with Inaho. If I wanted to watch a show full of idiots I'd watch School Days.
From BD vol.1

KG-6 chan and some kind of sword



I love those fights. Best thing about the show. And Inaho is the only non-useless character on both sides, so loosing him just means leaving bunch of useless characters who will stumble around and hit walls with their faces.

I don't think this show is particularly well written or original. It's a mess to be honest. But I like it because it managed to evoke emotional response for me. The first two episodes made me genuinelly hate martians, so seeing a lowly human beat their assess again and again felt extremely satysfying. And his lack of emotional responses made it even better, because every martian so far has been a huge drama queen, so to see all that pride and emotions just get broken into pieces after crashing into Inaho's stone-like personality was just plain fun to watch

I just don't see anything interesting on horizon. What will S2 be about? Slaine again running around, getting slapped and watching the war from afar? Maybe that's interesting to you, but not for me. Inaho's death, if it sticks, killed the thing I liked the most about Aldnoah Zero. Slaine won't be able to deliver me the fights I liked or the recreate those emotions. For now it seems like S2 will remove all I liked and replace it with even more of the stuff I disliked.

Maybe they will make a soft reboot and introduce something completely new to replace Inaho's parts, but I'm not holding my breath.

I like my characters to be a little more balanced. The notion of 1 super character everyone is dependent upon is just dumb. I think duckroll put is best when (s)he said Inaho is made artificially more intelligent because everyone around is made utterly useless and stupid.

I've seen better mech fights in much better shows, and even they weren't as interesting as the interactions between characters. Slaine is going to be different next season, he just went through hell and there is no way he comes out of it the same, he simply can't. That's what makes him interesting, his character can actually evolve realistically, as opposed to Inaho's cardboard routine that eventually wore down by him having feelings for Asseylum.

Though I doubt Inaho will stay dead because space magic is a thing in this show, I wouldn't mind. At least then we wouldn't have to deal with a stupid NTR love triangle and other characters like Inko, Rayet, Marito and such can come into their own, without having to be relegated to useless sidelines peons that can only stare in awe and talk about how "amazing" Inaho is.

Inaho is smart where Slaine, due to his Mars upbringing, is dumb. Dumb characters in anime are annoying so of course one will naturally side with Inaho. If I wanted to watch a show full of idiots I'd watch School Days.

To Slaine's credit he was on his own the entire and the only truly dumb thing he did was save Saazbaum.
I like my characters to be a little more balanced. The notion of 1 super character everyone is dependent upon is just dumb. I think duckroll put is best when (s)he said Inaho is made artificially more intelligent because everyone around is made utterly useless and stupid.

I've seen better mech fights in much better shows, and even they weren't as interesting as the interactions between characters. Slaine is going to be different next season, he just went through hell and there is no way he comes out of it the same, he simply can't. That's what makes him interesting, his character can actually evolve realistically, as opposed to Inaho's cardboard routine that eventually wore down by him having feelings for Asseylum.

Though I doubt Inaho will stay dead because space magic is a thing in this show, I wouldn't mind. At least then we wouldn't have to deal with a stupid NTR love triangle and other characters like Inko, Rayet, Marito and such can come into their own, without having to be relegated to useless sidelines peons that can only stare in awe and talk about how "amazing" Inaho is.

To Slaine's credit he was on his own the entire and the only truly dumb thing he did was save Saazbaum.



Slaine has no depth. His decisions are stupid. He makes no sense as a character. They'll probably have to back track in season 2 to even have that mess make sense.

Inaho at least is fleshed out. Sure, he suffers from the intelligent, confident, silent guy cliche but at least it's done well.

I wouldn't say Inaho's friends are useless. They seem to be doing more than your average stupid anime friend: mechanic, bridge officer, pilot, etc. Inaho has shown to miss shots while the others haven't. They're not as stupid as people are saying.

#TeamInaho will rise and let justice be done
How is Slaine dumb when the only real action he took was during the last episode in an emotionally-wrecked state? Y'know considering he was confined in not one, but two Landing Castles for a good amount of episodes.


I've seen better mech fights in much better shows, and even they weren't as interesting as the interactions between characters. Slaine is going to be different next season, he just went through hell and there is no way he comes out of it the same, he simply can't. That's what makes him interesting, his character can actually evolve realistically, as opposed to Inaho's cardboard routine that eventually wore down by him having feelings for Asseylum.

I didn't see better mech fights in a long time, especially of this type. Meanwhile Slaine feels like every insecure protagonist in mech series ever, and now he also got magic mech. He's just utterly boring. The exact same type of character has been done hundreds of times before and done better in most of them.

And Slaine will change? How exactly? Nothing he went through in S1 can realistically cause him to evolve. So any evolution, if any actually happens, will be forced and artificial.

I started to watch this show because it seemed down to earth in it's combat and with protagonist being the kind of person who usually is secondary character in shows and yet often steals the whole show. Bassicaly House in mecha form and just like House I wanted to see what made Inaho the sociopath he is and see if there can be some life injected into him, without turning him into a real boy.. Instead it looks like they done the switch and in S2 it will turn into yet another show about insecure brat with special powers using his magical mech to fight other magical mechs. If I wanted to watch that there are better shows like this pretty much every season. Was there really a point in turing this one into yet another?


How is Slaine dumb when the only real action he took was during the last episode in an emotionally-wrecked state? Y'know considering he was confined in not one, but two Landing Castles for a good amount of episodes.

Because he saves the one person who desperately wants to kill Asseylum whom he's trying to save throughout the season.

He kills Trillam on the spot for betraying Asseylum and holds out against Cruhto(?). He saves Saazbaum because the writers needed Asseylum dead and the episode was almost over.
Because he saves the one person who desperately wants to kill Asseylum whom he's trying to save throughout the season.

He kills Trillam on the spot for betraying Asseylum and holds out against Cruhto(?). He saves Saazbaum because the writers needed Asseylum dead and the episode was almost over.
I agree with this, but you have to consider the scene prior where he is saved by a martian and the martian is killed. Sazabum also saves Slaine, and after listening to his story about his wife he can probably sympathize because of his feelings for Hime-sama, meaning illogical revenge for the sake of a loved one or whatever. He also doesn't kill any Kat's on the way to saving Sazabum.

He's probably sick of killing at that point until he's driven over the edge by Inaho touching Hime-sama and Sazabum shooting her.

He's confused, and imo it's bullshit.
Because he saves the one person who desperately wants to kill Asseylum whom he's trying to save throughout the season.

He kills Trillam on the spot for betraying Asseylum and holds out against Cruhto(?). He saves Saazbaum because the writers needed Asseylum dead and the episode was almost over.

Throughout the whole episode he was in a state of indecisiveness (this is shown by him staring at the mech proceeded by him wandering around towards wherever the Princess was always behind where the main plot was taking place).

And you're saying killing Trillam on the spot was a dumb decision? Hell I distinctly remember back during those beginning episodes people applauding Slaine for that. Keep in mind the conspiracy against the Princess was just being exposed to the characters at that time.

Holding out information against Cruhteo was not dumb as Slaine had no idea how far the conspiracy reached out across the Orbital Knights.

And now we are back to the single action of saving Saazbaum. I agree it was dumb, I also keep in mind in the emotional state he was in (IE the indecisiveness I explained above). One dumb decision != making dumb decisions throughout the series.


I didn't see better mech fights in a long time, especially of this type. Meanwhile Slaine feels like every insecure protagonist in mech series ever, and now he also got magic mech. He's just utterly boring. The exact same type of character has been done hundreds of times before and done better in most of them.

And Slaine will change? How exactly? Nothing he went through in S1 can realistically cause him to evolve. So any evolution, if any actually happens, will be forced and artificial.

I started to watch this show because it seemed down to earth in it's combat and with protagonist being the kind of person who usually is secondary character in shows and yet often steals the whole show. Bassicaly House in mecha form and just like House I wanted to see what made Inaho the sociopath he is and see if there can be some life injected into him, without turning him into a real boy.. Instead it looks like they done the switch and in S2 it will turn into yet another show about insecure brat with special powers using his magical mech to fight other magical mechs. If I wanted to watch that there are better shows like this pretty much every season. Was there really a point in turing this one into yet another?

Slaine is insecure, that's what makes him Slaine. He's conflicted and confused, he doesn't have all the answers and he doesn't know where to go next. All he knows is that he needs to protect Asseylum, that's has been only objective from the very start, and in the end he got her shot, and now he is more conflicted and in more suffering than ever.

How is he not going to change after having played both sides of the field, culminating in the supposed love of his life dying in front of him? Even if Asseylum lives, the trauma of what he has gone through will change him forever. You'd have to blind not to see that.

I get it, you like the mech battles and the "cool" protagonist you find Inaho to be, but as has been made abundantly clear, we're judging this show by different standards.

Because he saves the one person who desperately wants to kill Asseylum whom he's trying to save throughout the season.

He kills Trillam on the spot for betraying Asseylum and holds out against Cruhto(?). He saves Saazbaum because the writers needed Asseylum dead and the episode was almost over.

And there are reasons why he did that.

Trilliam treated Slaine like shit just like every other Martian. Saazbaum was the only Martian aside from Asseylum who didn't, that's why it was easy for Slaine to kill Trilliam and why he saved Saazbaum form Orange - the one guy he definitely knew was 100% his enemy no matter what the circumstances were.


I liked Inaho actually but he's done. The character ran out of its usefulness. The best thing he can do for the story is to die or stay dead. I'm more interested in deconstruction of peachy idealist princess in the next half, after getting hit by all of this. What Inaho can do more? Shoot down more robots? I think it's about time other characters do that instead. Slaine vs Seylum is more interesting than any silly triangles, Inaho fighting to get the girl back and similar tropes. I hope they take that direction but not holding my breath...

Maybe a different Inaho can be interesting too, one that's not purely logical, or better, completely illogical.

I agree. having Inaho around only makes the writers have to make everyone else incompetent. It's just ridiculous to have 15 year old lecturing and telling adults and peers what to do constantly and boring to me. If he had some kind of conflict or unresolved sub plot then yeah but after 12 it looks like a perfect end for his character arc.


Maturity, bitches.
How is Slaine dumb when the only real action he took was during the last episode in an emotionally-wrecked state? Y'know considering he was confined in not one, but two Landing Castles for a good amount of episodes.

He told the dumb king about the plan and thus escalated the war. Never trust a dumb king with smart decisions. Slain is responsible for the deaths of millions.


Slaine is insecure, that's what makes him Slaine. He's conflicted and confused, he doesn't have all the answers and he doesn't know where to go next. All he knows is that he needs to protect Asseylum, that's has been only objective from the very start
Nothing says you have an objective like helping the one person who can make it impossible to achieve it. And yes...Slaine is insecure and indecisive. And that's one of the main reason he sucks. It's extremely hard to pull off character like this without him ending up as whiny. People don't like indecisive persons in real life and they don't like them in fiction either. Especially since the show never gave him relatable reasons to be indecisive

How is he not going to change after having played both sides of the field, culminating in the supposed love of his life dying in front of him? Even if Asseylum lives, the trauma of what he has gone through will change forever. You'd have to blind not to see that.
Except you're forgetting that he already did think she was dead once. He also killed an enemy in cold blood once before. Neither of those caused radical changes in his personality, but now the repeat of effecticely the very same things will somehow be different? And that's supposed to be realistic?

The only way I can see him changing is him makin himelf convinced he was the one responsible for princess death. Which would be even more cliched than his indecisive persona and would make the whole Inaho killing completely ridiculous.

I get it, you like the mech battles and the "cool" protagonist you find Inaho to be, but as has been abundantly clear, we're judging this show by different standards.
No. We're juding them by different preferences. Not the same thing as standards.

Trilliam treated Slaine like shit just like every other Martian. Saazbaum was the only Martian aside from Asseylum who didn't, that's why it was easy for Slaine to kill Trilliam and why he saved Saazbaum form Orange - the one guy he definitely knew was 100% his enemy no matter what the circumstances were.
you make Slaine seem like he's either mentally challenged or 5 years old. And unfortunatelly that's how he's written. Because nobody else will feel loyalty to a person who tried to kill your beloved one and will try again just because he gave you a nice meal and few smiles.

Well..at least we know how cheap Slaine's loyalty is. Maybe he will lead martian army in S2 because Saazbaum will offer him a cup of hot coco as apology for capping the princess.


He told the dumb king about the plan and thus escalated the war. Never trust a dumb king with smart decisions. Slain is responsible for the deaths of millions.

Not even the audience saw invisible eavesdropping happening here. What the emperor does with the information is his responsibility. Saazbaum is the one manipulating him.
Though it was hilariously
dumb writing
the emperor did a 180 in a few minutes without much of a thought.


Maturity, bitches.
Saazbaum is another idiot. Oh boo hoo hoo mai waifu died because we blew up the moon thus the people of Earth are to blame and I hate them for having a moon in the first place... And organic chicken.


Well..at least we know how cheap Slaine's loyalty is. Maybe he will lead martian army in S2 because Saazbaum will offer him a cup of hot coco as apology for capping the princess.

I'm pretty sure that's where they are going. He will lead the Orbital Knights in order to "end the circle of grief" or some other meaningless stupid shit like that.

(sigh) this show was so good at the middle, wtf happened?


Nothing says you have an objective like helping the one person who can make it impossible to achieve it. And yes...Slaine is insecure and indecisive. And that's one of the main reason he sucks. It's extremely hard to pull off character like this without him ending up as whiny. People don't like indecisive persons in real life and they don't like them in fiction either. Especially since the show never gave him relatable reasons to be indecisive

You're being very difficult by fixating only one Slaine's failures. You're completely disregarding the fact that Slaine
  • killed Trillram and thus silenced him
  • protected the secret Asseylum was alive whilst reporting back to the Martians
  • snuck into Cruhteo's audience chamber at great personal risk to try and warn the Emperor
  • deserted the Vers Empire completely, making him their enemy as much as any Terran
  • saved Asseylum by aiding Inaho in killing Countess Femianne
  • endured torture to maintain the secret Asseylum was alive

The one time Slaine actually fucks up, the one time he makes a decision - a snap decision I might add - under extraordinary circumstances, that is the act you choose to gauge his character by.

Are you kidding me? I suppose you'd be delighted if Slaine made no mistakes whatsoever and just breezed through, effortlessly manipulating the Martians as he made his way closer to Asseylum.

Also, answer me this, when has Slaine ever been whiny? I can't recall a single instance that he has.

Except you're forgetting that he already did think she was dead once. He also killed an enemy in cold blood once before. Neither of those caused radical changes in his personality, but now the repeat of effecticely the very same things will somehow be different? And that's supposed to be realistic?

No, I didn't forget. What you're forgetting is the massive difference between Slaine witnessing her presumed death whilst powerless to stop it and him causing her to actually die because he saved the wrong man.

The only way I can see him changing is him makin himelf convinced he was the one responsible for princess death. Which would be even more cliched than his indecisive persona and would make the whole Inaho killing completely ridiculous.

Judging from Slaine's reaction, he does believe he is responsible for Asseylum getting hurt. Saazbaum even thanked him.

No. We're juding them by different preferences. Not the same thing as standards.


you make Slaine seem like he's either mentally challenged or 5 years old. And unfortunatelly that's how he's written. Because nobody else will feel loyalty to a person who tried to kill your beloved one and will try again just because he gave you a nice meal and few smiles.

It's pretty simple actually. Why would Slaine hesitate to kill Trillram, a man to whom he owed nothing and treated him like dirt, a man who had tried to kill Asseylum? Slaine didn't hesitate to kill Saazbaum when he shot Asseylum, he unloaded on him till his gun jammed, so are you really shocked he killed Trillram?

You have no idea what a badly written character is and your expectations are infantile.

Well..at least we know how cheap Slaine's loyalty is. Maybe he will lead martian army in S2 because Saazbaum will offer him a cup of hot coco as apology for capping the princess.

Yeah, I'm done with you. It's like arguing with a wall.


It's pretty simple actually. Why would Slaine hesitate to kill Trillram, a man to whom he owed nothing and treated him like dirt, a man who had tried to kill Asseylum? Slaine didn't hesitate to kill Saazbaum when he shot Asseylum, he unloaded on him till his gun jammed, so are you really shocked he killed Trillram?

You have no idea what a badly written character is and your expectations are infantile..
. I'm not surprised he didn't hesitate to kill Trilliam. I'm surprised that after such display of intent he then completely turned around when faced with a person who's actual mastermind of princess' death and one who made it clearly he will attempt at that.

If you really believe that few kind words and a dinner is enough to make a character doubt his loyalties and help the murderer then wow. And you accuse me of having infantile view about character writing. lol..


. I'm not surprised he didn't hesitate to kill Trilliam. I'm surprised that after such display of intent he then completely turned around when faced with a person who's actual mastermind of princess' death and one who made it clearly he will attempt at that.

If you really believe that few kind words and a dinner is enough to make a character doubt his loyalties and help the murderer then wow. And you accuse me of having infantile view about character writing. lol..

That's the thing, he didn't completely turn around. You're acting as though Slaine doesn't realise his mistake. He does, it's why he goes insane when Saazbaum kills Asseylum. He knows exactly what he did, and why that was a mistake.

And if you recall, Slaine did try to kill Saazbaum the first time they met.

Kind words and a dinner didn't win over Slaine, in fact nothing did. All Saazbaum got for giving Slaine his freedom and treating him like a human being was a split second decision that was purely instinctual, out of some subconscious sense of obligation (note how Saazbaum told Slaine he saved him because Slaine's father did the same for him).

That decision, as I reiterate once again, has been analysed and explained by a number of posters beside myself, who all make valid points as to why that was consistent with Slaine's frame of mind at the time.

So yes, you do have infantile expectations. You like characters like Inaho because they're uncomplicated, they push the plot in a straight line and get cool fights along the way to keep you entertained and so on and so forth, and that is perfectly fine.

I don't look for that in anime and manga though. I like my stories a little less predictable and my characters a little more flawed, and thus far Slaine has delivered at least a little on both fronts, which is why he's my favourite character on the show.


Slaine has no depth. His decisions are stupid. He makes no sense as a character. They'll probably have to back track in season 2 to even have that mess make sense.

Inaho at least is fleshed out. Sure, he suffers from the intelligent, confident, silent guy cliche but at least it's done well.

I wouldn't say Inaho's friends are useless. They seem to be doing more than your average stupid anime friend: mechanic, bridge officer, pilot, etc. Inaho has shown to miss shots while the others haven't. They're not as stupid as people are saying.

#TeamInaho will rise and let justice be done
"Useless" as a descriptor for his friends was perhaps a bit harsh. They have indeed proven themselves to be reliable time and again when working as a team with Inaho (can't think of anyone among them whom I personally dislike, either). The problem more than anything else was the lack of direction among them without him, since things always boiled down to waiting for what he came up with, hence the uncertainty regarding how battles will be handled from now on in this series if Inaho stays dead (it would be a shame if it just turned into another case of super robot vs. super robot, where the strength of the machine counts for more than the pilot's intelligence).


I agree with this, but you have to consider the scene prior where he is saved by a martian and the martian is killed. Sazabum also saves Slaine, and after listening to his story about his wife he can probably sympathize because of his feelings for Hime-sama, meaning illogical revenge for the sake of a loved one or whatever. He also doesn't kill any Kat's on the way to saving Sazabum.

He's probably sick of killing at that point until he's driven over the edge by Inaho touching Hime-sama and Sazabum shooting her.

He's confused, and imo it's bullshit.

It still doesn't make any sense. Trillam was sent to kill Asseylum if she was still alive. He was part of the plot to. Saazbaum started it. He is going to kill Asseylum anyway. It's weird how Slaine's determination just disappears and then when he does kill her (when he's been telling him since the start he will) Slaine then kills him. What did he think was going to happen if he saved Saazbaum?

Throughout the whole episode he was in a state of indecisiveness (this is shown by him staring at the mech proceeded by him wandering around towards wherever the Princess was always behind where the main plot was taking place).

And you're saying killing Trillam on the spot was a dumb decision? Hell I distinctly remember back during those beginning episodes people applauding Slaine for that. Keep in mind the conspiracy against the Princess was just being exposed to the characters at that time.

Holding out information against Cruhteo was not dumb as Slaine had no idea how far the conspiracy reached out across the Orbital Knights.

And now we are back to the single action of saving Saazbaum. I agree it was dumb, I also keep in mind in the emotional state he was in (IE the indecisiveness I explained above). One dumb decision != making dumb decisions throughout the series.

Slaine is always indecisiveness when the authors need him to be. He kills Trillam, accepts the torture, and goes out to save Asseylum, speaks with the Emperor. He has made big decisions that caused waves. He's not indecisive? Na. The writers wanted him to do something and what he did was outside of his character.

And there are reasons why he did that.

Trilliam treated Slaine like shit just like every other Martian. Saazbaum was the only Martian aside from Asseylum who didn't, that's why it was easy for Slaine to kill Trilliam and why he saved Saazbaum form Orange - the one guy he definitely knew was 100% his enemy no matter what the circumstances were.

It still makes no god damn sense. Saazbaum tells Slaine he was the one who plotted to kill Asseylum. Saazbaum even threatened him. There's no indication of sympathy or even stockholme syndrome. The dude straight up is a badly written character. He even sees Asseylum trying to save Orange. When the authors want him to do something he does it even if it's outside of character's motivation. It's the same with Inaho being shot by Slaine. It made no sense. Inaho was all about risk and damage mitigation. He had no reason to believe Slaine was going to shoot him.


Sounds like the ship is working still, so Seylum's living...

I'm sure Yuki is talking to Inaho's tombstone....noononono :(

3rd grade TV anime confirmed

I think he is just hospitalized and Yuki is talking to unconcious Inaho....



Can you give a rough translation as to what as said?

super ghetto "translation"

what I got

Marito: ???? leader, launching. (implying he's going into combat).
Rayet: I don't have time to die.
Yuki-ne: I become a soldier to protect you and the world you live in.
Captain whatever her name was: All crew, prepare to land.

I think he is just hospitalized and Yuki is talking to unconcious Inaho....


yeah, pretty much sounds like that to me. or


What a bummer ending. I can't watch anymore if Inaho isn't there. I think I hate Slaine too much for him to carry whatever is left of the story.


Oh dear. I suppose entering the thread right now to say I've just started watching this ongoing series is/was a bad idea. One of my favourite characters is gone before the end of it, eh?


We all know it's gonna end with Eddelrittuo killing Slaine.
Bonus points if she does so by running him down with that Humvee.
Oh dear. I suppose entering the thread right now to say I've just started watching this ongoing series is/was a bad idea. One of my favourite characters is gone before the end of it, eh?
It's mostly guesswork on everyone's part right now in determining what the writers will actually commit to by the time season 2 starts in January.


Imagine if Mars is Earth years into the future and Earth is mars and the civilzation they found on Mars was us modern humans who advanced a few thousand years into the future and global conflict destroyed the planet.

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