A completely illogical Inaho would just make him as useless as everyone else, though (show would've ended way back at episode 3 if that were the case).
Making the rest of the cast more competent would be one thing. Bringing back the competent one only to remove that factor would be pointless, and would certainly make for a much worse watch if it amounted to seeing him compromise the group in battle again and again. Seeing that happen every time he showed up would be ten times worse than Slaine helping Saazbaum. An Inaho who's not purely logical, okay, but completely illogical? No thanks.
A more practical approach to bringing him back while downplaying his role would be to have him alive yet still in recovery, possibly having what happened to him weigh on his sister's mind while she attempts to look at battles the way that he would and make gradual progress in devising comparable plans. I also question just how much of a deconstruction one could expect of a princess who's already had people try to kill her on more than one occasion, with her actually forgiving the person who had come closest before the finale. If a typical angsty deconstruction is what you want, Inaho staying dead would likely serve such a purpose better.
Making the rest of the cast more competent would be one thing. Bringing back the competent one only to remove that factor would be pointless, and would certainly make for a much worse watch if it amounted to seeing him compromise the group in battle again and again. Seeing that happen every time he showed up would be ten times worse than Slaine helping Saazbaum. An Inaho who's not purely logical, okay, but completely illogical? No thanks.
A more practical approach to bringing him back while downplaying his role would be to have him alive yet still in recovery, possibly having what happened to him weigh on his sister's mind while she attempts to look at battles the way that he would and make gradual progress in devising comparable plans. I also question just how much of a deconstruction one could expect of a princess who's already had people try to kill her on more than one occasion, with her actually forgiving the person who had come closest before the finale. If a typical angsty deconstruction is what you want, Inaho staying dead would likely serve such a purpose better.